The European Union Times |
- US Refuses To Take Back 13 Dead CIA Spies Killed In Ukraine
- Real unemployment rate in America is at over 23%
- Strict Immigration Laws Save Denmark Billions of Euros
- Nissan debuts self-cleaning car
- Dozens of FBI and CIA agents in Kiev ‘assisting Ukraine security’
Posted: 04 May 2014 06:15 AM PDT
A stunning Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the United States has refused to repatriate the bodies of 13 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) military operatives killed when their helicopters were shot down by pro-federalist forces on the outskirts of Slavyansk, eastern Ukraine this past Friday. According to this report, on 2 May the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion of the 25th Separate Dnipropetrovsk Airborne Brigade of the Ukrainian Army, which had defected to the side of the pro-federalists in April, fired upon and downed two Russian made Mil Mi-17 transport helicopters belonging to the Ukrainian Air Forcethat had been attempting to land CIA military “command and control” operatives into the battle zone of Slavyansk. Of the 14 CIA military operatives aboard the two Mil Mi-17’s, this report continues, only one survived, who was initially identified as Captain Savuilov [photo 2nd right], but whose subsequent questioning revealed him to be an employee of the American mercenary company named Greystone Ltd. Greystone Ltd, this report notes, states that it “provides the skilled professionals and program management services necessary to deliver rotary wing, protective security and training solutions to customers in challenging environments”, but had previously been warned about by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who stated last month: “There were reports, as you know, that some several hundreds of [agents from] the private military organization called Greystone were detected to arrive in Ukraine from the US. We’d like this also to be investigated.” Sadly, this report says, this CIA/Greystone survivor of these two Mil Mi-17’s being shot down, like his 13 dead compatriots, was, likewise, abandoned, and as reported from the scene by a member of the self-defense forces in Slavyansk who stated: “His troops abandoned him. I thought they would take him away in another helicopter, but they just took his pistol from him and flew away.” As to the CIA directing the war operations against pro-federalist forces in eastern Ukraine, this MoD report says, their remains no doubt as a representative from Slavyansk’s self-defense movement reporting from the battle zone said, “When using radios, activists have heard English several times on the air…this is direct proof of the participation of foreigners in the retaliatory operations against Slavyansk.” Germany’s highly influential Bild Newspaper this morning further confirmed the CIA operating in Ukraine, this report says, noting that in the middle of last month, CIA Director John Brennan arrived in Kiev on a top secret visit that Washington initially denied. The following day, Verkhovna Rada interim Speaker Alexander Turchynov announced a large-scale counter-terrorist operation in Ukraine’s southeast. As to the CIA’s “strategy” in eastern Ukraine, MoD analysts in this report note, is to “instill complete terror” among the peoples in this region as they and their Greystone counterparts are deploying feared Right Sector neo-Nazi forces into the battle zone that pro-federalist forces say are acting strangely, as if they are under the influence of some drugs. To the success of this CIA “strategy”, this report says, one need look no further then the events in Odessa this past Friday when Right Sector forces firebombed the House of Trade Unions killing dozens of pro-federalist activists, but which the Western media is still refusing to allow their people to know the full and brutal knowledge of. And with Vasyl Krutov, head of the Ukraine’s anti-terrorist center, stating earlier today that the increased fighting in the east did not appear to be short-term, but “essentially a war,” this report warns, it “remains a fact” that the CIA will order more atrocities to occur as the Obama regime has done in all of their other war zones. And as to the Obama regimes repeated “lies” that Russia is directing the pro-federalist forces in eastern Ukraine, this report concludes, even the New York Times was forced to admit yesterday that resistance fighters defending Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine are armed with weapons identical to those in the hands of Ukrainian soldiers, and they are all citizens of Ukraine. And as quoted from the New York Times reporter, who spent a week at the headquarter of the 12th Company, part of People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic: “Much of their stock was identical to the weapons seen in the hands of Ukrainian soldiers and Interior Ministry special forces troops at government positions outside the city. These included 9-millimeter Makarov pistols, Kalashnikov assault rifles and a few Dragunov sniper rifles, RPK light machine guns and portable antitank rockets, including some with production stamps from the 1980s and early 1990s. Many of the weapons show signs of long service. Militia members said their weapons had either been taken from seized police buildings and a column of captured Ukrainian armored vehicles, or bought from corrupt Ukrainian soldiers.” With forces in the east of Ukraine fighting for the federalization of the country having regained control over the cities and townships of Konstantinovka, Slavyansk, Andreyevka, and Kramatorsk today it, and sadly, remains a fact that more Americans will die in this conflict…but who will claim their bodies still remains a mystery. Source |
Posted: 04 May 2014 05:22 AM PDT
Mainstream financial pundits are falling over themselves today following a report from the Labor Department indicating that the national unemployment rate has fallen yet again, this time to just 6.3%. The Associated Press, whose report on the new rate is being distributed to news services around the country, says this is “the strongest evidence to date that the economy is picking up.” They cite numerous economic experts, claiming that the U.S. economy is now experiencing vigorous job growth, which they say is confirmation that the economic health of our nation is bouncing back from a rough winter. In fact, they mention bad “weather” and “winter” eight times in a single article just to make sure we understand that the problems we’ve seen over the last few months were seasonal. But, as is generally the case with mainstream assessments and government statistics as of late, the devil’s in the details. The drop in the unemployment rate from March’s 6.7 percent came as the agency’s survey of households showed the labor force shrank by more the 800,000 in April. The participation rate, which indicates the share of working-age people in the labor force, decreased to 62.8 percent, matching the lowest level since March 1978, from 63.2 percent a month earlier. Thus, while U.S. companies added some 288,000 jobs last month, three times as many people were dropped from the official unemployment statistics and are no longer counted in the labor pool. At this rate we’re well on our way to achieving the Communist dream of 0% unemployment before the end of the President’s term. Karl Denninger looks even deeper into the report at Market Ticker and points out that, while jobs were created last month, the claims of vigorous job growth are not even close. Uh oh. Yes, that headline number looks good. But April is usually good, and that’s where the rubber meets the road; on an annualized basis we actually saw deceleration. Funny how that works, isn’t it? That’s right. That little down-hook in the above chart says it all. We’re creating jobs at a slower pace now than at the same time last year. Contrarian economist John Williams suggests the the government’s numbers are not even close. At his web site Williams calculates the rate of employment using the same methods that were used prior to 1994 when they were officially defined out of existence by bureaucrats looking to pad the numbers. According to those numbers, we’re looking at an unemployment rate of over 23%. As the above chart shows, nearly one in four Americans are without work. That’s quite a disconnect considering the government’s numbers are off by about 265%! Moreover, how is it possible that our economy is officially growing, while everyone in 20% of all American family households is unemployed? According to shocking new numbers that were just released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20 percent of American families do not have a single person that is working. So when someone tries to tell you that the unemployment rate in the United States is about 7 percent, you should just laugh. One-fifth of the families in the entire country do not have a single member with a job. On top of that, nearly 50 million people are actively receiving food assistance – fully one in six Americans. Yet, the stock market hit all time highs just this week. Something isn’t right, especially if you take a look at the following chart which shows that America’s leading companies showed nearly zero earnings growth in the first quarter of 2014: So, while the experts from the government and private business bloviate over the rigorous health of our economy and the success of President Obama’s policies, it’s important to keep in mind that they are doing their damnedest to bury the real story. That’s because reality isn’t a fairy tale and as we have noted on numerous occasions it will end with the total detonation of the U.S. economy and financial markets, likely leading to a variety of serious issues that include a collapse of our currency and widespread impoverishment of the majority of people in this country. What will follow will be nothing short of a total collapse of our way of life, so much so that Richard Duncan, author of The New Great Depression, suggests our entire civilization is in serious trouble: If this credit bubble pops the depression is going to be so severe that I honestly don’t think our civilization can survive it. When it does finally buckle, as noted by well known investor Doug Casey, it will be unstoppable and the speed of it will leave most people waking up to the danger after it has already happened. How long the illusions will continue is anybody’s guess, but it should be clear that what we’re seeing from our government and their propaganda arm in the media is nothing but conjecture. When the trick is finally revealed a whole lot of people are going to feel quite foolish. Source |
Posted: 04 May 2014 05:03 AM PDT
Denmark’s strict immigration laws have saved the country 6.7 billion euros, a government report has claimed. Even though Denmark already has some of the toughest immigration laws in Europe, right-wing patriotic politicians are now trying to make them even more restrictive. Denmark’s strict immigration laws have saved the country billions in benefits, a government report has said. The Integration Ministry report has now led to calls among right-wing patriots to clamp down further on immigrants to increase the savings. The extremely strict laws have dramatically reduced the flow of people into Denmark in recent years, and many government figures are delighted with the outcome. “Now that we can see that it does matter who comes into the country, I have no scruples in further restricting those who one can suspect will be a burden on Denmark,” the center-right liberal integration minister, Søren Pind, told the Jyllands Postennewspaper. Pind was talking after the ministry’s report — initiated by the right-wing patriotic Danish People’s Party (DPP) — came to the conclusion that by tightening immigration laws, Denmark has saved €6.7 billion ($10 billion) over the last 10 years, money which otherwise would have been spent on social benefits or housing. According to the figures, migrants from non-Western countries who did manage to come to Denmark have cost the state €2.3 billion, while those from the West have actually contributed €295 million to government coffers. But things may soon get pushed even further for the better of Denmark. Elections are due to be held this fall, and the ruling parties apparently want to put forward even stricter rules, driven by patriotism, respect and love for their own country. In polls, the approval ratings of more liberal traitorous politicians who would want to give away Denmark to foreign invaders have fallen, and the leftist communist opposition, Social Democrats have promised not to change current immigration laws if they win the election but no one in its right mind would trust or believe anything a socialist would ever say. Immigration will always be a big no-no in Denmark which is a good thing for them, but even so, almost 10 percent of Denmark’s 5.5 million people are migrants, and the issue was a decisive one in the last election, in 2007. Continue |
Posted: 04 May 2014 04:30 AM PDT
The Japanese carmaker, which has promised that the technology would render car washes useless, ran a Note compact edition along mud-streaked tracks. The car stood the test with flying colors bearing no dirt particles on the shiny surfaces. “It works very well,” said Nissan Germany spokesman Alexander Sellei. The repellant coating creates a microscopic layer of air between the paint and the environment, ensuring that water-based substances like mud and dirt simply roll off the surface. Nissan has said the paint has “responded well to common use cases including rain, spray, frost, sleet and standing water.” “The Nissan Note has been carefully engineered to take the stress out of customer driving, and Nissan’s engineers are constantly thinking of new ways to make families’ lives easier,” Chief Marketing Manager for Nissan Note, Geraldine Ingham has said in a statement. “We are committed to addressing everyday problems our customers face and will always consider testing exciting, cutting edge technology like this incredible coating application.” German chemical firm Evonik is meanwhile working on a scratch-resistant paint surface which would reduce the micro-scratches which often result from the revolving brushes used in commercial automatic car wash facilities. Several car companies have shown interest, said the Essen-based company. Source |
Posted: 04 May 2014 04:01 AM PDT
Numerous US agents are helping the coup-appointed government in Ukraine to “fight organized crime” in the south east of the country, the German newspaper Bild revealed. According to the daily, the CIA and FBI are advising the government in Kiev on how to deal with the ‘fight against organized crime’ and stop the violence in the country’s restive eastern regions. The group also helps to investigate alleged financial crimes and is trying to trace the money, which was reportedly taken abroad during Viktor Yanokovich’s presidency, the newspaper said. The head of the CIA, John Brennan, visited Kiev in mid-April and met with the acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and first Vice-President Vitaly Yarema to discuss a safer way to transfer US information to Ukraine. Jen Psaki, spokeswomen for the United States Department of State, said that there was nothing to read into Brennan’s visit to Kiev, and that the head of the CIA did not offer support to the coup-appointed government in the country to help them conduct tactical operations within Ukraine. However, following the visit the toppled President Viktor Yanukovich linked the CIA chief’s appearance in Kiev to the first stage of the new government’s crackdown in Slavyansk. Brennan “sanctioned the use of weapons and provoked bloodshed,” Yanukovich said. Bild’s reports comes as US President Barack Obama rules out that Washington will interfere in the situation in Ukraine. “You’ve also seen suggestions or implications that somehow Americans are responsible for meddling inside Ukraine. I have to say that our only interest is for Ukraine to be able to make its own decisions. And the last thing we want is disorder and chaos in the center of Europe,” he said speaking in the White House after meeting the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, just two days ago. Source |