BLOGGING HATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anders Breivik's Roots in Right-Wing Populism He was a prolific contributor to extremist blogs and had ties to right-wing populists: The murderer from Norway did not, it would seem, come out of nowhere. Rather, he had found an ideological home among those seeking to cleanse Europe of Islam and multi-culturalism. They are seeking to distance themselves.,1518,776413,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Mourning the Utøya Victims: Norwegians Respond to Massacre with Quiet Dignity,1518,776365,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NORWEGIAN OPENNESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attacks Reveal the Limits of Freedom Norwegians have always been proud of their society's openness. But Friday's attacks have raised questions both about police readiness to respond and about the lack of security in the Oslo government district. Norway may now be confronting the limits of freedom.,1518,776510,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: Balancing Security and Freedom in Norway Norway's Black Friday: A Chronology of the Twin Attacks,1518,776437,00.html#ref=nlint The World from Berlin: 'Open Societies Pay a High Price',1518,776436,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOURNING THE UTØYA VICTIMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Norwegians Respond to Massacre with Quiet Dignity Anders Behring Breivik, who has confessed to Friday's attacks in Norway, said he wanted to create a new order in the country. He has succeeded in shaking the nation to its core, but Norwegians are refusing to give in to hate. They are mourning the dead with dignity and are determined to uphold their open and democratic society.,1518,776365,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: Mourning Norway's Dead The Campers of Utvika: A Tale of Heroism During the Norwegian Massacre,1518,776287,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NORWAY'S BLACK FRIDAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Chronology of the Twin Attacks Three fateful hours and more than 90 dead: The twin attacks in Oslo and on the island of Utøya have left the country of Norway traumatized. SPIEGEL ONLINE provides a chronology of events.,1518,776437,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE CAMPERS OF UTVIKA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Tale of Heroism During the Norwegian Massacre Marcel Gleffe and his family had been hoping for a week of relaxation at a Norwegian campground. But when gunfire started on an island across the water, he and several others jumped into their boats and began rescuing distraught teenagers swimming for their lives. "It goes without saying," he says.,1518,776287,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: Saving the Survivors of the Norwegian Massacre ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD FROM BERLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Open Societies Pay a High Price' Anders Behring Breivik's trail of murder and destruction has stunned Norway and the rest of the world. German newspapers on Monday mulled over the attack, asking what open societies can do to protect themselves from such brutal outbursts in the future.,1518,776436,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAVING THE COMMON CURRENCY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What Was Decided at the Euro-Zone Crisis Summit At the July 21 emergency summit on the euro crisis, European leaders passed resolutions which will have a lasting impact on how euro-zone countries deal with indebted countries. SPIEGEL ONLINE presents an overview of the deal reached.,1518,776461,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Outcome of Brussels Summit: Europe Takes Step Closer to Economic Government,1518,776411,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTCOME OF BRUSSELS SUMMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Europe Takes Step Closer to Economic Government With the new aid package for Greece, Europe's leaders have not ended the battle for the euro, but they have given Athens time. The new bailout also takes the euro zone a step closer to having an economic government. By SPIEGEL Staff.,1518,776411,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Saving the Common Currency: What Was Decided at the Euro-Zone Crisis Summit,1518,776461,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLIND LEADING THE BLIND ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Testimony Reveals Police Role in Love Parade Disaster One year after the Love Parade disaster in Duisburg left 21 people dead, new testimony has revealed a catastrophic lack of police communication. A key police adviser has said he knew nothing of the developing crush until it was much too late.,1518,776439,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'CLOSENESS AMID OUR SORROW' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Norway Mourns Victims of Twin Attacks The twin attacks which left more than 90 people dead have stunned Norwegians and changed the country for ever. Nowhere is the sense of mourning clearer than in Sundvollen, a town near the scene of the shootings, where the relatives of victims gathered on Saturday.,1518,776268,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: Norway Mourns Its Dead Norway's 'National Tragedy': Over 90 Dead in Twin Attacks,1518,776078,00.html#ref=nlint Attacks in Norway: Police Identify Right-Wing Extremist as Suspect,1518,776091,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ POET AL JALAWI ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Violence Against Writers in Bahrain 'as Bad as Ever' The poet Ali Al Jalawi has been imprisoned twice in his home country Bahrain. He has now fled to Germany where he spoke to SPIEGEL about the dangers facing writers and activists -- and why, despite everything, he wants to return home.,1518,776490,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Has the Arab Spring Stalled? Autocrats Gain Ground in Middle East,1518,762861,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PICTURE THIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ High-Powered Home,1518,776478,00.html#ref=nlint
Il killer: «Aiutato da due cellule»|Foto

Incriminato di terrorismo:
un mese di isolamento
La polizia: le vittime sono 76
Il dolore: le immagini
CRONACHE Breivik davanti al giudice. La folla inferocita tenta di assalire l'auto
Il suo manifesto online:
«Io, il mostro più grande»
Rischia solo 21 anni

«Io, il mostro più grande»

Trema il Piemonte|Mappa

CRONACHE Magnitudo 4.3 della scala Richter. Scossa avvertita a Torino. Gente in strada, centinaia di chiamate ma lievi danni
Vostre testimonianze
MAPPA: il rischio sismico nella Regione

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