Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.
Physical Possession GOLD and Silver IRA

U.N. Disarmament of U.S.

CONTRIBUTOR: LynnTantrum. Monday, October 14, 2013 U.N. Disarmament of America? Who was it in my life that always told me you can never simply trust the government? "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to decieve." It would appear that Secretary of...


Most Sickening Image Of The Syrian War

Most Sickening Image Of The Syrian War CONTRIBUTOR: Mort Amsel. The unborn children of Syrian women are the targets of a sickening war game where a shooter who murders a foetus in its mother’s womb is awarded with cigarettes, a British surgeon has revealed. Dr David Nott witnessed evidence of fighters using civilians as target practice and on...


Celente Warns Collapse Coming In 2014

Celente Warns Collapse Coming In 2014CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. In this video report with Alex Jones, financial guru Gerald Celente warns that the financial collapse will be coming in 2014. Celente joins Alex via skype to discuss the many dangers of Obamacare and the agreement that was recently reached on our debt ceiling to the perils that lay ahead...


New Super Typhoon Heading For Fukushima Packing 190 MPH Winds

New Super Typhoon Heading For Fukushima Packing 190 MPH WindsCONTRIBUTOR: Mort Amsel. Say hello to Super Typhoon Francisco. Weather Channel, Oct. 18, 2013 at 9:45p ET: Super Typhoon Francisco Brushes Guam, Could Threaten Japan Next Week [...] A tropical cyclone is dubbed a “super typhoon” when maximum sustained winds reach at least 150 mph – the equivalent of a Category 4...


American West Coast To Get Radioactive Rain

American West Coast To Get Radioactive RainCONTRIBUTOR: Mort Amsel. Thom Hartmann, host: What’s the status of the measurement of the radiation hitting the United States? Are we measuring seafood that is here? Are we measuring the ocean currents? Are we measuring the air? What do we know about it… the West Coast? Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear: […] I eat...


FUKED Info: World Action Now on Fukushima - World Danger

FUKED Info: World Action Now on Fukushima -  World DangerCONTRIBUTOR: LedaOhio9. Journalist, author, activist and historian Harvey Wasserman has been reporting on, and participating in, the nuclear free movement for decades. In that time, by his judgment, only one other event matches the danger to the world posed by the Cuban Missile Crisis. That event is the ongoing nuclear disaster at...


Alert: Massive Armed March At The Alamo 10/19/2013 Updated Info (Video)

Alert: Massive Armed March At The Alamo  10/19/2013  Updated Info   (Video)CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) A armed march is being put together, to reclaim our 2nd Amendment rights. Anyone in Texas and all over the country, are asked to participate in this non-violent march. Only bring rifles, no pistols. Over the past few months the San Antonio Police have shown their disregard...


Kenyan Mall-Style Attack Imminent, Warns US Intelligence (Video)

Kenyan Mall-Style Attack Imminent, Warns US Intelligence (Video)CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America. By Susan Duclos US intelligence has warned Uganda and Americans living in Uganda of an "imminent" Kenya mall-style attack which has put Uganda officials on high maximum alert. Americans in the capital Kampala have been warned to avoid crowded places although officials admit they have no data on a location...


Pole Flip On The Sun Imminent: 11-Year Solar Cycle Wimpy, But Peaking

Pole Flip On The Sun Imminent: 11-Year Solar Cycle Wimpy, But PeakingCONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish . In a 3-meter diameter hollow aluminum sphere, Cary Forest, a UW-Madison physics professor, is stirring and heating plasmas to 500,000 degrees Fahrenheit to experimentally mimic the magnetic field-inducing cosmic dynamos at the heart of planets, stars and other celestial bodies. Ninety-three million miles away, the sun's magnetic field —...


They're Preparing For The Next Event! The X22Report

They're Preparing For The Next Event! The X22ReportCONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. In this latest episode of the X22Report we learn that with the debt ceiling debate ended, the central bankers/US government are preparing for the next big event. With the blame for our economic state having been shifted from the FED to our government, the government will now attempt to shift...


CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CURATOR: Josey Wales

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die


CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die

CURATOR: Josey Wales

CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America

CURATOR: John Rolls

CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America

CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America