The European Union Times |
- 15 February “Catastrophe” Warned Will Shake Entire World
- UK nuclear workers told to stay home as radioactivity rises
- NFL fans know everything about football, nothing about US constitution
- Australia confirms turning immigrant boats back
- Canada’s electronic spy agency is following you
Posted: 01 Feb 2014 10:29 AM PST
A grim report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared the by the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Ministry of Defense is warning that the assassinations this past week of three top Western bankers coincide with Snowden Documents detailing a 15 February 2014 “catastrophe” being engineered by the Obama regime in order to establish some type of “new world economic order” prior to the coming global meltdown of markets and massive bank failures, some of which have already begun. Edward Snowden is a computer specialist and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent who with his yet unidentified US military backers obtainednearly two million highly classified top-secret documents from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) run National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) and was granted temporary asylum in Russia in 2013 after his designation by the Obama regime as the “most wanted man on earth.” The three Western bankers targeted for elimination by Obama regime “black team hit squads,” this report says, were Deutsche Bank executive Bill Broeksmit, 58, found dead at his home in Chelsea, south west London, on 26 January, JPMorgan Chase & Company vice president in technology operations Gabriel Magee, 39, who died after falling from his London headquarters on 28 January, and chief economist at Russell Investments, and former US Federal Reserve economist,Mike Dueker, 50, found dead at the side of a highway that leads to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington State on 31 January. The “common link” between these bankers, this GRU report continues, began this past year after two JP Morgan whistleblowers confessed that their bank manipulates the gold and silver markets, which led to this past weeks stunning announcement that Europe’s largest bank, Deutsche Bank, would withdraw from the appropriately named gold and silver price “fixing”, as European regulators investigate the manipulation of precious metals prices by Western banks. Deutsche Bank executive Broeksmit, called among the “finest minds” in his field, and Russell Investments Dueker, ranked among the top 5 percent of economists by number of works published, this report says, were at the forefront of the European investigation into JPMorgan gold and silver price manipulation and had as their “inside man” JPMorgan tech guru Magee who oversaw his banks computer systems built for this crime. Critical to note, GRU economic analysts say in this report, is that if the price of gold and silver were to achieve their “honest” level, JPMorgan would collapse as it does not have the reserves needed to equal the “paper” gold it has already sold, and a JPMorgan collapse would then, in turn, implode the entire global economic system. Even worse, this report continues, JPMorgan crimes have now reached into the motherland itself after the Russian Central Bank (RCB) yesterday was forced to shut down Moscow-based lenders My Bank and Priroda Bank after they were unable to retrieve their foreign deposits from the British multinational banking and financial services company HSBC due to their imposing restrictions on large cash withdrawals on 24 January. As the United States just reported its worst January stock market in 24 years, this report continues, the Obama regimes “master plan” of purposefully creatingglobal financial chaos in order to destabilize enemy countries and create a flight into the US dollar is now failing and has led to the highly influential trends forecaster Gerald Celente to warn people this week that they need to “brace themselves for a disastrous global collapse and riots that will engulf the entire world.” Not just Celente is issuing warnings either, this report says, but so has too the famous US economist and former Harvard economics professor Terry Burnhamwho during an interview this past week on PBS NewsHour stated that he was removing his $1 million of life savings from Bank of America because American banks are no longer safe. This GRU further notes that despite the 6.5% US stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast. Most ominous to note in this GRU report are Russian intelligence analysts noting that Snowden’s documents refer to a 15 February “catastrophe” due to occur based upon the US nearing a Black Eagle Trust Fund type “event horizon.” Though virtually unknown to the American, within two hours of the 11 September 2001 attacks, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) declared a national emergency, and for the first time in US history, invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) easing regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. These changes would allow an estimated $240 billion in covert US government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership due to the quickly unfolding Black Eagle Trust Fund plot that would have most certainly destroyed the entire global economic system. Even more ominous, and, again, virtually unknown to the American people, is that the war the US has been waging for over a decade was, in fact, declared on 10 September 2011 when then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, testifying before the US Congress [watch video HERE], stated that he had declared war on the Pentagon itself over his discovery of over $2.3 trillion missing from their accounts and warning it was a “matter of life and death.” To if the Obama regime would resort to a 9/11 type false flag attack once again to protect the Western banking system, this report gravely warns, cannot be ruled out as evidence has long proven what German central bank president Ernst Welteke called “terrorism insider trading” relating to this horrific event. Specifically, the Chicago Board Options Exchange reported to the SEC that four days before the attack an extremely unbalanced number of trades betting United’s stock price would fall were being placed, followed one day before the attack by the US stock options market authorities reporting to the SEC that anequally extraordinary number of trades were betting that American Airlines stock price would fall too. As to who made these trades, and made tens-of-millions of dollars from them, the world will never know as the Obama regimes SEC admitted in 2010 that they had destroyed all the documents relating to them. This GRU report further notes that with the New York City headquarters of the SEC destroyed on 9/11 after the mysterious implosion of World Trade Center Building 7, and the equally devastating cruise missile attack on the Pentagon that destroyed its computing accounting system burying forever the information on where the missing $2.3 trillion went, this new “catastrophic event” being planned by the Obama regime within a fortnight of 15 February can be expected to be as worse, and will, most assuredly, “shake the entire world.” Source |
Posted: 01 Feb 2014 10:14 AM PST
Britain’s Sellafield nuclear reprocessing site has told non-essential workers to stay home Friday due to the detection of abnormally high levels of radiation. The radiation spike was detected by one of the monitors at the north end of the partially decommissioned site. “Levels of radioactivity detected are above naturally occurring radiation but well below that which would call for any actions to be taken by the workforce on or off the site,” Sellafield said in a statement. Sellafield later tweeted that it had found no evidence of a nuclear event. Sellafield management have sought to reassure the public that radiation levels are not high enough to warrant any emergency. Apart from the reduced staffing levels, the site is operating normally, the company said. “In response to an operational condition on the Sellafield site a conservative and prudent decision has been taken, to operate the site at reduced manning levels, commensurate with safe operations,” the company said in a statement. UK Energy Ministry said it is in contact with Sellafield and sees no reason to believe that the incident is more serious than what the company says it is. Britain’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority said the source of the radiation could not be immediately established, but that actions were being taken in response to the incident. Sellafield nuclear reprocessing site in Cumbria, northwest England, is currently undergoing decommission. A Cold War legacy, Sellafield holds dozens of tons of plutonium waste from Britain’s nuclear weapons program. One of its buildings is dubbed “the most hazardous industrial building in western Europe.” The site attracts anti-nuclear campaigners, partially due to a number of radiation leaks the site has experienced over the decades. Sellafield closure was announced in June 2012, following concerns over environmental damage and terrorist threats. It has cost British taxpayers at least £67.5 billion ($106 billion). Source |
Posted: 01 Feb 2014 09:53 AM PST
In an extraordinary display of stupidity, NFL fans show just how decadent and foolish they really are. Infowars reporter Jakari Jackson asks a list of meaningless questions about the NFL and the Super Bowl with almost complete accuracy from the fans answers. Jakari then asks important and pertinent questions focusing on the Bill of Rights and The US Constitution and receive nothing more than hesitant mumbles and blank stares proving just how absent-minded and dangerous these people really are. Source |
Posted: 01 Feb 2014 09:20 AM PST
“What I have confirmed today is… that any vessel that seeks to illegally enter Australian waters will be intercepted and will be removed from our waters and our contiguous zone,” Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said on Friday. Reports say that no boats carrying illegal immigrants have arrived in Australia since December 19, 2013. However, Morrison declined to comment on whether confirmation of the policy, which has angered Indonesia, would increase tensions between the two neighbors. “All I have simply said today is that Australia will respect our neighbor’s sovereignty, we will respect our sovereignty and that involves any vessel seeking to illegally enter Australia being intercepted and removed from our waters,” he said. Ties between Jakarta and Canberra were damaged late last year over reports of Australia’s spying on its strategic neighbor. The relations further deteriorated after recent revelations that Australian navy strayed into Indonesian waters during asylum-seeker operations. The development comes as asylum-seekers turned back to Indonesia by Australia’s navy alleged that they had been “mistreated” during the military operation, forgetting that they are first and foremost illegals with no rights and second even facing jail time for illegal border crossing. Morrison said navy personnel carried “personal defensive devices” but dismissed any suggestion of mistreatment. “They are used in accordance with their training and in accordance with strict guidelines, and any suggestion of mistreatment or misuse of force or misuse of any of these devices that are available to them is completely unsubstantiated, completely without basis and is rejected by the government,” he noted. Source |
Posted: 01 Feb 2014 09:00 AM PST
Documents released by US whistleblower Edward Snowden show the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) used airport Wi-Fi to track passengers from around the world. Travelers passing through a major Canadian airport were potentially caught up in a vast electronic surveillance net, which allowed the nation’s electronic spy agency to track the wireless devices of thousands of airline passengers – even for days after they had departed the terminal, a document obtained by CBC News revealed. The document shows the spy agency was then able to track travelers for a week or more as the unwitting passengers, together with their wireless devices, visited other Wi-Fi “hot spots” in locations across Canada, and across the border at American airports. The CBS report said any place that offered Wi-Fi internet access, including “airports, hotels, coffee shops and restaurants, libraries, ground transportation hubs” was vulnerable to the surveillance operation. After reviewing details of the leaked information, one of Canada’s leading authorities on internet security says the secret operation was almost certainly illegal. “I can’t see any circumstance in which this would not be unlawful, under current Canadian law, under our Charter, under CSEC’s mandates,” Professor Ronald Deibert, an internet security expert at the University of Toronto, told CBC News. It remains unclear from the leaked data how CSEC was able to infiltrate so many wireless devices to see who was using them, both on Canadian territory and beyond. Deibert said the intelligence agency must have gained direct access “to at least some of the country’s main telephone and internet pipelines,” thereby gaining access to an enormous amount of emails and phone calls placed by Canadians. Meanwhile, for those who are comforted by the thought that the spy agency was only collecting the metadata on Canadian wireless devices, which excludes the personal content of communications, Deibert had some sobering news. Metadata is “way more powerful that the content of communications. You can tell a lot more about people, their habits, their relationships, their friendships, even their political preferences, based on that type of metadata,” he told CBC News. The CSEC is specifically tasked with gathering foreign intelligence by intercepting overseas phone and internet traffic, and is forbidden by law from collecting information on Canadians – or foreigners in Canada – without a court warrant. As CSEC Chief John Forster recently stated: “I can tell you that we do not target Canadians at home or abroad in our foreign intelligence activities, nor do we target anyone in Canada. “In fact, it’s prohibited by law. Protecting the privacy of Canadians is our most important principle.” However analysts who were privy to the document say that airline passengers in a Canadian airport were clearly on the territory of Canada. CSEC spokesperson Lauri Sullivan told the Star, an online Canadian news outlet, that the “classified document in question is a technical presentation between specialists exploring mathematical models built on everyday scenarios to identify and locate foreign terrorist threats.” Disclosure of the program puts those techniques at risk, she said. Teaming up with NSA Early assessment of the leaked information indicates the passenger tracking operation was a trial run of a powerful new software program CSEC was developing with help from its American partner, the National Security Agency. The technology was to be shared with the so-called ‘Five Eyes’ surveillance bloc composed of Canada, the United States, Britain, New Zealand and Australia. In the document, CSEC described the new spy technology as “game-changing,” saying it could be used for powerful surveillance on “any target that makes occasional forays into other cities/regions.” Sources told CBC News the “technologies tested on Canadians in 2012 have since become fully operational.” CSEC claims “no Canadian or foreign travelers’ movements were ‘tracked,’” although CBC News questioned in its report why the comment “put the word “tracked” in quotation marks.” Canada’s two largest airports — Toronto and Vancouver — both say they have never supplied CSEC or other federal intelligence agency with information on airport passengers’ Wi-Fi communications. Alana Lawrence, a spokesperson for the Vancouver Airport Authority, was quoted as saying it provides free Wi-Fi access at the facility, but does “not in any way store any personal data associated with it,” not has it ever received a request from a spy agency for the data. US-based company, Boingo, the largest private supplier of Wi-Fi services at Canadian airports, says it has not cooperated with Canada’s intelligence agency’s on any surveillance operations. “To the best of our knowledge, [Boingo] has not provided any information about any of our users to the Canadian government, law enforcement or intelligence agencies,” spokesperson Katie O’Neill told CBC News. Ontario’s privacy commissioner Ann Cavoukian admitted she is “blown away” by news of the secret operation. “It is really unbelievable that CSEC would engage in that kind of surveillance of Canadians,” Cavoukian told the Canadian news agency. “This resembles the activities of a totalitarian state, not a free and open society.” Source |