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Possible Fort Hood Attack Thwarted?
Though there is no confirmation that an attack was in the works, the reports are reason for concern. STRATFOR has written about the possibility of grassroots plots, particularly in revenge for the killing of Osama bin Laden. The fear is that Abdo or the other two suspects were planning an attack similar to that of U.S. Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who carried out one of the few successful grassroots attacks in the United States due to his tactical choice of conducting an armed assault.
The most notable aspect in the thwarting of this alleged plot is that it appears that an alert citizen may have prevented the potential attack. KCEN reported that someone noticed the main suspect, Abdo, acting suspiciously outside an America’s Best Value Inn in Killeen and reported him to police. Police found that there was an outstanding warrant for his arrest from Fort Campbell over child pornography found on his government computer.
Abdo was previously stationed in Fort Hood, so he may have been hiding with the help of friends and could have used his knowledge of the base to plan such an attack. Abdo went AWOL on July 4, right before he was scheduled for his first deployment to Afghanistan. He had previously had his application for conscientious objector status approved but was being investigated for child pornography before he could be discharged. Due to the investigation he could not be discharged, and that may have been his reason for going AWOL. He had also participated in major media interviews about his experience in the military while applying for conscientious objector status. The identities and arrest locations of the other two U.S. military personnel are unclear.
STRATFOR will continue to investigate the details of this alleged plot. At this point, it serves as a reminder that citizens can serve as defenders against grassroots attacks.
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A Culture of Life
An amendment added to the House Foreign Relations Authorization Act would reinstate the global gag rule as law, writes Peter Juul.More: The Latest Attack on Women's Reproductive Health

------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEHRAN DIARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'We Drink to the Freedom that Will Come One Day' It has been two years since the disputed presidential elections in Iran, which sparked street protests leading to dozens of deaths and countless arrests. The opposition is in disarray and the government seems stronger than ever. Four Tehran residents give a glimpse into life in the Islamic Republic in diary entries they wrote for SPIEGEL. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,776787,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: Daily Life in Tehran http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-70858.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRIDLOCK IN WASHINGTON ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Europe Losing Patience with US Debt Delays European leaders have long expressed confidence that the US would find a resolution to its ongoing debt impasse. But now there is growing concern that it won't. German Finance Minister Schäuble has urged US lawmakers to act responsibly and others have warned of unpredictable consequences if they don't. http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/0,1518,777121,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPIEGEL INTERVIEW WITH TOP JESUIT PRIEST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'We Kept Quiet about Sexual Abuse for Too Long' Jesuit priest Klaus Mertes, the director of Berlin's Canisius College, sent shock waves through the German Catholic Church in January 2010 when he exposed systematic sexual abuse at the elite school. In a SPIEGEL interview, he talks about the Church's response to the abuse scandal and his anger at the Vatican. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,776775,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOZING BIOFUEL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Algae Could Solve World's Fuel Crisis Genetically modified blue and green algae could be the answer to the world's fuel problems. Bioengineers have already developed algae that produce ethanol, oil and even diesel -- and the only things the organisms need are sunlight, CO2 and seawater. http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,776653,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MURDER IN BERLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Lost Honor of the Sürücü Family Hatun Sürücü died in 2005 when her youngest brother shot her for the sake of their family honor. What followed was a family's self-destruction. A new documentary reconstructs the story, and interviews the murderer for the first time. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,777109,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: The Death of Hatun Sürücü http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-70939.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BORDER DISPUTE WITH KOSOVO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Serbian Attackers Shoot at NATO Soldiers NATO reinforcements have been sent to Kosovo's northern border with Serbia after a group of angry Serbs attacked and set fire to a border post there. They also reportedly opened fire on NATO troops nearby. The incident highlights growing tensions between ethnic Serbs and Kosovar Albanians. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,777117,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: Violence Erupts at Kosovo Border http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-70940.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'ONE NIGHT STAND' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teeny Magazine Blasted for Sexual Aggression Tale Bravo magazine is an institution among German teens for its blanket coverage of pop stars like Justin Beaver, but also for its frank sexual advice column and educational photo stories of sex encounters between teens. A feminist blog is accusing the magazine of glorifying sexual aggression. http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,777217,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMISSIONS IN THE EU ------------------------------------------------------------------------ US Vilifies Carbon-Trading Scheme for Airlines Starting in 2012, airlines with flights to the EU will have to pay for certificates to emit CO2. But the United States has balked at the expensive plan. Their resistance threatens to spark a majar trade dispute. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,777169,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD FROM BERLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ East Africa's 'Cataclysmic Downward Spiral of Suffering' The UN has started airlifting food to famine-plagued Somalia, a measure that could save thousands of starving children in the divided country. German commentators, however, argue that it is time to address the causes of such a famine and push for at-risk regions to create self-sufficient agricultural industries. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,777136,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: A Half-Million Children Face Starvation in East Africa http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-70951.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PICTURE THIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balloon Bevy http://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,777199,00.html#ref=nlint
RFE/RL Watchdog
7/28/2011 7:06:13 PM
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![]() The relatives of an elderly Iranian citizen who fought against the Iranian regime some 25 years ago, 71-year-old Mahmud Ardahali, say Azerbaijani border guards have deported him to Iran. More ![]() Russian prison authorities have officially given Platon Lebedev, a former Yukos associate of jailed former oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a "negative assessment" at his parole hearing in court. More ![]() Four activists from the opposition Other Russia group were detained in the western city of Nizhny Novgorod. More ![]() Valery Lazarev, an editor at the Volga TV company, told RFE/RL that the incident took place on July 23 when his crew was filming a fire at a military base in Nizhny Novgorod. More ![]() Officials at a labor camp in northwestern Russia have given a "negative assessment" of Platon Lebedev, a former associate of jailed former Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky who is seeking release on parole. More A motley band of bearded and unkempt activists from the unregistered Other Russia party have become the latest addition to Russia’s offbeat opposition protest scene. More ![]() Gulzhan Erglieva, the website's founder and owner, told journalists in Almaty on July 21 that her website has been under attack since July 15. She said the attack was likely connected to the content on the website. More |
Neues Deutschland Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 10243 Berlin +++ Werbung in eigener Sache: Die LINKE, Israel und der Antisemitismus http://www.neues-deutschland.de/dossiers/150.html Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, hier erfahren Sie, welche Themen im ND vom 29.07.2011 behandelt werden. +++ Titel: China fällt aus dem Rahmen Datenreport 2011: Die Weltbevölkerung wächst schnell - oft verschärft das die Armut Von Martin Ling --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203243.china-faellt-aus-dem-rahmen.html +++ Inland: Bloß kein Grund zum Feiern? Alexander Ringbeck über jung-grüne Kritik am Schulkompromiss in NRW --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203223.bloss-kein-grund-zum-feiern.html Funkes Zukunft Karl-Heinz Funke kehrte der SPD nach 45 Jahren den Rücken --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203224.funkes-zukunft.html Auch hierzulande handeln! 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Hexenjagd« Von Volkmar Draeger --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203197.gleichnis-zum-schicksal-einer-ethnie.html Gesehen Zurück zur Politik Von Peter Nowak --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203198.gesehen.html Ruhestätte in neuem Glanz Die Restaurierung des Kleist-Grabes am Kleinen Wannsee hat begonnen --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203244.ruhestaette-in-neuem-glanz.html Eine feste Basis gegen rassistische Hetze Bündnis »Rechtspopulismus stoppen« stellt neue Broschüre und Büro vor Von Simon Brost --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203245.eine-feste-basis-gegen-rassistische-hetze.html Austrinken, anrufen, Pfand spenden Über eine neue Online-Plattform kann man sein Leergut an Flaschensammler spenden Von Teresa Dapp, dpa --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203246.austrinken-anrufen-pfand-spenden.html Qualifizierte junge Leute ohne Job Arbeitslosenquote stieg saisontypisch um 0,2 auf 10,5 Prozent Von Andreas Fritsche --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203247.qualifizierte-junge-leute-ohne-job.html Bombe unter Haus vermutet --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203248.bombe-unter-haus-vermutet.html Einsturzgefahr nach Feuer in Wohnblock Polizei ermittelt wegen Verdachts der Brandstiftung / Mieter kamen bei Verwandten und Freunden unter --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203249.einsturzgefahr-nach-feuer-in-wohnblock.html Länger warten auf den Handwerker Einer Umfrage zufolge freuen sich die meisten Betriebe über volle Auftragsbücher Von Wilfried Neiße --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203250.laenger-warten-auf-den-handwerker.html +++ Sport: Erst Madrid, dann Meuselwitz Real lässt sich seinen Gastspielauftritt bei Hertha BSC königlich bezahlen Von Alexander Ludewig --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203212.erst-madrid-dann-meuselwitz.html In Liebe zu Nulldrei Für den SV Babelsberg ist das Pokalduell gegen Duisburg ein Highlight zur rechten Zeit Von Christian Heinig --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203213.in-liebe-zu-nulldrei.html Auch in Badehose superschnell Ryan Lochte schwimmt ersten Weltrekord seit dem Verbot der Wunderanzüge Von Christian Kunz und Marc Zeilhofer, dpa --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203214.auch-in-badehose-superschnell.html Steffen taucht ab, DSV droht Debakel --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203215.steffen-taucht-ab-dsv-droht-debakel.html +++ Meinung/Kolumne: Unten links --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203239.unten-links.html Armut ist kein Schicksal Standpunkt vpn Martin Ling Von Martin Ling --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203241.armut-ist-kein-schicksal.html Eine Hürde weniger? Kommentar von Christian Klemm Von Christian Klemm --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203220.eine-huerde-weniger.html Provokation in Kosovo Kommentar von Detlef D. Pries Von Detlef D. Pries --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203221.provokation-in-kosovo.html Recht zur Flucht Kommentar von Uwe Kalbe Von Uwe Kalbe --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203222.recht-zur-flucht.html +++ Betrieb & Gewerkschaft: Betriebsrat bleibt bestehen --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203190.betriebsrat-bleibt-bestehen.html Rechtsfrage --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203187.rechtsfrage.html Quoten sind nicht alles Gewerkschaften fordern Gleichstellung als politische Querschnittsaufgabe Von Mona Grosche --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203188.quoten-sind-nicht-alles.html »Die Verleger werden hektisch« Die Streiks der Redakteure in Tageszeitungen werden vor der nächsten Tarifverhandlung am Dienstag intensiviert Von Gesa von Leesen --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203189.die-verleger-werden-hektisch.html Rettich statt Widerstand --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203191.rettich-statt-widerstand.html +++ Europa: Zypern-Konflikt bleibt für Berlin blinder Fleck Europarat stellt neokoloniale »Garantieverträge« in Frage / Berlin stützt türkische Besatzung Von Harald Neuber --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203170.zypern-konflikt-bleibt-fuer-berlin-blinder-fleck.html Nächste Station Brüssel Spanische »Empörte« wollen europäischen Sternmarsch zur EU-Zentrale organisieren Von Ralf Streck, San Sebastian --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203171.naechste-station-bruessel.html Transparenz und Steuerung Brüsseler Spitzen Von Jürgen Klute --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203172.transparenz-und-steuerung.html +++ Bildung: Jedes Kind will lernen Der ehemalige Kinderarzt Remo H. Largo plädiert gegen Lernstress im Bildungssystem Von Detlef Träbert --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203173.jedes-kind-will-lernen.html Aber bitte auf Englisch! Linguisten beklagen, dass an hiesigen Universitäten immer weniger Deutsch gesprochen wird Von Martin Koch --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203174.aber-bitte-auf-englisch.html Bildungsrauschen --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203175.bildungsrauschen.html Trend zum Ausland Studenten gehen weg --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203176.trend-zum-ausland.html Macht der Bachelor die Seele krank? Von Jürgen Amendt --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203177.macht-der-bachelor-die-seele-krank.html
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Openings | |
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The Future | |
A Shrimp Grows in the Desert
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Openings | |
More Details Emerge for Cafe de La Esquina at Wythe Diner
See a rendering.
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Trashy | |
A Freegan’s New York Diet
He also blogs about dirty dishes.
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Health Concerns | |
One Year In, Have Health Grades Really Helped Us?
Most restaurants are getting 'A's, so what's the point?
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Beef | |
Lombardi’s ‘Oldest Pizzeria’ Claims Challenged by Papa’s in New Jersey
You see, Lombardi's was closed between 1984 and 1994.
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Interviews | |
George Mendes on High-fiving With Ferran Adrià, and Other Memories of Working at El Bulli
presence alone, and the intensity of being in his kitchen — it’s
enough. No one works well when you tell them they’re a piece of sh-t all
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Mediavore | |
Saturated Fat Might Help Sadness; Peek Inside the Wienermobile
Plus: cooking school might not be worth it, and more, in our morning news roundup.
Neighborhood Watch | |
Donatella Arpaia’s Meatball Wagon Heads to Chelsea; Free Hot Dogs and Iced Tea at Lost Weekend
Plus: a new outdoor patio at Miss Lily's, and more, in our daily roundup of neighborhood news.
Closings | |
Asia de Cuba Will Close This Fall
A new restaurant may open in the Morgans hotel next year.
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Dough | |
The Dunkin’ IPO Did Quite Well Today, Thank You Very Much
Shares were up almost 50 percent at the end of their first day of trading.
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Community Boards | |
CB3 Strikes a Sour Note With U2 Karaoke Expansion Plans
The karaoke bar had planned to expand its offerings, but the community board has other ideas.
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