Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Behind terrorism in Argentina there is always and only the Argentinean government!

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Behind terrorism in Argentina there is always and only the Argentinean government!

December 22, 2015
“Any sensible person knew Iran was behind the bombing of the Jewish center in Buenos Aires, and knew that Argentina’s president and foreign minister also knew it, even as they....More
A media watchdog referred to a recent USA Today article blaming the Jewish state for the mass flight of Christians out of Gaza and the West Bank...More
An Arabic-language video produced by the Israeli Foreign Ministry has gone viral, Israeli news site nrg reported on Monday....More
By Ziva Dahl
The drumbeat has been non-stop since the destruction of the twin towers. Progressives insist that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. Hillary Clinton says, “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” President Obama claims “ISIL is not Islamic.” He insists that “Islam is not part...More
A British dignitary said this week that he attributes his success in life to the Christians who helped him get a new start after fleeing Nazi persecution...More