Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 4 May 2015

The European Union Times

Posted: 03 May 2015 03:49 PM PDT

Look nowhere else! This single huge article contains tons of information, arguments, evidence and discoveries that proves people were created by God according to the Holy Bible and did not evolve by themselves from monkeys in millions of years. If you deny everything in this article and not one single evidence sparks any questions in you about Creation and Evolution, then you have serious issues.
The Earth is only around 6000 years old, plus or minus, but nowhere near Billions of years old as evolutionists claim.
Try to do a Google search for any of these proofs you are about to read and you will see that all of them are followed by diminishing words such as: fake, debunked, hoax, conspiracy and more. Each and every scientific or archeological evidence that supports Creationist human origins, is immediately discredited by the likes of and other anti-Christian vermin while well known evolutionist hoaxes are rarely accompanied by diminishing words such as “hoax”.
All of the proof offered here has a “Controversial” category on Wikipedia. Absolutely everything related to creationism and Christianity is always followed by “controversial” on Wikipedia. Take the Ica Stones for example where its discoverer Uschuya faced jail time if he admitted that he found the stones. He was basically forced by Peruvian authorities to say that he forged them in order to avoid imprisonment. This is what it has come to! There is simply no room and no ear to listen to any type of Creation evidence, no matter how obvious it is. This may not be the best evidence we provided here. This may or may not be fake, but how the authorities treated this issue, by threatening with jail time… says it all! This is not science! Evolution is just a religion, and quite an aggressive bloodthirsty one actually.
After Noah, everything was lost. More than 1000 years of history. All original knowledge, of how the Earth came to be. Moses brought back part of the knowledge. Among the 10 commandments and all the other things, God also showed fragments of the past to Moses. That’s how Moses written his 5 gospels: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. However there are only a few pages of the Pre-Flood world in the Genesis with limited information.

Earth’s Protective Shield
Noah’s Flood happened some 4400 years ago, most the rain water came from Earth’s protective shield made out of water, which also helped both man and animals live 10 times longer and grow bigger due to higher levels of oxygen in the air and higher pressure. Earth’s water shield also protected people and animals from Solar harmful X-ray radiation.
Earth had a Different Air Pressure and Higher Levels of Oxygen
-There was at least 50% more oxygen in the air in the pre-flood world. Ambers with insects found trapped inside, sometimes contain air bubbles as well. These air bubbles have been tested and every time, it turns out that there was simply more oxygen!
What about the Dinosaurs?
Dinosaurs were only reptiles, and all reptiles continue to grow until they die, the longer they lived, the bigger they got, the Bible itself mentions the Dinosaurs, but they were called “Dragons” back then. Almost everything was bigger back then, there were giants back then the Bible said. Archeologists did find skeletons belonging to giant humans but they are kept secret. For example they found fossilized fingers of a giant woman in a Cretaceous Stone. The fingers were 6 inch long.
Human footprints and handprints were found in Cretaceous Stones (145 million years old) close to Dinosaur footprints, that’s because they lived together. They even found a hammer in Cretaceous Stones.
Archeologists found Egyptian, Babylonian, Israeli, Roman, Persian and Viking pottery, art and more depicting dinosaurs. Cave drawings of dinosaurs were found in many caves throughout the world. Ica Stones from Peru for example show almost all dinosaurs painted on them, in some cases even with humans riding them. Figurines from Mexico also depict dinosaurs. How could these people would have known about dinosaurs back then?
Pre-Flood Underwater Cities
Dozens of underwater cities have been found throughout the world, disproving all evolutionist theories. Most scientists don’t even want to go anywhere near this topic. They treat it as if it doesn’t even exist because they know this would smash their silly ape theory. Some “scientists” are so retarded that they are claiming that these are “natural rock formations” while others blame it on aliens. No one in its right mind would believe them after seeing these so-called “natural rock formations” with their own eyes. Most of these cities are pre-flood and you can study them on Youtube. The videos of course will try to play this from an evolutionist perspective. The Bible has an answer for this. These cities were the cities of the pre-flood world.

Evidence supporting 4000-5000 years after Noah’s Flood
Noah’s Flood happened about 4400 years ago (plus or minus) according to the Bible, world’s oldest tree is 4800 years old, nicknamed Methuselah, after Noah’s grandfather who lived more than anyone else, including Adam, the first man. The 4800 years old tree Methuselah is found on the White Mountains of Inyo County in eastern California. How come there isn’t a single tree in the entire world, older than that? Because they were all destroyed by Noah’s Flood. Methuselah is dead now, but they have discovered a new unnamed tree near Methuselah, which is claimed to be as old as 5000 and this one is still alive, indicating that it could have lived much longer, yet it didn’t! Tree lifespans perfectly match Noah’s Flood event which happened some 4000-5000 years ago.
World’s oldest coral reef is only 4300 years old. Just like with the trees, this again is actually very shocking.
Noah’s Ark found on Mount Ararat
According to the Bible, Genesis 8:4, Noah’s ark rested on Mount Ararat after the flood waters retreated. Mount Ararat is located in east Turkey of what is know as the Caucasus region, which is also the place of origin of white people, thus bearing the name of Caucasians or Caucasoids. Despite hardships and general dificulties due to the Muslim Turkish government, archeologists have finally located Noah’s ark on Mount Ararat which is now 100% petrified (fossilized). Skeptical evolutionists called this discovery like usual… “a natural rock formation” despite finding wooden pieces, metal bolts and more. Unreliable carbon dating, says the ship is 4800 years old. Earth samples from the boat were taken to lab and tested. High concentrations of metal and carbon were found in the earth, indicating ancient decayed wood. Metal detectors were also used on the ark and revealed a metal pattern with the shape of a boat. Subsurface Interface Radar scanners have also been used on the ship in 1985, showing massive qilsons, fossilized deck timbers, chambers, lines, patterns,
Measurements of the ark reveal that its exactly 300 cubits long (515 feet or 157 meters if we use the Ancient Egyptian royal cubit for conversion because this is exactly what Moses would have used when he wrote the Genesis). The ark is exactly as long as its said in the Bible, Genesis 6:15.
3 massive anchor stones have also been found on Mount Ararat, in Turkey, marked with 8 Byzantine crosses, meaning that the Byzantine Empire knew that this was Noah’s resting place all along.
The Turkish government did grant approvals for scans and any type of studying of the area but did not allow any type of real digging or excavation just like in the case of dinosaurs for example and it will probably never allow it as long as this area remains under Muslim control. To make things worse, Muslim Terrorists tried to kill Ron Wyatt and his team of archeologists so that the truth won’t come out, but fortunately they were accompanied by 30 Turkish policemen who saved the archeologists. Anti-Christian vermin Wikipedia calls Ron Wyatt “pseudoarchaeology”, basically saying that he was some lunatic playing archeology and not doing real archeology. But what is arecheology to begin with? Is it nuclear science, quantum mechanics? No, its just men digging in the earth, nothing more, nothing less. It’s as simple as that and not complicated at all. In short, he was a REAL archeologist because if he was a “pseudo” one, then ALL archeologists are PSEUDO. What makes him “pseudo” is that he was digging for Creation evidence instead of religious extremist Evolution evidence.
All Major Cultures tell the Tale of Noah
Almost ALL cultures of the world talk about a great global flood where a family built a boat, and took 2 animals of each kind, since ancient times, pre-Christian ancient Greece, Sumer, China, Korea, India, Tanzania, Australia, Babylon, Maya, Aztecs, etc. The Toltec natives of Mexico have a “legend” interesting story where original creation lasted for 1716 years.
All of these cultures except for Babylon had zero contact with Israel and Jews, yet how could they have known about the flood?
Demographics calculation
Every 150 years world population always seems to double. In 1800 for example there were 1 billion people worldwide. In 1950, 2 billion, and what followed after that, total craziness with third world countries exploding out of control threatening their very own existence with starvation due to overpopulation.
To fully support this claim, world population reached 7 billion in 2012 and it is estimated that it could reach 10+ billion by 2100. By 2150 it may very well reach 14 billion or more, considering the current trend.
Reduce today’s world population of 7 billion into half every 150 years and only a few people were alive about 4000-5000 years ago. Demographics are also on Noah’s side.
Sodom & Gomorah
In 1975 the excavation of a royal palace in Ebla, Syria revealed a library of 1800 clay tablets, containing historical and political records as well as botanical and cultural information of the Middle East. They also contain family records. The detailed information they hold allows accurate dating to be established. They are still being deciphered but already translations have revealed accounts of the kings of the cities of the plain. One of the tablets names Birshe as the king of Gomorah, and lists the cities of the plain in total harmony with the Bible, both chronologically and geographically: Zeboim, Admah, Gomorah, Sodom, Zoar.
Even though almost unbelievable and one of the most fantastic stories of the Bible, real Sodom and Gomorah have been found in Israel along with 3 other cities which were also burned down by God. In Somod and Gomorah, archeologists found at least 60 “brimstone” samples. According to lab testings, these brimstones were mostly made out of sulfur (93-94%) and are highly flammable even to this day. Tons of ash have also been found among other evidence in Sodom and Gomorah. Some claimed that these sulfur stones originated from a volcano which was on the other side of the Dead Sea, yet no crystal deposits were found near the sulfur stones. Further more the volcano was simply too far away. Same people also claimed that the mountain carved city ruins were “natural rock formations”, despite finding wells and even man made gates built with stone bricks. As a side note to this, brimstone were found only in the 5 cities and no where else near them. Seems like we have a selective volcano here. Furthermore these sulfur balls can only be found in these 5 cities, nowhere else on the entire planet.
Lot’s wife turned to watch Sodom and God transformed her into a “pillar of salt which remained to this day”. Indeed a pillar of stone resembling a woman in long dress still stands up to this day on Mount Sodom, Israel.

The Universe, Flat Earth and the Bible
According to astronomers, the Universe is stretching and continuing to expand. That’s exactly what God says in the Bible in Job 9:8. Of course they didn’t use the term “universe” back then, since its only a recent-coined term. They used the word “heavens”, with plural, meaning skies.
Humans believe that they have almost reached the edges of the Universe with their telescopes… and what have they discovered? Our Solar System is placed at the center of the Universe. Interesting, isn’t it?
The Bible said the Earth was round and not flat way before humans flew into space… but back then because of superstitions, people still thought the Earth was flat and it continued to be the common belief despite the Bible clearly saying in verse Isaiah 40:22, that the Earth is round, a globe.
The Moon 4.5 Billion Years Old Issue
The Moon is traveling away from the Earth at an alarming speed, if our Solar System was 4.5 billion years old as scientists claim, then we wouldn’t have had a Moon today.
The Moon is collecting space dust. If it would have collected dust for 4.5 billion years, then the dust level would have been miles deep, instead it is only a few inches deep, indicating that the Moon couldn’t be collecting dust for more than a few thousand years.
World’s Biggest Storage Device
Which one do you think its the most complex storage device in the world? The HDD? SSD? Maybe a flash memory USB? What about a SDCard? None of them!
The DNA is the most complex information storage machine known to man, a single teaspoon of DNA can hold information about all species in the world that exist and ever existed, all people who ever lived, all books ever written and much more, such a complex information storage machine was definitely programmed by an intelligent creator (God). Nature can only produce patterns but it can’t produce information and instructions. DNA does not “evolve”, if altered in any way, it turns into cancer.
Polar Ice Caps are all Made of Fresh Water
Both North Pole and South Pole’s ice caps are formed out of Fresh Water even though they are surrounded by Ocean salt water, they both have Fresh Water back from Noah’s Flood. Even the 4km below the ice Russian Lake Vostok from the South Pole contains Fresh Water! This can only further support the flood story.
The seas are getting saltier each year, at a very consistent rate, imagine that happening for 4.5 billion years…
Holy Water
According to recent studies, a simple Our Father Prayer over normal tap water instantly kills bacteria and purifies the water. Holy Water never expires and never goes bad. You can drink it even 1 year later and it will still taste normal.
Carbon-14 Dating
Carbon-14 is not a reliable way of dating things. Prior to the carbon test itself, it is first required to tell from which strata the artifact or bone came from. So, basically, if someone dug a hole some 300 years ago, placed a current day bone in it, because it was found in lets say Triassic strata, the object would automatically be dated somewhere between 66-145 million years ago. How dumb is that for dating things? Specifying strata is compulsory in carbon dating.
Carbon-14 tests failed many times, for example, it showed a seal that had been dead for 30 years as being dead for 4600 years. A seal that died recently as dead for 1300 years and the shell from living snails gives an age of 27000 years, some of their membrane and tissue dated for 3000 years. Coal from Russia that was supposed to be 300 million years old because of the sediments from which it was taken, was given an age of 1650 years and many more examples.
Carbon-14 is very unreliable and it should never be used as “ultimate proof” for dating things.
Fast Fossilization
Now this is one of the most interesting things when coming to dinosaurs! According to popular belief and to evolutionist theory, fossilization is a natural process that takes millions of years.
Actually its not. There is strong evidence out there that in a normal world where people would be normal and not brain-damaged zombies, should force all books to recant and be rewritten! Fossilization goes on even today and it takes only 30 years for a bone to become fossilized.
This is one of the most hidden and oppressed facts in evolution theory because this will collapse the entire “billions of years of evolution”.
One of the most shocking of all fast formalizations is The Limestone Cowboy boot. This boot was found in West Texas town of Iraan, in 1980, containing the foot of a man which is now completely petrified.
M. L. Leddy of Boot Town shop in Garland, Texas confirmed that this boot was made by his company in the 1950’s, indicating that it was fossilized in 30 years or even less! Take that Mr. Billionaire Dinosaur! What you accomplished in Millions and Billions of years, this man did in just 30 years!
NOT shocking at all actually, according to Carbon-14 dating, this foot is 40 million years old.
This is not the only fast fossilization discovery but this is probably the most shocking one.
Here are a few more things which fossilized in under 100 years: hats, a piece of ham, ostrich egg, a turtle, a tape, coil of wire and even a teddy bear among other things.
Marine life Found deep in Dry Land
Sea shells, fish and other kinds of marine life have been found along with dinosaurs on all kinds of dry land random places, further proving the global flood story.
Fossilized clams and other marine life have been found even on top of Mount Everest, thousands of years old! What would they do there? Mountaineering?
Coal Comes With Surprises Sometimes
There have been numerous man-made objects found inside of coal which is supposedly hundreds of millions of years old, such as a bell, a pot, an ancient screw, a gold chain and more.
Nicknamed “The London Hammer” (not the UK’s London, but the London of Texas) has been found in rock dated over 400 million years old. Part of the handle had turned to coal.
Moses Red Sea Passing Evidence
Coral covered Egyptian human bones, horse hoofs, chariots and chariot wheels have been found at the bottom of the Red Sea where Moses passed, near the town of Nuweiba (Nuweyba al Muzayyinah was its former name a few years ago which translates from Arabic as “Waters of Moses Opening”), both on Egypt side and Saudi Arabian side. 3000 year old Pillars to mark the location of the crossing which are mentioned in the Bible, Isaiah 19:19 have been found in Nuweiba Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The Saudi pillar was marked with the words “Pharaoh, Egypt, Moses, Death, Water, Yahweh, Solomon, Edom” but unfortunately these words were erased soon after its discovery in 1984.

Evolution Debunked
Evolutionists debunk Creation science as a personal obsession and hobby, but then again we can dismiss their 100% fake evolutionist “discoveries” with even more ease that they disprove us. Here’s just a few examples:
Nebraska Man was built on a total lie. Somebody found a tooth in Nebraska, near Colorado and claimed that it looked like a half-man-half-ape tooth. They built the entire man, plus his wife from one tooth. Later they found out that the tooth came actually from a pig. Again Wikipedia plays its pathetic role, defending evolution, saying “Although Nebraska man was not a deliberate hoax, the original classification proved to be a mistake.” Yet any Creationist proof is viciously smashed with smear tactics. In plain Wikipedia is saying that Evolutionists are moral people who would never do a hoax deliberately to support their cause while “evil” Christians always fake everything to support Creation. When in fact it is evolutionists who have no morals and no limits to what they can do since they do not believe in God and punishment for any wrong doings. This is how pathetic evolutionists have become. They are a dangerous religion of ill minded people.
Piltdown Man is another evolutionist hoax where somebody took a human skull and an ape’s jawbone, made them fit together and there you have it, the piltdown man, or “the missing link found”, The New York Times newspaper claimed back in 1912. This hoax lasted for 40 years and was pushed in school manuals as a “FACT”, yet this fraud helped destroy a lot of beliefs and turn many Christians away from God.
Peking Man was in the text books for years as evidence for evolution. All “evidence” disappeared during World War 2, but it only resumes to a bunch of smashed monkey skulls found in some cave in Peking, China along with a bunch of human tools. So they claimed that the monkeys were learning to make tools and practiced on their own heads. In some cultures, particularly in Asia, they like to eat raw monkey brain. They consider it a delicacy… They also found 10 human remains in the same cave. Peking man was nothing more than just another evolutionist fraud which vanished on purpose. It was nothing more than just a cave where ancient Asian people went to eat monkey brains.
Cro-Magnon Man was perfectly normal in every respect so why did they even call him a missing link? You put a suit and tie on him and nobody would look twice at him.
Homo Erectus which used to be called Java Man. Evolutionists claim its 500.000 years old. It was found by a Dutch anatomist who believed in evolution and had gone to look for missing links in Indonesia. He had hired a bunch of convicts to find him some bones. He has no idea where they came from. These convicts brought him back bones. Dubois took an ape’s skull cap, 3 human teeth, thigh bone found a year later, 15 meters away from a human and informed the world he had found the “missing link”. He hid the fact that he had also found 2 normal human skulls in the same area. His deceit was revealed 30 years later.
Neanderthal Man is still considered a true “missing link” despite being proven years ago that it’s just an old man with arthritis. The first one was found in Neander Vally, Germany. Ironically Neander Vally was named after a man, Joachim Neander who wrote “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation.” The skeleton of this man was bent over and they called it a “Neanderthal”. It was quite obviously a human with its back curved, but since apes are 4-legged, they wanted to use this as evolution “proof”, claiming that its back was curved because he was slowly getting up, despite knowing all along that his back was bent because of arthritis. Around 300 Neanderthal skeletons have been found, perfectly normal, like us, their brain is 13% bigger than ours on average, with normal heights just like modern people, yet they say it’s a missing link. Before the flood, people lived 900 years on average, after the flood, people’s life spans dropped to 400, 200, 100 and today to 70-80 on average. Facial bones never stop growing. The bones of your eyebrow ridge grow all your life, you don’t notice it until you get to be 70-90 years old, but they start to stick out. A person that would get to live 200-300 years would have big eyebrow ridges and the back of the head would elongate because of the muscles always pulling your head back. So the Neanderthals are nothing more than just perfectly normal humans who lived for 200-300 years old. They are not missing links.
Australopithecus Africanus (Lucy) is the most recent and trendy fabrication. However, in 1973 South African geologist announced that the skull was found in was no more than a 3/4 million years old. This means the Taung skull could not be a missing link between apes and humans but just an extinct ape. The ape is about 90cm-1meter tall and the skull’s bones were so crushed that no one could tell anything about how it could look, aside from speculation and imagination of course. They claim that the knee joint proves that Lucy walked up right, yet actually that knee joint was found 2.5 kilometers away from Lucy, 60 meters deeper into the strata. Right! It probably flew by itself there and then again what chances were there for this geologist to actually find it? Now if we use common sense and a little bit of doubt, the next question is, how come Lucy “walked up right” yet the Neanderthal which is a far more “evolved”, walked bent, like an ape? The next logical question is why hasn’t anyone else found a second Lucy as of yet? Because it’s a fraud! A fabrication! Just like all the other pathetic “discoveries”.
Fossil evidence of human evolutionary history is fragmentary and open to various interpretations. Fossil evidence of chimpanzee evolution is absent altogether.
The St. Louis Zoo has Lucy on display with human feet and hands. No feet or hand bones were found. The purpose of the display is not for education but for indoctrination in evolution theory.
Neanderthals are the only “missing link” where archeologists found multiple specimens of, indicating that they are not a hoax and that they lived for real. All the other missing links are just hoaxes until they unearth at least 10 full specimens of each kind, and not just some tooth or any other random bone.
Creation Attacked By Evolutionists, It’s Time To Strike Back
In the 1950’s Thomas E. Lee of the National Museum of Canada found advanced stone tools in glacial deposits at Sheguiandah, on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron. The deposits were 65.000-125.000 years old. The director of the Museum was fired for refusing to fire the discoverer. Tons of artifacts disappeared into storage bins at the National Museum of Canada. The discovery had to be hidden. “It would have forced the rewriting of almost every book in the business.”
If you discover something that goes against the evolution religion, you’re fired, in today’s “modern” world. That’s not science! That just clearly shows the religious nature of the evolution theory.
W. H. Holmes of the Smithsonian Institution, one of the most vocal critics of the California finds wrote: “Perhaps if Professor Whitney had fully appreciated the story of human evolution as it is understood today, he would have hesitated to announce the conclusions, notwithstanding the imposing array of testimony with which he was confronted.” What he basically said, was that if this professor knew how important the evolution theory is, he wouldn’t have told anybody what he found. The Smithsonian Institution is responsible for hiding all sorts of things that go against the evolution theory.
One of the most important scientists of our times, nanoscientist James Tour of Rice University said: “Only a rookie who knows nothing about science would say science takes away from faith. If you really study science, it will bring you closer to God.”
Now all of these discoveries have been dismissed by ignorant evolutionists without even having a look at them. A good example could be the event where “NOVA was there to film Dr. Carl Baugh’ dig of dinosaur and human footprints. There was also an evolutionist there who had been arguing with Dr. Baugh the entire time. NOVA didn’t film much of the tracks or our dig but they did interview this evolutionist. He told them he had not seen anything there to disprove evolution. What he didn’t tell the camera was that he had refused to even turn around and look at the tracks we had been working on. He stood with his back to the dig and the tracks while making these statements. NOVA knew this man had not looked at the tracks but did not report that nor did they give Dr. Baugh equal air time to respond.” according to David Smith, associate pastor First Southern Baptist Church Cottonwood.
Imagine that! He just stood there with his back, refusing to even look, yet denying it, suborned like a mule.
Most of the times evolutionists seem to specifically target only Christians, trying to ridicule them, mock them, look down on them as if they were brainwashed morons, while at the same time respecting Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and just about any type of religion on this planet except for Christians, for fear of being labeled Islamophobics, anti-semites, racists, etc.
Maybe its time for Christians to coin such a powerful term that would shield them from all the anti-Christian hate in the world, or maybe its time for Christians to stand up and remind the atheists of the Crusades and the Inquisition, remind them who is in charge and slap their face, to stop them from mocking Christians ever again. It’s time they learn some respect.
Posted: 03 May 2015 01:52 PM PDT

Police used tear gas against protesters in Tel Aviv on Sunday after a rally against police brutality toward Ethiopian Jews turned violent, local media reported.
Thousands of people took to the streets of the Israeli city to protest alleged police discrimination after a video emerged earlier in the week showing policemen beating a black soldier of Ethiopian origin.
Police used stun grenades and tear gas against protesters who attempted to break into the city hall, according to Haaretz newspaper. Some demonstrators reportedly also threw rocks, bottles and planks at police officers.
Four demonstrators and 11 policemen sustained light injuries in the clashes, the newspaper reported. Two demonstrators were detained, one of whom has already been released.
The police reportedly decided not to deploy officers of Ethiopian origin to guard the protest, hoping for such officers to avoid facing a conflict of interests.
Speaking to Haaretz ahead of the Tel Aviv demonstration, one of its initiators, Inbal Bogale, said he did not wish to “do a Baltimore” in Israel.
On Thursday, another rally against police brutality toward Ethiopians turned violent in Jerusalem, prompting comparisons with recent events in the US city of Baltimore, which has seen violent clashes, as well as rioting and looting during anti-police demonstrations over the past week.
Israel’s Ethiopian community has long complained of discrimination, and the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has expressed concern over the situation.
Thousands of Ethiopian Jews relocated to Israel during two waves of immigration in 1984 and 1991, organized by the Israeli government.
Israeli police spray skunk chemical on Ethiopian Jews. They’ve done this to no other group of Jews.
There are currently more than 130,000 people of Ethiopian origin in Israel, most of whom were born in the country.
Posted: 03 May 2015 01:16 PM PDT

Infamous hammer and sickle flag flown at protest.
Alex Jones witnessed a protest march led by communists bearing the infamous hammer and sickle flag.
Dozens of people marched shouting angry slogans while oblivious to the dark meaning behind the standard.
They were blissfully unaware they were pawns in the globalists’ divisive scheme to hijack the anger against the police to further the establishment’s agenda.
Posted: 03 May 2015 12:27 PM PDT

A recent survey conducted by Harvard University showed that younger Americans do not trust the media.
The survey, Institute of Politics poll, was conducted among 3,000 young people aged between 18-29. Only 12 percent of them said they trust local media.
Eighty-eight percent of the polled said that they “sometimes” or “never” trust the media. Just 2 percent said they trusted the media to do the right thing “all of the time,” and 39 percent said “never.”
The poll has revealed a downward spiral as fewer younger American citizens read traditional media, such as newspaper and magazines.
Posted: 03 May 2015 06:32 AM PDT

US-led airstrikes have killed 52 Syrian civilians in one day, a monitoring group reports. There was fighting in the vicinity, but the strike allegedly failed to kill even a single Islamist fighter.
“Airstrikes by the coalition early on Friday on the village of Birmahle in Aleppo province killed 52 civilians,” the head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.
Seven of the victims were children. A further 13 were buried under the rubble, he added.
The scene was precipitated by clashes between Kurdish militiamen and Syrian rebels on the one hand and the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists on the other, about a mile away.
“But Birmahle is only civilians, with no [ISIS] positions and no clashes,” Abdel Rahman continued, although raids were carried out on a nearby town, where seven militants were killed.
US-led airstrikes have been pummeling rebel positions since September. They are designed to support Kurdish units in Syria and Iraq, who have proved effective at fighting and stalling jihadists, as in the embattled Syrian-Turkish border town of Kobani in January.
Friday marked a major escalation in Syrian civilian deaths caused by the airstrike campaign. Since September, the coalition flyovers have resulted in 66 civilian deaths. Friday added another 52.
Syrian President Bashar Assad repeatedly pointed out that the bombardments are an illegal intervention unauthorized by a UN Security Council resolution, and so violate the sovereignty of Syria. The Syrian president told Russian media in late March that the West does not have a political solution to the crisis in Syria, and said it is only interested in destroying his government and “turning us into puppets.”
Posted: 02 May 2015 03:54 PM PDT

The Russian and Chinese Navies are to hold a joint exercise in the Mediterranean Sea in mid-May, a first in that part of the world. A total of nine warships from the two countries are to participate, Beijing said.
“The aim is to deepen both countries’ friendly and practical cooperation, and increase our navies’ ability to jointly deal with maritime security threats,” Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng said on Thursday in a monthly news briefing.
“What needs saying is that these exercises are not aimed at any third party and have nothing to do with the regional situation,” he added, saying that the Chinese Navy would contribute its warships currently on an anti-piracy mission in the Gulf of Aden.
Russia and China have previously held joint naval exercises in the Pacific in waters they both have direct access to. The Mediterranean Sea Cooperation-2015 drill would focus on navigation safety, at-sea replenishment, escort missions and live fire exercises, Geng said.
Moscow and Beijing are intensifying defense cooperation as both countries oppose US criticism of its military policies. China is being accused of aggressive deployments in the South China Sea, where it is contesting territories with several regional nations. The PLA’s Navy and Air Force have been increasingly at odds with Japan and South Korea, key American allies.
Russia has been subjected to economic sanctions over its position in Ukraine which, according to Washington, is threatening its NATO allies in Eastern Europe.