Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Monday 06-24-2013                                               Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser


Writing Contest: EXPOSE Agenda 21

The Global Threat of Persistent Organic Pollutants

The Biggest Ponzi Scheme In The History Of The World
The 441 TRILLION Dollar Interest Rate Derivatives Time Bomb
Not Prepared: 17 Signs That Most Americans Will Be Wiped Out By The Coming Economic Collapse

Why People Tolerate a Total State

Nancy Pelosi booed for saying Snowden broke law

Enemies of Syria Plan Escalated Aggression
Washington v. Edward Snowden Update
Stephen Lendman

Snowden Issue Strains International Relations

Congressional Bill to Tackle the Leviathan, ObamaCare

Roadtripping, Prepper Style

Nikola Tesla: Calling All Freethinkers! Part Two

Should We Stay Or Should We Go?

Booz Allen Hamilton: Far Worse Than Blackwater
Tommy Paine

Glenn Greenwald goes off on host for asking if he could be charged for working
with Edward Snowden

Writing Contest

The Multiple Prongs of Agenda 21

New Must-See Videos
Today's Forum Topics

Tea Party Audit the IRS 2013 Video

NASA Future Warfare Document (with links)

(Individual) Ignorance is Strength (to institutions)

Dr. Doom: “A Lot Of Problems Are Coming…Revolution…Social Strife…” (w/ vid)

2014: We Have the Target Date

The Long Draconian Arm of the New World ‘Rule of Law’

The Hastings Hijack – Cyber Auto Abductions Completely Feasible


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Edward Snowden’s Flying Circus: Quite the maddest show on Earth

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Government shelves controversial data retention scheme

Iraq Vet Kills Himself After Being Ordered to Commit “War Crimes”

Ex-CIA Chief to Obama: Strike North Korea

New Zealand govt fast-tracking new law for spying on its citizens' internet

Silvio Berlusconi sentenced to seven years in jail

500,000 contractors can access NSA data hoards

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Did You Know? The U.S. Officially Legalized Domestic Propaganda

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Vaccines With Public Surveillance System