Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

The European Union Times

Posted: 20 Apr 2016 08:31 AM PDT

The Federal Security Service (FSB) is reporting today that the Security Council (SC) has just authorized an emergency deployment of an additional 50,000 police and National Guard forces to the oblasts along the western border with the European Union (EU) ahead of what many Russian experts are predicting will we be a “catastrophe” after the Republic of Turkey unleashes upon the continent an unprecedented flood of millions of Syrian migrants of whom thousands will be highly trained Islamic terrorists.
According to this report, this historic catastrophe currently looming over the EU began yesterday (19 April) when anultimatum was issued to European leaders by Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu who warned that his nation will tear up the controversial EU-Turkish migrant deal unless his citizens are given visa-free access to the EU on 1 June.

In firing back at Turkey’s ultimatum, this report continues, 4 hours ago European Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos issued an equally powerful EU threat against Turkey warning that “[European Commission President Jean-Claude] Juncker was crystal clear yesterday, as I have been in the past: No visa liberalization can be offered if not all benchmarks are met.”
The migrant deal between the EU and Turkey, this report explains, came into effect on 20 March and allows the EU to send back to Turkey migrants arriving in Greece if they do not apply for asylum or their claim is rejected, and that for every Syrian migrant sent back to Turkey, one Syrian already in Turkey will be resettled in the EU—with this deals most dangerous provision giving all peoples coming from Turkey visa and passport free travel to the EU nations that are parties to the Schengen agreement.

With between 3-6 million Syrian migrants already in Turkey, this report warns, the EU is not even close to having the policing manpower needed to vet them, let alone protect their own citizens from the Islamic terrorists who have infiltrated them which US general Philip Breedlove recently warned is “spreading like a cancer” across the entire continent.
As previous estimates show that the EU already has within its borders over 4,000 of these highly trained Islamic terrorists already, this report continues, the “extreme danger” now being faced by the EU was, also, highlighted this week at the Security and Counter Terror conference in London where experts warned that these radicals plans to use both poison gas and atomic attacks and that this fact should no longer be ignored by the policy makers who made such a catastrophic agreement as this one in the first place.
This report grimly notes too that Turkish troops have begun firing upon and killing women and children attempting to flee into Turkey from Syria in order to force the EU’s hand, and are being aided by Islamic terrorists who just hours ago set ablaze one of the largest migrant camps in Greece.

The FSB concludes this report by noting the “grave concerns” voiced by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) regarding these additional forces being placed on the western front as they too have been expanding Federation military troops into this region in response to the buildup of NATO forces in the EU—and which Russian military leaders say the West will use this buildup as another propaganda tool like they’ve done so many other times in the past to depict the Federation in the worst light possible.
Posted: 20 Apr 2016 06:37 AM PDT

CNN reported Donald Trump will win 90+ delegates in New York state in the Republican primary. John Kasich will win 3 to 5 delegates while Ted Cruz came in third with ZERO delegates. Ted Cruz is also polling third (last) in all of the 5 states upcoming next week, with Trump being first and Kasich trailing behind with double digits. Cruz’s numbers have plummeted recently due to severe election thievery in Colorado and Wyoming, with Cruz now being beaten even by Kasich.
What’s even worse for Ted Cruz is that he is treating this entire thievery issue as normal while people are extremely angry because they weren’t allowed to vote and the winner was just appointed by party insiders just like they do in communist countries, while the US lectures other foreign nations on democracy and fair elections, in lots of cases even sending NGOs to monitor elections in foreign countries to ensure fair elections and avoid election frauds while in its own home ignoring red warning election frauds.
Ted Cruz has been so humiliated by the New York defeat that he didn’t stay in for the winner announcement, he flew straight to Pennsylvania where he was trying to trick some idiots to vote for him but only 150 came to see him! The American presstitute media like always they can never praise Trump no matter how well he is doing. Instead of reporting about his huge New York win, they were trying to create a diversion and reporting as “BREAKING NEWS” how evil and stupid Trump is for not paying damn $5 fee for his airplane license on time. Unbelievable! We sincerely await the days when mainstream media goes bankrupt!
Anyway, in other news now, via FOX News exit poll:
– Trump won 85% of the outsider vote
– 69% of Republicans support Trump in a temporary ban on Muslims.
– 61% of high income voters
FOX News also polled people on GOP nominee and found out that 41% of New York voters will NOT vote for Ted Cruz if he is the GOP nominee while only 26% would not vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee.

Trump also said in the video above “We Don’t Have Much of a Race Anymore”
Following his win in Tuesday’s New York State Republican presidential primary, party front-runner Donald Trump addressed his supporters declared that it wasn’t much of a race anymore between he and opponent
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and that he was glad to have won delegates “with the votes.”
“We don’t have much of a race anymore,” Trump declared.
He added that Cruz was nearly mathematically eliminated, but insisted that system was “crooked” and he sought to “go back to the old way.”
“Nobody should be given delegates, which is a ticket to victory, and it’s not a fair ticket. And even though we’re leading by a lot and we can’t be caught–it’s impossible to catch us–nobody should take delegates and claim victory unless they get those delegates with voters and voting, and that’s what’s going to happen. And you watch. Because the people aren’t going to stand for it. It’s a crooked system, it’s a system that’s rigged, and we’re gonna go back to the old way. It’s called ‘You vote and you win.’”
Posted: 20 Apr 2016 05:53 AM PDT

The Prime Minister of Bulgaria will meet a delegation from one of South Africa’s largest commercial farming unions in June this year with the aim of exploring opportunities for Afrikaner farmers in that country.
This dramatic news was announced this week in a press release issued by Bennie van Zyl, manager of the TAU-SA (formerly known as the Transvaal Agricultural Union of South Africa, but which now just uses the abbreviation).
According to the TAU-SA press statement, the invitation to meet with the Prime Minister and cabinet of Bulgaria forms one part of a series of fact-finding missions in which the farming union is currently engaged.
The tour to Bulgaria is set to last from mid to end June 2016, and will start immediately after another TAU-SA tour planned for the state of Georgia, where a half dozen Afrikaner farmers are already settled and farming.
“In the interim, Bulgaria has also reached out to the TAU-SA to come and experience their country and to see what possibilities there are to be had there,” Van Zyl said in the statement.
“This will be something new for us, and a chance to expand our vision and evaluate that country as a possibility for resettlement,” he continued.
The provisional program includes official meetings with the Prime Minister and other cabinet members, and a tour of the countryside to meet with local mayors and farmers to study local farming methods and commodities.
At the same time, an article on the Project Nova Europa (PNE) website announced that a TAU-SA delegation consisting of that organization’s President, Louis Meintjies, and its Assistant General Manager, Henk van de Graaf, will be going to Hungary during the last week of February.
That TAU-SA fact-finding mission will consist of meeting with local authorities in Hungary who have already expressed their desire to have Afrikaner farmers occupy vacant and available farms.
The Hungary fact-finding mission originated with Project Nova Europa and was completely funded by supporters from around the globe. The two day appeal was so successful that it allowed the TAU-SA mission to be expanded from just one delegate to two.
However, as the appeal went out, Project Nova Europa was contacted by numerous white South Africans who were not farmers, who also sought to leave that country.
In response to those requests, it was announced on the website that the Project Nova Europa team is looking into channels whereby non-EU nationals who are not farmers might be able to move to Eastern Europe. Further details can be found on the PNE website here.
Any South Africans interested in the Bulgarian or Georgian tours can contact the TAU-SA’s General Manager Bennie van Zyl via that organization’s website here.
Posted: 20 Apr 2016 04:48 AM PDT

The man featured in a viral video being spit on by a transgender anti-Trump agitator has issued a response to the incident detailing why he decided not to physically engage his attacker.
Infowars cameras were rolling in Portland, Oregon, last week during a heated verbal confrontation between supporters and detractors of presidential candidate Donald Trump when one protester, who described himself as a “tranny,” unexpectedly spat in the face of free speech advocate Robert R.
“Obviously you haven’t done your research and you’re just going along with what everyone else is saying so go do some research, come back with some quotes, OK?” states the Trump supporter.
The transgender man then immediately removes his face scarf and launches a huge glob of spit in the Trump supporter’s face.
“I’m a trans, I’m a tranny, so go ahead, touch a woman! Punch a woman! PUNCH A WOMAN!” screamed the creature with a weird voice. This moment just summarized everything that’s wrong in 2016 Western society. Gender confusion, female privilege… Of course the man didn’t really had to punch that thing in its face but at least he could have had the courage to spit back in its face. Instead he went on to complain to his buddies that he got spit in his face. He wanted something to be done about it but not him, he waned others to intervene and help him out against the tiny aggressive creature who calls itself “woman”.
In his response, Robert says he resolved not to retaliate with violence in order not to portray Donald Trump supporters in a negative light.
Watch the original video of the incident “Communist Tranny Spits In Trump Supporters’ Face” here:

Posted: 20 Apr 2016 04:09 AM PDT

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump said he hasn’t made the determination whether or not he would shake things up at the Republican National Committee (RNC) if he were to be the Republican nominee.
“Trump left open the possibility that he would seek to install his own allies at the RNC should he accrue the 1,237 delegates required to win the nomination by the time primary voting ends in June,” The Washington Post reports. “Asked in the interview whether he would retain RNC Chairman Reince Priebus in that scenario, Trump replied: ‘I don’t know. I haven’t made the determination.’”
The real estate mogul also made it clear he won’t be entering the Republican National Convention with a known vice presidential pick. According to The Washington Post, “Trump said he plans to name one only if he has the nomination secured; otherwise, he will wait to do so at the convention.”
The former reality television star said he thought the 2016 Republican National Convention should have a “showbiz” quality, explaining the 2012 convention in Tampa was “the single most boring convention I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s very important to put some showbiz into a convention, otherwise people are going to fall asleep,” Trump stated during a recent interview. “We don’t have the people who know how to put showbiz into a convention.”
Posted: 20 Apr 2016 03:20 AM PDT

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump went on Fox News Tuesday and called for the redacted 9/11 documents to be released.
“I think I know what it’s going to say,” he said. “It’s going to be very profound, having to do with Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia’s role on the World Trade Center and the attack.
“That’s very serious stuff. It’s sort of nice to know who your friends are, and perhaps who your enemies are. You’re going to see some very revealing things released in those papers.”
Trump made reference to the papers in February during a campaign stop in South Carolina. “It wasn’t the Iraqis. You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center,” he said. “[Because] they have papers in there that are very secret. You may find it’s the Saudis, OK? But you will find out.”
On Monday, the Obama administration and the State Department said the release of the papers detailing Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks and its support for al-Qaeda would damage US national security and endanger citizens living abroad.
The White House has threatened to veto legislation that would release the documents. “It’s difficult to imagine a scenario where the President would sign it,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Monday. He said the bill would jeopardize international sovereignty and put the US at “significant risk.”
Both the Obama and Bush administrations have refused to release the papers stored in a guarded vault beneath Washington DC. The FBI has also refused to unseal the documents. “It needs to be classified,” former Director of the FBI Robert S. Mueller said in a secret meeting.
Obama allies on Capitol Hill, including an unnamed Republican senator, have vowed to prevent the Senate from taking up the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act. The bill would remove Saudi Arabia’s immunity in federal court and allow victims of the 9/11 attacks to sue the kingdom.
In order to have the bill move forward, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would need to file procedural motions. 60 votes are required to have the bill move forward. “I think part of the concern is that somehow this is a thumb in the eye to Saudi Arabia, a valuable ally,” Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas said.
On April 10 the former chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and co-chair of the bipartisan joint congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks, Bob Graham, told CBS News he believes Saudi Arabia was behind the attacks. Graham said support came from the Saudi government, charities, and rich people in the country. He said that support was downplayed because of the “special relationship” between the United States and the kingdom.
Following Graham’s appearance on “60 Minutes,” Infowars posted Kevin Ryan’s “Why Saudi Ties to 9/11 Mean U.S. Ties to 9/11,” an article spelling out the connection between the Saudis, the FBI, and the CIA.