Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: ISIS, just one of the Anglo-American terrorist-mafia networks...

Sunday, 24 May 2015

ISIS, just one of the Anglo-American terrorist-mafia networks...

The 05/24/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Clinton appears to rule out US ground forces to fight the Islamic State
By Robert Spencer on May 24, 2015 01:15 am

Clinton appears to rule out US ground forces to fight the Islamic State
“But at the end of the thought process that I engage in … this has to be fought by and won by the Iraqis.” This assumes that the problem of the Islamic State is one that only involves Iraqis, and is simply a question of who should govern Iraq. Hillary is completely ignoring the fact […]

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Legitimizing Censorship: ‘Islamophobia Studies’ at Berkeley
By Cinnamon Stillwell on May 23, 2015 12:39 pm

Legitimizing Censorship: ‘Islamophobia Studies’ at Berkeley
Legitimizing Censorship: ‘Islamophobia Studies’ at Berkeley By Cinnamon Stillwell and Rima Greene “Islamophobia studies” is the latest addition to the academic pantheon of politicized, esoteric, and divisive “studies” whose purpose is to censor criticism of differing views by stigmatizing critics as racist or clinically insane. The University of California, Berkeley’s recent Sixth Annual International Islamophobia […]

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Nigeria: Muslims set Sharia court ablaze over “insult” to Muhammad
By Robert Spencer on May 23, 2015 09:35 am

Nigeria: Muslims set Sharia court ablaze over “insult” to Muhammad
Some people think that has a matter of courtesy and respect for Muslims as human beings, non-Muslims should be careful not to insult Muhammad. The problem with this is that when some Muslims are so ready to commit violence over perceived insults to Muhammad, what might ordinarily have been a simple matter of courtesy and […]

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