Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday, 28 November 2014


Egypt: News websites and alternative voices

Space for free expression on news websites may shrink in the near future, under pressure from a combination of new legislation and, reportedly, new surveillance tactics.  Read in English | عربي ADVOCACY LETTER

Russia: Joint NGO letter to the President of the Russian Federation to stop clampdown on freedom of association

We, the undersigned non-governmental organizations, are writing to urge you to stop the clampdown on the right to freedom of association and end reprisals against independent non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Russia. Read more >


Self-censorship: A how-to guide for dictators

Picture the scene — you want to control the media landscape in your country and shut down any pesky critical voices but you still want to maintain your friendships at the international level. So what’s a poor dictator to do? Read more >


Facebook: A double-edged sword

In the past few years, Iran has notoriously used services such as Facebook as an easy-to-use dissident mousetrap. Read more >

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