Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday 10 May 2015

May 10, 2015
Watch an armed mob destroy a construction site in China over a property disputeWatch an armed mob destroy a construction site in China over a property dispute

VIDEO: Dramatic CCTV footage from China shows an armed group raidng a construction site in Shandong Province during a dispute over property purchases. 
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Here's your complete preview of this week's big economic events
Here's your complete preview of this week's big economic events
The US labor market continues to improve. On Friday, we learned, the... Read»
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There's been a stunning development in corporate America
There's been a stunning development in corporate America
We may not see an earnings recession after all. In a research note on...  Read»
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Hundreds of people marched in New York for tougher gun laws
Hundreds of people marched in New York for tougher gun laws
NEW YORK (AP) — Hundreds of men, women and children including fashion...  Read»
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This killer circuit workout is the key to burning fat fast
VIDEO: This full body workout is meant to burn calories and activate your whole upper and lower body.   Read»
Here's the one big problem with China's supposedly amazing schools
China has a reputation for having a rigorous education system...  Read»
The most dominant athlete in every sport
Some of these athletes are right in their primes, some have a long track...  Read»
Raul Castro: Pope Francis is so impressive I might return to the Catholic Church
Raul Castro: Pope Francis is so impressive I might return to the Catholic Church
The meeting lasted nearly an hour, as the Argentine-born Francis and Castro spoke in Spanish.  Read»
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Mesmerizing underwater video of an egg being poached
Mesmerizing underwater video of an egg being poached
VIDEO: A fantastic underwater perspective of an egg poaching in boiling water.  Read»
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How playing World of Warcraft every day for a year led Robert Hohman to found a $1 billion startup
How playing World of Warcraft every day for a year led Robert Hohman to found a $1 billion startup
Glassdoor cofounder and CEO Robert Hohman is the first to admit that... Read»
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The 19 most game-changing weapons of the last 15 years
The 19 most game-changing weapons of the last 15 years
We've come a long way since the stealth bomber. Just as smart gadgets... Read»
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