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#2 US Nuke Commander Suspended On Same Day Lindsey Graham Announced Nuclear Attack Threat Upon America

US Assassination Program Exposed! (Video)

Whoa!!! Obama Calls For "New World Order", in front of the United Nations. The U.S. to go biometric.

Fukushima Radiation Hitting US, Canada More Than Japan (Video)

A Very Angry America

The EPA Takes An Ax To Self-Sufficiency: Most Wood Burning Stoves Will Soon Be Illegal

Bombshell New NSA Revelations In The New York Times

Meteor Impact & Fire Kills 2 In Ohio!
CURATOR: The Truth.
Meteor Impact & Fire Kills 2 In Ohio! Ohioans were dazzled by a
bright flash of blue light in the night sky on September 27, 2013, in
southern Ohio around 11:30 p.m., eastern standard time. Could it have
been a meteorite or a satellite predicted to crash to earth on...
Game Over: Total Collapse Is Imminent

Narrow Escape from Terror: Child Suspended After a Quarter-Sized Gun Keychain Falls from His Backpack

CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator
CONTRIBUTOR: muckracker1
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CONTRIBUTOR: The Daily Sheeple
CONTRIBUTOR: Rogue Politics
CURATOR: The Truth