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Why You Should Eat Raw Hemp Seeds Every Day PLUS 30 Recipes to Help You Do It!
Raw hemp seeds are one of the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet. However, one of the many struggles with eating healthy foods like hemp seeds is that they can be challenging to integrate into our diets, especially when we are new to using them. Smoothies and switching to hemp milk and hemp oils are great options, but what about actually creating meals with raw hemp seeds? These amazing raw, vegan, gluten-free hemp seed recipes cover a wide variety, from breakfast, soups, healthy snacks, condiments entrees, and desserts.
Enjoy! By Guest Writer Dr. Kelly Neff
Even Positive People Have Negative Thoughts
We are all one thought away from happiness, but most of us don't realise it. The subconscious is in charge for a least 90% of the day. It’s a primitive and defensive part of the brain. I think this is why we often focus on those things that aren’t right in our life instead of those that are. How can you tell the difference between a thought that you should pay attention to and one that’s trying to lead you astray?
9 Ways to Balance Your Hormones Naturally
A high-stress lifestyle coupled with improper eating habits can wreak havoc on a woman’s delicate hormonal balance. Even healthy women who follow a good diet may find glitches in their hormones. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance may include weight gain, altered sex drive, allergies, uterine fibroids, urinary tract infections, changes in the skin, fatigue, PMS, anxiety, water retention, hair loss, facial hair growth and even depression. By keeping hormones in balance, women can find it easier to maintain a healthy weight, keep a regular menstrual cycle, as well as exude optimal energy levels.
Weather Modification Causing Global Climate Chaos and Environmental Catastrophe
More studies are surfacing each day which confirm the rapidly changing state of Earth’s life support systems and climate. Humanity has decimated the planet in countless ways and the repercussions are becoming catastrophic. Though there are many parts to this unfolding story, the largest piece of the puzzle by far still goes completely unacknowledged by most of the scientific community: stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. Sound like a conspiracy theory? All available data points to the conclusion that geoengineering greatly effects wind patterns and diminishes precipitation overall causing droughts of unprecedented scope and scale.
The promise of garden-fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, and carrots is what initially draws many new gardeners in… but what keeps so many involved is the intrinsically rewarding feeling of growing your own food. Keeping a garden can improve your health by providing you with fresher, uncontaminated food, and cutting your grocery bill in the process. National Gardening Association estimates that while the average U.S. family spends $70 per year to plant a vegetable garden, they grow about $600 worth of produce – that’s a $530 return on your investment. Here are 11 vegetables anyone can grow at home, either in your backyard or in containers on your patio, balcony, or rooftop.
Spiritual Honesty: Why Good Thinking and Bad Feelings Matter
We can only heal to the degree that we are honest, for what goes unnoticed, especially inside us, will remain largely unchanged. Our spirituality is no exception. Spiritual honesty in turn relies on intellectual and emotional honesty. So, to learn about spirituality, to become spiritual, you have to give up all you think is spiritual. This way, we develop a spirituality that begins and ends in our bodies and in the world, one replete with awe, wonder, magic, and feel-good love in addition to the difficult states of appropriate anger, grief, remorse, and fear.
Relationships – The Four Golden Threads
In order for an intimate relationship to be healthy and sustainable, The Four Golden Threads — Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual — need to be active and connected between two people. When entering into an intimate relationship, many people don’t pause long enough to make sure that all of these threads are lit up and in alignment with their partner. This simple misstep can lead to short-term pain or long-term misery, especially when two mismatched partners get married and have children together. Ultimately, what’s missing in the beginning will be the thing that derails the relationship in the end.
By Guest Writer Victoria Fann
Hyperdimensional Manipulation and Anchoring a Higher Frequency
Various ancient esoteric teachings talk about a hyperdimensional 'matrix' control system, each in their own way, that has influenced and controlled humanity for millennia. Indeed, there is more to our reality than our five senses can perceive. We are not God’s ultimate creation, nor are we at the peak on the evolutionary ladder. Our reality is embedded in a complex system of unseen worlds and controlled by denizens of a higher reality. The forces at work are not all good, and we’re not on top of the "food" chain.
Recipe: Blueberry & Lemon Fudge with Creamed Coconut (4 Ingredients)
Blueberries and lemon are a match made in heaven. They dance and twirl on the taste buds creating an exquisite medley of flavours. In this recipe, I’ve added them to one of my all time trusted and favourite ingredients: ‘creamed coconut’, to create a decadent, soft fudge. It’s very rich, yet you needn’t feel guilty, because all of the ingredients are good for you. It’s easy to feel satiated with only one or two small squares too. They make an excellent treat or gift, and with only 4 ingredients, are quick and simple to make recipe.
How to Make Kombucha
I am a huge fan of Kombucha. A natural healthy fermented beverage full of amazing amino acids, probiotics and essential minerals, it has been brewed and enjoyed for over 2000 years all over the world, from Russia to China and early Europe. I have been brewing Kombucha at my own home for many years now. During it's brewing, it naturally carbonates and creates a refreshing fizzy drink. I attribute drinking this fermented tea on a daily basis to many health benefits I have experienced. And it's easy to make it at home!
Happy Armpits: Make Your Own Coconut-Oil Deodorant (Recipe Included!)
I’ve always been picky about deodorants. Not because they didn’t do their “job”, but there was always something I wasn’t too happy with. Scent, consistency, drying factor… then I read the ingredients printed on the packaging. Aluminium jumped right at me. Let me just explain what this most abundant metal in Earth’s crust does, how it ended up on our armpits, and how you can ditch commercial deodorants for good.
Four Unusual Superfood Smoothies That Can Change Your Life for the Better
Smoothies have been in fashion for quite some time now as a quick, nutrient dense and health-inspiring way to keep the body humming and happy. Whether taming inflammation, guarding against cancer or boosting energy, the following four examples can breathe new life into your daily smoothie habit.
Nurse Reveals the Top Five Regrets People Make on their Deathbed
For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last weeks of their lives. People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the five most common.