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Share this action alert on your Facebook page or your Twitter account! The Murder of Tomas Garcia by the Honduran Military ![]() Take action: Call for an end to US military aid to Honduras -- especially that no US aid go to the military unit that killed Tomas -- and on the Honduran authorities to respect the rights of the Indigenous Lenca people of Rio Blanco. ![]() The murder of Tomas Garcia by the Honduran armed forces is only the latest escalation in a systemic campaign of repression against the Rio Blanco Indigenous Lenca people to try to force them into accepting a hydroelectric dam being illegally constructed in their territory. Since April 1, the communities in the area, organized in the Indigenous Lenca organization COPINH, have been blocking the access road to the dam site. The access road, like the dam, is in their ancestral territory, surrounded by their fields of corn, beans, bananas, yucca, and lush forests that they have carefully stewarded for hundreds of years. From the start, personnel of the companies building the dam threatened COPINH leaders. Community members, including children, received death threats from employees of the company and armed men appeared at the site of the roadblock and lurked around in the dark of night. Read more about the Rio Blanco community's struggle here. ![]() Despite a long list of human rights abuses by the Honduran military, the US continues sending millions and millions in military aid in Honduras. Some of this aid probably found its way to the unit that used one of its M-16s to murder Tomas and terrorize the Lenca people for standing up for their rights. It is no accident that the military enforces the turning over of Honduras’ natural resources to corporations; this is part of the extreme neoliberal agenda. US aid includes training, whether at the School of the Americas or by the US military on Honduran soil. SOA graduate Milton Amaya, Commander of the First Battalion of Engineers, seems to have learned well the lesson of using military might to protect corporate interests. Second Lt. Gonzalez, who was in charge of the soldiers stationed in Rio Blanco when Tomas was murdered, reported he was trained in Special Operations by US military instructors. After Tomas' death, SOA graduate General Rene Osorio Canales, the Commander of the Honduran Armed Forces, publicly justified the military’s murder of Tomas Garcia. Despite the military's murder of Tomas and their brazen justification of it, US aid continues to flow. Click here to send an e-mail to US officials urging them to end all US aid to the Honduran military and especially ensure no aid goes to the First Battalion of Engineers, which continues to operate in Rio Blanco. Click here to view a photo essay about Tomas Garcia and the Lenca people's struggle in Rio Blanco Read the full article about Tomas Garcia and the struggle for Rio Blanco November 22-24, 2013 at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia Mobilize your community for the November Vigil Year after year, Honduras continues sending more and more soldiers to be trained at the School of the Americas (SOA/ WHINSEC) in Fort Benning, Georgia. ![]() If you would like to invite SOA Watch Honduras activante Brigitte Gynther to visit and to speak to your community in the lead up to the November Vigil, please contact her atbrigitte@soaw.org! |