Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday, 20 October 2013

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits       October 20, 2013
xBehind the Bush: Aleister Crowley, Yeats, the Anti Christ & Armageddon
There are 9 parts to this essay. If you read all nine of them you will know what you were never meant to know or at least what they meant for you to never know.
nsa-fear42Stephen Lendman
New NSA Revelations
military sexual traumaVeterans Today
Veterans Conference Examines Military Sexual Trauma
traumatic brain injuryVeterans Today
TBI Challenge II
truth-and-liesDean Henderson
The Evisceration of Yugoslavia Part V: A Kangaroo Court
closeup-musical-instrumentJim W. Dean
It's Time for a Spanish Thing
400_300_traffickingMedium2_Lasha Darkmoon
Secret Sex Life of the Jews
israeli-settlementStephen Lendman
Dramatic Increase in Israeli Settlement Construction
Featured imageJim Fetzer
Geneva conference appears to stop Israel's war campaign against Iran
6a00d8341bf6cb53ef0133f515297e970b_320wi_answer_2_xlargeYukon Jack
Scum Suckers of the Potomac
Tea Party Plans ShutdownMichael Shrimpton
Human Space Flight (3)
Ashton, Zarif-620x350
Iran Hawks Down but Not Out After Geneva
The Obama Administration is working hard and may succeed in stopping a further set of crippling sanctions being pushed by the Zionists. »»
Lorimer Wilson
Major Financial Collapse of U.S. Coming Soon! Here's Why
The U.S. is headed towards a complete and utter collapse of the financial system. We have not seen so many financial trouble signs all come together at one time like this since just prior to the last major financial crisis in 2008. It is almost as if a "perfect storm" is brewing. »»
Rand Paul Poor Richards News
Is This America's Leading Liberal?
Libertarians: the new warriors against crazy presidents »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Sweeney Excavation Joins!
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- ACE Midwest Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
- Phillips 66 Joins
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- VA Should Do Better Job of Informing Veterans of Property Tax Benefits, says Senator
VA Home Loan News    Managing Editor
- Veterans Affairs Tech Center Accidently Deletes 464,000 Home Loan Data Files
Jim W. Dean
U.S. leaves Afghanistan face to face with the Taliban..
- "It is impossible to understand the logic of the American people: they kill so many people and throw away billions of dollars, in order to kill one terrorist." - Nikloai Bobkin »»
Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - October 18, 2013
Kellie Lafave, a VA Suicide Prevention Coordinator, crisscrosses Montana in her Ford Escape, teaching people how to detect the warning signs of suicide in Veterans they care about. »»
Veterans Today
Map Helps Vets Find Best College ..
The American Legion, Student Veterans of America (SVA) and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) have created an interactive map that will help student veterans decide which States provide them the best deal on college. »»
veteran news
Kevin Barrett
Israeli soccer team re-named "The Fighting Goys"
Israel's racism is so outrageous it's hard to satirize. As Jim Dean says, "you can't make this stuff up." »»
Gordon Duff
Gigs in Drawer 2, Samsung Backup..
These were my backup shots, same day. Last shot, same day, in Trier, the "Black Gate," or Porto Negra, the last remaining part of the Roman Wall of what had been one of the last capitols of the Empire. Camera is a Samsung ST65, the one I use for shooting my awful videos for YouTube. »»
ScreenHunter_2409 Oct. 18 00.43
Lorimer Wilson
Average Age of First Sexual Intercourse by Country + 49 More Informative Facts
If you are a visual learner then you know maps, charts and infographics can reallyData disks hold the world. help bring data and information to life. »»
Saanvi Singh
Top 5 Best Practices For Companies On Google+
Google+ has been around for just over two years, and in that short amount of time, it has become one of the largest social networks in the word. »»
Saanvi Singh
Safe Workplaces and Income Protection Insurance
One of the questions we encounter frequently, regarding income protection insurance, is the one as to whether people who operate in safe workplaces really need such insurance. »»