Top 10 Trending Stories
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U.N. Disarmament of U.S.
CONTRIBUTOR: LynnTantrum. Monday, October 14, 2013 U.N. Disarmament of America? gun-grabber-joh... Who was it in my life that always told me you can never simply trust the government? "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to decieve." It would appear that Secretary of...
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Most Sickening Image Of The Syrian War

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Celente Warns Collapse Coming In 2014
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New Super Typhoon Heading For Fukushima Packing 190 MPH Winds

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American West Coast To Get Radioactive Rain

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FUKED Info: World Action Now on Fukushima - World Danger

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Alert: Massive Armed March At The Alamo 10/19/2013 Updated Info (Video)

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Kenyan Mall-Style Attack Imminent, Warns US Intelligence (Video)

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Pole Flip On The Sun Imminent: 11-Year Solar Cycle Wimpy, But Peaking

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They're Preparing For The Next Event! The X22Report
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CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CURATOR: Josey Wales
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
JUST RELEASED: 49 U.S. Senators Refuse to Approve U.N. Arms Treaty Signed by John Kerry VIDEO (video)
CURATOR: Josey Wales
CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America
CURATOR: John Rolls
CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America
CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America