Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 02 May 2014 09:30 PM PDT
War is a criminal act against the humanity. The fundamental question is who may benefits from the present potential military conflict in the Ukraine?

The citizens of the Ukraine, Europe, Russia, or the USA would not benefit. Some people in the Ukraine may benefit. The European Union is facing such severe economic and social problems that its search for other burdens would be rather surprising. 

Russia needs economic and political stability to again be respected as a world power. The USA is ending two rather long wars – in Iraq and Afghanistan. Would our country be eager to get involved in another military conflict that again might not be very successful?

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Posted: 02 May 2014 08:30 PM PDT
I. This article on Tesla was printed in The New York Times, December 8, 1915. It is referenced in the Eastlund patent records (#4,686,605) for the HAARP

NEW YORK TIMES - December 8, 1915:

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Posted: 02 May 2014 08:00 PM PDT
The picture below is of a pyramid in Egypt, and it captures beautifully the magic and mystery of the ancient world. The picture perfectly illustrates an almost paradoxical truth about the pyramids:

Namely, that the stones are weathered and ancient, confirming their age, but the construction and straightness of the pyramid’s slope is almost futuristic in its perfection.

In 1996, while living in Egypt, I was studying the pyramids when it occurred to me that the straightness of the slope of the pyramid that you see in the picture above was amazing.

Above: On the one hand the stones look ancient, archaic, and showing signs of age. 
On the other, the pyramid’s straight line underscores a wisdom and power 
far in advance than anything we have at present.

How can this be? After thousands of years?

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Posted: 02 May 2014 07:00 PM PDT
The mysteries of ancient history, such as how the Great Pyramid was built and by whom and why, have been well established over the past four decades. Similar archaeological enigmas litter the landscape around the planet and they raise many difficult questions about the origin of human civilisation.

Erik Von Daniken’s series of books, which began with Chariots of the Gods, presented archeological evidence while recounting many mythological traditions that have “gods” arriving on Earth from a distant world and bringing technology and the arts of civilised life to primitive human tribes.

Many writers followed Von Daniken’s lead and an entire school of alternative historical thought called the “ancient astronaut” theory emerged over the years. This school must be distinguished from another branch largely defined by such writers as Graham Hancock, which we can sum up as the “lost civilisation” school.

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