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Egypt and the Idealist-Realist Debate in U.S. Foreign Policy
By George Friedman | December 6, 2011
The first round of Egyptian parliamentary elections has taken place, and the winners were two Islamist parties. The Islamists themselves are split between more extreme and more moderate factions, but it is clear that the secularists who dominated the demonstrations and who were the focus of the Arab Spring narrative made a poor showing. Of the three broad power blocs in Egypt — the military, the Islamists and the secular democrats — the last proved the weakest.
It is far from clear what will happen in Egypt now. The military remains unified and powerful, and it is unclear how much actual power it is prepared to cede or whether it will be forced to cede it. What is clear is that the faction championed by Western governments and the media will now have to accept the Islamist agenda, back the military or fade into irrelevance. Read more » | |
Dispatch: Significance of Latvia's Russian Language Referendum
Analyst Eugene Chausovsky examines the significance of a month-long campaign for signatures to make Russian Latvia’s second official language. Watch the Video »
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith for my writings ============> for something on religions ===>