Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be
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With all the noise about Hillary's
polling, I did some research on previous winning candidates three years
out from the election. Here's the article I put together on Elizabeth
I head to Washington DC today, looking forward, tomorrow, to getting together with a lot of american heroes-- whistleblowers.
Have a great one, and please think about supporting Opednews today.
rob kall
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transcript of my one hour interview with Clive Boddy, author of the
book, Corporate Psychopaths. We talk about sociopaths, psychopaths,
bullies, etc, and the massive costs and damages they inflict upon
West, on Democracy Now! Monday, went right after Obama's statement
about Trayvon Martin. Immediately Dr. West caught all kinds of
criticism, for criticizing the President -- a situation I personally
identify with. I heartily support and agree with Dr. West's comments. I
would like to hear what you think.
By Rob Kall
Warren Rank in 2016 Presidential Primary Polling Better than Obama's, Kerry's Three Years Out ![]()
Warren is doing better in the 2016 presidential primary polls than John
Kerry was doing three years out, and Obama wasn't even on the radar
three years out. Hillary's early lead means next to nothing at this
stage of the game.
Republicans and Democrats voted together to limit military options in
Syria and a bipartisan resistance to NSA cyber spying nearly succeeded
in limiting that program. This is an unlikely but useful bipartisan
over six months, Gary and I had not been allowed to see or speak with
each other; Gary had been allowed no contact with human beings at all,
other than some of his fellow prisoners. Despite his serious medical
conditions and in violation of federal law, Gary has not been seen by a
doctor, dentist, or psychologist, nor has he been provided with basic
human necessities, including a haircut, for over six months.
Vargas, if proven to be the gunman, is the third shooter in eight months to use fire as part of his lethal rampage
By Max Blumenthal
Shocking "Extermination" Fantasies By the People Running America's Empire on Full Display at Aspen Summit ![]()
parade of American securitocrats from administrations both past and
present appeared on stage to defend endless global warfare and total
information awareness while uniting in a single voice of condemnation
against a single whistleblower bunkered inside the waiting room of
Moscow International Airport: Edward Snowden.
By Marcy Wheeler
Candidate Obama's Tribute to "Courage and Patriotism" of Whistleblowers Disappears 2 Days after First Snowden Revelation ![]()
Obama Administration has removed access to his 2008 campaign promises
from the White House website. It suggests one of the promises Obama may
want to hide has to do with his support for whistleblowers.
we had situation where a Private First Class was allowed to access
sensitive information that showed beyond a reasonable doubt that the
American military was committing atrocities and crimes that were against
not only his moral code, but were against military law and the Geneva
By Michael McCray
CBC Chair Marcia Fudge, Senators Ron Wyden, Rand Paul and OpEdNews / Rob Kall honored with the Pillar Human Rights Award ![]()
Marcia Fudge, Senators Ronald Wyden and Rand Paul to be honored with
the prestigious Pillar Human Rights Award at the Whistleblower Summit
for Civil & Human Rights. Rob Kall, OpEd News (New Media) and
Ambrose Lane (Journalist) Host on WPFW will also be honored. The Pillar
is awarded to notable civil and human rights champions; previous
recipients include Senators Daniel Akaka, Charles Grass and Claire
Mysterious NASA video of Saturn reveals impossible hexagon-shaped cloud pattern larger than planet Earth
description of the 18.6 year land cycle and how it relates to the
current stock market, and whether history will win over modern
the thick of his historic visit to Brazil this week, Pope Francis urged
young Catholics to make a "mess" in their dioceses and break out of
their spiritual cages. "I want to see the church get closer to the
people," he told them. "I want to get rid of clericalism, the mundane,
this closing ourselves off within ourselves, in our parishes, schools or
structures, because these need to get out." His final message: "Don't
forget: make trouble."
noble words of Emma Lazarus, inscribed on a plaque in the pedestal of
our iconic Statue of Liberty, have been turned inside out and made a
mockery by the Empire that has replaced the hoped-for Republic and
By Ali Hangan
The Doctrine of Common Core: Raising public education standards do little in our modern economy ![]()
Core seeks to raise education standards for public schools. Mr. Hangan
contends that raising standards in public schools is ineffective policy
in light of changes taking place in our modern economy
at University of Texas Dallas have made artificial muscles capable of
supporting 100,000 times their own weight and generate 85 times more
its character and effects, the sexual act of fellatio reflects a broad
range of human, psychological, cultural, and spiritual maladies in
tend to think of love as an emotion, which of course it is, but it is
also a choice. It is a choice we can make in regard to not only a
romantic partner but also a friend, a stranger, and even someone we
regard as an enemy. Unlike emotional love, this kind of love is not
fleeting. soft or irrational. Rather, it is an orientation toward
justice and healing.
has blocked the European Union from aiding tens of thousands of
Palestinians in the West Bank, in retaliation for an EU ban on financial
assistance to Israeli organizations in the occupied territories. The EU
imposed its restrictions last week, citing its frustration over the
continued expansion of Jewish settlements in territory captured by
Israeli forces in the 1967 Middle East War. The new guidelines render
Israeli entities operating there ineligible for EU grants, prizes or
loans, beginning next year.
President is very forgiving of Summers' flaws, which include his
apparently shocking attitudes toward women, his spectacular failure to
foresee the financial crisis, his pivotal role in deregulation, the many
millions he's made from the same Wall Street bankers he'd have to
regulate, and his long record as a bully to subordinates, peers, and
the Obama administration's victory in defeating the attempt by the
House to hold accountable a rouge and fascist NSA for anti-American and
anti-Constitutional spying he has once again proved that he is little
more than a lackey to the real power structure in this country. Not only
is Obama setting into stone the Bush-Cheney high crimes but he has now
become their willing accomplice.
no time since the Obama administration launched its war on national
security journalism and its sources has the critical role of leaks and
journalism been clearer. Without Edward Snowden's whistleblowing and
Glenn Greenwald's reporting, NSA surveillance would still have been in
the dark, protected by secrecy and bolstered by the "least untruthful"
lies James Clapper delivered to Senator Ron Wyden.
Obama said the proposed Keystone XL oil sands pipeline would not be a
major job-creator and could increase gasoline prices, but added that the
White House decision will rest on climate change. Republicans have said
that this would be a big jobs generator.
Why Did 83 Democrats Vote to Continue NSA Surveillance?
This time, we can't blame the Republicans. On Wednesday, a bipartisan group of legislators in the House came extraordinarily close to passing an amend...
By Rafe Pilgrim
A Veteran Confesses Although many yet blindly deny the past dozen years of treachery, many others now see it more clearly, but there has been no effort of sufficient magnitude -- including mine -- to take a credible stand against it.
wing ideologue and reactionary gun enthusiast / militia supporter Mark
Kessler posts inflammatory and arguably threatening material on a fairly
regular basis. He also suffers from cognitive dissonance.
is just a face. It has no skull structure, no bones, and no body to
give it context because it was peeled from her skull by a Ukrainian
pilot working for the Congolese Army. Afraid to be hit by enemy fire, he
was flying too high to identify military targets.
absolutely impossible to understand what's happening to Bo without
following his complex family interactions with current Chinese President
Xi Jinping, former president Hu Jintao and former premier Wen Jiabao.
The specter of Bo will not go away. He did turn Chinese politics upside
down, while revealing a lot about its extremely shady practices.
are willing to shut down the government unless their demands are met.
They are about sabotaging the program and sabotaging all of government
to make that happen. Remember they were willing to destroy the world's
economy unless their demands were met. Remember that they have actually
shut down government to get what they want. This is who they are now.
idea that a US Attorney General would have to write a Russian Justice
Minister promising not to torture an American extradited to the US is
simply appalling, says TCBH! journalist Dave Lindorff
analyst Ziad Al-Sayegh recently wrote that "after the failure of the
internationalisation of the talks [through the Quartet], we are now
going through a regionalisation of the talks [through the Arab League]."
the second largest school system in America infested with white chalk
criminals and EducRAT$? A look at the rhetoric and and antics of
officials in charge at LAUSD
AFP Photo / Don Emmert 'The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has
issued certificates for two types of unmanned aircraft for civilian
use. The move is expected to lead to the first approved commercial drone
operation later this summer. The two unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)
are the Scan Eagle X200 and Aero Vironment's PUMA. They both measure
around 4 - feet long, weighing less than 55 pounds, and have a wing
span of ten and nine feet respectively...Both the Scan Eagle and the
PUMA received "restricted category type certificates"which permit aerial
surveillance. Prior to the FAA's decision, the only way the private
sector could operate UAS in US airspace was by obtaining an experimental
airworthiness certificate which specifically restricts commercial
Reuters / Mike Stone 'The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
has become the latest federal government agency to push for greater
access to private email data. An agency proposal next week is expected
to request warrantless powers. Financial regulators with the SEC are now
set to propose legislation that will grant the agency access to
electronic communications without the need for a warrant, according to a
report by The Daily Caller. The agency is the regulatory body which,
among other things, oversees stock and options exchanges. According to a
source familiar with an ongoing discussion between legislators and the
SEC, the new surveillance powers would come in the form of an amendment
to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA), granting
the agency an exception for civil warrants during civil investigations.'
of the many privileges enjoyed by rich white people in the United
States is the opportunity to indulge in the fantasy of a post-racial
society. People who deny the fundamental importance of race in this
country are either lying or idiots, or what I would categorize as lying
idiots." (From Louisville's Leo, John Yarmuth's old rag)
idea that the Attorney General of the United States of America would
send such a letter to the representative of a foreign government,
particularly Russia under the leadership of a former KGB official, was
so preposterous that I thought the first news report I read about
Attorney General Holder's letter concerning Edward Snowden was satire.
The joke, however, was on me."
key point is that policy makers are not showing signs of understanding
the seriousness of the situation and their policy outcomes. They neither
show signs of reversing course and solving the underlying structural
latest fight between Tea Party and establishment Republicans is a
familiar one: ObamaCare. Establishment Republicans worry the strategy
will repeat the Clinton-era government shutdown showdown, which hurt
Republicans in the 1996 elections. Tensions will reach a boiling point
after the August recess, when lawmakers start negotiations over how to
keep the government open. In the meantime, old-guard Republicans are
sending a clear message to conservatives: The shutdown isn't worth the
me say at the outset that this column only tangentially relates to
Trayvon Martin. So much has been written about his case that there's
little left to say. I only wish to use it as a coordinate on a political
curve to examine the effective conservative agenda currently underway
that indirectly paves the way for such tragedies."
Artificial Muscle Produces Electricity
Artificial Muscle - YouTube video showing another source of natural energy. |