Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: November 2013

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Povero Gallo da Loggia che non ci capisce un cazzo. Se questi sono i profe di storia... I governi, i partiti ed i regimi del Quirinale-CC si chiamano fascisti, nel linguaggio politico italico, non DC. Poi, un PD proprietà di CDB [in conto Mediobanca-Quirinale-CIA-SIS]... Che è, il Carletto, il nuovo Papa dei Galli da Loggia, mistificatori del Corsera di regime?! Il centro, anzi il centro-sinistra tradizionale, continua ad essere Silvio Berlusconi


Democristiani loro malgrado

Democristiani loro malgrado
di Ernesto Galli della Loggia

La spesa pubblica è insostenibile ed Italiozia sfondata proprio per finanziare le burocrazie predatorie e le oligarchie predatorie. Senza CDB che si comprava ministri e burocrati come facevano a fare il golpe del 23/05/1992? Quello ha bisogno di papparsi euromiliardi Vostri in continuazione...

La LN fu un'operazione clandestina dei CC andreottiani per andare allo sfondamento della DC del Nord. Più che mezze calzette e ladroni non potevano trovare...

Lega, truffa e appropriazione indebita
Bossi e «la family» verso il processo 

 | Contestati al Senatur 40 milioni di finanziamento pubblico al Carroccio. Nei guai i figli Renzo e Riccardo e Belsito

Q.E.D. = D'Alema ed il centro togliattiano-Coop vanno allo sfondamento del PD ora, col Renzucolo, al 100% proprietà del grande predatore di regime CDB ed hanno bisogno che Berlusconi vinca, per quel si può vincere in regime di dittatura Quirinale-Mediobanca-CC-NATO, le prossime elezioni

D’Alema: il Cavaliere è ancora in campoD’Alema: il Cavaliere è ancora in campo 
 | «Nel suo schieramento non si vede un altro leaderRicordo quando nell’89 mi chiese di lavorare per lui»

State Terrorism in Mexico!
Without Mexican Secret Police and FBI-CIA cover, Mexican mafias could be liquidated in 24 hours

Non si ferma l’ondata di violenza in Messico
I narcos impiccano due ragazze sotto un ponte
 | I corpi di una 18enne e di una 16enne trovati a Fresnillo. Scoperta anche fossa comune con 58 corpi torturati, assassinato un parroco

Altre cazzate dal Berlusconi senza palle... I regimi quirinalizi sono regimi fascisti, e come tali vanno definiti. ...C'era e c'è dentro pure il Berlusca inculato e felice...

08:1030 Nov

Il Cav prepara la battaglia: 
esecutivo di sinistra-centro

In vista della verifica in Aula, confida negli agguati di Renzi a Letta. Vertice con gli avvocati per parare l'assalto dei magistrati di Milano

Quante cazzate berluskoniche! Procedimenti contro Berlusconi vengono aperti a Palermo e Milano, su ordine Mediobanca-Quirinale-CC-NATO, il 27 gennaio 1994. Lui, senza palle, fa l'"atlantico"-CC, ma gli anglo-americani-CC lo hanno solo e sempre inculato, incluso collo sputtanamento mondiale


Col decreto Biondi
iniziò la caccia al Cav

Berlusconi è finito nel tritacarne del giustizialismo per aver sbarrato la strada alla sinistra e aver messo in discussione i privilegi delle toghe

Quante cazzate berluskonike pur di non fare i conti colla storia. Il PCI lo creano gli inglesi, con Togliatti (cittadino sovietico fattosi distaccare dall'URSS), a Salerno, nel 1944, per fare da contrappeso al Vaticano-DC. Per le loro Italiozia, gli inglesi escudono una socialdemocrazia nazionale [hanno già il loro PCI compradoro], mentre la DC ha interesse ad un suo piccolo PSI di supporto mentre consocia col PCI come da diktat inglese. È la politica dei quasi due forni. Ah, per la storia... ...L'operazione-DiPietro la iniziano i CC andreottiani su ordine di Andreotti che vuole divenire PresidenteRep. mentre Craxi e Forlani non lo vogliono. Poi è Mediobanca-NATO che, col colpo di Stato del 23/05/1992 (usando il SISDE, su ordine di Spadolini e di Scotti [comprato da CDB] per bypassare i CC andreottiani che controllano le mafie), si impadronisce della macchina in corsa andreottiana e crea la dittatura quirinalizia, che Andreotti avrebbe voluto creare ma con lui al Quirinale. Quelli dell'ex-PCI della CIA-SIS sono tradizionali strumenti NATO-Mediobanca, per cui vengono risparmiati dalla Grande Purga, ed anzi divengono apertamente i principali puntelli di regime

08:4730 Nov

Il peccato originale del Pd?
Non fare i conti con Craxi

Un saggio dello storico Gervasoni spiega come gli eredi del comunismo cerchino di scippare il patrimonio del socialismo italiano. Dopo averlo demonizzato

Sciogliere i CC! Non servono a nulla e fanno solo danni. Gestiscono, su mandato istituzionale, mafie e terrorismi... E qui se la prendono con quattro "veterani" da loro usati per l'andreottiana operazione-Moro ed altre porcate di regime

08:3030 Nov

Pugno chiuso per l'ex Br: 
indagati quattro "compagni"

La Procura di Bologna apre un fascicolo per "istigazione di reato" dopo il gesto compiuto alle esequie del brigatista. Nel mirino Renato Curcio e Oreste Scalzone

The Rebel - Home of the Global Resistance

Dissident News & Analysis


Before and after the "Holocaust": Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948

For over a century, the Jewish World Almanac has been widely regarded as the most authentic source for the world's Jewish population numbers. Academics all over the world, including the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica, used to rely on the accuracy of those numbers. Here is what the World Alamanacs of 1933 and 1948 had to say about the world population of Jews.
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Last 24 hours' most read items

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The most read items ever

The latest editorials by the Rebel of Oz

Before and after the "Holocaust": Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948

For over a century, the Jewish World Almanac has been widely regarded as the most authentic source for the world's Jewish population numbers. Academics all over the world, including the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica, used to rely on the accuracy of those numbers. Here is what the World Alamanacs of 1933 and 1948 had to say about the world population of Jews.
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Poisoners of the Wells - Part 1: The Jewish Role in the Native American Genocide

Trail of Tears Death March
The Native American genocide was the biggest and longest lasting genocide in human history. It went on for 500 years, with a death toll of 100 million lives. That beats even world record holder Joseph Stalin’s Ukrainian genocide of 70 million Ukrainians conducted by Christian-hating Jewish Bolsheviks.
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Poisoners of the Wells – Part 2: The Jewish Role in the Destruction of Traditional Families

What we are dealing with is a masterplan designed and implemented by Jewish banksters and their Gentile minions for the subversion and destruction of Western societies as part of their centuries old quest for Jewish world domination. They call it New World Order or - if they are religiously inclined - God’s will.
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Overpromised, underdelivered - Jim Stone's much anticipated 'Hitler Report'

Followers of the recent Andrew MacGregor/Jim Stone controversy might remember my comment that Jim Stone was only engaging in the popular 'dog versus tail' game and failing to question the Zionist entity where it really hurts, the veracity of the official narrative of the so-called 'Jewish Holocaust'. Jim Stone countered by referring to a remark he once made on his site in which he quoted the official Jewish Almanach pre- and post-war population numbers, proving that the Jewish loss claims must be grossly inflated. I had never noticed that remark, in spite of being an avid reader and republisher of his articles for many months, and suspected that this has something to do with the structure of Jim Stone's site, or lack thereof.
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Jews suck

A lot of people have the misconception that being anti-Semitic means that you hate all Jews. That’s utter nonsense. Sure, anti-Semites tend to have a lot of ill feelings towards Jews as a group, but they aren’t directed against each and every Jew. Abe Foxman and his ilk would beg to differ, but their warped concept of truth is all too well known.
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Halloween or the art of living amongst lemmings

Halloween is close, one of those times when people with their eyes wide open are wondering how to deal with the concerted effort of our media and education system to cutify death, witches and devils. Especially those of us with young children need to decide what to do about the Halloween activities of our off-spring’s schools. Given the days and weeks of preparation going into the event, not allowing the children to go to school on Halloween day is simply not enough. The damage is already done.

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There are monsters and then there are really sick monsters

One of the questions the global resistance against the ‘New World Order’ needs to ask itself is how to deal with what the likes of Alex Jones call the ‘ruling elite’. Do they all deserve to die or be thrown into a high-security facility for the criminally insane? Are they all equally evil and guilty of crimes against humanity?
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Analysis of the Andrew MacGregor vs. Jim Stone affair

Anyone long enough involved in the resistance against the Jewish dominated New World Order must be painfully aware of some of the tactics used by our self-appointed rulers to weaken the opposition. One of the most commonly used tactics is to infiltrate the dissident media with gatekeepers whose job it is to silence the most effective critics. Another method is to lavishly fund and/or promote those dissident media that play by the rules set by their financiers, as a means of sidelining those media who won’t play by those rules.
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Andrew MacGregor's 'Hit Piece' on Jim Stone

Anyone familiar with the Rebel Site will know what a strong supporter I’ve always been of Jim Stone. I religiously republished his Fukushima report and every single of his articles for the past twelve months. I literally spent hundreds of hours and advertising dollars promoting his writings in mail outs and social media. Like many of my readers, I used to believe that Jim Stone was one of the greatest investigative reporters there is at the moment.
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Obama is a Good Man

Don’t laugh. I’m serious. He’s a good man. Now, before you think, this Rebel of Oz guy has gone completely bonkers, I want you to consider this: Can you think of anyone, and I mean anyone, who has woken up more people to the fact how utterly evil the United States’ government is and that there’s no way of fixing it? He’s convinced billions. Compare that to the few hundred thousands even the hardest working anti-establishment blogger can reach and his readers were already convinced before they even visited his site.
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Doing what needs to be done

What’s the best way of dealing with a breed of dog that is known to - every so often - maul and maim a child? From a risk minimisation point of view, it would be best to outlaw the most vicious breeds and force their owners to either ship them to another country or put them down. Dog lovers might argue that their particular mastino or bullterrier is the kindest and friendliest dog in the world, but the risk of it turning nasty is just not worth it.
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Predators Amongst Us

The other day, I came across a video of a lioness trying to catch a zebra at a waterhole, only to be almost drowned. Eventually the humiliated predator had to leave the scene empty-handed and the victorious stallion proudly walked away with little more than superficial wounds.
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US government black investments are just the tip of the iceberg

Last year the Government of the United Sates generated over 7.5 trillion dollars in revenue. The amount generated from taxes came to just over 2.5 trillion while they earned over 5 trillion dollars on investment income. Only 2.5 trillion dollars were allocated for the Federal budget while the other 5.0 trillion is not accounted for in the budget. We are told that the government spent 3.8 trillion which was 1.3 trillion more that they generated in taxes. What they are not telling us is that after allocating 3.8 trillion dollars to pay for our government, there was a surplus of over 3.7 trillion dollars. If every dollar collected by the IRA was returned to the tax payer, the government would still have over trillion dollar surplus. The fraudulent bookkeeping by the government is stealing the wealth of the people.
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Australian Polit-Whores Leading The Way, Again

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
Polit-whores from around the world are queuing up to prove their undying lotalty to their Jewish puppet masters by signing up the inter-parliamentarian “London Declaration on Combating Antisemitism”. Australian parliamentarians are leading the way, not very surprisingly since Australia’s fast track to a $10,000 a month retirement is to serve two parliamentary terms. As a first term backbencher you wouldn’t risk attracting the anger of the almighty Jewish lobby by showing anything but raving enthusiasm for signing this declaration of war against Goyim recalcitrance.
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The Zionists Have No Clothes - Part 3: The Debunked Holocaust Hoax

Holocaust Revisionist Penetentiary
Before getting into the nitty-gritty of the biggest taboo topic in modern history, I would like to ask my readers to try out the following experiment. Ask a few educated family members or close friends the following questions. Ask them to answer honestly and don’t tell them which country or historic event you are referring to.
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The Zionists Have No Clothes - Part 2: The Debunked Anti-Semitism Hoax

Misnomer issues aside, what the term anti-Semitism really implies is that its ‘sufferer’ is plagued by some irrational, if not pathological hatred towards Jews, mainly on racist or religious grounds. The truth though is that there might be nothing pathological or irrational about ill feeling towards Jews. If only half of the common accusations made against Jews were founded then those ill feelings would be more than justified.
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The Zionists Have No Clothes - Part 1: The Debunked Middle-Eastern Roots

You could almost feel sorry for the Zionists. They have invested so much time, effort and passion into telling everyone how the Jews got kicked out of their own country by those evil Roman imperialists, dispersed all over the world, kicked out of every single European country, over 200 times altogether, for no good reason, and eventually almost entirely wiped out in an industrial scale genocide by Nazi Germany, so that nobody would have the heart to refuse them the wish to return to their ancient homeland. Too bad, it all turns out to be nothing but a myth.
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A World Run by Monsters, Pimps and Prostitutes (Part 2)

“Money ruins the character”, “Money doesn’t stink”, “The world revolves around money”. Few things have attracted more famous quotes than money. Some people, me included, believe that money is evil. Others think that’s it’s the only thing that matters.
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A World Run by Monsters, Pimps and Prostitutes (Part 1)

We live in a world run by monsters, pimps and prostitutes. They try very hard to hide their pathological lack of empathy, but the fact remains that they are just a bunch of mild-mannered mass-murderers and soft-spoken psychopaths. Who cares whether their condition is caused by nature or nurture?!
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About protecting the ‘truth’ from those bad, bad Holocaust deniers

The United Nations, European Community, “Big Brother” Google, and numerous other organisations are working tirelessly towards a world-wide outlawing of what’s commonly known as “Holocaust denial”. Why do they bother? What’s so special about the alleged Jewish suffering that makes questioning its veracity such a heinous crime that warrants global persecution?
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Classic Disinfotainment: 2 Living ETs Working with US Government

Listen to the 'honorable' Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada, delivering a classic example of disinfotainment. First he's trying to trick us with his references to the Bilderbergers, the 'ruling elite', and the CFR into believing that he's actually going to tell us the truth. Then he delivers his real message, that global warming is threatening the survival of mankind and that we have less than 10 years left to prevent the worst. Global warming, of course, is not only a hoax, but the prime tool for financing the New World Order. His second and equally important subliminal message is that the New World Order is a German/Nazi project rather than a pre-dominantly Jewish vehicle to achieve Jewish world domination. Anyone familiar with the stranglehold of our beloved tribe over Canadian society will understand why.
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About racial profiling and the endless list of Jewish sensitivities

kosher nostra
Have you ever got into a police checkpoint where drivers were pulled over for breath-testing? Did you get pulled over or did they wave you through? Chances are that if you are a middle-aged person driving a family car such as a Volvo station wagon with baby seats at the back, the police didn't stop you. On the other hand, if you were driving one of the car models popular with testosterone-ridden young lads such as a Subaru WRX, police pulled you over to test your breath.
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About Pseudonyms and Asymmetric Warfare

Judo Strategy
A bitter battle of words has erupted in recent weeks within the ranks of the global resistance against the New World Order.  Valued members of our community have publicly accused fellow dissidents of dishonesty and cowardice, because they publish their writings under a pseudonym.
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Normalizing Tyranny

The other day, some closet-Democrat lectured me that I shouldn't call Obama evil. If I disagreed with his policies I should say so, not call him evil. My reply to her and all the other brain-dead political correctness zombots is, I don’t disagree with Obama. I detest him for ‘normalizing’ tyranny.
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The Icelandic Revolution and the New World Order

The Icelandic Revolution and the New World Order
Our ruling crime families are quite flexible when it comes to making allowances for societal differences in culture, religion and mentality. They are also reasonably accommodating to individual inclinations of the local ‘elite’. However they can get quite nasty in cases where a country’s leadership openly refuses to take orders. In most cases, those countries are quickly brought back under control through a variety of measures. Blackmail, murder disguised as accidents and acts of terrorism are just the beginning. If they don’t work those countries and their leadership see themselves quickly vilified and internationally isolated as ‘rogue states’, and their economies systematically destroyed. If that doesn’t do the job either, an international coalition of countries will sooner or later rape and pillage them under some flimsy ‘humanitarian’ pretext.
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