Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday, 3 October 2013

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits        October 02, 2013
capt_america-e1380737161796American Exceptionalism? - Let's Take a Peek
- Who is True Blue - and Who is with the Huckster Crew?
divided_states_fcSami Jamil Jadallah
Divided States of America
NY Trio BWGilad Atzmon
NYC is my Mecca
David Russell ChristoffAllen L Roland
VA Low Balling Vets Daily Suicide Rate
booksDr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall
Books to Prisoners
Conservative Civil Liberties
veteran newsVeterans Today
VA "Administrative Expenses" Subject to Sequestration
vt-top-1011Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - October 01, 2013
Stock PhotoVeterans Today
Cal State L.A. Boosts Educational, Career Opportunities for Student Vets
Funeral Art for the Tea Party CemetaryMichael Farrell
Some of them were dreamers (drunks) and some of them were fools, making plans and thinking about their future...
dogKevin Barrett
Government shuts down! Drones grounded, NSA shuttered
Netanyahu obama israel
Obama kowtowing to Netanyahu, a disgrace
Yes, Congress is completely owned by this Israeli lobby. If Obama wants to get his way with Congress and some of these other issues, he has to at least be seen as kowtowing to Netanyahu and it is a disgrace." »»
SDVOSB Telecommunications Design & Installation Specialist's Hiring Now!
Obama Netanyahu at Prime Minister's Residence  March 13 (601 X 354)
James M. Wall
Netanyahu and Obama Seek "The Truth"
The world must stand up to and stop Israel's bullying of its neighbors and of the U.S. leadership, or the irrational men that run Israel will trigger catastrophe. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
ACE Midwest Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Phillips 66 Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
InfoPro Corporation Joins
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
VA Should Do Better Job of Informing Veterans of Property Tax Benefits, says Senator
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
Veterans Affairs Tech Center Accidently Deletes 464,000 Home Loan Data Files
Stephen Lendman
NSA: Rogue Spying Writ Large..
No nation in human history ever harmed more millions of people more grievously than America. »»
Vietnam Napalm 1972
Veterans Today
Remnants of Vietnam War linger
Long after the atrocities of war have ceased, a horrific legacy still remains. »»
Veterans Today
Sanders Bill Would Protect Vets Benefits in a Shutdown..
Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) tonight introduced legislation to ensure that the Department of Veterans Affairs may continue to make disability compensation and pension payments to veterans in the event of an extended government shutdown.»»
Stephen Lendman
What a Way to Run the Country
Americans get the best democracy money can buy. The best, brightest and most honorable are excluded. Rare exceptions prove the rule. »»
Jim W. Dean
Syria and Russia: A Real Dilemma..
- Viktor Titov - "Russia must realize that if...Iranian oil returns to the market, the prices for the "black gold" will plummet" »»
342x256_Moscow fireworks
finance 1
Samon Bagons
How to Save Money on Your Commute?
If you live within a few miles of where you work, then walking or biking could be a cheaper and healthier answer. Ask your employer if they have a cycle scheme in place, where you could get a cheaper bicycle and regular maintenance through your place of work. Read this post to increase your understanding.......... »»
Renminbi Soon to Be a Reserve Currency
The doom and gloom predictions that the dollar is finished gets a rebuttal argument. »»
Lorimer Wilson
Warning! These Signs Suggest Stock Market Crash Coming Soon
The stock markets make no sense. They have literally lost touch with reality. Divergences between fundamentals, confidence and the valuation of markets are large and, as such, cannot last for long. The only question is how - and how quickly - this correction occurs. »»