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How could one judge-- one single person decide on the privacy of all Americans? But it looks like that's what this woman did. FISA Judge Who Approved Massive NSA Spying Identified?
And it gets worse. The Chief justice of the supreme court appoints the presiding judge of the FIS Court. Chief Justice Roberts appointed a troglodyte who has a history of forcing reporters to reveal sources-- ie, an asshole who has no respect for even the most sacrosanct aspects of privacy-- Reggie B. Walton.
If any of these issues come to the Supreme Court, we know where Roberts will go.
We're starting a new month. Think about it. The Washington Post and the Huffingtonpost and others reported on this FISA court judge's displeasure with how she is being characterized. They missed the bigger story that she single-handedly gave away the privacy of all Americans. Opednews got the story right. Share it with your friends and support Opednews.
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Mairead Corrigan-Maguire says Bradley Manning should win the Nobel Peace Prize
It would be a lot more appropriate than the one given to Barack Obama. What a travesty!
rob kall
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The Judge who, all alone, decided that it was okay for the NSA and whoever else had access, to spy on ALL Americans.
Around the world, Manning is hailed as a peacemaker and a hero. His nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize is a reflection of this. Yet at his home in America, Manning stands trial for charges of espionage and "aiding the enemy." The United States, the most militarized country on earth, should stand for something better than war. Its government must be open to "debates, discussions and reforms" concerning its foreign policy.
It seems that Ed Snowden has guaranteed that he will not be silenced - or, rather, that the information he gathered on the NSA's (constitutionally-
By Danny Schechter
Media Waits for Mandela To Die: Are They "Vultures?" A Media Army Has Staked out a hospital in South Africa, waiting for Nelson Mandela to die. His family compares them to vultures. News Dissector Danny Schechter comments.
Life behind bars in Union County jail and some other American penal institutions revolves around an improvised system of cell-to-cell communication through the plumbing. Known as the "bowl phone," it crudely replicates the speaking tubes in ships that sailors once shouted through.
Nineteen firefighters are dead in the biggest firefighter casualty in Arizona's history.
I have become the anti-food food writer. It's a specialized niche; I am the only member. Yes, it has all been extraordinarily unorthodox, but that's of a piece with the arc of my writing career. If you enjoy irony,this one has been the laugh that keeps on going.Recently, I was invited to be a keynote speaker at a food symposium called MAD 2013, the others are all celebrated chefs and industry professionals. It's astonishing.
The European Union has demanded that the United States explain a report in a German magazine that Washington is spying on the group, using strong language to confront its closest trading partner over its alleged surveillance activities. The U.S. government said it would respond through diplomatic channels.
No one should be surprised that Edward Jay Epstein, one of the original JFK conspiracy theorists is back with an oped at the right-wing Wall Street Journal editorial page insinuating that Glenn Greenwald might be behind Edward Snowden's career move to Booz, Allen, for the purpose of getting those NSA docs and his big scoop.
I left Egypt in late May, less than 48 hours ahead of a Cairo Court arrest warrant for foreigners "promoting democracy." A month later, June 30 could end up having been the watershed moment for the new Egypt. Across the political spectrum, there seems to be little or no sense of a broader positive vision for the country, to say nothing of the will needed to make such a vision real. Yet, despite the violence, there is hope
The other side of the story on Ahmadinejad
Obamacare, for all its weaknesses, is a whole lot better than nothing. Yet nothing is what McConnell offers as an alternative. McConnell faults Obama for his lack of bipartisanship in "unilaterally forcing" the ACA through Congress, as if the law were a purely Democratic idea. Yet it is essentially the same as the Massachusetts Health Care Insurance Reform law (aka Romneycare) signed by Republican Gov. Mitt Romney in 2006.
Despite filing an application for discharge as a conscientious objector, Fort Hood authorities intend to deploy a 22 year old soldier to Afghanistan. An international campaign has been launched to seek to stop this dangerous action.
By Ezili Danto
US occupiers stealthily privatizing Haiti water: HLLN on Haiti cholera case against the occupiers ![]()
The US overthrew Haiti's gov. in 2004 & Washington proclaimed the invasion a "humanitarian" enterprise. This,to cover up that Haiti's earth and waters are filled with gold and oil. The U.S.-controlled World Bank has volunteered to help rewrite the Haitian constitution to allow easier access for foreign extraction corporations.UN poisoned Haiti water now theirs stealthily privatizing it. Haitians must look out for themselves.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on Sunday defended National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden and said the U.S. decision to cancel his passport and force his extradition was a "disgrace." Assange said that by canceling Snowden's passport, the U.S. had left him "marooned in Russia."
Researchers have discovered for the first time that temperature determines where key soil microbes can thrive -- microbes that are critical to forming topsoil crusts in arid lands. And of concern, the scientists predict that in as little as 50 years, global warming may push some of these microbes out of their present stronghold with unknown consequences to soil fertility and erosion.
This is the first post in the series "Why Everything You Know about Your 'Self' Is Wrong." The series explores how our understanding of selfhood affects our sense of individuality, our interpersonal relationships, and our politics.
"Did the FBI ignore, or even abet, a plot to assassinate Occupy Houston leaders?" asks investigative reporter Dave Lindorff at WhoWhatWhy. "What did the Feds know? Whom did they warn? And what did the Houston Police know?"
By Michael Bazemore Jr.
The Unraveling American Orthodoxy This article begins an exploration of how an "American orthodoxy," built on the expansion of the promise inherent in the founding documents, has been unraveling since the end of the Cold War. This unraveling has picked up steam with efforts at the state level, especially to restrict abortion access and voting rights. The recent DOMA and Prop 8 decisions, which may seem to run counter to this narrative, actually confirm it.
Our local media has been dropping broad, confusing hints about something big, something imminent, coming to the greater Bay Area.
A fast-moving wildfire killed 19 firefighters Sunday afternoon after the blaze raced through an Arizona community. Forestry spokesman Art Morrison said the firefighters were caught by the fire near the central Arizona town of Yarnell about 85 miles northwest of Phoenix. He said the firefighters were forced to deploy their fire shelters, tent-like structures meant to shield firefighters from flames and heat. Breaking News
Republicans are moving into outright sabotaging things that government does for people, like the new health-care plan, with election plans to campaign on the failure of government to do things for people. Public knowledge and understanding is to Republicans like garlic is to vampires. Increased public knowledge and understanding get in the way of their agenda.
Republicans and Democrats can't agree on anything -- and they like it that way. But now they agree that Edward Snowden's a traitor? Something's fishy.
So you think your money is safe? Let's examine why that assumption could cost you all or part of your savings. The MF Global losses, the Cyprus confiscations, the Sentinel case, the FDIC/BOE Joint Paper, the plans in the European Union, Canada, New Zealand, and Spain to raid private accounts, and finally the information in this article should be raising all sorts of red flags.
Qatar is using a shadowy arms network to move shoulder-fired missiles to Syria, ignoring American warnings that they could fall into terrorist hands. The missiles, American officials warned, could one day be used by terrorist groups, some of them affiliated with Al Qaeda, to shoot down civilian aircraft.
Four members of the United States Supreme Court have shown again in the court's decisions of recent days that they represent the very worst of America when it comes to race or gender, just as they have shucked the constitution in support of money and partisanship in the democratic process.
By Eric Nelson
Iron County Residents Urged to Protect Themselves from Possible GTAC Mining Abuses by Former Wisconsin DNR Head ![]()
George Meyer, a former Wisconsin secretary of the DNR, recently spoke to Iron County citizens on effective metallic mining zoning. He urged local residents to make sure they protect themselves with appropriate mining ordinances from potential mining abuses and accidents. Gogebic Taconite (GTAC), owned by Florida based Cline Group, has proposed to create one of the world's largest open-pit iron ore mines in Northern Wisconsin.
By Dave Lindorff
Biden/Obama full-court press on Snowden is a bad joke: The Real Traitors to America are in Washington and New York ![]()
The US is going after the wrong guy in Snowden -- the real traitors to America are here at home living high. Meanwhile, the US is harboring convicted Ecuadoran criminals, says TCBH! journalist Dave Lindorff
By earl ofari hutchinson
America's Shameful Treatment of Mandela Still Lingers During his trip to South Africa, President Obama graciously and reverentially praised Nelson Mandela as a leader who inspired people around the world and that included himself. This was more than just praise for one of the planet's most respected leaders, the man Obama called by his traditional tribal (and affectionate) name Madiba. ![]()
Citing my alarming experience of circulating a petition defending Ed Snowden's right to political asylum on supposedly "progressive" Facebook pages, I point out precisely how close Obama's government is to the monarchical tyranny OPPOSED by our Founders. Or, based on its more modern tools of tyranny, to fascism. And I above all point out the sheer scariness of Obama's turning Democrat "progressives" to model fascist citizens.
Journey, had traveled the roads
Journey begun Had traveled the roads, And hills, Nights and Morning Freedom Emotional and Sentimental, ![]()
Is life too easy for the unemployed? You may not think so, and I certainly don't think so. But that, remarkably, is what many and perhaps most Republicans believe. And they're acting on that belief: there's a nationwide movement under way to punish the unemployed, based on the proposition that we can cure unemployment by making the jobless even more miserable.
Newly published top-secret documents detail how NSA interfaces with tech giants such as Google, Apple and Microsoft. One of the areas of greatest concern surrounding Prism and other NSA data-mining programs has been that although they set their sights on foreign terror suspects, their digital net can catch thousands of unsuspecting Americans on US soil. The slides do not reveal how many US citizens have had their communications gathered "incidentally" in this way.
American senators have warned the Kremlin about repercussions of refusing to send back National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden to the United States, calling it "a direct slap in the face to America." Republican Senator John McCain said on Sunday that Washington should "deal realistically, not a return of the Cold War, but realistically with [Russian President] Vladimir Putin." Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer said, "They should pay a price, either diplomatic, economic, geopolitical, for doing what they did. They're always putting their finger in our eye."