Bomba a Oslo, ci sono vittime|video

Danneggiati ministeri
e la sede del premier,
che è rimasto illeso
Video-Le prime immagini
ESTERI Danneggiata la sede del governo e del primo ministro. Fumo da uno degli edifici colpiti La polizia: morti e feriti.
Paura a Oslo-Video 2
Video 3

Premier: Presto il Guardasigilli|video
I dubbi del Colle: «Non sono pronti»

POLITICABotta e risposta sulla successione del ministro Alfano. Berlusconi annuncia la nomina del ministro «in una settimana». Napolitano: «Mi pare che ora abbiano altri problemi» video
Ritorna la riforma costituzionale
Caccia grossa Fregonara, Meli

Merkel promuove l'Italia con riserva
«Ok alla manovra, ora altre misure»
ECONOMIA Il cancelliere tedesco parla dell'Italia: «Bisogna limitare il debito». E sull'intesa Ue sulla Grecia: «Ridotto il rischio contagio».
Mercati, Milano parte bene poi frena

Colpito il cuore della Norvegia
Autobomba nel centro di Oslo
Una deflagrazione vicino la sede del governo. Danneggiato l'ufficio del primo ministro, illeso. Otto feriti e un morto. La polizia evacua "gran parte della città"
ore 17:16
Una esplosione si è verificata nel pieno centro di Oslo. La detonazione, precisano gli organi di informazione locali, è avvenuta attorno alle 15.20 all’interno della sede del più grande tabloid norvegese, Vg, poco distante dalla sede del primo ministro, Jens Stoltenberg, che non si trovava nel suo ufficio, e da quella del ministero delle finanze. Lo scoppio ha mandato in frantumi le finestre di tutti i palazzi circostanti. Ci sarebbero almeno otto feriti e un morto. La polizia locale sta invitando la gente ad abbandonare il luogo perché "ci possono essere altre bombe". Al momento non è chiaro se si tratti di attentato

Soltanto ieri aveva richiamato i magistrati a una maggiore sobrietà. Ma il monito non era riferito all'autorizzazione all'arresto di Papa: "Non commentavo libere decisioni del Parlamento che sempre rispetto. Ho richiamato a comportamenti che non offuschino la credibilità e il prestigio dei magistrati"

Dopo tre ore di Consiglio dei ministri è stato dato il via libera al disegno di legge costituzionale a firma Calderoli che prevede la riduzione del numero dei parlamentari, il Senato federale e la soppressione della Circoscrizione Estero, nonché maggiori poteri al premier. Il Cav: "Il 4 settembre il varo definitivo"
Ora Galimberti si fa beccare pure dall'università:
richiamo ufficiale di Ca' Foscari per aver copiato
richiamo ufficiale di Ca' Foscari per aver copiato

Dopo gli articoli del Giornale in cui veniva svelato il copia incolla della firma di Repubblica, se ne accorge anche Ca' Foscari. Il filosofo è accusato di non avere citato le fonti nella redazione di alcuni testi scentifici

La compagnia irlandese low-cost torna a utilizzare il premier per le sue campagne pubblicitarie. Questa è la terza volta che la Ryanair usa il Cav come testimonial e il tema è il risarcimento della Fininvest nei confronti della Cir di De Benedetti
EN DIRECT. Un mort dans une explosion à Oslo
Malaise à l'ONF : "Je travaille pour la forêt de demain, pas pour le commerce"
EN DIRECT. Voeckler distancé dans la dernière étape de montagne
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2012. Hollande et Aubry devanceraient Sarkozy au second tour
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Welcome to the Twilight Zone
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Blogs | |||
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Voir tous les blogs |
Friday, Jul 22 '11, Tammuz 20, 5771

MP3 Radio | Website News Briefs: | |||||||||||
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1. Iran Developing Bombs that Can Hit US East
by Fern Sidman, A7 New York
Elliott Chodoff, an American born political and military analyst and an IDF reserve major, spoke at the “Middle East Briefing” session of the sixth CUFI national summit in Washington this week.
Citing Israeli military intelligence, Chodoff was quite forthright in his analysis of a possible attack by Iran. “Israel cannot survive a nuclear attack. You cannot trust a nuclear deterrent. Israel cannot wipe out Iran’s nuclear arsenal but the US can.” Chodoff added that the Iranian regime has been developing bombs that have the capability of hitting US cities on the East coast.
He delivered an account of the history of radical Islamism, saying, “The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 and its leader imbibed the Nazi ideology that focused on the extermination of the Jews.” Noting that Iranian cleric Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran who came to power during the Islamic revolution of 1979 was active in disseminating the Muslim Brotherhood ideology to school children, he said that it was Khomeini who was the first to label Americas as “the great Satan” and referred to Christians as the enemies while declaring that America is run by Jews.
American perception of Khomeini was skewed according to Mr. Chodoff, who revealed that at the time, the US representative at the United Nations Andrew Young said that Khomeini was “a great humanitarian” and dismissed his flagrant hostility. He added that Hizbullah (the party of G-d) that was founded in 1980 is currently “the most dangerous organization on earth” and is responsible for developing the terrorist strategy of suicide bombings with most of them directed at American targets. Chodoff said that it was weakness on the part of the US as manifested by their decision to leave Lebanon in the throes of terrorism that emboldened the enemy. “When Hizbullah saw that Americans were taking leave of Lebanon they knew they could push us out,” he said.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the session via satellite from Jerusalem. Greeted with over 10 minutes of applause and enthusiastic cheers, Mr. Netanyahu extended his appreciation to those Christian supporters of Israel who have the “courage to stand up and speak the truth.”
Drawing the largest applause was Netanyahu’s reference to the biblical connection of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland. “The Jewish people are not occupiers in the land of Israel. We have returned to the land of our forebears; of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and Solomon and we are here to stay.” Speaking of Israel as America’s only reliable ally in the Middle East, Netanyahu underscored Israel’s initiatives at the peace table. “This conflict is not about Israel refusing to accept a Palestinian state. Israel wants peace with the Palestinians, but we can’t build a peace based on lies.”
Colonel Ben Tzion Gruber of the Israel Defense Forces took the audience through a video and slide presentation that described how the IDF takes great pains to avoid civilian casualties during military strikes and during wartime. He said that the nomenclature of the code of ethics can be divided into three categories. “Necessity,” he said, means that force is only employed for accomplishing the mission, and “Distinction” means that every measure is taken so that innocents will not be harmed, and “Proportionality” means that collateral damage is only used in proportion to the threat.
Also addressing the session was Malcolm Hoenlein, the Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations who said, “We have begun a three week period of mourning for the Jewish people as we remember the destruction of our Holy Temple and other calamities that befell us throughout history.” He asked his biblically well-versed audience: “If I would ask you to provide the names of those spies who returned from the land of Israel with a negative report, would you remember their names? The answer is no because those who stand with Israel are remembered for posterity and those who decry Israel are forgotten.”
On the international campaign to abrogate the biblical and religious heritage of the Jewish people in the land of Israel, Mr. Hoenlein said, “Those who would dismiss our past also risk our future. For example, there are those who question Judaism’s undeniable ties with Rachel’s Tomb and thus would like to transform it into a mosque. There are those who say that our Temples never existed. Our bible tells us that Abraham purchased the city of Hevron, in broad daylight, in full view of all, because he knew that in the future its ownership would be challenged. Today there are regular archeological discoveries which serve as concrete proof of the fact that when you open your bibles, the land of Israel comes to life. We must ask ourselves: why did G-d give this generation the privilege of uncovering this Jewish connection. What does it mean for us in the future?”
Mr. Hoenlein concluded by telling the members of CUFI that when they stand for Israel, they stand for America and will be thanked by their grandchildren for doing so.
Comment on this story
by Fern Sidman, A7 New York

Elliott Chodoff, an American born political and military analyst and an IDF reserve major, spoke at the “Middle East Briefing” session of the sixth CUFI national summit in Washington this week.
Citing Israeli military intelligence, Chodoff was quite forthright in his analysis of a possible attack by Iran. “Israel cannot survive a nuclear attack. You cannot trust a nuclear deterrent. Israel cannot wipe out Iran’s nuclear arsenal but the US can.” Chodoff added that the Iranian regime has been developing bombs that have the capability of hitting US cities on the East coast.
He delivered an account of the history of radical Islamism, saying, “The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 and its leader imbibed the Nazi ideology that focused on the extermination of the Jews.” Noting that Iranian cleric Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran who came to power during the Islamic revolution of 1979 was active in disseminating the Muslim Brotherhood ideology to school children, he said that it was Khomeini who was the first to label Americas as “the great Satan” and referred to Christians as the enemies while declaring that America is run by Jews.
American perception of Khomeini was skewed according to Mr. Chodoff, who revealed that at the time, the US representative at the United Nations Andrew Young said that Khomeini was “a great humanitarian” and dismissed his flagrant hostility. He added that Hizbullah (the party of G-d) that was founded in 1980 is currently “the most dangerous organization on earth” and is responsible for developing the terrorist strategy of suicide bombings with most of them directed at American targets. Chodoff said that it was weakness on the part of the US as manifested by their decision to leave Lebanon in the throes of terrorism that emboldened the enemy. “When Hizbullah saw that Americans were taking leave of Lebanon they knew they could push us out,” he said.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the session via satellite from Jerusalem. Greeted with over 10 minutes of applause and enthusiastic cheers, Mr. Netanyahu extended his appreciation to those Christian supporters of Israel who have the “courage to stand up and speak the truth.”
Drawing the largest applause was Netanyahu’s reference to the biblical connection of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland. “The Jewish people are not occupiers in the land of Israel. We have returned to the land of our forebears; of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and Solomon and we are here to stay.” Speaking of Israel as America’s only reliable ally in the Middle East, Netanyahu underscored Israel’s initiatives at the peace table. “This conflict is not about Israel refusing to accept a Palestinian state. Israel wants peace with the Palestinians, but we can’t build a peace based on lies.”
Colonel Ben Tzion Gruber of the Israel Defense Forces took the audience through a video and slide presentation that described how the IDF takes great pains to avoid civilian casualties during military strikes and during wartime. He said that the nomenclature of the code of ethics can be divided into three categories. “Necessity,” he said, means that force is only employed for accomplishing the mission, and “Distinction” means that every measure is taken so that innocents will not be harmed, and “Proportionality” means that collateral damage is only used in proportion to the threat.
Also addressing the session was Malcolm Hoenlein, the Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations who said, “We have begun a three week period of mourning for the Jewish people as we remember the destruction of our Holy Temple and other calamities that befell us throughout history.” He asked his biblically well-versed audience: “If I would ask you to provide the names of those spies who returned from the land of Israel with a negative report, would you remember their names? The answer is no because those who stand with Israel are remembered for posterity and those who decry Israel are forgotten.”
On the international campaign to abrogate the biblical and religious heritage of the Jewish people in the land of Israel, Mr. Hoenlein said, “Those who would dismiss our past also risk our future. For example, there are those who question Judaism’s undeniable ties with Rachel’s Tomb and thus would like to transform it into a mosque. There are those who say that our Temples never existed. Our bible tells us that Abraham purchased the city of Hevron, in broad daylight, in full view of all, because he knew that in the future its ownership would be challenged. Today there are regular archeological discoveries which serve as concrete proof of the fact that when you open your bibles, the land of Israel comes to life. We must ask ourselves: why did G-d give this generation the privilege of uncovering this Jewish connection. What does it mean for us in the future?”
Mr. Hoenlein concluded by telling the members of CUFI that when they stand for Israel, they stand for America and will be thanked by their grandchildren for doing so.
Comment on this story
2. Annex Yesha Now at 1st "Regaining the Initiative" Conference.
by Arutz Sheva
The Arab world has made the idea of a 'Palestinian' state, a land for a people that didn’t exist until they were created at the end of the 20th century, into an axiomatic must-do for most of the world. The Arab narrative includes taking this proposed land from the Jews, branding them as usurpers and occupiers while negating millennia of Biblical and historical Jewish rights to the land, this despite the Arabs losing the many wars they initiated, and despite the Balfour Declaration, League of Nations mandates and United Nations recognition for a Jewish state. All that somehow seems perfectly fine to a good many liberal well wishers, and even finer to a good many not so well wishers.
How did they do it? Putting aside the subconsciously anti-Semitic readiness of the world to believe anything of the Jews, they did it by turning the issue into a subject of common discourse. Conferences, meetings, interviews, resolutions, clever use of visual imagery made the idea of “Palestinian rights” as ubiquitous as humous is in the Arab souk.
Polls have shown that most mainstream Israelis feel that a Palestinian state is a disaster for the Jewish one. Even those in the government who have agreed to its establishment hedge their offers out of fear of rockets falling on Ben Gurion airport the morning after.
They find themselves on the defensive as the other side says “What’s your alternative?”
On Thursday, Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover , indefatigable leaders of the “Women in Green” decided to “Regain the Initiative”, as they called their packed conference in Hevron, and begin to explore the different aspects of a real alternative - asserting Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria . This is just the beginning of public discourse, they said, and the hundreds who came to help kickstart the initiative, agreed.
The speakers addressed the various ramifications of Israeli sovereignty, Jewish, Zionist, political,,economic, legal and diplomatic, discussing options for annexation, the status of Arab residents, demographics and world reactions.
Carolyn Glick, senior contributing editor of JPost, said that although that is the only option on the table at present, any Palestinian state will be a terror state, Gaza will reach Jerusalem, Israeli Arabs will demand independence and an invasion from Iraq will follow. Once Israel gives in to a Palestinian state, she said, we admit to being outside conquerors, and the rest is downhill.
Glick suggested asserting sovereignty now, giving today’s PA Arabs the franchise, but setting rules: no votes for members of terror organizations, for example. She recalled that nothing happened when Israel united Jerusalem and annexed the Golan Heights without fanfare. There is no standing still, she maintained, and if we don’t want to pay the price for victory, we will lose.
MK Hotovely said that we must ignore the left. MK Eldad painted the varying scenarios possible once Israel decides to assert sovereignty in Yesha, listing pros and cons for each.
Professor Raphy Yisraeli said that a Palestinian state in Yesha would not solve anything, as only a third of those claiming to be “refugees” live in Yesha and the other two thirds would soon demand the rest of Israel. He suggested population switches, including of Israeli Arabs, modeled on the post WWII period when 20 m. refugees were resettled successfully in a matter of years. Israel’s pre 1922 borders could be the start point of negotiations, a state built out of parts of that, so that Arabs left in Israel should be Palestinian citizens.
The most original thesis came from economic correspondent Eran Bar Tal, who outlined the significant economic gain for Israelis and Arabs if sovereignty is asserted, an outcome for which the left has no alternative.. From a rise in property values of Arab homes and subsequent capital gain, to solving the housing shortage for Israelis (as Yesha is not the Negev or Galilee, but close to employment centers), eliminating the need for foreign workers while raising living conditions for Arabs – all told, an economic win-win situation, that people can relate to easily.
Former UN Ambassador Yoram Ettinger brought statistics that showed that time is actually on the Israeli side, that the Congress which represents mainstream America is 80% pro Israel (eliciting a laugh when he said that this is a higher percentage than polls of Israelis attain). He listed demographic predictions of doom in the past that turned out to be inaccurate, explaining that a double-counting error led to 1 m. more Arabs in Yesha than are really there to be on the books. He juxtaposed the rising birthrate in Israel –from 80,000 in 1995 to 125,000 in 2010 with the lowering Arab one.
Dr. Yitschak Klein of the Israel Policy Center claimed that Israelis suggest policy according to how they wished Arabs would act, but not as they really do. Now is the time act, he said, as as public opinion has changed radically. Negotiations have failed, Oslo has collapsed, and a majority of Israelis polled do not want to give up any more land. They do want to be separated from PA Arabs and therefore he suggested giving over Arab concentrated areas in order to gain other areas.
Dr. Gabi Avital summed up the initiative by saying that details can be worked out, but that from this point on, the Territories for Peace slogan must be turned on its head. Israel can assert sovereignty all at once or in stages over the territory of Yesha, work out the status of PA residents now or later, but Yesha must become Israeli sovereign territory for it to take a chance on “peace."
Comment on this story
by Arutz Sheva

The Arab world has made the idea of a 'Palestinian' state, a land for a people that didn’t exist until they were created at the end of the 20th century, into an axiomatic must-do for most of the world. The Arab narrative includes taking this proposed land from the Jews, branding them as usurpers and occupiers while negating millennia of Biblical and historical Jewish rights to the land, this despite the Arabs losing the many wars they initiated, and despite the Balfour Declaration, League of Nations mandates and United Nations recognition for a Jewish state. All that somehow seems perfectly fine to a good many liberal well wishers, and even finer to a good many not so well wishers.
How did they do it? Putting aside the subconsciously anti-Semitic readiness of the world to believe anything of the Jews, they did it by turning the issue into a subject of common discourse. Conferences, meetings, interviews, resolutions, clever use of visual imagery made the idea of “Palestinian rights” as ubiquitous as humous is in the Arab souk.
Polls have shown that most mainstream Israelis feel that a Palestinian state is a disaster for the Jewish one. Even those in the government who have agreed to its establishment hedge their offers out of fear of rockets falling on Ben Gurion airport the morning after.
They find themselves on the defensive as the other side says “What’s your alternative?”
On Thursday, Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover , indefatigable leaders of the “Women in Green” decided to “Regain the Initiative”, as they called their packed conference in Hevron, and begin to explore the different aspects of a real alternative - asserting Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria . This is just the beginning of public discourse, they said, and the hundreds who came to help kickstart the initiative, agreed.
The speakers addressed the various ramifications of Israeli sovereignty, Jewish, Zionist, political,,economic, legal and diplomatic, discussing options for annexation, the status of Arab residents, demographics and world reactions.
Carolyn Glick, senior contributing editor of JPost, said that although that is the only option on the table at present, any Palestinian state will be a terror state, Gaza will reach Jerusalem, Israeli Arabs will demand independence and an invasion from Iraq will follow. Once Israel gives in to a Palestinian state, she said, we admit to being outside conquerors, and the rest is downhill.
Glick suggested asserting sovereignty now, giving today’s PA Arabs the franchise, but setting rules: no votes for members of terror organizations, for example. She recalled that nothing happened when Israel united Jerusalem and annexed the Golan Heights without fanfare. There is no standing still, she maintained, and if we don’t want to pay the price for victory, we will lose.
MK Hotovely said that we must ignore the left. MK Eldad painted the varying scenarios possible once Israel decides to assert sovereignty in Yesha, listing pros and cons for each.
Professor Raphy Yisraeli said that a Palestinian state in Yesha would not solve anything, as only a third of those claiming to be “refugees” live in Yesha and the other two thirds would soon demand the rest of Israel. He suggested population switches, including of Israeli Arabs, modeled on the post WWII period when 20 m. refugees were resettled successfully in a matter of years. Israel’s pre 1922 borders could be the start point of negotiations, a state built out of parts of that, so that Arabs left in Israel should be Palestinian citizens.
The most original thesis came from economic correspondent Eran Bar Tal, who outlined the significant economic gain for Israelis and Arabs if sovereignty is asserted, an outcome for which the left has no alternative.. From a rise in property values of Arab homes and subsequent capital gain, to solving the housing shortage for Israelis (as Yesha is not the Negev or Galilee, but close to employment centers), eliminating the need for foreign workers while raising living conditions for Arabs – all told, an economic win-win situation, that people can relate to easily.
Former UN Ambassador Yoram Ettinger brought statistics that showed that time is actually on the Israeli side, that the Congress which represents mainstream America is 80% pro Israel (eliciting a laugh when he said that this is a higher percentage than polls of Israelis attain). He listed demographic predictions of doom in the past that turned out to be inaccurate, explaining that a double-counting error led to 1 m. more Arabs in Yesha than are really there to be on the books. He juxtaposed the rising birthrate in Israel –from 80,000 in 1995 to 125,000 in 2010 with the lowering Arab one.
Dr. Yitschak Klein of the Israel Policy Center claimed that Israelis suggest policy according to how they wished Arabs would act, but not as they really do. Now is the time act, he said, as as public opinion has changed radically. Negotiations have failed, Oslo has collapsed, and a majority of Israelis polled do not want to give up any more land. They do want to be separated from PA Arabs and therefore he suggested giving over Arab concentrated areas in order to gain other areas.
Dr. Gabi Avital summed up the initiative by saying that details can be worked out, but that from this point on, the Territories for Peace slogan must be turned on its head. Israel can assert sovereignty all at once or in stages over the territory of Yesha, work out the status of PA residents now or later, but Yesha must become Israeli sovereign territory for it to take a chance on “peace."
Comment on this story

3. Steinitz Lays Down the Law Regarding Iran
by Elad Benari
Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz is expected to issue an order in the next few days which will make it clear that Iran is an enemy state and therefore, it is prohibited for Israelis to have any economic relationship with Iran.
Meanwhile, the Finance Ministry said that the Treasury is determined to implement the economic sanctions on Iran decided upon by the international community as reflected in the decisions of the UN Security Council.
Steinitz has also given to the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee a draft of regulations which prohibit investment in corporations that maintain a business relationship with Iran. The draft regulations are in accordance with a recent bill submitted by MK Carmel Hacohen Shama (Likud) which prohibits investment in corporations that maintain a business relationship with Iran and are part of the measures taken by Israel in its fight against Iran’s nuclear program.
The regulations in the draft regularize the consolidation of the list of corporations with a substantial business relationship with Iran. Financial institutions, banks and mutual funds will be barred from investing in these corporations. The draft regulation also establishes the criteria for the definition of a substantial business relationship with Iran. Corporations which meet these criteria will be announced as corporations that maintain a substantive business relationship with Iran and will thus enter the list of companies in which financial corporations can not invest.
Steinitz said in a statement Thursday, “This is a significant step in Israel’s tightening of its economic sanctions on Iran as part of its commitment to the international efforts to thwart Iran’s ability to develop non-conventional weapons, thus threatening the existence of Israel and all the Western countries.”
Steinitz’s moves come following a recent political and media storm over the Ofer Brothers Group shipping company, Tanker Pacific, which was accused last month of having had its ships docked in Iran.
The story came to light after the United States slapped sanctions on the Ofer Brothers Group over suspicions that it had violated sanctions against trade with Iran.
Comment on this story
by Elad Benari

Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz is expected to issue an order in the next few days which will make it clear that Iran is an enemy state and therefore, it is prohibited for Israelis to have any economic relationship with Iran.
Meanwhile, the Finance Ministry said that the Treasury is determined to implement the economic sanctions on Iran decided upon by the international community as reflected in the decisions of the UN Security Council.
Steinitz has also given to the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee a draft of regulations which prohibit investment in corporations that maintain a business relationship with Iran. The draft regulations are in accordance with a recent bill submitted by MK Carmel Hacohen Shama (Likud) which prohibits investment in corporations that maintain a business relationship with Iran and are part of the measures taken by Israel in its fight against Iran’s nuclear program.
The regulations in the draft regularize the consolidation of the list of corporations with a substantial business relationship with Iran. Financial institutions, banks and mutual funds will be barred from investing in these corporations. The draft regulation also establishes the criteria for the definition of a substantial business relationship with Iran. Corporations which meet these criteria will be announced as corporations that maintain a substantive business relationship with Iran and will thus enter the list of companies in which financial corporations can not invest.
Steinitz said in a statement Thursday, “This is a significant step in Israel’s tightening of its economic sanctions on Iran as part of its commitment to the international efforts to thwart Iran’s ability to develop non-conventional weapons, thus threatening the existence of Israel and all the Western countries.”
Steinitz’s moves come following a recent political and media storm over the Ofer Brothers Group shipping company, Tanker Pacific, which was accused last month of having had its ships docked in Iran.
The story came to light after the United States slapped sanctions on the Ofer Brothers Group over suspicions that it had violated sanctions against trade with Iran.
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4. Archaeologists Discover High Priest's Bell?
by Elad Benari
Archaeologists have discovered a rare gold bell with a small loop at its end. The finding was made during an archaeological excavation in the City of David National Park (near the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem) by the Israel Antiquities Authority in cooperation with the Israel Nature and Parks Authority and the Ir David Foundation.
The directors of the excavation on behalf of the Antiquities Authority, archaeologists Eli Shukron and Professor Ronny Reich of Haifa University, said after the finding, “The bell looked as if it was sewn on the garment worn by a man of high authority in Jerusalem at the end of the Second Temple period.
“The bell was exposed in the city’s main drainage channel of that period, between the layers of dirt that had been piled on the floor of the channel,” they continued. “This drainage channel was built and hewn west to the Western Wall of the Temple Mount and drained the rainfall in the different parts of the city, through the City of David and the Shiloah Pool to the Kidron valley.”
The excavation area, above the drain, is located in the main street of Jerusalem which rose from the Shiloah Pool in the City of David. In this street an interchange was built through which people entered the Temple Mount. The remains of this interchange are what is known today as Robinson’s Arch. Archaeologists believe that the eminent man walked the streets of Jerusalem in the area of Robinson’s Arch and lost the golden bell which fell off his outfit into the drain beneath the street.
Jewish sources say that the high priests who served in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem used to hang golden bells on the edges of their coats. The book of Exodus (Shemot), for example, contains a description of the coat of Aaron the high priest in which it is said that coat contains, “bells of gold.”
While it is unknown if the bell belonged to one of the high priests, archaeologists have not ruled out the possibility.
Comment on this story
by Elad Benari

Archaeologists have discovered a rare gold bell with a small loop at its end. The finding was made during an archaeological excavation in the City of David National Park (near the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem) by the Israel Antiquities Authority in cooperation with the Israel Nature and Parks Authority and the Ir David Foundation.
The directors of the excavation on behalf of the Antiquities Authority, archaeologists Eli Shukron and Professor Ronny Reich of Haifa University, said after the finding, “The bell looked as if it was sewn on the garment worn by a man of high authority in Jerusalem at the end of the Second Temple period.
“The bell was exposed in the city’s main drainage channel of that period, between the layers of dirt that had been piled on the floor of the channel,” they continued. “This drainage channel was built and hewn west to the Western Wall of the Temple Mount and drained the rainfall in the different parts of the city, through the City of David and the Shiloah Pool to the Kidron valley.”
The excavation area, above the drain, is located in the main street of Jerusalem which rose from the Shiloah Pool in the City of David. In this street an interchange was built through which people entered the Temple Mount. The remains of this interchange are what is known today as Robinson’s Arch. Archaeologists believe that the eminent man walked the streets of Jerusalem in the area of Robinson’s Arch and lost the golden bell which fell off his outfit into the drain beneath the street.
Jewish sources say that the high priests who served in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem used to hang golden bells on the edges of their coats. The book of Exodus (Shemot), for example, contains a description of the coat of Aaron the high priest in which it is said that coat contains, “bells of gold.”
While it is unknown if the bell belonged to one of the high priests, archaeologists have not ruled out the possibility.
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5. Aqaba: A Bridge Too Far
by Gavriel Queenann
Egypt and Saudi Arabia want to construct a giant bridge to accommodate road and rail traffic across the Gulf of Aqaba, Der Spiegel reports.
Egyptian officials say the project, under discussion since 1988, has been approved.
Egypt's interim Prime Minister Essam Sharaf of the ruling junta has reportedly put General Abdul Aziz, chairman of the Arab Road Association, in charge of overseeing the project.
The Gulf of Aqaba runs along the eastern edge of the Sinai Peninsula. Plans call for the 32-kilometer (20-mile) bridge to cross the narrow Strait of Tiran from Ras Nasrani, near the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, to Ras Hamid in northwestern Saudi Arabia. Parts of the bridge would be suspended.
For the Arabs, the massive construction project would be a triumph linking the middle east to north africa for the first time since Israel's founding in 1948. The absence of such a route, Israel says, is a void of the Arab's own making rooted in their refusal to normalize relations with the Jewish state.
Officials believe that tolls paid by millions of Muslim pilgrims on their way to holy sites in Saudi Arabia could make up for the roughly $5 billion the bridge is expected to cost. They also believe the bridge will significantly increase the number of pilgrims.
But Israel and Jordan are concerned the project is a bridge too far. Both nations have vital and prosperous sea ports, Eilat and Aqaba, in the northern reaches of the Gulf of Aqaba whose profitability is threatened. Also, the area of the Red Sea where planners intend to construct the bridge is highly important to Israel and Jordan as it provides them with access to the Indian Ocean.
Five years ago, former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak abruptly shelved the mammoth project shortly before construction began after Israel expressed security threats.
A spokesman for the Saudi government said, "We won't let anyone discourage us from our construction plans. The Strait of Tiran lies in international waters."
Comment on this story
by Gavriel Queenann

Egypt and Saudi Arabia want to construct a giant bridge to accommodate road and rail traffic across the Gulf of Aqaba, Der Spiegel reports.
Egyptian officials say the project, under discussion since 1988, has been approved.
Egypt's interim Prime Minister Essam Sharaf of the ruling junta has reportedly put General Abdul Aziz, chairman of the Arab Road Association, in charge of overseeing the project.
The Gulf of Aqaba runs along the eastern edge of the Sinai Peninsula. Plans call for the 32-kilometer (20-mile) bridge to cross the narrow Strait of Tiran from Ras Nasrani, near the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, to Ras Hamid in northwestern Saudi Arabia. Parts of the bridge would be suspended.
For the Arabs, the massive construction project would be a triumph linking the middle east to north africa for the first time since Israel's founding in 1948. The absence of such a route, Israel says, is a void of the Arab's own making rooted in their refusal to normalize relations with the Jewish state.
Officials believe that tolls paid by millions of Muslim pilgrims on their way to holy sites in Saudi Arabia could make up for the roughly $5 billion the bridge is expected to cost. They also believe the bridge will significantly increase the number of pilgrims.
But Israel and Jordan are concerned the project is a bridge too far. Both nations have vital and prosperous sea ports, Eilat and Aqaba, in the northern reaches of the Gulf of Aqaba whose profitability is threatened. Also, the area of the Red Sea where planners intend to construct the bridge is highly important to Israel and Jordan as it provides them with access to the Indian Ocean.
Five years ago, former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak abruptly shelved the mammoth project shortly before construction began after Israel expressed security threats.
A spokesman for the Saudi government said, "We won't let anyone discourage us from our construction plans. The Strait of Tiran lies in international waters."
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6. British Press Amnesia About Marmara Violence
by Gil Ronen
British newspapers carried reports Thursday about the Israel Navy’s takeover of the final “Gaza flotilla” ship headed for Hamas territory but neglected to remind their readers of the extreme violence perpetrated by activists on last year’s flotilla.
Just Journalism’s The Wire blog reports that The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian and the Financial Times all carried stories about the boarding of the Dignite al-Karama, the final ship in this year’s convoy attempting to break Israel’s maritime blockade of Gaza.
This was the only boat in this year’s convoy that had to be intercepted by Israeli naval forces. The Wire notes that the event could have been expected to prompt comparisons with the 2010 raid of the Mavi Marmara, during which nine Turkish passengers were killed when they tried to lynch Israeli soldiers.
However, it writes, “While all of the reporting notes that the passengers offered ‘no resistance’, only The Daily Telegraph explicitly contrasts this with the actions of the activists aboard the Mavi Marmara who violently assaulted Israeli troops.”
The Independent “suggests that the deaths aboard the Mavi Marmara were due to Israel ‘bungling’ an assault, omitting to mention that Israeli soldiers had been set upon by a mob of violent activists.”
The Wire says that the downplaying of the violence by passengers on the Mavi Marmara is in line with the findings of Just Journalism’s 2010 special report, ‘Gaza flotilla raid: Media presentation of Israeli video evidence’.
Some of the report’s key findings were that:
“The Guardian and The Independent severely under-reported the IDF footage showing Israeli commandos coming under sustained attack from Mavi Marmara passengers.
“The Guardian and The Independent presented Israel’s key evidence as public relations material and refused to incorporate it into their broader narratives on the event.
“The Times and The Daily Telegraph gave the footage due prominence from the outset of reporting and treated it as a natural counter-point to passengers’ claims.”
Comment on this story
by Gil Ronen

British newspapers carried reports Thursday about the Israel Navy’s takeover of the final “Gaza flotilla” ship headed for Hamas territory but neglected to remind their readers of the extreme violence perpetrated by activists on last year’s flotilla.
Just Journalism’s The Wire blog reports that The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian and the Financial Times all carried stories about the boarding of the Dignite al-Karama, the final ship in this year’s convoy attempting to break Israel’s maritime blockade of Gaza.
This was the only boat in this year’s convoy that had to be intercepted by Israeli naval forces. The Wire notes that the event could have been expected to prompt comparisons with the 2010 raid of the Mavi Marmara, during which nine Turkish passengers were killed when they tried to lynch Israeli soldiers.
However, it writes, “While all of the reporting notes that the passengers offered ‘no resistance’, only The Daily Telegraph explicitly contrasts this with the actions of the activists aboard the Mavi Marmara who violently assaulted Israeli troops.”
The Independent “suggests that the deaths aboard the Mavi Marmara were due to Israel ‘bungling’ an assault, omitting to mention that Israeli soldiers had been set upon by a mob of violent activists.”
The Wire says that the downplaying of the violence by passengers on the Mavi Marmara is in line with the findings of Just Journalism’s 2010 special report, ‘Gaza flotilla raid: Media presentation of Israeli video evidence’.
Some of the report’s key findings were that:
“The Guardian and The Independent severely under-reported the IDF footage showing Israeli commandos coming under sustained attack from Mavi Marmara passengers.
“The Guardian and The Independent presented Israel’s key evidence as public relations material and refused to incorporate it into their broader narratives on the event.
“The Times and The Daily Telegraph gave the footage due prominence from the outset of reporting and treated it as a natural counter-point to passengers’ claims.”
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7. Barghouti Placed in Solitary Confinement
by Elad Benari
Arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti, currently serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison, was placed in solitary confinement for two weeks on Thursday, after a cellular phone was found in his prison cell during a routine patrol by the Israeli Prison Service.
The IPS is suspecting that a senior warden in the prison arranged for Barghouti to receive a cellular phone in return for money.
The IPS said in a statement on Thursday that it would continue to search for and remove mobile phones and other prohibited items from the prisoners’ possessions.
On Wednesday, it was reported that Barghouti had written an appeal for ‘millions’ of Palestinian Authority Arabs to march in September to show support for a United Nations resolution to declare the PA an independent country based on its own definition of borders.
Promoting his self-styled image of a terrorist-turned intellectual peace-seeker through “peaceful resistance,” Barghouti called on Arabs to stage a “peaceful million-man march” during the United Nations General Assembly in September.
He previously called for a mass march against the Israeli “occupation”.
Barghouti was convicted in 2004 of five murders and of attempted murder. He was sentenced to five consecutive life sentences for the five murders in which he was convicted, and 40 years in prison for attempted murder.
Despite his direct involvement in terror activities against Israelis, TIME Magazine raised this week the possibility Barghouti might be another Nelson Mandela, thus blaming Israel for the lack of a peace agreement with the Arabs.
Comment on this story
by Elad Benari

Arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti, currently serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison, was placed in solitary confinement for two weeks on Thursday, after a cellular phone was found in his prison cell during a routine patrol by the Israeli Prison Service.
The IPS is suspecting that a senior warden in the prison arranged for Barghouti to receive a cellular phone in return for money.
The IPS said in a statement on Thursday that it would continue to search for and remove mobile phones and other prohibited items from the prisoners’ possessions.
On Wednesday, it was reported that Barghouti had written an appeal for ‘millions’ of Palestinian Authority Arabs to march in September to show support for a United Nations resolution to declare the PA an independent country based on its own definition of borders.
Promoting his self-styled image of a terrorist-turned intellectual peace-seeker through “peaceful resistance,” Barghouti called on Arabs to stage a “peaceful million-man march” during the United Nations General Assembly in September.
He previously called for a mass march against the Israeli “occupation”.
Barghouti was convicted in 2004 of five murders and of attempted murder. He was sentenced to five consecutive life sentences for the five murders in which he was convicted, and 40 years in prison for attempted murder.
Despite his direct involvement in terror activities against Israelis, TIME Magazine raised this week the possibility Barghouti might be another Nelson Mandela, thus blaming Israel for the lack of a peace agreement with the Arabs.
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8. Barak vs. Lieberman on Concession to Turkey
by Gavriel Queenann
While the government has thus far refused to apologize to Turkey over a clash aboard a Gaza-bound boat in 2010, senior cabinet ministers are divided on the matter. Foremost among them are Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Defense Minister Ehud Barak; the former staunchly opposes an apology, while the latter supports it.
“This is not a legal matter, but rather a political issue, and is not a question of defending IDF soldiers but of neglecting them, of irresponsibility on the diplomatic level,” Lieberman said Thursday. “If there is an apology, that means admitting defeat on the battlefield and the political field.”
“In that case, Israel would be sending a message of weakness, confusion, and an inability to stand up to pressure,” he argued.
Barak, on the other hand, says Israel should do what is necessary to restore ties with Turkey, including apologize as Turkish leaders demand.
Supporting Barak's position are Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor (Likud) and Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein, who advocates apologizing for “operational mistakes” but not for stopping the Gaza-bound flotilla. Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon, on the other hand, strongly opposes an apology.
“Apologizing is taking responsibility. There is no room in my mind for any kind of apology that means taking responsibility,” he said Thursday. The government is prepared “to regret the loss of lives,” he added, but that is unlikely to satisfy Turkish leaders.
Reuters reported Thursday that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has yet to reach a decision on the issue. Netanyahu has previously stated that Israel will not apologize.
Turkey is demanding an apology over a 2010 incident in which Turkish citizens were killed after attacking IDF soldiers. The Turkish activists had attempted to forcibly violate an IDF naval blockade on Hamas, and stabbed and beat soldiers who attempted to turn their boat toward Ashdod.
Soldiers responded by opening fire, killing nine. Turkey then cut off ties with Israel, insisting that ties would resume only if Israel were to apologize, compensate the families of the nine attackers who were killed, and end the naval blockade on Hamas.
An Israeli probe into the incident found that the IDF made mistakes in preparing for the 2010 flotilla, but that soldiers acted properly in responding to the unexpected violence. A United Nations probe due to be released next week has reportedly criticized soldiers for using lethal force, but upheld Israel's right to impose and maintain a naval blockade on Gaza in order to prevent Hamas from importing weapons.
The naval blockade is supported by Israel's past agreements with the Palestinian Authority as well as by international law. Land crossings to Gaza are open to both goods and human travel.
Comment on this story
by Gavriel Queenann

While the government has thus far refused to apologize to Turkey over a clash aboard a Gaza-bound boat in 2010, senior cabinet ministers are divided on the matter. Foremost among them are Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Defense Minister Ehud Barak; the former staunchly opposes an apology, while the latter supports it.
“This is not a legal matter, but rather a political issue, and is not a question of defending IDF soldiers but of neglecting them, of irresponsibility on the diplomatic level,” Lieberman said Thursday. “If there is an apology, that means admitting defeat on the battlefield and the political field.”
“In that case, Israel would be sending a message of weakness, confusion, and an inability to stand up to pressure,” he argued.
Barak, on the other hand, says Israel should do what is necessary to restore ties with Turkey, including apologize as Turkish leaders demand.
Supporting Barak's position are Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor (Likud) and Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein, who advocates apologizing for “operational mistakes” but not for stopping the Gaza-bound flotilla. Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon, on the other hand, strongly opposes an apology.
“Apologizing is taking responsibility. There is no room in my mind for any kind of apology that means taking responsibility,” he said Thursday. The government is prepared “to regret the loss of lives,” he added, but that is unlikely to satisfy Turkish leaders.
Reuters reported Thursday that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has yet to reach a decision on the issue. Netanyahu has previously stated that Israel will not apologize.
Turkey is demanding an apology over a 2010 incident in which Turkish citizens were killed after attacking IDF soldiers. The Turkish activists had attempted to forcibly violate an IDF naval blockade on Hamas, and stabbed and beat soldiers who attempted to turn their boat toward Ashdod.
Soldiers responded by opening fire, killing nine. Turkey then cut off ties with Israel, insisting that ties would resume only if Israel were to apologize, compensate the families of the nine attackers who were killed, and end the naval blockade on Hamas.
An Israeli probe into the incident found that the IDF made mistakes in preparing for the 2010 flotilla, but that soldiers acted properly in responding to the unexpected violence. A United Nations probe due to be released next week has reportedly criticized soldiers for using lethal force, but upheld Israel's right to impose and maintain a naval blockade on Gaza in order to prevent Hamas from importing weapons.
The naval blockade is supported by Israel's past agreements with the Palestinian Authority as well as by international law. Land crossings to Gaza are open to both goods and human travel.
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Il "contatore
solare" del GSE rileva che la potenza fotovoltaica incentivata in Italia
ha già superato gli 8 Gw, che il Piano d'Azione Nazionale indicava come
obiettivo al 2020
imprenditore bretone rifiuta il cibo dall'11 luglio per protestare
contro i tagli del governo agli incentivi per l'energia solare
Ok definitivo
al finanziamento per il Mose. Ne dà conferma il governo, nonostante i
dubbi che questa Grande Opera susciti nella società civile
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dall'Onu i "Caschi Verdi", una nuova forza per la risoluzione dei
conflitti collegati all'ambiente e al riscaldamento globale
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parlino apparentemente di un netto calo nei primi mesi del 2011.
Il Verdi di
Milano hanno promosso una class action contro Comune e Regione per i
danni alla salute causati dallo smog. La prima udienza è fissata per l'8
Allarme Lago di Garda. Secondo Legambiente le coste lombarde attorno a lago avrebbero tassi d'inquinamento altissimi
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Summary of DEBKA Exclusives in the Week Ending July 22, 2011

Qaddafi attacks western rebels to improve bargaining position for ending war
DEBKAfile Special Report
15 June.
As US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Friday, July 15, informed the
Libya Contact Group in Istanbul of US recognition of the rebel
National Transitional Council (TNC) "until a fully representational
interim government can be established," Muammar Qaddafi declared "We
aim for victory – not compromise!" and launched his troops on a new
operation against rebels in the west to improve his bargaining position
in negotiations.
DEBKAfile's intelligence sources sum up the situation on the Libyan battlefield on Friday, July 15:
The government's charge that pro-Qaddafi forces are under rebel and NATO attack in the eastern oil region of Brega was a red herring to disguise the transfer of an expanded government armored brigade from Brega to fight a separatist insurgency in the western Nafusa Mountains.
They also discount the rebel complaint that with enough arms on the western front they could have been standing now at the gates of Tripoli. In fact, the rebels have suffered another defeat. That Qaddafi felt able to move a division-sized force from eastern Libya to the west indicated he no longer feared rebel advances around Brega in the east or Misrata in the west. Neither was he concerned about them capturing Sirte.
In all the five months of their NATO-backed offensive, they never came close to that objective.
Qaddafi went on the offensive additionally to show the 30-member Libya Contact Group which army holds the upper hand on the Libyan battlefield and underscore NATO's failure to turn the tide against him.
DEBKAfile Special Report

DEBKAfile's intelligence sources sum up the situation on the Libyan battlefield on Friday, July 15:
The government's charge that pro-Qaddafi forces are under rebel and NATO attack in the eastern oil region of Brega was a red herring to disguise the transfer of an expanded government armored brigade from Brega to fight a separatist insurgency in the western Nafusa Mountains.
They also discount the rebel complaint that with enough arms on the western front they could have been standing now at the gates of Tripoli. In fact, the rebels have suffered another defeat. That Qaddafi felt able to move a division-sized force from eastern Libya to the west indicated he no longer feared rebel advances around Brega in the east or Misrata in the west. Neither was he concerned about them capturing Sirte.
In all the five months of their NATO-backed offensive, they never came close to that objective.
Qaddafi went on the offensive additionally to show the 30-member Libya Contact Group which army holds the upper hand on the Libyan battlefield and underscore NATO's failure to turn the tide against him.
July 16, 2011 Briefs:
- Libya Contact Group secretly approves conciliation conference to start in two weeks · UN Special Envoy Abdul Elah al-Khatib goes to Tripoli to bring representatives of Qaddafi, rebels and NATO to the table ·
- The deal would see Qaddafi step down but not leave Libya or face international prosecution ·
Vast pro-Qaddafi demos in Libya, condemn "foreign intervention," protest US recognition of rebels · - Qassam missiles keep coming from Gaza – another before dawn Saturday, 2 Friday ·
- The firings claimed by Al Qaeda-linked Tawfiq al-Jihad ·
- Syrian forces kill 32 protesters demonstrating in cities across the country – 16 in Damascus •
- More than a million rallied against the Assad regime Friday • They included for the first time up to 40,000 in Damascus, according to the opposition •
Hizballah rides high in Lebanon, installs member as security chief
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
16 July.
On the fifth anniversary of Israel's second Lebanon war this week, as
former IDF generals and military experts hailed the conflict as the
deterrent which had kept the Shiite terrorist Hizballah at bay ever
since, Hassan Nasrallah quietly completed the organization's takeover
of Lebanon's security and intelligence agencies and took delivery of
advanced M600s - the Syrian version of the Scud D ballistic missile -
whose 700-kilometer range puts much of Israel, Jordan and parts of
Turkey from Syria.
Nasrallah had the government endorse Shiite Brig. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim's promotion from Deputy Director of Lebanese Military Intelligence to General Security Director, a post formerly held by a Christian.
Next on Hizballah's agenda is the extension of Said Mirza's term as Prosecutor General as well as the appointments of Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi as Internal Security Forces chief; and Col. Wissam Hassan, as head of the Intelligence Bureau. They are to be the roadblocks against the execution of International Lebanese Tribunal arrest warrants for Hizballah leaders in connection with the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

Nasrallah had the government endorse Shiite Brig. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim's promotion from Deputy Director of Lebanese Military Intelligence to General Security Director, a post formerly held by a Christian.
Next on Hizballah's agenda is the extension of Said Mirza's term as Prosecutor General as well as the appointments of Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi as Internal Security Forces chief; and Col. Wissam Hassan, as head of the Intelligence Bureau. They are to be the roadblocks against the execution of International Lebanese Tribunal arrest warrants for Hizballah leaders in connection with the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri.
July 17, 2011 Briefs:
- Jan Mohammad Khan, senior adviser to Afghan president Hamid Karzai, murdered at his home in Kabul ·
- Three ministers quit Egyptian government, foreign, finance, trade and Industry in cabinet reshuffle in response to rising popular protest ·
- Three Palestinian missiles fired into Israel from Gaza early Sunday •
- Syrian forces backed by tanks move in to Zabadani on Lebanese border, arrested hundreds ·
- At least 13 insurgents killed after E. Afghan battles and coalition airstrike · The strike targeted Taliban leader in Nangarhar province ·
- New report on Afghan war blames NATO defense ministers and commanders for grave errors. British task force was ill-equipped and too weak to defeat Taliban ·
Hosni Mubarak may be dying but Mubarakism is alive and well in Egypt
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
17 July.
Conflicting reports on former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's state
of health appeared Sunday night, July 17. His lawyers said he was in a
coma after a stroke. This was denied by the head of the Sharm el-Sheikh
hospital. Earlier, as Egypt sank deeper into lawlessness and economic
stagnation, the military junta reshuffled the cabinet to placate
protesters who accused the generals of "stealing the revolution."
City streets are plagued by robbers and outlaws. Unemployment is rife and jobs pay a wretched wage of $50-115 a month. Economic stagnation is a major cause of dissent.
Tens of thousands rally in Tahrir Square against the new rulers, the Supreme Council of Revolutionary Forces’ (SCAF) – and not only in Cairo, but in Suez, Ismailia and Alexandria. They accuse the generals letting the situation deteriorate "to generate anarchy as the pretext for postponing promised elections. The junta wants to be sure of winning before it fixes on the date."
Gulf emirates pledged aid if the rulers suppress dissent and turn away from Washington and against Iran.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

City streets are plagued by robbers and outlaws. Unemployment is rife and jobs pay a wretched wage of $50-115 a month. Economic stagnation is a major cause of dissent.
Tens of thousands rally in Tahrir Square against the new rulers, the Supreme Council of Revolutionary Forces’ (SCAF) – and not only in Cairo, but in Suez, Ismailia and Alexandria. They accuse the generals letting the situation deteriorate "to generate anarchy as the pretext for postponing promised elections. The junta wants to be sure of winning before it fixes on the date."
July 18, 2011 Briefs:
- US official confirms: Three senior diplomats including Jeffrey Feltman met four members of Qaddafi's inner circle ·
The official says the meeting in Tunisia last Saturday was "not negotiations" but a message to Qaddafi to step down · - Two weeks ago, DEBKA-Net-Weekly and
DEBKAfile were first world publications to disclose secret US peace
negotiations with Qaddafi's representatives through Moscow on orders
from President Obama ·
We also reported Qaddafi had agreed to step down · - Israeli aircraft dropped leaflets over Gaza Strip warning citizens against approaching within 300 meters of northern border ·
- This follows escalation of Palestinian missile fire against Israeli civilian locations · Three early Sunday - 11 last week, 20 this month •
- Unlike the US, Moscow refuses to recognize the Libyan rebels ·
- NATO air strikes destroy civilian air control radar antennas at Tripoli international airport ·
- Taliban releases horrific video of firing squad executing 16 Pakistani policemen captured in fighting in NW district of Dir ·
US Adm. Mike Mullen honored by Israel's high command
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
Michael Glenn Mullen is rightly acclaimed as the American military
leader who contributed most to the depth and breadth of US-Israeli
security ties and to the IDF's preparedness for a potential war with
Iran. While holding Israel's hand against attacking Iran, Mullen was
responsible for making the IDF America's senior military partner. A
firm believer in the military partnership between US and Israeli armed
forces as a key component in the national security of both nations, he
did what he could to integrate their operational, technological and
intelligence ties to an unprecedented level. Mullen appreciates the IDF
as the second strongest Western army after the US armed forces and
America's most reliable military mainstay.
Before retiring as Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff on September 30, Adm. Mullen arrived Monday, July 18, to take leave of Israel's top command.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

Before retiring as Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff on September 30, Adm. Mullen arrived Monday, July 18, to take leave of Israel's top command.
July 19, 2011 Briefs:
- Israeli Navy boarded small French yacht to prevent it reaching embargoed coast of Gaza · No resistance was put up ·
- The boat which carried no aid cargoes was towed to Ashdod port and activists detained ·
- Syrian sectarian violence between Sunnis and Alawites in Homs leaves 30 dead, according to rights activists ·
Erdogan plans provocative Gaza visit next week
DEBKAfile Special Report
19 July:
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan wants to visit Gaza next Sunday
or Monday (24-25 July), DEBKAfile reports. But both Turkish and
Egyptian security services fear the visit would give the al Qaeda cells
based in the Gaza Strip and Sinai a chance to assassinate him.
Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas maintains it would amount
to de facto Turkish and Egyptian recognition of the Hamas government.
And in Jerusalem, Erdogan would appear to be deliberately hampering
efforts to heal its rift with Ankara.
Getting him from Cairo to Gaza may not be possible. Sinai highways are not controlled by Egyptian security and a helicopter ride would have to be coordinated with Israel and its Air Force – to which the Turkish leader objects.
He is on the warpath on all fronts after Barack Obama cut him out of Libyan peacemaking in favor of Moscow.
DEBKAfile Special Report

Getting him from Cairo to Gaza may not be possible. Sinai highways are not controlled by Egyptian security and a helicopter ride would have to be coordinated with Israel and its Air Force – to which the Turkish leader objects.
He is on the warpath on all fronts after Barack Obama cut him out of Libyan peacemaking in favor of Moscow.
July 20, 2011 Briefs:
- In an Al-Arabiya TV interview,
Netanyahu offers to meet the Palestinians for peace talks right now in
Jerusalem or even Ramallah ·
He denied any Israeli interest in Syria's Assad staying in office · Secret contacts with Damascus did take place in the past, he said, but staying out of Syrian turmoil did not mean Israel was not worried · - Syrian FM Moalem warns US and French ambassadors not to leave Damascus without permission ·
- July 13, DEBKAfile disclosed exclusively that the two envoys were planning visits to Deir al Zour and Abu Kemal to support protesters ·
- New Zealand PM John Key totally denied local media suggestions that an Israeli group caught in Christchurch quake were linked to Israeli intelligence ·
- Ofer Mizrahi who died in the quake had only one European passport – not five as claimed ·
Key stressed that a police-SIS probe into the three surviving group members' rapid departure found nothing to show they were anything other than backpackers · - None held New Zealand passports ·
Stuxnet returns to bedevil Iran's nuclear systems
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
20 July:
DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report that the Stuxnet malworm which
played havoc with Iran's nuclear program for eleven months was not
purged after all. Tehran never did overcome the disruptions caused by
Stuxnet or restore its centrifuges to smooth and normal operation as
was claimed. Indeed, Iran finally resorted to the only sure-fire cure,
scrapping all the tainted machines and replacing them with new ones – as
was indicated Tuesday by an announcement in Tehran by the foreign
office spokesman. He said: "The installation of new centrifuges with
better quality and speed is ongoing… this is another confirmation of
the Islamic republic's successful strides in its nuclear activities."
IIran has taken advantage of the West's preoccupation with the Arab revolt in recent months to forge ahead with its weapons program unnoticed. So if it was moving smoothly forward why did Tehran suddenly decide to raise the touchy subject again? It was to pre-empt Iran's enemies from picking up on the installation of the new centrifuges and publishing the real reason for dumping the "smoothly" operating ones.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

IIran has taken advantage of the West's preoccupation with the Arab revolt in recent months to forge ahead with its weapons program unnoticed. So if it was moving smoothly forward why did Tehran suddenly decide to raise the touchy subject again? It was to pre-empt Iran's enemies from picking up on the installation of the new centrifuges and publishing the real reason for dumping the "smoothly" operating ones.
Syrian cities surrounded by tanks, Homs stormed

Fashion Calendar | |
This Weekend’s Events and Sales: Shop Dekalb Market’s Opening Weekend, Discounted Jewelry and Apparel From Correll Correll and Quarry
Plus last chance at discounted Buckler pieces.
Lawsuits | |
Another Label That Made Red Soles Before Christian Louboutin Has the Audacity to Come Forward
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The Queen Thinks the Royal Wedding Dress Exhibit Is ‘Horrible’ and ‘Creepy’
Fun bonding time with the grandmother-in-law.
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Campaign Trail | |
Raquel Zimmermann and Karen Elson Are in Sync in the New Lanvin Ads
They're raising the roof, it seems.
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MObama Watch | |
Michelle Obama Wore a Dress From Target Yesterday
And a past collection at that — she'd worn it before back in '09.
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Street Comber | |
Slideshow: The Week in Street Style
The choicest pickings from the style blogs this week.
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The General Public Continues to Display Ravenous Royal Wedding Appetite
Kate's royal wedding dress goes on display at the palace today, and everyone continues to care deeply about it.
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Loose Threads | |
See Tyra Banks’s First Book Cover; Vogue to Launch Another Website in December
Also, Gilt Groupe offers first dibs on Banana Republic's 'Mad Men' collection this Monday.
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How the Other Half Sweats | |
Roberto Cavalli Designed Some Exercise Bikes That Appear to Have Jaguar-Print Horns
They're actually handles, but whatever.
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Beauty Marks | |
Video: Gareth Pugh on Dressing for the Heat, His Beauty Routine, and Upcoming MAC Line
We spoke to the designer about the top-secret makeup line and why all-black is always in style.
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Look of the Day | |
Selita Ebanks Will Gladly Attend a Benefit With Her Bra Showing Through Her Dress
Even though there's a lot going on in her outfit, you really can't miss it.
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Model Tracker | |
Helena Christensen on Why Supermodels Became a Phenomenon
got to just remain our quirky selves and have the body shapes that we
had without anyone ever pointing a finger at anything."
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Photo Op | |
Tyra Banks Rode the Subway in a Skintight Pink Catsuit Today
See what some lucky average folk witnessed on the 7 train today.
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Tear Sheets | |
A Look at Some of the Last Magazine Editorials to Feature John Galliano’s Dior Collections
Enjoy the beauty while it lasts because it's unclear when or if his work will be shot again.
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Quotables | |
David Gandy: ‘I Love My Food, But I Do Have To Be Careful’
Especially when he's got an important shirtless shoot.
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Store Openings | |
Inside Spa 1851, Kiehl’s First Full-Service Spa
The skincare brand offers facials, massages, men's grooming, and more in a sleek, art-bedecked space.
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Kids These Days | |
Yes, Tavi Has a Book Deal, and Probably Another on the Way
She has bigger fish to fry this summer than being a camp counselor.
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Model Tracker | |
Meet the New Girl: Dempsey Stewart Rides a Motorbike and Has a Scar Sort of Like Harry Potter’s
Dempsey Stewart is the latest Aussie to make waves.
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Best Bets | |
Best Bet: Coola’s Peppermint Vanilla Liplux
A refreshing, organic balm to keep lips sweet-smelling and smooth.
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![]() | Agent Orange...Falling Prey to Snake Oil Salesmen Today was not like every other day for many of us. For veterans having to deal with a proposed amendment to the Military Construction Bill I wrote about earlier. Read More »» |



Daily New York Food News from &
Clone Wars | |
Milk Burger Website Back Up, Only Slightly Less Shake Shack–y Than Before
Well, one version of the website, anyway.
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Empire Building | |
Maharlika Gets New Locations, and a New Sous-Chef to Match
The Filipino pop-up lands in the East Village once again, with dinner.
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Cartography | |
Go West, Arepa Lady (But Then Please Come Back)
A little bit of Jackson Heights heads to SF.
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Warning Signs | |
Will Hank’s Saloon Be the Next Dive to Fall?
The building that houses the bar is headed to auction next week.
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Food TV | |
Watch the Dalai Lama’s Appearance on MasterChef Australia
His Holiness doesn't have anything bad, really, to say about you or your food.
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Community Boards | |
CB2 Pulls a Switcheroo on Pieces Decision
The iconic gay bar gets the board to make a rare reversal on its earlier decision.
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The Food Chain | |
Jacob Sessoms of Table in Asheville, North Carolina, Is Inspired by the Farm Egg at Chicago’s North Pond
"I think what opened my mind up when I ate it was, most importantly, that I could start making my own English muffins."
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You Deserve a Break | |
Does Kim Jong-Il Suffer Big Mac Attacks?
Yes, McDonald's burgers count as a luxury good in North Korea.
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Temporary Closings | |
Authorities Shut Down Crowded UC Lounge Last Night
The show, it seems, will be rescheduled.
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Foodievents | |
What to Eat (and Drink) During This Very Hot Weekend
It'll scrape 100 tomorrow, but there are still plenty of great events.
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Mediavore | |
Mars Bar Withdrawal; Walmart’s Food-Desert Pilgrimage
Plus: Wine Reading 101, and more, all in our morning news roundup.
The Grub Street Diet | |
Chef Ludo Lefebvre Grills Burgers in New Jersey, Does a Fourteen-Course Lunch at Le Bernardin
you know their food is very light. And it was spaced very well, the
timing is perfect. It took me like three hours, you know. But like I
said, I ate very slowly."
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Neighborhood Watch | |
Blueprint Cocktail Bar Open in Park Slope; Fatty Crew’s Pullcart in Central Park
Plus: BBQ in Brooklyn and more in our daily roundup of neighborhood news.
The Chain Gang | |
Sounds Like Quiznos Might Soon Be Toast
The toasted-sandwich shop ain't looking so hot these days.
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Openings, | |
Gowanus’s Forthcoming Littleneck Has Enough Clams to Open
Clam belly sandwiches are one now step closer to being a reality in Gowanus.
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Lists | |
So, Which Restaurants Have the Best ... Doors?
Designer David Rockwell has got some thoughts.
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The James Weird Awards | |
The James Weird Awards: Illegal Lemonade Stands, Fast-Food Quitters, and Yogurt Semen
Plus: stolen sheep (statues), condiment thieves, and more, all in this week's roundup of weird restaurant news.
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If Only I'd Known
The new “cop on the beat” for consumers of financial products such as mortgage loans faces more challenges ahead, but it’s a fight worth having, argues Gadi Dechter.More: July 21 Is Consumers' Independence Day

RFE/RL Caucasus Report
7/22/2011 9:43:06 PM
A review of RFE/RL reporting and analysis about the countries of the South Caucasus and Russia's North Caucasus region.
For more stories on the Caucasus, please visit and bookmark our Caucasus page . |
![]() Opposition Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (AHCP) activist Shahin Hasanli has been sentenced to two years in jail on charges of illegal possession of weapons and explosives. More ![]() Armenia's governing coalition has pledged to consider the demands of the opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) with a view to continuing the dialogue launched on July 18. More ![]() Senior U.S. and Armenian military officials have opened two days of talks in Washington that highlight growing bilateral defense links. More ![]() Prior to the protest, employees from the Baku-based Institute for Peace and Democracy and local residents attached balloons to trees in front of the institute and put placards on the walls reading: "Yes to the law, no to corruption!" More ![]() The opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) has said it is ready to hold more talks with representatives of Armenia's political leadership in the current format. More ![]() Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian acknowledges that oligopolies are a major reason for the high cost of living in Armenia. More ![]() Earlier this month, three Azerbaijani Army officers issued a video appeal to the president to investigate corruption in their unit. The Defense Ministry says it's investigating the allegations, but some worry that instead it will cover up the charges and persecute the whistle-blowers. More ![]() Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has floated a new approach to expediting the Karabakh peace process, which is widely perceived as bogged down following the failure of the Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents during their meeting in Kazan on June 24 to sign the most recent version of the so-called Madrid Principles for resolving the conflict. More ![]() The Argentinian company that operates Yerevan's Zvartnots International Airport has moved to open Armenia's first tax-free economic zone in order to boost agricultural exports and other products. More ![]() The Armenian capital of Yerevan has been hosting the eighth annual Golden Apricot international film festival, which aims to restore the country's languishing film traditions. More ![]() Georgia can toast a tiny step toward EU integration with its signing on July 14 of an agreement on the protection of geographical indications, the first ever between Brussels and a country within the EU's neighborhood policy. More ![]() The door to the European Union remains open for the countries in Eastern Europe and political change in Belarus will happen sooner rather than later. That's the view of European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek, who sat down with RFE/RL to talk about the future of the EU's Eastern Neighborhood. More ![]() Armenia's newly appointed Central Election Commission has held its first meeting and reelected its controversial former chairman. More |
Neues Deutschland Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 10243 Berlin +++ Werbung in eigener Sache: Die LINKE, Israel und der Antisemitismus Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, hier erfahren Sie, welche Themen im ND vom 23.07.2011 behandelt werden. +++ Inland: Effizienz? Nicht im Interesse der Energie-Konzerne! Naturschutzbund-Experte Ulf Sieberg über Energieeffizienz, EU-Richtlinien und einen gewissen Herrn Oettinger --> »Mein altes Leben krieg ich niemals wieder« Die Loveparade 2010 zerstörte das Leben zahlreicher junger Menschen und das ihrer Angehörigen Von Rolf Schraa, dpa --> Die Frage »Warum?« will niemand beantworten Ein Jahr nach dem Loveparade-Unglück: Wer ist schuld, wer haftet? Von Marcus Meier --> Ruhe um Schaller --> OB droht Abwahl --> »Notvernichtung« im Fall Brunner Kohls Kanzleramt ließ offenbar alle BND-Akten über Eichmanns »rechte Hand«, den Nazi-Massenmörder Alois Brunner, vernichten Von René Heilig --> Abgenagter Knochen --> Spenden für die Hungernden reichen nicht aus Organisationen leisten Direkthilfe in Ostafrika und appellieren an Unterstützung --> Merkelsche Art der Leidenschaft Bundeskanzlerin redet schwarz-gelbe Zwischenbilanz schön Von Aert van Riel --> Die Zeichen stehen auf Streik Urabstimmung bei Zeitungsredakteuren --> [für Abonnenten] Parteitag der NPD verboten --> Rote Linie längst überschritten Was der Stresstest für den Bahnhof Stuttgart 21 beweisen sollte Von Erich Preuß --> [für Abonnenten] Keine Entschuldigung für die Altenpflegerin Vivantes räumt Mängel in Heim ein, Senat bedauert Verfahrensdauer im Fall Heinisch Von Martin Kröger --> »Das hat keine Tradition« Prof. Johannes Ludwig über nötigen Schutz für Whistleblower --> Bayern bekommt Rabbinerin Erste Frau in diesem Amt wird in Bamberg arbeiten --> [für Abonnenten] Sieches Prestigeprojekt Einrichtung der Hamburger Hafencity-Universität kommt nicht voran, kostet aber Unsummen Von Rainer Kreuzer, Hamburg --> [für Abonnenten] Trödler auf den Barrikaden Rheinland-Pfalz streitet um Flohmärkte Von Karsten Packeiser, epd --> [für Abonnenten] Sensation im Tagebau Nördlich von Zeitz in Sachsen-Anhalt wird ein riesiges Gräberfeld aus der Jungsteinzeit ausgegraben Von Harald Lachmann --> [für Abonnenten] Uhr in Rostock soll Weltkulturerbe werden --> [für Abonnenten] Wiesentheater gegen braunen Sumpf In Südmecklenburg startet die Kulturkate Lübtheen mit Franz Molnars »Liliom« in ihre diesjährige Spielsaison Von Grit Büttner, dpa --> [für Abonnenten] +++ Ausland: Schon Zehntausende Hungertote am Horn Somalias Al-Shabaab-Miliz verbietet Hilfe --> Weitere Generale im Justiz-Visier Türkische Gerichte gehen Verwicklungen des Militärs nach --> Zweifel nicht erlaubt Saudi-arabisches Gesetz bestraft Kritiker --> Moskau thematisiert Gaddafi-Rücktritt Machtverzicht bei Gesprächen in Russland erörtert / Angeblich Rebellentrupps in Tripolis --> 50 Rebellen in Paktika bei Kampf getötet Schwere Gefechte im Südosten Afghanistans --> Lieberman erzürnt selbst Netanjahu Kontroverse Gesetzesvorlagen stürzen Israels Regierung in eine tiefe Krise Von Oliver Eberhardt --> [für Abonnenten] Nachspiel zu Polens Medienskandal Ehemalige Vizekulturministerin Aleksandra Jakubowska verurteilt Von Julian Bartosz, Wroclaw --> [für Abonnenten] Särge aus Afghanistan rütteln Frankreichs Öffentlichkeit auf Der Tod weiterer französischer Soldaten heizt die Kritik am Kriegseinsatz an Von Ralf Klingsieck, Paris --> Wie geht es den Opfern der Flut? GIZ-Experte Hans Steinmann über den Wiederaufbau in Pakistan --> +++ Wirtschaft/Soziales: Athens Schulden kommen auf die lange Bank Euro-Krisengipfel einigt sich auf neues Kreditprogramm mit Gläubigerbeteiligung / Erste Ratingagentur erwägt Herabstufung Griechenlands Von Kurt Stenger --> Mindestlohn als Euro-Retter Michael Schlecht (LINKE) fordert Abbau der deutschen Überschüsse --> Schweizer Banker in den USA angeklagt Vorwurf: Beihilfe zur Steuerhinterziehung --> [für Abonnenten] Wall Street bereitet »Tag X« vor Finanzakteure verringern Anteil von US-Staatsanleihen in ihren Portfolios Von John Dyer, Boston --> Microsoft auf dem Gipfel --> Chrysler wieder da --> EU-Krisenfonds wird flexibler Ergebnisse des Brüsseler Schuldengipfels --> +++ Feuilleton: Professor Du. Wie du und ich Eine Begegnung in Deutschland Von Christina Matte --> Kuckuck Joachim John --> Plattenbau --> [für Abonnenten] Schonungslose Selbstbezichtigung Franz Fühmann und seine Novelle »Kameraden« (1955) Von Horst Nalewski --> [für Abonnenten] In der Ruhmeshalle Zum Tod des britischen Malers Lucian Freud --> [für Abonnenten] »Kai Rosenthal« TV-Tipp: Ab heute wieder – »Dalli Dalli« Von Jan Freitag --> [für Abonnenten] Notizen aus Venedig Von Gunnar Decker --> Tagebücher versteigert KZ-Arzt Mengele --> [für Abonnenten] »Mache mir Vorwürfe wegen Untätigkeit« Malerei und Grafik von Max Slevogt – eine großartige Schau in Chemnitz Von Martina Jammers --> Schule im Sommer Bauhaus Dessau --> Bildwelten des Geistes Hygiene-Museum --> +++ Berlin/Brandenburg: 50 000 besuchen Info-Box zum Berliner Schloss --> FDP will mit Selbstironie punkten Liberale stellen Wahlkampagne vor und setzen auf flotte Sprüche sowie das Potenzial der Unentschlossenen Von Jenny Becker --> Senat weist Kritik an Vergabegesetz von NGOs zurück --> [für Abonnenten] Brand im U-Bahnhof Alexanderplatz --> [für Abonnenten] Gut, auch mal drüber zu reden Landeswahlausschuss sortierte Parteien für den 18. September auf dem Wahlzettel Von Klaus Joachim Herrmann --> In den Kulissen Prof. an Dr. Von Klaus Joachim Herrmann --> Theater zu verkaufen Berliner Kompanie kann sich Kulisse nicht leisten --> [für Abonnenten] »Beschwerdechor« zur Wahl --> Thalbachs »Zauberflöte« auf der Kippe --> [für Abonnenten] Der Schattenmann Der Gropiusbau präsentiert mit André Kertész einen Pionier der Kunstfotografie und Bildreportage Von Tobias Riegel --> Kindl-Brauerei Hoch hinaus Von Klaus Teßmann --> [für Abonnenten] Jüdisches Museum feiert --> [für Abonnenten] Hochlandrinder im Wuhletal Der Bezirk Marzahn-Hellersdorf entdeckt die Landwirtschaft wieder Von Klaus Teßmann --> [für Abonnenten] Krampnitz: Potsdam steigt aus Stadt betrachtet Flächenentwicklungspläne für ehemaliges Kasernengelände als unwirksam Von Wilfried Neiße --> Bis 2020 weniger EU-Fördermittel --> Hochwasseralarm und neue Pumpen --> [für Abonnenten] +++ Sport: Ungehindert Oscar Pistorius - mit Beinprothesen startet der Südafrikaner bei der WM der Leichtathleten --> Hilferufende Nebensätze Dresden und Rostock kämpfen um die ersten Punkte und ein friedliches Spiel Von Alexander Ludewig --> Das Glück unterhalb der Kernberge 3. Liga: Über 500 Transfers vor dem Start der Saison - spektakulärster Neuzugang in Jena Von Thomas Wolfer, SID --> [für Abonnenten] Thomas Lurz eröffnet Goldjagd deutscher Schwimmer Würzburger gewinnt siebenten Freiwassertitel über fünf Kilometer in Serie / Am Sonntag beginnen die Beckenwettbewerbe Von Christian Kunz und Marc Zeilhofer, dpa --> [für Abonnenten] Alberto Contador schlägt zurück Aufholjagd bei letzter Bergetappe der Tour Von Tom Mustroph, L'Alpe d'Huez --> +++ Meinung/Kolumne: Unten links --> Ein tödliches Kontinuum Gastkolumne von Benjamin Luig --> MS »Sozialdemokratie« Kommentar von Fabian Lambeck Von Fabian Lambeck --> Russland ratlos Kommentar von Roland Etzel Von Roland Etzel --> Abschreibungen Kommentar von Kurt Stenger Von Kurt Stenger --> +++ Kino & Film: Mehr als ein Geschäft DOKfilm --> +++ Debatte: Streitfrage: Boykott israelischer Waren - legitim oder unerhört? Streitfrage: Boykott israelischer Waren – legitim oder unerhört? --> Kauft nicht bei Lieberman … Von Rolf Verleger --> Boykott im Rahmen der EU-Gesetzgebung Von Micha Brumlik --> +++ ExperimeND: Du schaffst das auch! Migranten engagieren sich in einem Freiwilligendienst für andere Einwandererkinder Von Jenny Becker --> Rappen aus der Gewaltspirale In der mexikanischen Stadt Ciudad Juárez tobt der Drogenkrieg. Pädagogische Angebote für Jugendliche sind rar Von Knut Henkel --> +++ Geschichte: »Ich fühle mich nicht schuldig« Wie die deutsche Kommunistin Roberta Gropper in NKWD-Haft um ihre Ehre und die der Partei kämpfte Von Alexander Vatlin --> Wissbegierige Genossen Einblick ins Innere eines sozialdemokratischen Ortsvereins Von Kurt Wernicke --> Bayos Warnung wurde blutige Realität Vor 75 Jahren putschen Spaniens Generale – Mallorca im Krieg (Teil 2) Von Werner Abel und Peter Fisch --> Erich Töppe KALENDERBLATT Von Lutz Heuer --> [für Abonnenten] +++ Natur & Wissenschaft: Kartöffelchen, Kartoffel … Biolumne Von Reinhard Renneberg, Hongkong --> Webb-Teleskop in Gefahr Weltraumprojekt droht Streichung Von Dieter B. Herrmann --> Ein Priester entdeckt den Urknall Hat der amerikanische Astronom Edwin Hubble die Nachwelt vorsätzlich getäuscht? Von Martin Koch --> +++ Forum: Diktat jedes Menschenbildes: Keiner fällt aus dem Rahmen! Die Essays des US-Amerikaners Tony Judt: Utopien, Staat und Linke Von Hans-Dieter Schütt --> +++ Reise: Kein Bett im Kornfeld BESONDERER TIPP Von Heidi Diehl --> Expedition zum Kältepol Der Funtensee in Bayern gilt mit gemessenen minus 45,9 Grad Celsius als Eiskeller Deutschlands Von Dorothee Fauth --> Zwischen »Kojak« und Sozialismus Slowenien: Maribors Konzept als »Europas Kulturhauptstadt 2012« ist breit und bodenständig Von Michael Müller --> +++ Medial: Nur acht von fünfhundert MEDIENgedanken: Migrantenanteil im Fernsehen Von Jörg Becker --> Man muss nur »man« sagen BLOGwoche: Von Lukas Heinser --> Ein Tag vor der Glotze --> [für Abonnenten] Lohnender Voyeurismus OUT of SPACE --> [für Abonnenten] +++ Zeitgenuss: Auch die Lucie liebt Begonien GARTEN: Zartbitterer Salat für den Gaumen, Blütenflor als Augenschmaus Brigitte Müller, Hobbygärtnerin und Umweltautorin --> Bengel auf der »Bounty« JUGENDBUCH --> Kleine Kulturrevolution bei Japans Klassiker Ich habe es einfach mal probiert: Dominick Pickhan (16) aus Ludwigshafen kreiert ein Pokémon-Shogi --> Wissen, punkten, gewinnen! Gewinnspiel: JULI WOCHENRUNDE 4 --> Dominant SCHACH Carlos García Hernández, Schachlehrer -->
RFE/RL Headlines
7/22/2011 10:35:29 PM
A daily digest of the English-language news and analysis written by the staff of Radio Free Europe/Radio LibertyRFE/RL is looking for guest bloggers, preferably writing from and about our broadcast region. If you're interested, drop us a line at |
![]() From July 23, it will be forbidden to cover your face in public places in Belgium. The law was overwhelmingly passed by the country's parliament and is likely to concern just a small minority of Muslim women wearing full veils as the niqab or a burqa. Nonetheless, the legislation is symptomatic of a growing unease with Islam in Western Europe. More ![]() The recent wave of street battles in Karachi, which killed 120 people this month, seems to have subsided, for now. The way it did tells a lot about its causes. More ![]() Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has signed into law new amendments that define beer as alcohol for the first time and place restrictions on its sale. No longer will Russians be able to buy a bottle of beer in a kiosk at any time of the day or night. More ![]() Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has defended Pakistan's national intelligence agency, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) against allegations that it funneled millions of dollars to a U.S. based group to lobby Congress and the White House. More ![]() The Kazakh Foreign Ministry says it is concerned by the United States' decision to add Kazakhstan to a list of countries where terrorist actions are considered highly possible. More ![]() Tribal security guards have foiled a bomb attack on the shrine of a Sufi poet in Pakistan's Khyber tribal area. More ![]() Kyrgyz Prime Minister Almazbek Atambaev has secured an agreement with Russia that will allow for the resumption of Russian gasoline deliveries to Kyrgyzstan. More ![]() Opposition Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (AHCP) activist Shahin Hasanli has been sentenced to two years in jail on charges of illegal possession of weapons and explosives. More ![]() Gulzhan Erglieva, the website's founder and owner, told journalists in Almaty on July 21 that her website has been under attack since July 15. She said the attack was likely connected to the content on the website. More ![]() Leonid Kadenyuk, the only Ukrainian citizen to fly into space on a U.S. space shuttle, has expressed regret at the end of the 30-year-old space program. More ![]() Armenia's governing coalition has pledged to consider the demands of the opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) with a view to continuing the dialogue launched on July 18. More ![]() The statistics follow recent protests in Tatarstan organized by pro-Russian groups that claimed the teaching of the Russian language in Tatarstan is being neglected and obligatory Tatar-language classes prevent students from properly learning Russian. More ![]() Tajikistan's National Bank says it will create a national processing center for all its operations involving credit cards and other banking services, rather than using banks located in foreign countries, most frequently Russia. More Belarusian Activists Wed In Jail Like most couples, Svyatlana Gorokhovik and Pavel Vinahradau had dreamed of a wedding filled with merriment, friends and champagne. This is difficult, however, when the groom is serving time in a drab Belarusian prison. More ![]() Goran Hadzic has been called many things in his day. Some in the Croatian city of Vukovar, where he is accused of playing a leading role in the 1991 massacre of more than 250 non-Serbs, refer to him as “the master of life and death.” Until his capture yesterday (eds: July 20), the UN-backed war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia called him their last remaining fugitive. But never in his life has Hadzic been called an art collector. He doesn’t merit that distinction today either. But in revealing how police finally nabbed the former leader of ethnic Serbs in Croatia, officials traced an unexpected link between Hadzic and the more savory world of fine art. More ![]() Alec Ross, TechCamp, and an introduction to Belarusian political graffiti. More ![]() A motley band of bearded and unkempt activists from the unregistered Other Russia party have become the latest addition to Russia’s offbeat opposition protest scene. More ![]() When Serbian police forces moved into the quiet village of Krusedol early in the morning of July 20 and arrested the country’s last fugitive war crimes suspect, they closed a chapter on a long and tortuous history. More ![]() If Washington were to seize the chance to mediate a genuine and lasting piece in South Asia, Daud Khattak argues, Pakistanis would undoubtedly have a very different attitude toward America's role in the region. More Svyatlana Gorokhovik is about to marry her boyfriend, Pavel Vinahradau. But the festivities are marred by one hitch: Vinahradau is serving a four-year sentence for taking part in protests against authoritarian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Gorokhovik spoke to RFE/RL’s Belarusian Service about their bittersweet wedding plans. More |