Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 24 June 2013

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits        June 24, 2013
nikola teslaNikola Tesla: Calling All Freethinkers! Part Two
Had humanity been allowed to pursue Nikola Tesla's Aether technology as Tesla envisioned, we might not be on the brink of martial law in America, and WWIII wouldn't be breathing down our necks.
gandolfini-mainAllen L Roland
Fade To Black - James Gandolfini 1961 - 2013
vt-top-1011Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - June 24, 2013
DC-V- SnowdenStephen Lendman
Washington v. Edward Snowden Update
barack_obamaVeterans Today
Obama Backs First-Strike Nuclear War as U.S. Policy
2013-06-18-veterans-today-press releaseJohn Vogel
Justice Caps Announces "Dusk 'til Dawn" Video Surveillance Protection
mesotheliomaJohn Vogel
What America Can Learn from the UK's Asbestos Veterans Debacle
JacobFrenkelRoi Tov
AIG-Collapse Player Appointed Bank of Israel Governor
Aleister-CrowleyJonas E. Alexis
Aleister Crowley and the Drug Revolution (Part I)
PTSD1Veterans Today
VA Starts Campaign to Raise PTSD Awareness
matrix780023Dean Henderson
Illuminati Dodge Ball
File photo shows cyber security analysts working.
Finian Cunningham
US rulers fear American people
What the disclosures of former CIA contractor Edward Snowden show perhaps above all else is just how petrified the leaders of the United States have become - of ordinary citizens both in the US and around the world. »»
David Martin
The Todashev Killing and the House of Cards
Is our vaunted Federal Bureau of Investigation really capable of such an outrage? »»
James Petras
Presidential Rule by Deception: Obama, the Master Con-man
From the beginning of his Presidential campaign, Obama demonstrated his proficiency as the master of all cons. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
C.R. England Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Sysmex Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Union Bank Joins
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
VA Should Do Better Job of Informing Veterans of Property Tax Benefits, says Senator
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
Veterans Affairs Tech Center Accidently Deletes 464,000 Home Loan Data Files
Roi Tov
Western Last Bastion Quivers..
In a Goebbelian reality, where regimes claiming to be democracies do nothing but misinform, cheat, and spy on their citizens, it is difficult to deduce what is really happening in their latest war. »»
ScreenHunter_1850 Jun. 24 10.45
Amnesty Capitulation Assures a Failed Society
After decades of documenting the mad consequences of an "Open Borders" policy, voices of rational and sane immigration, ready themselves for definitive betrayal from their phony conservative brethren.»»
Ed Mattson
The view from being thrown under the bus..
George AFB, just another Super Fund clean-up, path of government denials and stonewalling, and throwing the troops under the bus »»
Ed Mattson
Veterans with blood cancers from Agent Orange and Depleted Uranium
Today's treatment for all the blood cancers can be enhanced with the addition of natural biological response modifiers in conjunction with all other treatments »»
Sami Jamil Jadallah
Syria; Losing the Revolution..
Israel's survival and security are always guaranteed by a very strong "offensive" army, unconditional military, economic and political support from the United States and Europe and more important from the presence of weak, corrupt, dictatorial Arab regimes and police states surrounding Israel. »»
Samon Bagons
Bad Credit - Make Way For A Better Credit History
Credit reference agencies assess the risk posed by a potential customer by looking through his electoral roll, behavior patterns, social status and image in the community, reputation in the market or the employment sector, opinion of colleagues at work, county court judgments for financial, civil and criminal lawsuits and of course the past history in making payment on loans. »»
Individual Assistance interview at DRC
Samon Bagons
Smart Financial Solutions from Noble Loans
Supporting your higher education needs too is necessary in order to face competition and secure a plum job. This is possible only when you obtain a suitable loan from one of the reputed institutes as per the exact requirements you have got. »»
Michael Noonan
S & P - Charts Speak Loudest, Clearest, and Most Accurately.
Not that charts actually "speak," but the information taken from them can be the most reliable for anyone wanting to accumulate profits. Does not everyone want to accumulate profits? »»