U.S., New Zealand Announce Expanded Defense CooperationThe United States and New Zealand announced a resumption of military-to-military contacts as part of expanded defense cooperation that will see the first visit by a New Zealand naval vessel to an American port in more than three decades. ...

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The Hidden Lynx group is a professional team of attackers with advanced capabilities. They were responsible for the compromise of security firm Bit9's digital code-signing certificate which was used to sign malware. The Bit9 breach was part of the much larger VOHO campaign and that campaign was just one of many operations undertaken by the group over the last four years. |
What The 'Zero Option' Would Look Like In AfghanistanWhat if the United States pulled all its troops out of Afghanistan? The general assumption is that as Washington and Kabul work to hammer out a long-term security agreement, a way will be found to maintain a U.S. troop presence after 2014. ...

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The Hidden Lynx group is a professional team of attackers with advanced capabilities. They were responsible for the compromise of security firm Bit9's digital code-signing certificate which was used to sign malware. The Bit9 breach was part of the much larger VOHO campaign and that campaign was just one of many operations undertaken by the group over the last four years. |
NATO AWACS marks 10,000 flight hours in support of Afghanistan mission NATO's fleet of E-3A Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft surpassed a significant milestone this past weekend after reaching 10,000 flight hours in support of the Alliance's mission in Afghanistan. ...
Navy Seeks Ideas from Across the Fleet on Balancing Capacity and Capabilities in Times of Contraints In order to generate innovative ideas on how to best maintain the capabilities and capacity of the Navy and mitigate risks in an era of constrained resources, the Navy is hosting an online collaborative event to solicit input from a broad, diverse audience. ...