Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 5 May 2014

History channel
HNN Sponsor: History
Are We Starting Another Cold War over Russian Actions in Ukraine?
by Walter Moss
The most basic Ukrainian problem is not Russian interference in Ukrainian affairs—which no doubt exists—but the absence of a strong national consensus among Ukrainians.

The Question We Need to Be Asking Ourselves in the Wake of the Dethroning of Donald Sterling
by Jonathan Zimmerman
Raise your hand if you’ve never told a racist, sexist, or homophobic joke.

What You Need to Know About the Reconciliation of Hamas and Fatah
by Dr. Alon Ben-Meir
Characterizing the Fatah-Hamas unity, or rather reconciliation, agreement as helpful or harmful to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is premature at best.

Alan Kraut's OAH presidential address is now online -- How immigrants crafted a new identity
The great lengths immigrants went to, to fit in.

This is What an Empire in Decline Looks Like 
by Peter Van Buren
As America's new economy starts to look more like the old economy of the Great Depression, the divide between rich and poor, those who have made it and those who never will, seems to grow ever starker.

What Would Socrates Do? 
by James Romm
Increased scrutiny of Martin Heidegger and Paul de Man has raised questions about the connection between words and deeds, and about the moral responsibilities of thinkers and writers living under brutal regimes.

Godzilla and the Atomic Bomb Controversy Roars Back after Sixty Years in Hollywood’s Closet
by Bruce Chadwick
Godzilla drags all of the politics of the Cold War with him as he rumbles around Tokyo, knocking down everything in sight, in this re-issued and wonderful 1954 movie..

These Are the Guys Who Invented Modern Espionage
by Giles Milton
The Secret Intelligence Service (today’s MI6) had been established in 1909, but it was to come into its own in the aftermath of the 1917 Russian Revolution that swept Lenin’s Bolsheviks to power.

Marty Sklar, giant in economics history, has passed away
by James Livingston
He believed in what was evident yet unknown, and acted upon it.

Can You Name the Two People Who First Revolutionized Physics?
by Nancy Forbes and Basil Mahon
What will future historians, thousands of years from now, judge to be the most significant event of the nineteenth century?

What's Prime Minister Abe Up to in Japan?
by Herbert P. Bix
A new era in the political history of postwar Japan has begun, with changes in the Japan-U.S. relationship likely to follow in the years ahead.

Did an Historical Analogy Lead Britain to Go to War in the Falklands?
by Dr. Yoav J. Tenembaum
Decision-makers tend to make historical comparisons with events that either they or their parents have lived through.

“Belle” the Movie: Marrying for Love, Money or Social Status, the Lost Histories
by Pearl Duncan
Imagine Jane Austen. Now imagine a mixed race heroine. That's this movie.

Rocking and Rolling with Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos
by Bruce Chadwick
What makes the play so special is not just its plunge into Philippine history, but the physical set up of the theater.

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