Prometheus: Stock Market Secular Trend Review
Trefis: Highlights Week Ending 27 September 2013
Written by Trefis
Below is a summary of the activity at Trefis during the past week that Trefis thoughtEconintersect readers would find interesting.
Trefis is a financial community structured around trends, forecasts and insights related to some of the most popular stocks in the US. It provides the unique feature of allowing the user to model future valuation based upon projected changes in components of each business. It also provides communication capabilities among members, including consensus of member analysis compared to Trefis staff analysis and blogging opportunities for members.
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What We Read Today 28 September 2013
Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today's list.
The top of today's reading list is Matt Taibbi's latest expose, this time on how Wall Street is looting public pension funds ........ and the last article is a detailed look at the cost of a government shutdown.
On the Dot - A story by Vikram Sinha
Mumbais Dabbawalas have one of the most proficient food networks. Their success depends on an ingenious code system -- and reliable local trains.
A Word from This Newsletter's Sponsor
URGENT: 30 Powerful Men Meet to Get Details of
Next Market Collapse
A U.S. attorney recently obtained some urgent information
about the timeline of the next stock-market collapse.
It comes from a closed-door meeting at the New York Stock
Exchange, inside a highly secured boardroom on the 6th floor.
Are Taxes Making the Middle Class Poorer?
Written by Steven Hansen
Last week, the Census Bureau, as part of their 2012 American Community Survey, published median income data for 2012. One question comes to mind: Is income tax widening the income gap which is slowing growth for the USA consumer driven economy?
Australia Ranks First in Advertising Spending per Person
by Felix Richter,
Australia is the no.1 country worldwide in terms of ad spending per person. With estimated spending of $582 per capita, Australia takes the top spot in front of the United Kingdom and Norway.
BEA Rules Out Any Sign of Improvement for Second Quarter GDP
September 26, 2013 - BEA Leaves 2nd Quarter 2013 GDP Growth Mostly Unchanged At 2.48% Annual Rate
by Rick Davis, Consumer Metrics Institute

In their third estimate of the US GDP for the second quarter of 2013, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported that the economy was growing at a 2.48% annualized rate, down only slightly from the 2.52% growth rate previously reported for that same quarter. The revision resulted from several minor adjustments, with slower growth in inventories being the largest single component.
The Erble Economy
A Currency-Denominated Economy Cannot - By Definition! - Grow If The Denomination Units Don't Grow As An Automatic Function Of Real Growth, i.e., By Fiat!!!
by Roger Erickson, Mike Norman Economics
An organized group cannot easily grow if it doesn't allow itself to at least note and denominate any real growth trying to happen. Not allowing ourselves to "note" things reduces to denial of real growth. Where's the logic in that?
What? The slack-jawed yokels, Erskine and Bowles, want an example which their little pea brains can understand? Fine. Let the "Erbles" chew on the following classroom skit as they run around their little exercise wheel. It accurately paraphrases their Erble logic.
What Changes in Federal Policy Might Spur Innovation?
Econintersect: According to a NBER Working Paper, conventional wisdom is that the social rate of return to R&D significantly exceeds the private rate of return and, therefore, R&D should be subsidized. In the U.S., the government has directly funded a large fraction of total R&D spending.
Industrial Revolution: The Relationship Between Technology and Economic Growth
by Alexander Tepper and Karol Jan Borowiecki - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
What determines the fastest rate at which the population can grow without engendering declining living standards? This post studies Britain at the time of the Industrial Revolution. What caused technology all of a sudden to lead to sustainable per capita income growth?
How Safe Is Your Money Market Mutual Funds?
Econintersect: In a speech on Friday, Boston Fed president Eric Rosengren made the case for strong money market mutual fund reform, which he believes is overdue.
News Magazines Are Fighting for Survival
by Felix Richter,
It's been a tough decade for news magazines in the United States. Both advertising and circulation revenues steeply declined as a result of growing competition from online news and the severe financial crisis that hit the country in 2008.
Do You Have Questions on the Looming Debt Ceiling? - Here Are a Lot of Answers
from the Congressional Budget Office
The Congress has traditionally placed a limit on the total amount of debt that the Department of the Treasury can issue to the public and to other federal agencies. Law-makers have enacted numerous increases to the debt limit-commonly known as the debt ceiling-some of which have been temporary but many of which have been permanent. The Treasury's borrowing has been at the current limit since May, although it has employed a well-established toolbox of so-called extraordinary measures that allow it to borrow additional funds without breaching the debt ceiling. On September 25, 2013, the Treasury estimated that its ability to borrow under those extraordinary measures will be exhausted no later than October 17, leaving a cash balance of approximately $30 billion.
Infographic of the Day: Desert Island Guide
Want to run away? Fuel your escape fantasies with this infographic all about desert-island getaways.