Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Saudi Arabia is one of the shareholders of the ISIS Co. Now it is using it for its internal terrorism...

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Saudi Arabia is one of the shareholders of the ISIS Co. Now it is using it for its internal terrorism...

The 05/23/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Saudi Arabia: Islamic State claims bombing that killed 20 in Shia mosque
By Robert Spencer on May 22, 2015 07:20 pm

Saudi Arabia: Islamic State claims bombing that killed 20 in Shia mosque
The Islamic State continues to advance and strike with apparent impunity. They could be mounting attacks like this one in the U.S. before too long, and then Obama can boast about how there were fewer Islamic State strikes in the U.S. over the past six months than there had been in the previous six. “Saudi […]

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California: Two Muslims arrested for trying to join Islamic State
By Robert Spencer on May 22, 2015 07:05 pm

California: Two Muslims arrested for trying to join Islamic State
The Islamic State that is expanding and winning new victories is actually losing. The Islamic State that has nothing to do with Islam and is not a state keeps on attracting Muslims from the West to join it on the basis of its Islamic claims. And in Obama’s America, to notice all this cognitive dissonance […]

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“The Islamic State is, or is on the verge of becoming, what it claims to be: a state”
By Robert Spencer on May 22, 2015 06:48 pm

“The Islamic State is, or is on the verge of becoming, what it claims to be: a state”
Nothing to be concerned about. Obama says they’re losing. And he wouldn’t lie to us, now, would he? “Islamic State expands its ‘state,'” by Samia Nakhoul, Reuters, May 22, 2015: BEIRUT (Reuters) – Almost a year after Islamic State’s shock capture of Mosul, Iraq’s second city, the black flags of the jihadis have been raised […]

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Jihadi bride: “I rejoiced when we had our first sex slave”
By Robert Spencer on May 22, 2015 06:20 pm

Jihadi bride: “I rejoiced when we had our first sex slave”
Richard Brennan, a Senior Political Scientist at RAND, says: “There is no way to square these things – forcing people to be slaves and raping them – with the Koran. It’s not Islamic, so they have to lie about that to make it fit the narrative.” The seizure of Infidel girls and their use as […]

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New Jersey Muslim gets life in prison for murder he initially blamed on “Islamophobia”
By Robert Spencer on May 22, 2015 04:10 pm

New Jersey Muslim gets life in prison for murder he initially blamed on “Islamophobia”
When this murder initially happened, I received this Tweet from a certain Jawad Rasul. It said: Thank You @pamelageller and @jihadwatchRS, If you have any humanity, you might ponder over this! via @newyorkpost The link went to a story about a murder in New Jersey. Why were Pamela Geller and I being blamed for […]

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Egypt’s Salafi party bans Christmas, Easter greetings
By Raymond Ibrahim on May 22, 2015 03:41 pm

Egypt’s Salafi party bans Christmas, Easter greetings
During a recent interview on Egyptian television, the schizophrenic face of the Islamist parties was on full display. Dr. Yunis Makioun, head of the Al-Nour Party, the political wing of the Salafis, insisted that Islam commands Muslims to “protect”—a reference to their “dhimmi” status—and treat Coptic Christian minorities properly. Even so, according to Islam, said the Salafi […]

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Egypt: After ransom paid, Coptic Christian still murdered
By Raymond Ibrahim on May 22, 2015 03:37 pm

Egypt: After ransom paid, Coptic Christian still murdered
A 55-year-old Coptic Christian man was kidnapped and held for ransom.  Although his family eventually paid, and the Muslim abductors took the money, they still killed the hapless Copt. On April 26 in Sohag, Upper Egypt, Makram Nazir was returning home from his second job in the middle of the night when he was seized.  […]

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‘Whoever Disbelieves, Strike Off His Head’: Muslim Persecution of Christians, February 2015
By Raymond Ibrahim on May 22, 2015 03:35 pm

‘Whoever Disbelieves, Strike Off His Head’: Muslim Persecution of Christians, February 2015
All throughout February, Copts, the largest Christian minority in the Middle East, were slaughtered. Around mid-February, the Islamic State released a video depicting 21 Coptic Christians being decapitated.  The executions took place in Libya, another nation along with Syria and Iraq where the Islamic State has carved a niche for itself. While holding their victims’ […]

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Raymond Ibrahim: Obama’s Policies to Empower ISIS Exposed
By Raymond Ibrahim on May 22, 2015 03:33 pm

Raymond Ibrahim: Obama’s Policies to Empower ISIS Exposed
For months, many Western observers have been closely following the minute-by-minute developments concerning the battle between Islamic State and coalition forces in the hopes that such data will help them discern what the future may hold. Yet knowledge of the end game has been available for anyone viewing the Obama administration with the eyes of […]

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Muslim cleric: Beheadings permitted “as a means to strike terror”
By Robert Spencer on May 22, 2015 07:46 am

Muslim cleric: Beheadings permitted “as a means to strike terror”
Will some moderate spokesman in the West explain how Libyan cleric Muhammad Bouajila is misunderstanding Islam and the Qur’an? Anyone? Anyone? “Libyan Cleric Boujela Justifies Beheadings and Body Mutilation “to Strike Terror in the Heart” of the Enemies,” MEMRI, May 16, 2015: In a May 16 interview with Al-Tanasuh TV, Libyan cleric Muhammad Bouajila, a […]

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