Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday 22 May 2015

HubSpot Marketing Blog
Hi Roberto,
Here's your weekly roundup of our latest and greatest marketing posts. Enjoy!
9 Free Microsoft Excel Templates to Make Marketing Easier
By Carly Stec, Friday, May 22, 2015 8:00 AM
Many of us can recall a time in high school when we were sitting in math class and thinking, "When am I ever going to use this stuff in the real world?"
And then we suddenly find ourselves in the real world, only to realize that numbers actually do play a pivotal role in what we do -- especially in digital marketing.
How to Create a Writing Style Guide Built for the Web [Free Template]
By Corey Eridon, Thursday, May 21, 2015 8:00 AM
Businesses pump out content at a staggering rate these days -- and as that volume increases, more inconsistencies are bound to creep in. Whether due to lack of clarity about the style in which you'd like to write or disjointed communication across the multitude of content creators in your organization, failure to decide upon and document accepted editorial guidelines is a recipe for inconsistent messaging.
That's why at some point, most companies accept that they'll need to develop a writing style guide: a document that indicates the basic rules of writing we'll all agree to follow (like whether I should've capitalized the "a" after the colon in this sentence).
11 Fascinating Books on Harvard Business School's Required Reading List
By Lauren Pedigo, Wednesday, May 20, 2015 8:00 AM
There's no better time to revamp your reading list than the beginning of the summer. The question is ... what should you read?
With so many business books out there to choose from, sifting through all those online descriptions and reviews could take up an entire summer in and of itself. We figured you'd rather spend that time actually, you know, reading.
How to Remove the Background of a Photo in Photoshop or PowerPoint
By Pamela Vaughan, Tuesday, May 19, 2015 8:00 AM
You know what one of my biggest design pet peeves is? When I'm trying to design something, but there's an unwanted background on the image I'm using. Either I want to remove the photo background altogether, or I prefer a transparent background so the image assumes the look of any other background I put behind it.
Take the image on the left above, which is from our free, downloadable collection of holiday stock photos. That image would be so much more useful to my call-to-action, SlideShare presentation, blog post, or ebook if I could just remove that pesky background so it looked like the image on the right.
7 Conventional Landing Page Design Tactics You Should Still Test
By Jacob McMillen, Monday, May 18, 2015 8:00 AM

Conventional wisdom is usually the safe play. Why take risks when there’s an established “right way” to do things?
In marketing, however, success often falls to those willing to buck trends and experiment.
When it comes to optimizing your landing pages, complacency and assumption are your worst enemies.
The True Cost of Not Meeting Your Customers' Expectations [Infographic]
By Carly Stec, Friday, May 15, 2015 12:00 PM
Ever since moving to Boston a few short months ago, I've allowed the Internet -- Yelp reviews, social media messages, food blogs -- to guide almost all of my of restaurant choices. Empowered by the vast amount of information at my fingertips, I've been able to dodge cold steaks and rude waiters while uncovering some of the best grub in the city.
For businesses, this concept is both intriguing and concerning.