Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: ISIS: NATO's, and clients', terrorism!

Thursday, 28 May 2015

ISIS: NATO's, and clients', terrorism!

The 05/27/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

New York: Muslim pleads guilty to jihad plot to murder U.S. military personnel
By Robert Spencer on May 26, 2015 11:04 pm

New York: Muslim pleads guilty to jihad plot to murder U.S. military personnel
Al-Abbadi was also involved with Bryant Neal Vinas, a convert to Islam who was plotting a jihad attack upon the Long Island Rail Road. The LIRR must have provoked them, doncha know. “Yemen man pleads guilty to al Qaeda scheme to kill U.S. military,” by Nate Raymond, Reuters, May 26, 2015: NEW YORK (Reuters) – […]

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Failed analysis offered as remedy to “failed ad”
By Robert Spencer on May 26, 2015 08:58 pm

Failed analysis offered as remedy to “failed ad”
While Pamela Geller lives under armed guard over a live and imminent threat from the Islamic State, Daniel Pipes seizes the opportunity to…defend the freedom of speech and decry the threats against her? No. He chose instead to attack her ad criticizing Islamic anti-Semitism. More below, and Pamela Geller has additional important information here. “SEPTA ad […]

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Islamic State releases ominous video hinting at imminent destruction of Palmyra
By Robert Spencer on May 26, 2015 05:30 pm

Islamic State releases ominous video hinting at imminent destruction of Palmyra
Besides removing supposed temptations to idolatry, Islamic jihadists want to ruin the artifacts of non-Muslim civilizations because doing so testifies to the truth of Islam, as the Qur’an suggests that ruins are a sign of Allah’s punishment of those who rejected his truth: Many were the Ways of Life that have passed away before you: […]

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Christians are ‘prisoners of conscience’ in Uzbekistan
By Raymond Ibrahim on May 26, 2015 05:11 pm

Christians are ‘prisoners of conscience’ in Uzbekistan
Reports appearing in April told of the harassing, jailing and fining of several Christians in Uzbekistan for exercising their right to freedom of religion or belief. One of the prisoners of conscience—Council of Churches Baptist Doniyor Akhmedov—was fined more than three years’ official minimum wage after his release from 15 days in jail. Other prisoners […]

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Islamic State gives jihadis cash bonuses for marriage and paid honeymoons
By Robert Spencer on May 26, 2015 12:57 pm

Islamic State gives jihadis cash bonuses for marriage and paid honeymoons
This is all part of the Islamic State’s work for the long term, to establish itself as a stable and viable state. And as you can see from the photo, there is no shortage of attractive and eligible bride candidates. “For an IS fighter, a paid honeymoon in caliphate’s heart,” by Sarah El Deeb, Associated […]

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Half of Democrats support laws curtailing the freedom of speech
By Robert Spencer on May 26, 2015 12:21 pm

Half of Democrats support laws curtailing the freedom of speech
The problems with this should be obvious, and it’s a sign of the fix we’re in that they aren’t. Who decides what speech is “intended to stir up hatred against a particular group”? Islamic supremacist groups such as Hamas-linked CAIR and other “Islamophobia”-mongers relentlessly claim that foes of jihad terror and Sharia supremacism are stirring […]

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“Danes can not even sit on their balcony and eat a pork sandwich”
By Nicolai Sennels on May 26, 2015 11:55 am

“Danes can not even sit on their balcony and eat a pork sandwich”
Interview with paedagogue Khaled Mustapha about life in a Danish ghetto. The ghetto in question is situated in Kokkedal, which used to be a town where the richer Danes lived. But many things change with Muslim immigration. Video from the ghetto in Kokkedal:  News clip: String of car arsons in Kokkedal. “Police says that the arsons […]

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Muslims forcibly remove cross from church in ‘moderate’ Malaysia
By Raymond Ibrahim on May 26, 2015 11:17 am

Muslims forcibly remove cross from church in ‘moderate’ Malaysia
On Sunday, April 19, a Muslim mob of approximately 50 people rioted and protested against a small Protestant church in Kuala Lumpur, the capital.  The object of their wrath was the cross atop the building of worship — which was removed during the Islamic protest. Rioters made assertions that the cross, the central symbol of […]

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Democrat Senators urge Obama to “dramatically increase” Muslim refugee flow to US
By Robert Spencer on May 26, 2015 09:31 am

Democrat Senators urge Obama to “dramatically increase” Muslim refugee flow to US
What could possibly go wrong? How about this: “FBI counter-terrorism experts…have openly admitted it is virtually impossible to screen Syrian refugees.” And remember, that is Obama’s clueless and politically correct FBI, and they’re still acknowledging something that their Chief has never admitted and would not be disposed to admit. “Democrats call for ‘flood’ of Muslims […]

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Hamas-linked CAIR questions if US troops should be honored on Memorial Day
By Robert Spencer on May 26, 2015 04:47 am

Hamas-linked CAIR questions if US troops should be honored on Memorial Day
Traitors in our midst, lauded as a “civil rights organization” by the mainstream media. Hamas-linked CAIR, designated a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates, was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case by the Justice Department. CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various […]

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