US: Talk of Easing Iran Sanctions 'Premature'U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew says talk of a possible easing of U.S. sanctions against Iran is premature, despite last week's discussions in Geneva on the country's disputed nuclear program. ...

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Indian Premier Arrives in Moscow For SummitIndia's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arrived in Moscow Sunday for an official visit, during which he is due meet President Vladimir Putin and sign a series of agreements on trade, nuclear energy and defense equipment. ...

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U.S. To Use Romania Base For Afghan Withdrawal The United States has secured an agreement with NATO ally Romania to use a Black Sea air base as a transit point for American troops and military equipment leaving Afghanistan. ...
Report: US to release $1.6 billion in aid to Pakistan The Obama administration is quietly releasing more than $1.6 billion in frozen military and financial assistance to Pakistan, ahead of the prime minister's visit to the White House this week. ...