Terror Case Suggests Norway Suspect Is Insane: Lawyer
Male le città
italiane per quanto riguarda la lotta all'inquinamento acustico, mentre
qualche risultato si ottiene sul fronte smog
Resi noti, dal
Gestore dei Servizi Energetici, i risultati del sistema di
incentivazione dell'energia fotovoltaica aggiornati alla fine del 2010
Immagini della
Opel Ampera, elettrica ad autonomia estesa che arriverà sul mercato
entro la primavera del 2012 promettendo consumi ed emissioni da record e
grande versatilità
Debutterà agli
inizi del 2012 la Opel Ampera, berlina elettrica ad autonomia estesa
che ha già trovato 5.000 clienti in Europa nella fase di pre-vendita
L'Asian Pulpe
Paper continua a devastare la foresta indonesiana. A farne le spese una
giovane tigre maschio, uccisa da una trappola per cinghiali
ultimati nel 2015 i lavori per la realizzazione di un impianto
termodinamico di 800 metri di altezza che produrrà energia per 150
ambientalista, insieme all'Università di Viterbo, ha calcolato il
consumo d'acqua "nascosto" nei vari prodotti Mutti
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Sembra che il parere delle mamme sia determinante perché le bambine siano brave in matematica. Altrimenti, il pregiudizio...
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Vittoria importante del Setterosa ai Mondiali di nuoto, dove ha superato l'Australia centrando così la semifinale che vedrà...
Ricetta del giorno
Pollo alla Buongustaia
Un modo semplice e gustoso per cucinare il pollo.
Dieta | |
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Dieta dell'ananas per dimagrire e sgonfiarsi
La dieta dell'ananas fa introdurre 1300 kcal al giorno e va seguita per due settimane. Consente di perdere circa 3 Kg,...
Coppia | |
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Liberarsi dagli ex fidanzati insistenti
Dal molestatore telefonico fino al vero e proprio stalker, ecco alcuni consigli per chiudere definitivamente con gli ex...
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Trucchi per ridurre le maniglie dell'amore
La prova costume è messa a dura prova dalle maniglie dell'amore. Ecco qualche consiglio in palestra e a tavola per dire...
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Sopravvivere in un ambiente di lavoro solo femminile
Piccoli consigli per sopravvivere all'interno di un ambiente lavorativo tutto al femminile: come comportarsi per non...
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Ristoranti in autostrada: i migliori sono in Puglia
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------------------------------------------------------------------------ AN ATMOSPHERE OF SUSPICION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ European Right Under Pressure in Wake of Attacks Europe's right-wing populists are not used to being on the defensive. But the perpetrator of last Friday's horrific attacks in Norway was steeped in their anti-immigration, Muslim-skeptical ideology. They now find themselves in an uncomfortable position.,1518,776752,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAMMED TO KILL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Cold Aggression of a Mass Murderer What goes through a person's mind during a 90 minute killing spree? Once they have decided to engage in the most extreme of acts, killers like Anders Breivik conduct their slayings mercilessly and in cold blood. Psychologists say they enter a primal hunting mode in which their emotions are completely shut down.,1518,776693,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD FROM BERLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Breivik Came from the Center of Society' As Norway mourns the dead of the Utøya massacre, other countries are wondering how such lone-wolf attacks can be prevented. German commentators weigh in on the debate.,1518,776685,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'OUR STREETS ARE FILLED WITH LOVE' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Norway Holds Rallies to Remember Attack Victims Amid their sorrow, Norwegians have made a public display of love and hope in response to the Utøya massacre. Hundreds of thousands of people took part in rallies across the country to remember the victims on Monday evening.,1518,776607,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SETTLING OLD SCORES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tribal Rivalries Complicate Libyan War The rebels in western Libya have captured the Nafusa Mountains and are only 80 kilometers from Tripoli, but have been unable to advance further. Meanwhile long-simmering tribal hostilities are complicating the situation, as rival groups clash and old resentments flare up. The inter-tribal conflict adds to a growing sense that the uprising against Gadhafi is turning into a civil war.,1518,776695,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: Stalemate in Western Libya ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERVIEW WITH FORMER RUSSIAN PRIME MINISTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'What Will Happen After Gadhafi?' In an interview with SPIEGEL, 81-year-old former Russian Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and chief of foreign intelligence Yevgeny Primakov discusses the situation in Libya and Russia's concerns about an "explosive trend" in NATO operations.,1518,776509,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAWRENCE SUMMERS ON THE EURO CRISIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'It Was Always Understood the European System Would Evolve' In a SPIEGEL interview, Lawrence Summers, 56, Harvard economist and former advisor to United States President Barack Obama, discusses the way forward for Europe's stricken common currency and a debt crisis and budget battle in the United States that has baffled many a European.,1518,776670,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIPLOMATIC DISPUTE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thai Prince's Private Jet to Remain Impounded in Munich The personal Boeing 737 of Thai Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn looks set to gather dust in a hangar at Munich airport after a German court ruled that he would have to pay 20 million euros to get it back. The case is linked to a dispute between Germany and Thailand over an outstanding debt.,1518,776718,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUCCESSION SEALED ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deutsche Bank Nominates Indian Investment Banker as New Co-CEO Deutsche Bank will in the future be co-managed by Anshu Jain, a cricket-loving investment banking hotshot from India. Because he speaks little German and has no political contacts, however, he will be flanked by a German co-executive -- and watched over by current CEO Josef Ackermann, who is to head the supervisory board.,1518,776678,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PICTURE THIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drying Up,1518,776759,00.html#ref=nlint
Sound Reasoning
The president’s latest deficit reduction offer to House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) shows he is willing to go far to the right of other bipartisan plans to make a deal, writes Michael Linden.More: Obama Bends Over Backwards for Conservatives on Debt Ceiling

המגזין השבועי של אתר בית חב"ד
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Pearl Jam Twenty Trailer: Cameron Crowe Digs Music
See the trailer for Crowe's Pearl Jam documentary.

Amy Winehouse’s Intelligent Soul
What’s worth
remembering about Winehouse is that she really could be wickedly good at
using her brain and her expertise to create music that really worked.

Kevin Smith Fondly Remembers Telling Harvey Weinstein to Shut Up
With a few choice expletives.

The Strokes Get the Tribute Treatment
From Real Estate, the Morning Benders, Heems ...

Theater Review: Zach Braff Comes to the Empire State
Zach Braff comes to the Empire State.

Björk and Michel Gondry Take a Trip to Outer Space
See the video for "Crystalline."

The New York Times
Film Club
Passionate about film?
Join the club.
Film Club
Passionate about film?
Join the club.

Toronto Film Festival Lineup: Madonna, Clooney, Fassbender, and More
See the movies that were unveiled today.

Main Street Trailer: Drawls for Everyone
"Auntie, who did you rent your warehouse to?" What?

The Vulture Book Recap: Reading A Dance With Dragons Together, Part 4
What's going on inside the head of a priestess who burns men alive and gives birth to murderous spectres?

Kelly Rowland on Her New Album, X Factor Hosting, and Beyoncé
"I saw these yellow dresses we wore with feathers on the bottom of them. We looked like three big birds."

Margin Call Trailer: Zachary Quinto Foresaw Our Economic Collapse
Check out the star-filled trailer for this financial drama.

The Big Lebowski House Is on the Market
Bathe where the Dude bathed.

John Goodman Joins Season Three of Community
Omar's not the only one coming to Thursdays.

20 Workplaces Crying Out for a Reality Show
If there's a show about fish-tank builders, how about a show about the people who make reality shows?

Vulture Premieres a New Track From Exitmusic
Some exclusive stuff right here!

Smurf Conspiracy-Theory Roundup: Are They Racist? Misogynist? Closet KKK?
Let's hit the Internet and find out why people are Smurfing the alarm.

Good Old Fashioned Orgy Trailer: Jason Sudeikis Still Hopes to Get Lucky
The 'SNL' vet again plays a horny Everyman.

The Gaslight Anthem’s Brian Fallon on His New Band, the Horrible Crowes, and His Pal Bruce Springsteen
"I totally steal Bruce's moves. But I know Bruce well enough know to tell him I steal them."

![]() | Norway's 9/11 Mike Harari planned and executed the Bali bombing but he needed help, he said. What he needed was a "fall guy" to blame and Dimitri Khalezov, former Soviet nuclear weapons intelligence officer was a perfect patsy, or so Harari believed when he approached him. Read More »» |


Melania, caccia al complice
- Oslo, il killer: cellule all'estero "Siano crimini contro l'umanità"
- Deferite Atalanta e Chievo. Tre squadre di B e 11 di Lega Pro
- Como, una guardia giurata si barrica in hotel e si spara

E inoltre...
Pigs, in Europa no rischio contagio/ Dalla trimestrale di Deutsche Bank emerge una conferma ai sospetti degli analisti: le banche europee hanno già venduto quasi tutti i titoli di stato dei "periferici" europei e per questo possono ora contribuire ad un salvataggio che appare ancora parziale. Ma che serve a prendere tempo in attesa che Grecia, Irlanda e Portogallo possano dichiarare un default selettivo senza troppi danni. Evitando il rischio di un pericoloso contagio a Spagna e Italia.
Anonymous? Figlio del disagio sociale/ Con l'attacco ai server del CNAIPIC, il Centro Nazionale Italiano per la Protezione delle Infrastrutture Critiche, la rete di hacker ha fatto un salto di qualità: fra i loro recenti acquisti ci deve essere uno smanettone con le contropalle. E la polizia postale avrà un compito immensamente difficile: contrastare azioni di hackeraggio portate a termine questa volta non più per noia ma per motivazioni sociali e politiche.
Sesso al Principe di Savoia. Escort per politici/ "Non mi mandare suor Maria Teresa di Calcutta". "Va bene una mulatta?". "Se questa volta non vuoi andare in bianco me lo devi dire e ti mando delle modelle anormali, poi con loro te la vedi tu". Giro di escort di lusso per politici, manager, personaggi dello spettacolo e dello sport. Pagavano dai 500 euro, se i preliminari erano al Tocqueville o al The Club, fino ai 2mila. Nel mirino la Milano bene tra cui il figlio di un notissimo politico lombardo e un altrettanto celebre centroavanti. Hostess e modelle brasiliane, ucraine, moldave, russe dal doppio lavoro.
I maiali invadono Piazza Affari/ "Meno finanza e più stalle". Con questo slogan un migliaio di allevatori della Coldiretti hanno portato i loro maiali davanti alla sede milanese della Borsa. Obiettivo: denunciare le speculazioni internazionali sulle materie prime, dall'oro al petrolio fino ai mangimi, che hanno fatto impennare i costi per l'alimentazione degli animali e messo in ginocchio migliaia di allevamenti e la salumeria 'made in Italy'.
Guarda tutte le notizie di oggi

Tutti i Video
Strauss-Kahn, parla Ophelia: "Volevo fuggire, lui era come pazzo"

Valeria Marini si concede ai paparazzi
Vota la Cover Girl!
Partecipa al gioco di
Health Concerns
That Papaya-Related Salmonella Outbreak Includes New York Cases
The papayas were grown in Mexico and distributed by a Texas-based company.

Butcher Shop Definitely Coming to Harlem, Probably to Murray Hill
The new wave of butchers are opening their own shops.

Little Branch Offshoot Silver Lining Opens Tonight
The bar, located at 75 Murray Street, soft-opens tonight.

First Look at East End Kitchen, Opening Thursday on the Upper East Side
The far east side gets a local, seasonal "American bistro."

Shackburgers Alfresco a Go for Shake Shack Brooklyn
The community board green-lit a 62-spot seating area for the upcoming location.

Joe Liberatore, Original Arthur Avenue Market Vendor, Has Died at 93
93-year-old "mayor" of the Arthur Avenue Retail Market was the last of
his kind, and started working as a pushcart peddler in 1936.

Smear Job: Neighbor Claims Bubby’s Tribeca Is Stinking Up the Hood
Bubby's owner Ron Silver blames the sidewalk odor on the garbage truck.

BR Guest Buys Strip House Brand, Restaurants
The company plans to expand the brand to plenty of other cities.

Could Shake Shack’s Grand Central Arrival Be Bad News for the Oyster Bar?
No, but one manager at the iconic bar is concerned about Shake Shack's lines.

Associated Press Discovers Brooklyn; KFC Seeks Colonel Nostalgia
Plus: Judging the Gilroy garlic festival, and more, all in our morning news roundup.
Neighborhood Watch
Big Gay Ice Cream Shop Will Serve Oslo Coffee; Shake Shack One Step Closer to Grand Central
Prospect Heights gets a new bar, Buttermilk Channel makes way for Tom
Selleck, and more, in our daily roundup of neighborhood news.
Spring Street Natural to Open UWS Offshoot
Egg-white omelettes, tofu scramble, plus some new things.

La-la Land: Ludo Lefebvre on NYC Plans; the Animal Guys on ‘Amazing’ Whale Meat
Also: The Animal guys aren't interested in cooking in New York.

MoMA to Host Epic Food Film Series in August
Gabriel Kreuther will cook special menus inspired by the films.

Random El Bulli Dish Generator Generates El Bulli Dishes, Randomly
Slate has spent a lot of time thinking about El Bulli dish names.

Cable News News
Bill O’Reilly: That Norwegian Mass Murderer Who Said He Was a Christian Had Nothing to Do With Christianity
Oh, okay.

David Wu Is Taking His Tiger Suit and Going Home
The scandal-plagued Democratic congressman from Oregon is resigning.

Newt Gingrich Was ‘Debating the Left’ When He Cuddled With Nancy Pelosi on a Couch
How did we miss that!?!

Debt Crisis Frightening Enough That People Are Actually Taking the Phrase ‘Call Your Congressman’ Seriously
Democracy in action leads to busy signals.

Michele Bachmann’s Home District Is a Nexus for Teen Suicide
Gay kids, or kids perceived to be gay, are having a really hard time there.

So About August 2 ...
It's not important.

Lawyer for Norway Shooter Says ‘This Whole Case Has Indicated That He Is Insane’
The Hunt for Red November
Most of New Hampshire’s Population Is Now Composed of Jon Huntsman Staffers
He has almost triple the paid staff of any other candidate.

First Lawsuit to Overturn Marriage Equality in New York Already Stymied
Thanks, Fred Dicker!

Watch Passengers Fight a Subway Hijacker
"He said, 'Move the train or I'm going to fucking kill you.'"

Qaddafi Might Be Allowed to Stay in Libya in Exchange for a Cease-fire Deal
His fate will rest in the hands of Libyans. Which might make him want to leave?

It’s Really, Really Hard to Get a Job When You Don’t Have One
In case you needed more proof of life's cruel unfairness.

Too Many People Are Making Their Voices Heard
Congressional websites are down all over.

What’s Chris Christie Doing in Iowa Anyway?
Other than sweating?

Obama, Boehner Use Prime-Time Addresses to Blame Each Other for Everything
They interrupted real TV for this?