Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday, 27 July 2013

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits        July 27, 2013
space-warSecret Space War VI: Dead Humans by the Millions, the Real Alien Agenda?
Is DHS, the New American Gestapo, now being morphed into the New American Cheka?
The media and political class are openly trying to rehabilitate this grotesque war criminal's image, while the population barely notices.Jim Fetzer
The United States Is Awash in Public Stupidity, and Critical Thought Is Under Assault
images-8Anthony Hall
TWA Flight 800 and 9/11
photo_1374606699247-1-HDKevin Barrett
Egypt's coup faction: Criminals, fascists, and parasites
an outcast of the islands2Kevin Barrett
Conrad's Islamic shadow
ScreenHunter_1971 Jul. 26 19.30Michael Shrimpton
Zimmerman and Nightingale
vt-top-1011Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - July 26, 2013
PhilAllen L Roland
Mickleson's British Open Triumph is the Stuff of Legends
Hitler, Morsi-2-resizedDr. Ashraf Ezzat
Egyptians did what Germans should've done long ago (exclusive video)
rogers-now-2Rick Rogers
MHN: U.S. Promises No Death Penalty for Snowden, Suicide Attack Kills 3 Americans
Who is hoovering up who? And why are Israelis found at all the key junctions?Jim W. Dean
NSA Never Breaks Up Israeli Espionage
Anderson Olsen
Alison Weir
Myra Noveck, New York Times : Another journalist with children in the Israeli military 
Reporters Frequently Have Ties to Israeli Military »»
Former NFL players Fred Smoot, Rocky McIntosh, and Dereck Faulkner Join to Honor Heroes of the "Forgotten War"
On Saturday, July 27th evening from 6:00-8:00pm, the 6th Annual Armistice Day Peace Concert & Vigil open to the general public will take place in front of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, following the Department of Defense's official morning ceremony in which President Barack Obama will deliver his remarks to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice Day. »»
Egypt's Armed Forces Chief General Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi
Finian Cunningham
Egypt's military junta playing with fire
This is the politics of fascism, conducted with the imprimatur of Western so-called democratic governments. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Ruchman and Associates Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Netorian Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Jack Cooper Transport Joins
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
VA Should Do Better Job of Informing Veterans of Property Tax Benefits, says Senator
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
Veterans Affairs Tech Center Accidently Deletes 464,000 Home Loan Data Files
Roi Tov
Golan Height Druzes: When Oranges become Apples..
This is the purified nectar of a series of emails that one of my readers-openly related to certain government-sent me a couple of years ago. He was trying to support a non-valid comparison he had made in answer to one of my articles. »»
Sultan al-Atrash, Majdel Shams, Golan Heights
Johnny Punish
Pat Benatar, 9/11 and American Rock History
Johnny Punish reviews Pat Benatars' new book "Between A Heart And A Rock Place; A Memoir". Benatar takes you back to help us remember why we all fight everyday for freedom, liberty, and justice not only here in America but around the world for every human being! Pat reminds us that being an American is a very special honor; that we ought to always stay with each other,. love one another, and do the right thing. »»
Kevin Barrett
Syrian rebellion devours itself - literally!..
Takfiri gourmets have been roaming the rebel-held areas seeking exotic bits of human flesh for their culinary orgies. »»
Eat your hearts out, takfiris!
Gordon Duff
Israeli hoax on Gen. Dempsey unmasked
"In truth, the calls for 'kinetic strikes' on Syria came from Senator John McCain of Arizona, a member of the Israeli lobby who met with Al Qaeda leaders in the Arab country in late May, 2013." »»
Michael Farrell
So down the road we go...somewhere else..
"The 20th Maine was the unit at the end of the line at Little Round Top on the Second Day of the Battle of Gettysburg and if it hadn't been for them, all you motherfuckers would talk like me!" --Steve Earle»»
Lorimer Wilson
Economic Collapse of U.S.A. is Under Way! Here's Why
The madmen who are responsible for the coming economic disaster continue to behave as if they can manage to avoid it. »»
Lorimer Wilson
Thinking About Retirement? Here Are the BEST Destinations
As an artist who is neither a real estate salesperson nor a travel agent pushing an agenda, I feel it is time to look at the very best places in Mexico to retire with real pros and cons so the reader can really make an informed decisions on where to go that serves their needs, interests and ambitions. »»
Lorimer Wilson
Chaos, Crises, Crashes, Collapse and Catastrophes Everywhere!
Is there going to be another crisis? Of course there is. The liberalised global financial system remains intact and unregulated, if a little battered... »»