Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

This week on nybooks.comThe defense secretary’s exit, a powerful new production of Marlowe’s Tamburlaine, the beauty of the Gowanus Canal’s toxic waters, Naomi Klein and the warmists, and the disgrace of our criminal justice system.
Elizabeth Drew
The White House is stuck in a policy that has very little chance of working. And Chuck Hagel became the odd man out.
Michael Greenberg
Steven Hirsch’s photos of the Gowanus Canal are a microscopic record of an ecological disaster.
Geoffrey O’Brien
The career of Marlowe’s world-conquering Tamburlaine progresses like a river in flood, rising steadily and irresistibly and spilling over into actions of spectacular destruction, sparing nothing that stands in opposition.
Elizabeth Kolbert
On Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything, and the grim math of climate change
David Cole
Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercydemonstrates the extent to which brutality, unfairness, and racial bias continue to infect criminal law.
James Baldwin
What the Americans do not realize is that a war between brothers, in the same cities, on the same soil, is not a racial war but a civilwar. (1970)