Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be
  • Debt No More! How Obama can defeat Austerity Thugs by Using the Constitution and Debt-Free Money
  • Thousands of Nuclear Regulators Sent Home During Shutdown
  • Tragedy Off Lampedusa: How Poverty and Population Factors Sink the Future of Immigrants
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I was on Danny Schecter's radio show, along with economist William Black, this week. Here's the link.  We talked about the meaning and consequences of the shutdown.
While I headlined Phillip Zack's article,    First Followers; and Tiptoe-Caused-Avalanches of Change , I can't recommend it strongly enough. It's a brilliant discussion that will give every activist cause for hope. If you haven't read it yet, I encourage you to check it out. 
As usual, fundraising is behind. Can you help. 
rob kall
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Trillion dollar coin, greenbacks, or something else? The president has not just the right, but the DUTY, to pay our debts, despite the unconstitutional debt-ceiling imposed by Congress. There is broad support from economists, the constitution and fairness.

All of this has hurt the nuclear industry. A long, drawn-out shutdown would have gone further, killing the re-licensing process and the endless flow of rubber-stamped regulatory exceptions on which the industry thrives. An unmanageable accident in the midst of this shorthanded mess would have been another chime in a chorus of death knells.
When tragedy struck off the coast of a small Sicilian island and a ship carrying 500 African immigrants sunk, our eyes were opened to the larger questions about the dynamics of the region: Why are these people fleeing their sub-Saharan homelands in droves, and why are they willing to pay, both in money and in their lives, for a slim chance at escape?

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), the fellow who led the GOP further into a PR abyss, hailed the political crisis that was ending (at least for now) as "a remarkable thing" and claimed that it showed that "millions upon millions" had risen up against Obamacare.
The Tea Party and its allies have been funded by the billionaire Koch brothers, and right-wing money has expanded a formidable conservative media empire -- from Fox News to the Wall Street Journal, and talk radio with tens of millions of followers. Still, the majority is holding its own for now, despite its under-representation in the public debate.
By Come Carpentier de Gourdon
Trends and Possible Future Developments in Asia
Asia is becoming once again, after a gap of two and a half centuries, the economic power-house of the world and is gaining the corresponding political and cultural influence. Five major trends and emerging developments can be singled and used to help us predict whether there will be intra-Asian conflicts or agreement and how that will shape the future international order.
What will the damage be next time, and how can we fight it? Yesterday's "deal" only puts off the fight for a few months. With more of this on the horizon, companies will be hesitant to hire or invest. Consumers will remain wary and distrustful. Republicans still have one power: the power to destroy. And they will use that power until we take it away from them.

The government shutdown is over. Let's take stock of the cost and look to the future.
There is another story about how all this gridlock came to be, fronted by the question: "Why didn't the Democrats landslide the cruelest, most ignorant, big-business-indentured Republican Party in its history during the 2010 and 2012 Congressional elections?
Here we go again; one more crisis involving a government shutdown and a narrowly escaped debt ceiling catastrophe has been averted or, to be more explicit, the problem has been kicked down the road a few months. But the next big dog fight in Congress over the national deficit of nearly $17 trillion looms on the horizon; and then we'll face the next crisis and the next and it will never stop.
As the private spaceflight firm SpaceX works to bring more commercial rocket launches back to the United States, it anticipates some stiff competition from the burgeoning Chinese space program.

Dianne Reidy, the stenographer who provided a fittingly bizarre coda to the shutdown with her rant about how the Freemasons wrote the Constitution, offered up an explanation yesterday for why she decided to begin yelling on the House floor in the first place: God told her to.
Declaring himself "American's most famous Catholic," comedian Stephen Colbert roasted church leaders at a charity event in New York on Thursday, taking aim at Pope Francis and Cardinal Timothy Dolan. Colbert, whose bombastic persona on the "Colbert Report" often takes a conservative slant on Christianity, poked fun at the new Pope's humble lifestyle, saying that if the pontiff were in charge of the white-tie charity event, it would have been held at an IHOP, not New York's glitzy Waldorf-Astoria hotel.
In two parallel projects, researchers have rewritten the genetic code of the bacterium E. coli. In the first study they created a genetically and biochemically novel organism by erasing every example of a single codon from the entire genome. In the second, they tested whether all codons could be swapped to a synonymous codon in 42 separate genes, while eliminating every instance of 13 codons throughout each of those genes.
There's something I wanted to tell you, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what it was. You know the feeling? It's right on the tip of your tongue, but you can't spit it out. The thing is, that moment is critically important, and all we want is for it to go away. Well, don't. Not yet, anyway, because that's the key to how anything gets done, how movements are born, and how the world is changed.
By Peter Duveen
An era that has gone
"An Era That Has Gone, the story of a venerable Brooklyn Heights family and the support they lent to an up-and-coming portrait artist.
By Steven Barnes
Why I Stopped Using NLP
NLP is a phenomenally powerful set of tools, but as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility.
What had been my most reluctant secret was now my defining characteristic. In LA, a community activist told me I had become the male face of the domestic violence movement.In Chicago,the wife of a rabbi said I was the Jewish voice for domestic violence awareness. I have convinced myself that what I told Deborah is true: If you are brave enough to tell your story, people will get inspired and help stop the cycle of violence.
A new report claiming to be the most comprehensive look at global slavery says 30 million people are living as slaves around the world.

A great, meticulous fact-check on a Hannity episode which purported to show Obamacare as a "Train Wreck." That claim was, at best, misleading.
Ryan cast his "no" vote on the deal in order to begin organizing his troops for a fight that will set up the next shutdown and debt-ceiling struggles. The committee has a deadline of December 13. That makes its report--or the lack of one--the first deadline on a schedule toward new continuing resolution and debt-ceiling votes in January and February. That creates tremendous pressure for a deal, and Ryan's at the ready.
By Uri Avnery
The Descenders
Jewish Israelis are already a minority in the country ruled by Israel, from the Mediterranean to the Jordan. The majority of subjects deprived of all rights is growing by the year. Oppression will necessarily grow. The image of Israel throughout the world will get worse. Pride in Israel will fade. Young Jewish Americans are no longer proud of Israel. Some of them are ashamed.
The United States brought new manslaughter charges on Thursday against four former Blackwater Worldwide security guards for a 2007 shooting in Baghdad that prosecutors said killed 14 unarmed civilians. The original U.S. charges filed against the Blackwater guards in 2008 were thrown out in December 2009, about a month before a scheduled trial. A U.S. District Court judge ruled that prosecutors should have done more to exclude statements that the guards gave under threat of losing their jobs.
Sen. Bernie Sanders was appointed to a Senate and House budget conference committee to create a long-term budget plan by Dec. 13 to avert another government shutdown. In my view, it is imperative that this new budget helps us create the millions of jobs we desperately need and does not balance the budget on the backs of working people, the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor," Sanders said.
The American people are not happy with the GOP for inflicting a government shutdown that cost $24 BILLION on the country in a failed and mean-spirited attempt to deny affordable health insurance to millions of Americans. A new memo from former Obama campaign pollster Joel Benenson presents an "array of public polling from a wide variety of outlets" demonstrating that the GOP's effort to undermine Obamacare has hurt the party "on every front."
Saudi Arabia took the extraordinary step Friday of refusing to take its seat on the U.N. Security Council -- despite pursuing the position for years. It's an unprecedented protest over the council's failure to take firmer action in Syria and Palestine. And it comes at a time of growing Saudi frustration with American-led policies across the Middle East. The decision, which came in an announcement from the Saudi Foreign Ministry, came one day after Saudi Arabia was elected for the first time in its history to the United Nations' most powerful body.
Fresh for the debacle over the government shutdown and near credit default, Congress is now acting to sabotage promising negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, with some right-wing Republicans even raising the specter of war.
First it was Chinese goods; now Chinese banks are moving in on the UK - which mightn't be a bad thing considering the state of western banking. Now we hear that China is to take control of UK's nuclear. This week UK politicos were in Beijing toadying to Chinese bigwigs. Maybe the intention is that it'll help extricate democracy from the Globalist stranglehold. On the other hand, maybe it isn't.
The House of Saud is livid facing the possibility of a negotiated solution for the Iran nuclear dossier -- immediately after the Russian-US deal on Syria's chemical weapons. Yet now the House of Saud has even managed to find a pulpit to voice its anger; Saudi Arabia has just won a two-year, rotating UN Security Council seat for the first time -- taking over from Pakistan as an Asia-Pacific representative.

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The GOP establishment has embarked, once again, on a round of soul-searching. But this time, the question is: What will it take to save the Republicans from the self-destructive impulses of the tea party movement? That the government shutdown was a political disaster for the party that engineered it is widely acknowledged, except by the most ardent tea partyers.