| Alan Hart Obama v Netanyahu - The Next Round The headline over a recent op-ed article in the New York Times by Rashid Khalidi was Is Any Hope Left for Mideast Peace? The answer to that question might or might not be clear beyond dispute when the curtain comes down on President Obama's performance in Israel-Palestine. »» |
SARTRE Ignoring Whistleblowers.. A government whistleblower, disclosing classified secrets, risks criminal charges. Defining restricted material usually includes a broad scope of information that casts officials or agencies in a compromising embarrassment. »» |
| Roy Roitov Israel's Passover Waffles War A few days from now, on March 26, 2013, the Jewish Passover, nicknamed the Feast of Freedom in Hebrew, will be celebrated in Israel. During the week in which it is celebrated, the strictest "kashrut" dietary laws are enforced on Israel's population. »» |