Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Wednesday 11-26-2014                                              Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser


Ferguson and the False Promise of "Revolution" 
ASEAN Economic Community – Why, For What, and By Whom 
Tony Cartalucci

Death Squads Receiving Training in Joint US/Qatar Operation: Report
Brandon Turbeville

Strange Beam of Static Electricity Felt Outside of Google Office
Joshua Krause

We Are the Enemy: Is This the Lesson of Ferguson?

Did They Want More Violence In
Ferguson? 10 ‘Coincidences’ Too Glaring To Ignore

Michael Snyder

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RT host accuses CNN of spreading  propaganda, gets censored

Strange Beam of Static Electricity Felt Outside of Google Office

Obey or Else - American Police State


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