Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday, 21 April 2016

The European Union Times

Posted: 21 Apr 2016 03:42 AM PDT

New evidence reveals a link between Saudi Arabia and 9/11, according to an international newspaper.
Ghassan Al-Sharbi, a Saudi bombmaker, is said to have taken flying lessons with the 9/11 hijackers and U.S. investigators found his flight certificate in an envelope from the Saudi embassy in Washington, D.C., the Australian reported, citing a recently declassified U.S. memo.
“The envelope points to the fundamental question hanging over us today: to what extent was the 9/11 plot facilitated by individuals at the highest levels of the Saudi government?” Asked Brian McGlinchey, the activist who uncovered the 2003 memo known as Document 17.
Al-Sharbi was captured in Pakistan in 2002 and has since been held in Guantanamo Bay, which may indicate why President Obama has kept the detention center open despite promising he would close it “immediately” during his 2008 presidential campaign.

And Document 17 may explain why Saudi Arabia is freaking out right now, including the recent threat to dump nearly $750 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds and other assets if Congress passes a popular bill that would allow 9/11 victims to sue the country.
And it may also explain why both House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are trying to derail the bill, but they face a losing battle in the long-run: other mainstream outlets are finally coming clean about the Saudi connection to 9/11.
“The kingdom’s involvement was deliberately covered up at the highest levels of our government, and the coverup goes beyond locking up 28 pages of the Saudi report in a vault in the US Capitol basement,” Paul Sperry of the N.Y. Post reported. “Investigations were throttled, co-conspirators were let off the hook.”
“Case agents I’ve interviewed at the Joint Terrorism Task Forces in Washington and San Diego, the forward operating base for some of the Saudi hijackers, as well as detectives at the Fairfax County (Va.) Police Department who also investigated several 9/11 leads, say virtually every road led back to the Saudi Embassy in Washington, as well as the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles.”
Posted: 21 Apr 2016 03:26 AM PDT

Sean Hannity had Senator Ted Cruz on his radio show today to discuss the GOP race. Sean asked him about the delegate process and specifically about his team taking delegates from other candidates. Ted Cruz would not answer the question and told Sean, “That is not what people are worried about.” Cruz said this was only an issue because of Donald Trump’s complaints.
That’s when Sean blew up!
Sean Hannity: “Senator, I’m on social media with millions of people. I have 550 radio stations and I have the top-rated cable show in my hour all across the board. And I am telling you that people are telling me that they are finding this whole process confusing…
Ted Cruz: Sean the only people asking this question are the hard-core Donald Trump supporters.
Hannity: Senator, why do you do this every single time… No, you gotta stop. Every time I have you on the air, and I ask a legitimate question, you try to throw this in my face. I’m getting sick of it. I’ve had you on more than any other candidate on radio and TV. So if I ask you, senator, a legitimate question to explain to the audience, why don’t you just answer it?
Ted Cruz proceeded to repeat his dishonest quote about winning the last five “elections.”
During the interview Ted Cruz also went nuts on Trump for finishing last, being beaten even by John Kasich, showing quite an unstable temperament. Sean had to calm Lyin’ Ted down telling him “There’s no reason to get angry…”
Business Insider reported:
Conservative radio host Sean Hannity and Sen. Ted Cruz had a testy back and forth on the host’s Tuesday show, with Hannity telling the Texas senator at one point that he was “getting sick of” Cruz dodging “legitimate questions.”…
…Hannity came back at Cruz, telling him that he hears from people who tell him that they “find this whole process confusing.”
Hannity pointed out that the Cruz campaign has focused on wooing delegates who might be able to switch their vote from Trump to Cruz on a second convention ballot.
“It’s more than a process question,” Hannity said. “It’s an integrity-of-the-election question.”
Cruz responded that the “only people asking this question are the hardcore Donald Trump supporters.”
Hannity told him he had to “stop.”
“Senator, why do you do this every single time,” Hannity said, cutting Cruz off as he was speaking. “You’ve got to stop. Every time I have you on the air, and I ask a legitimate question, you try to throw this in my face. I’m getting sick of it. I’ve had you on more than any other candidate on radio and TV. So if I ask you, senator, a legitimate question to explain to the audience, why don’t you just answer it?”
Cruz asked if he could answer Hannity’s question “without being interrupted.”
“Go ahead,” Hannity responded.
Cruz explained his view on the delegate process at length:
All of this noise and complaining and whining has come from the Trump campaign because they don’t like that they lose five elections in a row. That Republicans are uniting behind our campaign. So they’re screaming on Drudge and it’s getting echoed, this notion of voter-less elections. It is nonsense. They are making it up. Over 1.3 million people voted. We won landslides in all five.
Now there is a second component beyond the elections, which is the individual delegates are elected by the people. Donald Trump’s campaign does not know how to organize on the grassroots. And so when the delegates are elected, conservative activists, real conservative activists show up, and we are winning those elections over and over and over again. The Donald Trump campaign doesn’t know what they’re doing. They don’t show up.
Posted: 21 Apr 2016 03:06 AM PDT

During Barack Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia, it has become clear just how much the US government has upset their Saudi allies.
Obama came to Riyadh hoping to discuss how the United States and Saudi Arabia could confront the issues of terrorism and regional instability in the Middle East.
When Obama stepped off a plane in Riyadh’s airport, he had a chilly welcome. Saudi King Salman was not present at the airport to greet Obama personally, instead sending his lower-ranking loyal. Interestingly, when top officials from other Gulf nations arrived at Riyadh earlier, the Saudi king was shown on local TV personally greeting them at the airport.
“Today is became clear just how strongly Obama angered the Saudis. He obviously had a cold welcome,” German newspaper Der Spiegel said.
According to security analyst Mustafa Alani from the Gulf Research Center, the Saudi king’s decision not to personally greet the US president was very unusual and a clear message that Riyadh doesn’t trust Obama.
“He will find a leadership that’s not ready to believe him,” Alani said, as cited by AP. “The Saudis had disagreements with previous presidents. Here you have deep distrust that the president won’t deliver anything.”
Saudi officials are upset by Obama’s recent words that instead of constantly sparring against each other, Saudi Arabia and Iran should “share the neighborhood,” AP reported.
Since Saudi Arabia considers Iran its main rival in the Middle East, it became visibly upset after the US government worked with others to solve Iran’s long-standing issue with its nuclear program last year, which led to the removal of sanctions against Iran.
Furthermore, ahead of Obama’s visit, a group of US politicians urged the president to put pressure on Riyadh and make the Saudis improve their poor human rights record. By April 1, the Saudi government had already executed 82 people and according to the Independent Riyadh is aiming to double the number of executions (158) it carried out last year.
After Saudi Arabia, Obama is scheduled to visit Britain and Germany.
Posted: 21 Apr 2016 02:30 AM PDT

New York was the last straw for Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton took the primary by 58% and scooped up 139 delegates.
The Sanders campaign cried foul after a series of voting irregularities were discovered and the Board of Elections stripped more than 125,000 Democrat voters from the rolls, but the impression of disenfranchisement will not change the fact that there is no way Sanders can win the nomination.
Following the defeat insiders began urging Sanders to get behind Clinton.
“Will Sanders offer up the olive branch and throw his support to Clinton in the interest of beating Trump? Or will he continue with the increasingly aggressive approach his campaign debuted in the lead-up to New York?” asks Lucia Graves of The Guardian.
It doesn’t look like it now. Sanders is still peddling his “revolution” and talking up chances in Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, and Maryland. He has promised to take the fight all the way to the convention floor in July and work tirelessly to flip superdelegates.
Clinton will need Bernie’s supporters in the battle against Trump, who will likely become the Republican nominee short an unforeseen effort by the establishment to sabotage his chance. Ted Cruz went down in flames in New York, where he finished third behind the candidate hanging on by his fingernails, John Kasich.
Over the next few weeks, Hillary will attempt to draw in Bernie’s supporters by moving closer to the left. She has already shifted on globalist trade policy and the minimum wage—two issues near and dear to Bernie progressives—and further tilting will be required if she is going to add bulk to her race and beat Trump, the nearest thing to an anti-establishment candidate, this time around. She moved left on immigration reform and an overhaul of the criminal justice system. Clinton also positioned herself to the left of Sanders on abortion, unions and so-called gun control. Moreover, her tax the rich mantra looks attractive to progressives.
“I want to be your champion. I want to fight [for] you every day,” she said in Vermont as she wooed Bernie supporters on his home turf.
In Wisconsin, a state with a hefty leftist constituency, Clinton eked out a straw poll win over Sanders last year.
On Monday, Sanders told CNN he has moved Clinton to the left, although he added the change is little more than an election ploy.
“They’re very good at rhetoric, and certainly she has moved to the left in this campaign in response to many of the initiatives that we have brought forth,” Sanders said. “I think the average person understands when you collect such large sums of money from Wall Street and other special interests, they have their doubts as to whether the Clinton people will stand up to these powerful forces.”
As hope for Bernie fades, many Democrats will ignore Clinton’s tight relationship with Wall Street and the bankers. Faced with the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency, they will hold their noses and line up behind Clinton.
The average progressive will follow the faded Hollywood diva Susan Sarandon’s lead. In March, the actresscriticized Clinton for her relationship with Henry Kissinger. “I don’t like the fact she talks about Henry Kissinger as her go-to guy for the stuff that’s happened in Libya,” said Sarandon. “I don’t think it’s good.”
Asked if she would vote for Clinton in a race against Trump, Sarandon said she is undecided. “I don’t know. I’m going to see what happens,” she said.
She was talking about the outcome of the primaries and the prospects for Bernie Sanders. Now that he is even further behind than he was last month—and the DNC will make it virtually impossible for Sanders to do anything significant on the convention floor in July—Sarandon and the progressive wing of the Democrat party will either sit out the election or vote for Clinton.
They can’t sit is out, though, not with the prospect of Donald Trump sitting in the White House.
Posted: 21 Apr 2016 02:15 AM PDT

Presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz had a full apoplectic meltdown today. During a radio appearance an unhinged Senator Cruz began lashing out and screaming at Sean Hannity. During the interview with Hannity, Cruz bragged about being endorsed by horrible neocons such as Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham among others.
The internet lit up as people discussed the on-air meltdown wondering what could have possibly triggered such grossly unstable behavior.
Apparently the answer is found in this picture from Senator Cruz’s rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Only a few dozen people showed up to hear candidate Cruz in a city home to over 1.6 million people.
Donald Trump won New York state tonight… Ted Cruz finished third! It was a rough night for Lyin’ Ted.
Cruz was not in New York State tonight. He’s had enough of the New York values for one election season. Cruz is in Pennsylvania…
And there’s not even 100 supporters in the small room.

They’re setting up the Teleprompters.
“I walked in 20 minutes before Ted’s and am second row.”
And the lies…
Even Mike Lee blew him off.
Cruz’s crowd topped off at around 150 including the staff members, while Donald Trump recently held a rally in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania just a week ago where he got a 4500 crowd in the room with thousands more turned away by the Secret Service.
For the record… FOX News showed Ted Cruz speaking tonight but did not show that he was in a half empty small room.