Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday, 3 October 2013

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       October 03, 2013
drug empireAmerica's Drug Empire
"Heroin trafficking is the lubrication that keeps the wheels of Western politics moving as intended."
vt-top-1011Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - October 03, 2013
putin-nobelStephen Lendman
Putin Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
SHUTDOWNStephen Lendman
World Reaction to US Government Shutdown
1b275bed2c2d1ddbb34a8ff783984dbe_largeVeterans Today
George Galloway: The Killing of Tony Blair
69537_349871645109138_1186612756_nJim Fetzer
The Complete Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference: Parts 1, 2 and 3
homeless-veteran1Robert Rosebrock
jammas_hussain20131001223822820Gordon Duff
America's "Netanyahu Shut Down"
nsaJonas E. Alexis
NSA and Jewish Bankers: Two Zionist Monsters
Netanyahu featured imageJim Fetzer
Israel's Case Against Diplomacy With Iran Based Upon Lies
duo-front-comingsoon-216x300Kevin Barrett
Dynamic Duo #2: Barrett & Fetzer slam Netanyahu
Presidential Proclamation -- National Disability Employment Awareness Month, 2013
Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, we have made great progress in removing barriers for hardworking Americans. »»
Enrolled in Tricare? Find Out If You're Covered By Health Care
If you're a veteran who is not enrolled in VA benefits or other veterans' health coverage, you can get coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. »»
Lorimer Wilson
The U.S. Is In Desperate Shape! Here's Why
The end is certain. Only its timing is unknown. It's a slow motion train wreck that can be seen coming miles away but which, like deer paralyzed in the headlights, everyone is unwilling to face up to and to take any meaningful corrective action - and it will be the downfall of them all. »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- ACE Midwest Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Phillips 66 Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- InfoPro Corporation Joins
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- VA Should Do Better Job of Informing Veterans of Property Tax Benefits, says Senator
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Veterans Affairs Tech Center Accidently Deletes 464,000 Home Loan Data Files
Jim W. Dean
Virginian Veterans Raise I-95 Battleflag..
- America's most discriminated veterans have their day in the sun »»
Jim W. Dean
American Exceptionalism? - Let's Take a Peek
- Who is True Blue - and Who is with the Huckster Crew? »»
Sami Jamil Jadallah
Divided States of America..
Let us not fool our self, we are a nation divided, with more things dividing us than uniting us, and the recent failure of both House and Senator to agree on a budget and the shut down of the government is but one of the facts that we are a truly divided nation. »»
NY Trio BW
Gilad Atzmon
NYC is my Mecca
There was something in America and NYC that brought about jazz, that unique combustible mixture of imaginary freedom confronted with harsh oppressive capitalism, urban complexity, all sparked by a lot of talent »»
Allen L Roland
VA Low Balling Vets Daily Suicide Rate..
Supposedly every day in the United States at least 22 veterans commit suicide but this stark figure is obviously a low ball number because three of the largest states did not make data available to the VA for this report. »»
David Russell Christoff
Lorimer Wilson
Going Bare Breasted Is Legal in These U.S. States
The U.S. is hardly united as the following maps clearly show. Religious denominations differ in popularity dramatically by state as does cigarette smoking, unemployment and a variety of other aspects of life. Indeed, some states even permit women to legally go about bare breasted! Take a look where. »»
Samon Bagons
3 Ways Budgets Fail (And How to Overcome Them)
This is my other point out towards how to manage your budget effectively. This is also an art. Please read these 3 points and follow them to ensure best money management. »»
Michael Lombardi
First Government Shutdown in 17 Years. If Only It Will Last?
How can this happen and what does it mean for the small investor? »»