Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Snowden's Brilliant Answer to Those Who Say They Don't Need Privacy Right Because They Have Nothing To Hide
By Rob Kall
Next time someone tells you they don't care about privacy rights because they don't have anything to hide, use this response from American hero Edward Snowden, which he gave in a recent interview with the Guardian.
Podemos -- Si Se Puede
By John Little
Podemos, Spain's new major political party, is about to emerge as a giant anti-austerity force across Europe.
The treason of the TPP.
By Robert James
Advocating citizens' action in our republic against the trade deals.
Here's Everything You Need To Know About Obama's Trade Deal In One Short Speech
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) took to the Senate floor Friday evening to make a point-by-point analysis of why a trade deal being negotiated by President Barack Obama would harm the United States.
The Rentier and the Lumpen
By Basak Tanulku
An article about the relationship between classes, from a Freudian, id, ego, superego perspective
Scott Walker and the GOP Turning First Amendment Rights Upside Down
By Sue Wilson
Does simply investigating whether a political crime occurred violate the suspect's First Amendment rights? Presidential hopeful Scott Walker's allies say yes. What will the court decide?
N. Korea Defector: International women activists should focus on NK women's human rights improvement, not DMZ crossing
By AeRan Lee
It is my opinions about a campaign of WOMEN CROSS DMZ. I have lived most of my life in North Korea and defected from the North several years ago. At this time, I think the group of feminist of WCD is going in the wrong direction.So, I am writing about my opinion about that
BRICS trample US in South America
By Pepe Escobar
The long-term Big Picture remains inexorable; BRICS and South American nations -- which converge in the Unasur (The Union of South American Nations) -- are betting on a multipolar world order, and a continental process of independence. It's easy to see how that is oceans away from a Monroe doctrine.
Obama's failure on Saudi-Qatari aid to al-Qaeda affiliate
By Gareth Porter
Obama is well aware that the fall of the Assad regime is likely to result in a terrorist regime in Syria. His decision to tolerate -- at least for now - Saudi and Qatari policies that make that outcome far more likely appears to reflect little more than a personal political interest.
Nuclear Experimentation: Year 70 - Playing with M.A.D.ness
By Ethan Indigo Smith
Year 70 of 1,000,000,000 nuclear waste cycle.
Awe is a Bottom-up Experience
By Rob Kall
Awe may be one ingredient that helps people be more caring and empathetic towards others.
Homeless Teen Named Valedictorian: 'Never Let Anyone Tell You That You Can't Do Something'
Through homelessness, the death of his mother and numerous other hardships endured on his way to becoming class valedictorian, Florida high school student Griffin Furlong always clung to one belief. 
NY Times Review of "The Daemon Knows" by Harold Bloom
This rounded, wet, weedy, windy earth, with its opposing poles, was born into contraries: Apollo and Dionysus, Talmudist and kabbalist, sober exegete and rapt ecstatic. Harold Bloom, who bestrides our literary world like a willfully idiosyncratic colossus, belongs to the party of rapture. He is himself no Whitman or Melville, no Emily Dickinson or Robert Frost or Wallace Stevens, no Hart Crane or Emerson. And yet he seems at times almost as large as any of these, so vital and particularized is his presence. If, as Emerson claims, the true ship is the shipbuilder, then is the true poem the critic who maps and parses and inhabits it? Can poet and critic be equal seers?
 Every Time She Wakes: The Awakening of Katy Tackes
By Burl Hall
Kate Tackes is a woman who sticks her nose into issues to kindle deep change. More than revolutionary, her work is evolutionary. Why stay stuck in revolutions? Revolving is just going about in circles! Lets evolve. Katy's work will help to kindle that evolution.
Edward Snowden: NSA reform in the US is only the beginning
In an hour-long interview with the Guardian in Moscow, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden said the moves by the federal court and the House of Representatives marked the first time since the 1970s there had been a reduction rather than expansion in the powers of the surveillance agencies. "In our modern era, that is without precedent," he said. "The idea that they can lock us out and there will be no change is no longer tenable. Everyone accepts these programs were not effective, did not keep us safe and, even if they did, represent an unacceptable degradation of our rights."
International Law and Crimes against Humanity
By Lawrence Davidson
Crimes against humanity include government-initiated or -assisted policies or practices resulting in massacre, dehumanization, unjust imprisonment, extrajudicial punishments, torture, racial/ethnic persecution, and other such acts. In 1976 the United Nations General Assembly declared the systematic persecution of one racial group by another (for instance, the practice of apartheid) to be a crime against humanity.
How our State Legislatures Might Help Prevent Tragedies
By Neal Herrick
Our state legislatures cannot interfere with specific decisions implementing US domestic or foreign policies. However, Article V does give them the exclusive power to rearrange our federal powers and to lay down guidelines for the exercise of these powers.[1] This rearrangement and lying down of guidelines could increase our control over our government and decrease the control of our plutocrats.
Israel Backing ISIS
A run-down of the many ways in which Israel has from its inception, supported ISIS an the reasons why. The little-known story abouut its relationship to the Syrian regime, which is also known as a 'frontline' regime, and how it has planned fo destroy it.
A Muslim's Reflections on Memorial Day 2015
By Mike Ghouse
Muslims are progressively integrating with American society to realize the dream of one nation under the flag with liberty and justice for all.
Noam Chomsky: "Intentional Ignorance" Fuels American Racism
Racism is deeply embedded in the institutions of American life, and has been enabled by an "intentional ignorance" of inconvenient truths, Noam Chomsky says in a new interview.
MATT DAMON on ELITE & NWO: Amazing Speech On This Evil World - VIDEO
MATT DAMON on ELITE & NWO - Amazing Speech On This Evil World. This means America is now a nation of "proles," whom George Orwell described as the majority of the population who are too distracted by "films, football, beer, and above all, gambling" to care about the decline of America and the destruction of the Bill of Rights. If the proles did become aware of the larger evils, the world would change for the better, which is why the establishment wants to keep the majority of the population distracted with "bread and circuses." Americans are now living in a society that in some cases is more draconian, more invasive and more Orwellian than the dystopian tyranny fictionalized in Orwell's chilling classic Nineteen Eighty-Four. On almost every front, American citizens are under an equal or greater threat of abuse, control and more pervasive and high-tech surveillance than anything...
Railroad Development Corporation (RDC) v. Guatemala
This is an old article, but gives a good example of how TPP will work using an actual CAFTA case. 
Insurers Push For Major Rate Boosts For Obamacare Users
Major insurers in some states are proposing hefty rate boosts for plans sold under the federal health law, setting the stage for an intense debate this summer over the law's impact.
An Open Letter To All In Pursuit Of Truth
By Terry Sneller
An exploration into the nature of contemporary public trust.
Republicans Have Passed 0 Jobs Bills During Their First 138 Days Running Congress
In their first 138 days in control of Congress, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner have passed zero jobs bill. Instead, Republicans passed budgets that would give big tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. The only Republican attempt at a "jobs" bill was the Keystone XL legislation, which won't create more than a handful of permanent jobs, and it isn't a jobs bill. The Republican-run Congress has lived down to expectations. If you are a corporation in need of some regulatory rollback, or a wealthy person who wants a tax cut, the Republican Congress is your new best friend.
Ireland votes by a large margin to legalize gay marriage
In a landslide victory, Irish voters have backed the legalization of gay marriage in a referendum to change the Roman Catholic country's constitution.
Michael Brelo, Cleveland Patrolman, Found Not Guilty In Deaths Of 2 Unarmed Suspects
A patrolman charged in the shooting deaths of two unarmed suspects during a 137-shot barrage of gunfire was acquitted Saturday in a case that helped prompt the U.S. Department of Justice determine the city police department had a history of using excessive force and violating civil rights. Michael Brelo, 31, faced as many as 22 years in prison had the judge convicted him on two counts of voluntary manslaughter. Thirteen officers fired at a car with Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams inside after a long, high-speed chase, but only Brelo was charged criminally because prosecutors said he waited until the car had stopped and the pair no longer a threat to fire 15 shots through its windshield while standing on the hood of the car.
U.S. in $1.9 Billion Arms Sale to Israel Amid Iran Deal Concerns
The U.S. has approved a $1.9 billion arms sale to Israel that analysts say is likely intended to offset its objections to the emerging nuclear agreement with Iran. The Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency said Wednesday on its website that the deal had received State Department authorization and will now be sent to Congress for review, where it is certain to be approved. The package includes 3,000 Hellfire missiles, 250 AIM-120C Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles, and 50 BLU-113 "bunker-buster" bombs.
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