Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday 8 May 2015

Today’s “Must Read” Stories
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Our Obsession with the Royals Goes Way Back

by Susan Doran
A biographer of Elizabeth I explains what the queen went through.

Then Verne Gagne Moved!

by Jim Loewen
The story of the fake wrestler who started out as a real one -- and the lesson historians should draw from this.

The Great Deal David Petraeus Got Shows a Double Standard at Work

by Murray Polner
It's another example of how our pretense of equal justice for all is simply untrue.
Video of the Week

How 4/20 Became 4/20

by A.J. McCarthy and Rachel Stewart
Probably not the way you heard.
Roundup Top 10
HNN Tip: You can read more about topics in which you’re interested by clicking on the tags featured directly underneath the title of any article you click on. 

The dreams deferred by Baltimore’s mortgage crises set the stage for unrest

by Martha S. Jones
Baltimore residents have learned how dreams can be brutally deferred.

Open Letter to Anthony Kennedy

by Marc Stein
The Supreme Court should consider these questions before deciding the gay marriage cases.

Turning Presidents Into Pharaohs

by Benjamin Hufbauer
For many, presidential libraries are just a fact of American political life, but what are their deeper meanings?

Israel needs to acknowledge the reasons for the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe

by Alon Ben-Meir
"Israel must not conveniently dismiss anti-Semitism simply as an incurable disease when in reality it is practicing “anti-Semitism” against a large segment of its own population."

Leave Jackson on one side of the $20 bill and put his nemesis, Cherokee leader John Ross, on the other

by Steve Inskeep
And that’s just the start. Let’s put Frederick Douglass on the other side of the Lincoln $5 bill.

Je Suis Pamela Geller

by Jonathan Zimmerman
She’s an appalling bigot, but we need to defend her anyway.

Why the CVS Burned

by Louis Hyman
The rioting in Baltimore wasn’t hooliganism. It was a protest against the depredations of the ghetto economy.

The War of Northern Aggression

by James Oakes
A leading Civil War historian challenges the new orthodoxy about how slavery ended in America.

What Was on the Minds of the Big Three at Potsdam?

by Michael S. Neiberg
It wasn't the looming Cold War. It was the way World War I had ended. Call that the power of analogies from history.

Bernie Sanders's Presidential Bid Represents a Long Tradition of American Socialism

by Peter Dreier
Long deployed by the right as an epithet, this form of left-wing populism is as American as apple pie.

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How badly did ISIS damage Nimrud in Iraq? This bad.

These images show the extent of the damage.

What Americans Don’t Want to See in a President

Top of the list: “No previous elected experience."

Revealed: How the gruesome Operation Condor kidnapped and tortured and killed people

Operation Condor was an infamous secret alliance between South American dictatorships in the 1970s.

Returning the Spoils of World War II, Taken by Americans

Paintings that an American G.I. won in a poker game are among the treasures plundered during World War II that are returning to Germany.

Nazi-confiscated painting returned to heir of Jewish art historian

After the Germans occupied Paris, the Nazis raided August Liebmann Mayer's home there and took his art collection before deporting him to Auschwitz.

Bobby Jindal book on lessons of history coming in October

In the book, Jindal reviews events ranging from the Louisiana Purchase to the Cold War and offers lessons for the present, which he considers "a critical moment" for the country.

Same-Sex Marriage in History

What the Supreme Court Missed

How Spanish Nazi victim Enric Marco was exposed as impostor

Enric Marco was exposed shortly before he was due to share a platform at the camp with then Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

Fire, Football and the Story of a Renowned Photograph

The strange-but-true story behind Robert Van Fleet’s famous 1965 photograph from a football game between bitter high school rivals in Massachusetts.

Proposed law would be first in nation to ban ‘Redskins’ school mascot

California, home to the largest number of American Indians in the country, is for the third time considering legislation that would end the use of “Redskins” as a school team name or mascot.