Obama Administration Shuts Down Investigations Into Bush-era Torture
By Tom Carter
URL of this article: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=25519
Global Research, July 5, 2011
part of its cover-up of Bush administration war crimes, the Obama
administration announced June 30 that it would shut down 99
investigations into deaths of prisoners in US custody during the
so-called “war on terror,” leaving only two investigations with the
potential to develop into criminal prosecutions.
The announcement underscores the fact that the
anti-democratic policies developed during the presidency of George W.
Bush continue unchallenged under President Barack Obama, who is doing
everything in his power to keep the lid on the crimes of his
Following the events of September 11, 2001, the Bush
administration quickly and quietly erected a network of secret prisons
and “black sites,” where opponents of US imperialism in the Middle
East—as well as, in many cases, their friends, relatives and
acquaintances—were jailed, tortured and murdered.
The Obama administration has continued and expanded
the anti-democratic methods of the Bush administration, including the
use of presidential assassination orders, indefinite detention without
trial or charges, blocking court cases that threaten to reveal torture,
domestic spying, prosecution of whistle-blowers, “rendition” of alleged
terrorists to countries that practice torture, open violations of US and
international law, including the War Powers Act in the case of Libya
and the Geneva Conventions more generally, and the maintenance of
illegal torture camps such as the infamous facility at Guantanamo Bay,
The administration’s 101 investigations into torture
deaths were a token measure to begin with. The investigations were
initiated in 2009 and were designed to placate popular disgust with
torture and other crimes carried out under Bush.
The 101 cases by no means include every death in US
custody, and rather conveniently, no case in which the torture victim
survived was selected for investigation. The investigations proceeded on
the explicit basis that the infamous Bush Justice Department torture
memos would not be challenged. Neither would the Bush-era policy of
“enhanced interrogation” (a euphemism for torture). The only question
that was to be pursued in the investigations was whether the Central
Intelligence Agency operatives in the 101 selected death cases had
violated Bush administration guidelines. Saddled with such limitations
from the outset, the investigations could barely scratch the surface of
government-sanctioned war crimes.
Echoing Obama’s mantra of “looking forward, not
backward,” Attorney General Holder announced June 30 that 99 of the 101
cases did not warrant further investigation.
“I welcome the news that the broader inquiries are
behind us,” remarked Leon Panetta, who left his post as CIA director
July 1 to become secretary of defense. “We are now finally about to
close this chapter of our agency’s history,” he added. Panetta was
referring not to closing the chapter in which torture took place, but
closing the chapter in which the agency’s practices were subjected to
any form of official scrutiny.
While the two ongoing investigations remain
officially secret, some details have been leaked to the press. One case
involves the murder of a prisoner at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq; the
other case involves a murder at the secret CIA “Salt Pit” prison in
Afghanistan. These two cases are remarkable both for the shocking
brutality of the murders themselves as well as for the cold-blooded
“business as usual” attitude of the CIA operatives involved.
Only the most depraved intellect could have designed
the nightmarish “Salt Pit,” located northeast of the Kabul, Afghanistan
airport, in which a young Afghan man named Gul Rahman was murdered on
November 20, 2002.
Ghairat Baheer, a physician and son-in-law of an
Afghan political figure associated with opposition to the US occupation,
survived the Salt Pit and gave a chilling account to the press of the
conditions surrounding Rahman’s death. Baheer and Rahman were old
friends, and they were abducted by CIA operatives at around the same
time in October, 2002. They were taken together to the Salt Pit for
“enhanced interrogation.”
The CIA chose an abandoned brick factory for the
installation. According to Baheer, an unimaginable stench permeated the
Salt Pit, where prisoners were kept in windowless cells with metal
buckets for latrines. Prisoners called it the “dark prison” because
there were no windows and no electric lights.
Prisoners spent much of their time in total darkness.
The CIA operatives running the prison wore full face masks and used
medieval-type torches to make their way through the blackness. In many
cells, prisoners were shackled naked to the rough walls with metal
chains. No expense was spared to ensure maximum ghoulish terror.
Baheer said he was forced to sleep naked on a rough
concrete floor next to his latrine bucket, when he was not chained to
the wall of his cell. The cell was perpetually dark.
CIA operatives took turns repeatedly torturing the
two men. Among the countless horrors, the two men would be tied to
chairs, their torturers would sit on their stomachs, threaten to kill
them, stage mock executions, beat them, or douse them with water and
leave them to freeze naked in the unheated cells.
According to Baheer, Rahman was stubborn and defiant
during the interrogations. The details of the events of the morning of
November 20, 2002 are still unclear, but it is known that at some point
Rahman’s captors stripped him naked below the waist, shackled his hands
over his head, brutally beat him, and then doused him with water. Within
hours, Rahman had died of hypothermia.
The Salt Pit prison was closed last year after it
became the subject of international scrutiny and survivors began to
describe to the press the hideous terrors that took place inside. In
closing the prison, the CIA no doubt also had in mind the destruction of
any physical evidence of the crimes that had been committed there.
The CIA appears overall to have regarded the Salt Pit
as a successful operation. According to information leaked to the
Associated Press, the CIA Kabul station chief has been promoted at least
three times since Rahman’s death.
The second of the two ongoing investigations involves
the murder of Manadel al-Jamadi at the hands of CIA operatives in the
infamous Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq on November 4, 2003.
Jamadi, an alleged insurgent, was abducted violently
from his house outside Baghdad in 2003 by Navy SEALs—the same feared and
secretive military force that has been lauded in the bourgeois media
for the murder of Osama Bin Laden. Apparently, Navy SEALs pursued Jamadi
into his kitchen, where he made a ferocious last stand, toppling his
stove onto one of the SEALs. In retaliation, the SEALs beat him savagely
before turning him over to the CIA for interrogation at Abu Ghraib.
Naturally, no trial or legal process of any kind was involved in this
Forty-five minutes after he walked into Abu Ghraib,
Jamadi was dead. It appears that once he arrived, Jamadi was subjected
to further beatings and was chained to the wall, after which he lost
consciousness and asphyxiated. Jamadi’s bruised and bloodstained corpse
is featured in a number of the infamous Abu Ghraib photos, with grinning
US military personnel standing over him and giving the “thumbs up.”
For as yet unexplained reasons, Jamadi’s corpse was
packed in ice and stored in a shower in an attempt to prevent
decomposition (military officials jokingly referred to him as “the
Iceman”), and CIA officials mysteriously attached an intravenous tube to
one of his arms before whisking the corpse out of the facility the
following day. It appears that not long after Jamadi’s death a heated
dispute broke out between the CIA and the Navy SEALs over which
organization would take the blame. CIA operatives at Abu Ghraib rapidly
moved to destroy all of the evidence of Jamadi’s death, including a
bloodstained hood, and they scrubbed clean the death chamber.
While the Rahman and Jamadi murders constitute only
the tip of the iceberg, they expose the day-to-day reality of CIA
operations in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan. The CIA, tasked with
discovering and silently “taking out” opponents of the occupations,
operates outside the bounds of US and international law. When a federal
court ordered the CIA to release 92 video tapes of “enhanced
interrogations” in 2005, the CIA responded by destroying the tapes, a
brazenly criminal maneuver for which no official to this day has been
The decision by the Obama administration to shut down
virtually all of its investigations is a clear signal that the war
crimes will continue. Indeed, in the bourgeois press, Holder’s
announcement last Thursday was generally interpreted as a green light
from the Obama administration to resume and escalate the practice of
torture and murder of political opponents in the Middle East. The
headline of an article in the Washington Post read, “Could Torture Make a Comeback?”
A deeply reactionary and chilling editorial in the
Wall Street Journal, titled “Vindicating the CIA: Ending a Disgraceful
Investigation,” went further. Gloating over Holder’s announcement, the
editors declared, “The disgrace is that this probe was ever undertaken.”
The editors continued, “The probe has still done
considerable harm by creating a culture of second-guessing and political
retribution that CIA operatives must now consider as they try to
protect against terror threats.” Translated from the euphemistic
language of the so-called “war on terror” into plain English, this means
that the intelligence agencies should be permitted to go about the
grisly work of torturing and murdering their enemies in secret without
any restrictions or oversight whatsoever.
The fact that this view enjoys wide support within
the ruling class should be taken as a dire warning. How will this same
ruling class respond to the development of a popular movement within the
US that directly challenges its interests?
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Ricardo Gama
- Confirmado, Adriana Ancelmo Cabral e Sérgio Cabral estão se separando, já existe processo na justiça
- Sérgio Cabral agora mora na Praia do Leblon, prédio de alto luxo, um apartamento por andar, como ?
- No código de conduta de Sérgio Cabral limite de brinde é muito maior
- Com dois decretos, Sérgio Cabral passou sem escalas do luto ao deboche
- Professofres fazem manifestação e são atacados pelas Organizações Globo
- Peça desculpas, Cabral!
- Na Cabralândia - Sérgio Cabral controlará órgãos criados para fiscalizar sua conduta ética
- Prefeito Eduardo Paes advoga para a Brahma e exige re-contrução do camarote da empresa na sSapucaí
- O INTOCÁVEL: Fernando Cavendish amigo de Sérgio Cabral no senado
- A FARSA DAS UPP'S: Bandidos trocam tiros com policiais na Cidade de Deus
- HERÓI ANÔNIMO: Camelô conta como escapou de explosão de bueiro no Centro do Rio
- CAOS SEM FIM: Energia elétrica é restabelecida em trechos da Tijuca
- Taxista é baleado em tentativa de assalto na Baixada Fluminense
- CUIDADO ONDE PISA: Vídeo mostra momento da explosão em bueiro no centro do Rio
- Rio de Janeiro virou "campo minado", bueiros estão explodindo todos os dias
- Sérgio Cbaral precisa de um "código de ética", mas o povo sempre soube o que é certo e errado
Confirmado, Adriana Ancelmo Cabral e Sérgio Cabral estão se separando, já existe processo na justiça
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 07:30 PM PDT
Notícia de EXCLUSIVA, de primeira tacada.
Confirmado, Adriana Ancelmo Cabral está se separando de Sérgio Cabral, o processo está tramitando na 6ª Vara de Família do Fórum do Rio de Janeiro.
O número do processo é 0198703-83.2011.8.19.0001. Vale ressaltar que esse deve ter sido o processo de separação mais rápido do Brasil, foi dado entrada no fórum dia 30/06 2011, e em 05/07/2011, ou seja, cinco dias depois o juiz já tinha dado a sentença.
A pergunta é, o que houve para o casal se separar tão rápido ?
Cópia do site do Tribunal de Justiça, clique aqui e confira. Clique na imagem para AMPLIAR, ![]() |
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 07:53 PM PDT
Notícia EXCLUSIVE, de primeita tacada. Endereço do novo prédio de Sérgio Cabral na A. Delfim Moreira. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Viatura da PM que fica parada em frente ao novo prédio de Sérgio Cabral.
![]() link do vídeo no Youtube.
Hoje após receber uma informação, descobri que o Governador Sérgio Cabral está morando há cerca de um mês e meio na Av. Delfim Moreira, Praia do Leblon, em um prédio de altíssimo luxo, um apartamento por andar, conforme comprovado com as fotos acima.
Detalhe, hoje a Av. Delfim Moreira é um dos metros quadrado mais caros do Brasil.Só o condomínio desse novo apartamento do Sérgio Cabral é no mínimo de R$ 8 a R$ 10 mil reais por mês. O novo apartamento de Sérgio Cabral fica na Av. Delim Moreira esquina com a Rua Rainha Guilhermina, o prédio tem o sugestivo nome "Diamond", que em português significa "diamante".Realmente o novo apartamento de Sérgio Cabral é uma jóia de muitos quilates, ou seja, de milhões de reais. Infelizmente não consegui "ainda" descobrir o número do novo apartamento de Sérgio Cabral, ou melhor, o andar. Em frente ao novo endereço de Sérgio Cabral sempre tem uma viatura da PM baseada, conforme se pode ver pelas fotos e no vídeo acima. Eu conversei com alguns moradores, e porteiros de prédios vizinhos, e todos me confirmaram que o Governador Sérgio Cabral realmente está morando no citado partamento há cerca de um mês e meio. Inclusive, eu gravei no meu celular a conversa com um porteiro de um dos prédios vizinhos, e ele confirmou tudo, dizendo que todos os dias carros de escoltas e batedores chegam para pegar o governador. Perguntas:Como e com que dinheiro Sérgio Cabral paga as contas desse novo apartamento ?Sérgio Cabral comprou, alugou, ou algum empresário milionário emprestou esse apartamento para ele ?Se Sérgio Cabral comprou esse apartamento, foi com que dinheiro ?
Detalhe, não sou corretor, mas esse apartamento vale milhões de reais.
Se é emprestado, quem é o "amigo" bondoso ?Sé é alugado, como Cabral paga ? Será que esse novo apartamento de Sérgio Cabral de alto nível (milhões de reais) se enquadra no seu "novo" código de conduta do governador ?Uma coisa é certa, com o salário de governador Sérgio Cabral NUNCA poderia morar nesse novo apartamento, nem comprando ou alugando. Que os demais meios de comunicação, e o Ministério Público façam o restante do levantamento, isso se houver interesse. Por fim, faço questão de trazer ao blog o artigo 9º da lei 8.429/92 que trata sobre a Improbidade Administrativa, que Sérgio Cabral desconhece, já que teve que criar um "códigos de conduta". Seção I Dos Atos de Improbidade Administrativa que Importam Enriquecimento Ilícito Art. 9° Constitui ato de improbidade administrativa importando enriquecimento ilícito auferir qualquer tipo de vantagem patrimonial indevida em razão do exercício de cargo, mandato, função, emprego ou atividade nas entidades mencionadas no art. 1° desta lei, e notadamente: I - receber, para si ou para outrem, dinheiro, bem móvel ou imóvel, ou qualquer outra vantagem econômica, direta ou indireta, a título de comissão, percentagem, gratificação ou presente de quem tenha interesse, direto ou indireto, que possa ser atingido ou amparado por ação ou omissão decorrente das atribuições do agente público; II - perceber vantagem econômica, direta ou indireta, para facilitar a aquisição, permuta ou locação de bem móvel ou imóvel, ou a contratação de serviços pelas entidades referidas no art. 1° por preço superior ao valor de mercado; III - perceber vantagem econômica, direta ou indireta, para facilitar a alienação, permuta ou locação de bem público ou o fornecimento de serviço por ente estatal por preço inferior ao valor de mercado; IV - utilizar, em obra ou serviço particular, veículos, máquinas, equipamentos ou material de qualquer natureza, de propriedade ou à disposição de qualquer das entidades mencionadas no art. 1° desta lei, bem como o trabalho de servidores públicos, empregados ou terceiros contratados por essas entidades; V - receber vantagem econômica de qualquer natureza, direta ou indireta, para tolerar a exploração ou a prática de jogos de azar, de lenocínio, de narcotráfico, de contrabando, de usura ou de qualquer outra atividade ilícita, ou aceitar promessa de tal vantagem; VI - receber vantagem econômica de qualquer natureza, direta ou indireta, para fazer declaração falsa sobre medição ou avaliação em obras públicas ou qualquer outro serviço, ou sobre quantidade, peso, medida, qualidade ou característica de mercadorias ou bens fornecidos a qualquer das entidades mencionadas no art. 1º desta lei; VII - adquirir, para si ou para outrem, no exercício de mandato, cargo, emprego ou função pública, bens de qualquer natureza cujo valor seja desproporcional à evolução do patrimônio ou à renda do agente público; VIII - aceitar emprego, comissão ou exercer atividade de consultoria ou assessoramento para pessoa física ou jurídica que tenha interesse suscetível de ser atingido ou amparado por ação ou omissão decorrente das atribuições do agente público, durante a atividade; IX - perceber vantagem econômica para intermediar a liberação ou aplicação de verba pública de qualquer natureza; X - receber vantagem econômica de qualquer natureza, direta ou indiretamente, para omitir ato de ofício, providência ou declaração a que esteja obrigado; XI - incorporar, por qualquer forma, ao seu patrimônio bens, rendas, verbas ou valores integrantes do acervo patrimonial das entidades mencionadas no art. 1° desta lei; XII - usar, em proveito próprio, bens, rendas, verbas ou valores integrantes do acervo patrimonial das entidades mencionadas no art. 1° desta lei. |
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 08:52 AM PDT
E segue as armações de Sérgio Cabral e sua turma, é um filme de terror sem FIM !!!
Sérgio Cabral está testando a paciência do povo, aviso, CUIDADO Cabral...
o limite do valor de um brinde que funcionários do alto escalão do
governo podem receber para não tropeçarem em questões éticas? Para
o governo do estado, que na segunda-feira divulgou um novo código de
conduta para servidores, é R$ 400 - mais da metade do salário-base de
um professor. O teto estabelecido no Rio é 300% mais alto do que o federal, definido em agosto de 2000 e regulamentado quatro anos depois. Os presentes recebidos por um servidor na esfera federal não podem ultrapassar R$ 100.
pelo código federal quanto pelo estadual, os brindes são classificados
como presentes sem valor comercial ou "distribuídos de forma
generalizada por entidades de qualquer natureza a título de cortesia,
propaganda, divulgação habitual ou por ocasião de eventos especiais ou
datas comemorativas".
pelo código de ética da Secretaria de Fazenda de São Paulo, instituído
em 2007, o limite é de R$ 139,60. Ainda no Sudeste, no Espírito Santo,
um decreto de 2005 determina que "podem ser aceitos os presentes com valores individuais inferiores a R$ 100 até o limite de R$ 200 em cada ano".
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 08:48 AM PDT
Sérgio Cabral como já dito, vira PIADA e CHACOTA para a imprensa, e para o povo do Rio de Janeiro um verdadeiro inferno.
Reprodução da Revista Veja on line, coluna do Augusto Nunes
Se tivesse ficado na frase em que jurou redimir-se, o pecador talvez induzisse muitos brasileiros, aplicados profissionais
da esperança, a acreditar que até um Sérgio Cabral tem jeito. Mas
políticos, como jogadores de futebol, raramente param na hora certa. A discurseira
prosseguiu ─ e o governador passou sem escalas do luto ao deboche
quando informou que, para mudar de conduta, baixaria um decreto que o
obrigasse a mudar de conduta.
construir um código juntos, vamos estabelecer os limites”, recitou
Cabral. “Tem um código nacional, se não me engano, feito no fim do
governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso, em 2002. E deve haver estados em que
há. Adoro Direito comparado. Vamos ver o que há em outros lugares do
Brasil e no mundo”. Para espanto do país que já não se espanta com
nada, o primeiro a aplaudir a ideia foi Eike Batista, que qualificou de “perfeito, maravilhoso” o falatório do parceiro de pecados.
governador falou, é isso aí”, aplaudiu. “Que se estabeleça esse código
de conduta. A gente respeita as regras do jogo”. Como lembrou uma
reportagem de VEJA desta semana, leis existem de sobra. Só falta
cumpri-las. Cabral descobriu que bastaria adotar o Código de Conduta Ética do governo federal. Nesta quarta-feira, um decreto no Diário Oficial
fluminense publicará o texto do código. Outro criará a Comissão de
Ética Pública Estadual e a Comissão de Ética da Alta Administração,
concebidas para enquadrar os infratores.
partir de amanhã, portanto, Sérgio Cabral saberá que, como agente
público, não pode receber de empresários com interesses na administração
estadual “presente, transporte, hospedagem, compensação ou quaisquer
favores, assim como aceitar convites para almoços, jantares, festas e
outros eventos sociais”. Faz de conta que nunca desconfiou que isso é,
na hipótese mais gentil, um soco no fígado da ética. Faz de conta que
nunca imaginou que poderia estar agindo como um fora-da-lei.
Se for obediente às regras que chancelou, acabaram-se os passeios aéreos, as férias em ilhas caribenhas, as viagens à Suiça e as festanças em hotéis seis estrelas, fora o resto. Nem por isso o governador está dispensado de prestar contas de delinquências
ocorridas desde que assumiu o cargo. Tragédias não matam culpas,
códigos não anulam prontuários. É preciso investigar os privilégios e
vantagens que permitem a Eike Batista ampliar a fortuna imensa. É preciso vasculhar os contratos com a Delta.
Os casos de Antonio Palocci e Alfredo Nascimento avisam que o governo federal resolveu combater a ladroagem endêmica
com pedidos de demissão ou exonerações de subordinados. O governador
fluminense, aparentemente, acha que é possível suprimir o passado por
decreto. Não é, reafirma o vídeo de um minuto e meio reproduzido
abaixo. Vale a pena revê-lo.
Na entrevista concedida durante a campanha eleitoral de 1996, o jovem candidato a prefeito do Rio pelo PSDB
reage com indignação à pergunta sobre ligações suspeitas com
empresários. E perde a paciência de vez quando é comparado ao
ex-presidente Fernando Collor. Se a comparação for reprisada agora, é provável que Collor se sinta ofendido.
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Posted: 06 Jul 2011 08:43 AM PDT
Inédito Globo on line exibe faixa "FORA CABRAL" !!!
Por outro lado, pela matéria abaixo o jornal O Globo tenta colocar os professores como vilões para a sociedade, dizendo que eles criaram uma complicação no transito e etc. Mas os professores não são os vilões dessa história, e sim Sérgio Cabral e sua turma que insistem em pagar um salário vagabundo para os servidores da educação. Obviamente toda manifestação, ainda que justa, causa algum problema para a população, mas é preferível isso do que uma educação de péssima qualidade. Educação é coisa séria, e o professor precisa ser bem tratado e remunerado dignamente para poder exercer o seu trabalho com tranquilidade e e perfeição. Alô Sérgio Cabral, o servidor quer salário e não bosta de gratificação. FORA CABRAL E FORA ORGANIZAÇÕES GLOBO !!!
Reprodução do Globo on line
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As retenções em Laranjeiras chegaram a ter reflexos no Centro e em Botafogo. Os profissionais
da educação estiveram em frente ao Palácio Guanabara depois de terem
caminhado desde o Largo do Machado, pela Rua das Laranjeiras. Por causa do protesto, a pista sentido Botafogo
da Pinheiro Machado ficou fechada na altura da subida do viaduto
Engenheiro Noronha, sobre a Rua das Laranjeiras. Os carros que saíam do
túnel Santa Bárbara eram obrigados a pegar a Rua das Laranjeiras, em direção ao Cosme Velho.
O engarrafamento no sentido Centro começou na Benedito Hipólito, no Centro. No sentido oposto, o congestionamento chegou à Praia de Botafogo.
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 08:31 AM PDT
Não sou eu que estou postando muito sobre o FANFARRÃO do Sérgio Cabral, é a imprensa que está detonando as FALCATRUAS dele.
E aí Sérgio Cabral, cadê as respostas, mas perguntas feitas pelo Ricardo Noblat.
Reprodução do Globo on line, coluna Ricardo Noblat
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Segundo O Globo de hoje,"sua assessoria informou apenas que ele já havia dito que iria rever sua conduta."
Pergunto: por que Cabral irá rever sua conduta? E que tipo de conduta?
A de pedir emprestado jatinho de empresário para sair de férias com a família?
Por que deixará de pedir? Por que é imoral? Por que fere a ética? Ou só por que se ficou sabendo que ele pedia jatinho emprestado a empresários?
Se era imoral ou se feria a ética, quer dizer que Cabral só se deu conta disso agora? Agora que suas viagens em jatinho emprestado por empresários viraram notícia?
Até então achava moralmente defensável requisitar jatinho de empresário que mantinha negócios com seu governo?
Outro dia, Cabral pediu desculpas públicas a bombeiros que chamou de vândalos.
A lei proibe que gente fardada faça greve.
Bombeiro usa farda.
em greve, que invade quartéis, que usa a família como escudo humano,
comporta-se como uma espécie de vândalo. Que vem a ser, segundo o
Dicionário Aurélio, "indivíduo que tudo destrói, quebra, rebenta".
No duro, no duro, Cabral não devia desculpas aos bombeiros.
explicações e desculpas, sim, a seus governados por ter mandado a
ética às favas e misturado relações públicas com relações privadas, se
beneficiando disso.
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 08:21 AM PDT
Não sei qual é a maior SACANAGEM, ou a FARSA do "código de conduta", ou a criação dos órgão de "fiscalização" do governo controlado por Sérgio cabral ?
Sérgio Cabral já virou PIADA e CHACOTA, está bom para amassar e jogar no lixo, sem mais.
O governador do Rio, Sérgio Cabral (PMDB), anunciou ontem um código de ética para si mesmo, cujo cumprimento será fiscalizado por pessoas nomeadas por ele. O peemedebista indicará os membros de dois órgãos criados para julgá-lo:
a Comissão de Ética de Alta Administração e a Comissão de Ética
Pública Estadual. A primeira entidade terá representantes da Casa
Civil do governo, da Secretaria de Planejamento e Gestão e da Secretaria de Fazenda. Outros dois cargos caberão à Procuradoria-Geral do Estado e à Defensoria Pública. A segunda comissão reunirá integrantes da sociedade civil, também escolhidos pelo peemedebista. “Chama a atenção”, criticou o deputado estadual Marcelo Freixo (PSOL). Ele também lamentou que “o governador precise decretar um código de ética para que ele também tenha ética”.
A criação do código e das comissões de ética são uma resposta às críticas que Cabral tem recebido por suas relações com os empresários Fernando Cavendish, da Delta Construções, e Eike Batista, do grupo EBX. O caso veio à tona com a revelação de que Eike emprestou um jatinho para Cabral festejar o aniversário de Cavendish na Bahia. O texto aprovado ontem proíbe o governador e demais agentes públicos de “receber presente, transporte, hospedagem, compensação ou quaisquer favores, assim como aceitar convites para almoços, jantares, festas e outros eventos sociais” de pessoas interessadas em negócios com o Estado. Em caso de descumprimento, a punição prevista é uma “censura ética”. De olho nas eleições municipais de 2012, o PMDB encomendou pesquisa de opinião para medir se o caso resultou em dano à imagem de Cabral.
Por Reinaldo Azevedo
. |
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 07:49 AM PDT
Acho que o Prefeito Eduardo Paes também está precisando de uma aulas de "ética, moral e legalidade".
Pode a Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro exigir a construção, digo, a re-construção do camarote da Brahma na Sapucaí ?
que a obra esteja sendo paga pela AMBEV (o que eu duvido), o Prefeito
Eduardo Paes com base no princípio da impessoalidade não pode exigir a
construção de um camarote específico.
A Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro vai entregar à Ambev um documento com exigências para a reforma do Sambódromo. A empresa, responsável por tocar a obra, terá que refazer o famoso camarote da Brahma, reduto das celebridades do Carnaval carioca. A antiga área do camarote foi demolida este ano para que a Sapucaí tivesse a capacidade ampliada.
Por Lauro Jardim
. |
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 07:32 AM PDT
Sinceramente esse "cara" parece que manda muito !!!
Quero saber qual vai ser a "autoridade" que vai investigar os contratos que a Delta Construtora tem sem licitação e etc no Governo Sérgio Cabral ??? Definitivamente, o Brasil virou uma ZONA, no Rio de Janeiro até "puteiros" e "termas" ganham isenção fiscal do Sérgio Cabral. Reprodução da RevistaVeja on line, coluna Lauro Jardim ![]()
Fernando Cavendish, o dono da notória Delta, passou há pouco pelo Senado. Não, não foi lá como convocado para depor em alguma CPI. Estava só dando um alô, com muitos abraços nos amigos senadores.
Por Lauro Jardim
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 07:21 AM PDT
Ué, bandidos trocando tiros com policiais na Cidade de Deus que tem UPP ?
Mas Sérginho Cabral não falou que não tinha mais bandidos na Cidade de Deus por causa das UPP's ? Acho que Cabralzinho disse que os bandidos continuavam, mas que não andavam mais armados, como então deram tiros em policiais ? Sinceramente Sérgio Cabral é um MENTIROSO, a verdade é que traficantes continuam vendendo drogas na Cidade de Deus e armados. ![]() |
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 07:08 AM PDT
Um herói anônimo, um ambulante além de escapar por pouco, isolou o bueiro ao perceber que estava quente demais para que pessoas não pasassem por cima. PARABÉNS cidadão. E as PORRAS das autoridades o que estão esperando para fazerem uma intervenção na Light ? Reprodução do site G1.com ![]() ![]()
"Dá medo na gente. É uma coisa assustadora. A gente não se sente seguro", contou o ambulante Sirval Barbosa, de 51 anos, que escapou por pouco da explosão do bueiro na Rua Sete de Setembro, no Centro do Rio, na tarde desta terça-feira (5). "Escapei dessa graças a Deus", disse o camelô que estava ao lado do bueiro no momento em que começaram a sair fumaça e fogo.
Ele contou que trabalha há 20 anos no mesmo ponto, e estava em sua barraca de frutas quando
notou que o bueiro próximo ao local estava muito quente. "Senti que
começou a esquentar muito e fiquei preocupado. Coloquei uns caixotes em
volta do bueiro para ninguém passar por cima e de repente começou a
sair muita fumaça e labaredas", afirmou.
Segundo o ambulante, com a explosão houve um princípio de pânico. "As
pessoas começaram a gritar e correr. Uns 20 minutos depois os bombeiros
chegaram", disse Sirval, acrescentando que ocorreram duas explosões, sendo que a segunda já na presença dos bombeiros.
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 07:00 AM PDT
A Light segue FUDEN... a vida do povo, quando não são bueiros que explodem, é a falta de luz.
Sempre um "problema", mas qual ??? Mas a taxa de luz do Prefeito Eduardo Paes e a conta nunca atrasam !!!
Reprodução do site G1.com
![]() O dano teria ocorrido na rede subterrânea do bairro. No entanto, de acordo com a Light, não há registro de fumaça ou explosão de bueiros. Entre as ruas afetadas, de acordo com o Centro de Operações da prefeitura, estavam a Delgado de Carvalho e a Conde de Bonfim. |
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 06:38 AM PDT
Mais uma taxista é vítima de assalto, mas esse teve sorte, não morreu.
E aí ? Cadê a PORRA do policiamento ostensivo nas ruas ? Nunca tantos taxistas foram assaltados, qual será o motivo ? Reprodução do site G1.com ![]()
Policiais militares do 21º BPM (São João de Meriti) foram acionados
para o local. De acordo com o batalhão, o taxista teria sido baleado
quando tentou saltar do veículo, que ainda estava parado. Ele foi
atingido por pelo menos dois tiros. Os criminosos fugiram sem levar
Taxistas que passavam pelo local socorreram a vítima, que foi levada para o Hospital da Posse, também na Baixada Fluminense. Ainda não há informações sobre o seu estado de saúde. A Polícia Militar reforçou a segurança no bairro. |
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 06:32 AM PDT
ATENÇÃO, evite pisar nos bueiros da Light.
Reprodução do site R7
![]() Imagens do cinegrafista amador Rodrigo Roma mostram o momento exato em que um bueiro na rua Sete de Setembro, no centro do Rio, explodiu na tarde desta terça-feira (5). O incidente aconteceu por volta das 16h10 desta terça e não deixou feridos. Equipes do Corpo de Bombeiros e técnicos da Light se deslocaram para o local. A área precisou ser isolada e as ruas interditadas. Marcas em uma parede próxima ao bueiro indicam que as chamas atingiram pelo menos 1,5 m de altura. Por volta das 17h30 o mesmo bueiro voltou a explodir e deixou a tampa virada ao avesso.
foi o quinto bueiro a explodir em 24 horas. Na segunda-feira (4)
quatro bueiros explodiram no centro do Rio, deixando três pessoas
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 06:16 AM PDT
o ABANDONO em que o Rio de Janeiro chegou, se já não bastasse o CAOS e o
TERROR da violência, assaltos e balas perdidas, a cidade se transformou
em um "campo minado", vários bueiros estão explodindo todos os dias, ferindo pessoas e destruindo o património público e de pessoas.
As pessoas estão com medo, chegando ao absurdo de olharem para o chão e não pisarem nos bueiros da Light. O pior é que essa empresa "que mata", me refiro a Light, não dá um explicação por que os bueiros estão explodindo. Parece que a Light vai alegar que se trata de "sabotagem", uma desculpa bem tazoável e mentirosa, mas se a imprensa bancar pode funcionar. Mas fico imaginando, como assim sabotagem ? Estaria alguém entrando pelos bueiros para sabotar ? Tudo papo furado e e mentiras não há sabotagem nenhuma, o que há é DESCASO, OMISSÃO e FALTA DE MANUTENÇÃO. por outro lado, o Prefeito Eduardo Paes deu um golpe junto com os vereadores do Rio e aprovou a taxa de luz, e aí ? Os milhões arrecadados pela taxa de luz para que servem ? Antes do povo ser assaltado com a taxa de luz, os bueiros não explodiam. Fico imaginando o que as autoridades estão esperando para fazer alguma coisa, alguém morrer ?
tempo, a desculpa de "sabotagem" é rotineira nesse governo vagabundo,
lembram do trem fantasma (que andou sozinho várias estações), Sérgio
Cabral alegou a mesma coisa, que foi "sabotagem", abafaram o caso e
Capa do jornal O Dia, clique na imagem para ampliar e ler melhor. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 05:17 AM PDT
![]() Ao contrário do FANFARRÃO do Sérgio Cabral, o povo não precisa de um "código de ética", as pessoas sabem o que é certo ou errado. Veja a capa do Extra abaixo, e tire as suas próprias conclusões. Em tempo, o fato do Sérgio Cabral ter criado um "código de condutas", isso não apaga os CRIMES, IRREGULARIDADES, ILEGALIDADES, TRÁFICO DE INFLUÊNCIA e CRIME DE RESPONSABILIDADE que ele pode ter cometido, tudo deve ser investigado, e Cabral punido na forma da lei. Capa do jornal Extra de hoje. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Le procureur Vance refuse
de se retirer de l'affaire DSK

L'avocat de Nafissatou Diallo estime que son bureau est à l'origine
de «fuites» dans la presse. Cyrus Vance réfute ces accusations et
maintient les poursuites contre Strauss-Kahn.
» Affaire DSK : le procureur Vance poursuit l'enquête
Implications juridiques et financières d'une action au civil contre DSK
En cas de non-lieu au pénal, Nafissatou Diallo pourrait encore intenter un procès civil à Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Avec pour objectif l'obtention des dommages et intérêts les plus élevés possibles.

Banon, l'écorchée vive qui réclame justice
PORTRAIT - Celle qui accuse DSK de tentative de viol se présente à la fois comme journaliste
et romancière. A 32 ans, la jeune femme a été marquée par une enfance difficile.
» David Koubbi, le très médiatique avocat de Tristane Banon
David Koubbi, le très médiatique
avocat de Tristane Banon
PORTRAIT - Connu du gratin parisien, le jeune avocat, réputé coriace, a déjà défendu Jérôme Kerviel et Stéphane Delajoux.
Tentative de viol, agression sexuelle,
quelle différence ?
INTERVIEW - Le parquet de Paris a reçu mercredi la plainte déposée par Tristane Banon à l'encontre de Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Si une enquête était ouverte, la qualification des faits sera déterminante. Les explications de Me Benoît Chabert, avocat au barreau de Paris.
Immigration : les propositions chocs
de l'UMP
Le parti présidentiel veut conditionner les prestations sociales au respect du contrat d'accueil par les immigrés.
Laïcité : de nouvelles règles
pour le service public
Le ministère de l'Intérieur s'apprête à diffuser deux circulaires sur la laïcité, que Le Figaro
s'est procurées. Il y rappelle que les cantines n'ont pas l'obligation
de satisfaire des demandes de repas confessionnels et que les personnels
hospitaliers se doivent d'être neutres.
» DOCUMENT (pdf) -
La circulaire sur la laïcité dans les cantines

Les époux Lavier devant la justice
Le couple acquitté lors de l'affaire d'Outreau devra répondre d'actes de violences physiques sur leurs enfants. Le juge devra également trancher sur le caractère sexuel d'une vidéo tournée en leur présence.
L'épouse d'un préfet retenue
deux heures en otage dans un train
Un homme armé de deux poignards a contraint Céline Maréchaux, l'épouse du préfet de l'Orne, à rester dans un train en gare de Bordeaux. Il a été interpellé par le Groupe d'intervention de la police nationale.

4 millions de Français souffrent de la solitude
Trois conversations par an. C'est la norme pour quatre millions de Français. Ce jeudi, un collectif de vingt-six associations, met en lumière cet isolement. Interview avec son organisateur, Bruno Dardelet.
280 mesures pour faciliter la vie
des PME et des artisans
Le chef de l'État souhaite engager rapidement une consultation des partenaires sociaux et des ordres professionnels pour que des mesures soient adoptées avant la fin de l'année.
L'Europe tire à vue
sur les agences de notation
Après Athènes et Lisbonne, Bruxelles et Berlin se sont élevés
les récentes décisions des agences de notation concernant la Grèce et le
Portugal. L'Allemagne appelle à mettre fin à une situation
» Le Portugal devient risqué pour l'agence Moody's
» INFOGRAPHIE - Le monde vu par les agences de notation

FMI : Lagarde dans
les pas de Strauss-Kahn
La Française s'est présentée comme un «chef d'orchestre» lors de sa première intervention en tant que nouvelle directrice du Fonds monétaire international. Dette souveraine, inflation et chômage sont au centre de ses préoccupations.
E.coli : quatre nouveaux patients hospitalisés à Lille
Parmi eux, un bébé de 7 mois a été placé sous ventilation artificielle et dialyse.
Pyeongchang accueillera les JO 2018

La ville coréenne, grande favorite du scrutin, a été désignée ville hôte des Jeux olympiques d'hiver 2018
ce mercredi à Durban. Les candidatures de Munich et d'Annecy n'auront pas convaincu le CIO.
» INTERVIEW - Charles Beigbeder «très triste et très déçu»
PS : premières passes d'armes
sur le projet
Les candidats à la primaire ne sont pas tous d'accord avec le projet. Ainsi, Manuel Valls dénonce les emplois-jeunes.

L'affaire DSK éclipse
la campagne d'Aubry
La maire de Lille cherche à se concentrer sur sa candidature et à faire taire les rumeurs qui courent sur elle.
Le président des radicaux de gauche
candidat à la primaire PS
La candidature de Jean-Michel Baylet est susceptible de faire perdre des voix à François Hollande, principal adversaire de Martine Aubry à la primaire socialiste.
Réseaux sociaux : Facebook réplique
à Google
La plate-forme communautaire a annoncé ce mercredi une refonte de
son outil de messagerie en ligne en partenariat avec Skype. Il intègre
désormais les mêmes fonctions du
réseau social Google+ lancé il y a une semaine.
» Google + : la riposte à Facebook
Les élus interdits de reverser
leurs surplus d'indemnités
Le Parlement a abrogé une mesure qui permettait aux «cumulards» de reverser à un collègue les sommes perçues au-delà du plafond de 8300 euros. De l'argent qui restera dans les caisses des collectivités.
Tour de France:
Cavendish règle
la 5e étape au sprint

CYCLISME - Le Britannique s'est imposé devant Gilbert et Rojas, sur ce parcours qui reliait Carhaix au Cap Fréhel. Thor Hushovd conserve le Maillot Jaune, à l'issue d'une journée qui aura vu Alberto Contador aller à terre.
À Versailles, la bourgeoisie,
de l'envers à l'endroit

BONHEUR D'ÊTRE FRANÇAIS - Dans cette catégorie de Français, la
grande rupture entre générations ne se situe pas dans la réussite
matérielle mais dans les références culturelles.
» Les précédents épisodes
» Abonnez-vous à Mon Figaro Select pour consulter cet article
Les révélations s'accumulent
contre News of the World
Le tabloïd, qui a piraté le répondeur d'une adolescente assassinée,
est aussi soupçonné d'avoir surveillé les conversations de familles de
victimes des attentats de Londres en 2005. David Cameron
demande une enquête.
» Le portable d'une adolescente tuée piraté pour un scoop
Les préparatifs pour la sortie
de l'iPhone 5 s'accélèrent
Les fournisseurs d'Apple commenceraient à assembler les appareils en août pour un objectif de ventes relevé à 25 millions de téléphones pour la fin de l'année, selon le Wall Street Journal.
Retraite : pas
pour la génération… 1956
Le compteur devrait rester bloqué à 41,5 ans de cotisation, estime le président du Conseil d'orientation des retraites.
Le Sénat veut des primes de performance chez Pôle Emploi
Si la fusion de l'ANPE avec les Assedic a été utile, elle a été menée en période de crise et nécessite des correctifs.
» L'action de Pôle emploi jugée insuffisante
Licenciés… et réembauchés moins cher
Le comté de Shropshire, en Angleterre, invoque les coupes
budgétaires pour justifier cette stratégie. Le droit du travail français
est bien plus contraignant.
» VOTRE AVIS - Seriez-vous prêts à revenir dans l'entreprise qui vous a licencié pour un salaire moins élevé?

mauvais suspense
Éric Cantona et Karine Vanasse sont empêtrés dans un scénario tarabiscoté qui affaiblit le film de Frédéric Schoendoerffer.
La lettre posthume d'une mère
à Sarkozy pour son fils tétraplégique
Dans un courrier envoyé à Nicolas Sarkozy après sa mort, Michèle de Somer demande au chef de l'Etat de s'occuper de son fils tétraplégique. Il sera accueilli dans un établissement spécialisé.

Karski et les fantômes du ghetto
de Varsovie
La 65e édition du festival d'Avignon s'est ouverte, mercredi soir, avec le spectacle d'Arthur Nauzyciel inspiré du livre de Yannick Haenel sur la vie du résistant polonais.
Vacances : soldes de dernière minute

Une soudaine envie de partir ? Il reste des places un peu partout et même des bonnes affaires, à condition de modérer ses exigences et de saisir les opportunités qui passent.
L'Hadopi hausse le ton
contre les producteurs de musique
Haute autorité chargée de la lutte contre le piratage les invite à se
concentrer sur le développement des offres légales, plutôt que sur le
filtrage des sites de téléchargement.
» La Cnil met en demeure les ayants droit et TMG
«Ma mention au bac ?
Un challenge familial»
VOS TÉMOIGNAGES - Alors que les résultats du bac 2011 sont tombés mardi, des internautes du Figaro reviennent sur la mention qu'ils ont obtenue à leur époque et dressent un bilan de son utilité.

La Jaguar XF à l'épreuve du réalisme
Pour élargir son audience, la routière de la vénérable firme britannique se convertit au 4 cylindres diesel d'origine Ford-PSA.
Défilés haute couture :
une nuit
chez Chanel

Dans un décor recréant la place Vendôme sous un ciel étoilé, Karl
Lagefeld a joué une superbe partition dans laquelle luxe rime avec
EN IMAGES - Le défilé Chanel, mais aussi Armani Privé, Maison Rabih Kayrouz...

La semaine des hot créatures
Depuis que la haute couture a posé ses mannequins sur les podiums, les pipolettes
ont jeté leur valise aux premiers rangs parisiens. Alexa Chung chez Chanel, Katie Holmes chez Armani Privé, Anne Hathaway chez Valentino...
» EN IMAGES - En direct du front row
Le «greeter» : guide touristique
d'un nouveau genre
Cet été, troquez votre guide en papier contre un «greeter» en chair et en os. Habitant de New York, Belgrade, Paris, Marseille ou Melbourne, il vous dévoilera ses bonnes adresses, celles que l'on ne trouve pas dans les livres.
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Pakistani Panel Bars Bin Laden Family From Leaving Country
A Pakistani commission investigating raid that killed Osama bin Laden said the terror leader's family can not leave the country.
A Pakistani commission investigating raid that killed Osama bin Laden said the terror leader's family can not leave the country.
Pakistani Panel Seeks To Prevent Bin Laden Family From Leaving
A Pakistani panel has told the Pakistani authorities not to repatriate Al-Qaeda leader's family members without its permission.
A Pakistani panel has told the Pakistani authorities not to repatriate Al-Qaeda leader's family members without its permission.
Fort Hood Commander Refers Hasan to Court-Martial
Fort Hood Commander Army Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr. will refer the capital murder case against Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan to a general court-martial for trial. ...
Fort Hood Commander Army Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr. will refer the capital murder case against Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan to a general court-martial for trial. ...

Featured Free Resource
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Is your organization at risk for security breaches? Security expert Dave Shackleford from the SANS Institute describes how to meet the security challenges of remote access software, as well as ways to use roles and privileges, authentication, encryption, patching and logging to achieve a compliant remote access program. |

NATO Officials to Meet With Libyan Rebels
NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has confirmed reports the alliance will meet their representatives next week.
NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has confirmed reports the alliance will meet their representatives next week.
Libya Denies Russian Report On Qaddafi
Libyan officials have denied a Russian media report that Muammar Qaddafi is considering handing over power and seeking refuge abroad.
Libyan officials have denied a Russian media report that Muammar Qaddafi is considering handing over power and seeking refuge abroad.
Rodriguez Outlines ISAF’s Drawdown, Transition Plan
The drawdown of U.S. forces in Afghanistan will begin this month with some 1,600 troops set to redeploy without replacement by fall.
The drawdown of U.S. forces in Afghanistan will begin this month with some 1,600 troops set to redeploy without replacement by fall.

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Is your organization at risk for security breaches? Security expert Dave Shackleford from the SANS Institute describes how to meet the security challenges of remote access software, as well as ways to use roles and privileges, authentication, encryption, patching and logging to achieve a compliant remote access program. |

Top UN envoy: The transition towards greater Afghan leadership and ownership is on track.
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U.S. Troops on Target to Leave Iraq This Year
The US intends to abide by its commitments in the 2008 U.S.-Iraq Security Agreement, including the obligation to complete the drawdown of U.S. forces there by the end of the year. ...
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Otra renuncia de un ministro en Brasil por corrupción |
Se lo acusa de pedir sobornos para obras del Mundial de fútbol; era un hombre de Lula |
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La "herencia maldita" golpea de nuevo a Dilma |
Alberto Armendariz Corresponsal en Brasil |
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La presidenta habla de reelección |
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Le ofrecen a Chávez tratarse en San Pablo |
Según Folha, Patriota se lo propuso a Maduro |
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Las dudas sobre Portugal sacuden las bolsas europeas |
La caída fue liderada por París, que perdió un 9,44%; incertidumbre sobre el futuro del euro |
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Moody's, en la mira |
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Prometió Lagarde un FMI con mayor inclusión y credibilidad |
Llamó a los políticos griegos a dejar atrás las rivalidades; evitó opinar sobre Strauss-Kahn |
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Por ahora, sigue el caso contra Strauss-Kahn |
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Advierte EE.UU. sobre "hombres bomba" |
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Obama y los jóvenes, vía Twitter |
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Gran Bretaña: crece el escándalo por el caso de escuchas ilegales |
Revelan que serían muchas más las víctimas del espionaje del tabloide News of the World |
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Síntesis |
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Egypt Seeks Additional M1A1 Abrams Tanks from US
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency has notified US Congress of a potential sale of 125 M1A1 Abrams tank kits for co-production and associated weapons to Egypt.
South Korean MoD Seeks Increased Budget
The South Korean Ministry of Defence (MoD) has requested an increased budget for next year to ensure better combat readiness for its armed forces.
UK to Withdraw Troops from Afghanistan
The UK will soon announce the withdrawal of at least 500 of its troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2012, following a similar reduction by the US.
US OSD Tests RADA RPS-10 APS Radar
The US Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) has successfully completed test trials of RADA Electronic Industries' RPS-10 advanced radar sensor, developed for Iron Fist active protection systems (APS).

HDT Global Announces Leadership Transition at Airborne Systems
Airborne Systems
Pelican's 9440 Remote Area Lighting System Honoured During the 2010 Good Design Award Show
Pelican Products
MKS®, a PTC® Company, Named 'Cool Vendor' by Leading Analyst Firm
Integrity, a PTC Product
TDI Power Joins ANSI Electric Vehicle Standards Panel
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Hotzone Solutions Launches eLearning Company Dedicated to CBRN
Hotzone Solutions
Prepared for the
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs View this page at www.dailyalert.org
Via Smartphone |
July 7, 2011
In-Depth Issues:
Iran to Try 26 U.S. Officials in Absentia (Fars-Iran)
Iran announced on Wednesday that it plans to try 26 U.S. officials in absentia and file lawsuits against them at international bodies.
The officials include former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Gen. David Petraeus, and former Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart A. Levey.
See complete list of 26 U.S. officials named by Iran.
Egyptian Presidential Candidate: Israel Is an Enemy; We Want Normal Relations with the Resistance and Iran (MEMRI)
Egyptian presidential candidate Muhammad Salim Al-Awa said in a public address:
"Israel is an enemy, with which we have a truce - it is not a friend, it is not an ally, and we do not have a peace treaty with it. This is a truce, and it is as temporary as all truces. Throughout history, there hasn't been a single treaty that was not torn up by one of the parties to it. Oh Egyptians, make sure that the Zionists do not tear up this treaty before you do."
"We want to have normal relations with all the forces of the resistance - Hizbullah, Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and the PFLP. We are the home from which the resistance must set out....We are the source that supplies the resistance with money, men, and weapons."
French Boat to Gaza Blocked in Crete - Louisa Gouliamaki (AFP)
A French yacht carrying 12 pro-Palestinian activists hoping to run the Israeli blockade on Gaza was on Thursday blocked in Crete by the Greek coast guard when it stopped to refuel.
Unsealed Indictment Reveals Terror Plot Against Israel (AP-Washington Post)
Faouzi Ayoub, 44, is accused of using a fake passport in an attempt to get into Israel and conduct a bombing on behalf of the Islamic militant group Hizbullah, according to an indictment unsealed in federal court in Detroit.
Ayoub is on the FBI's most wanted list of terror suspects.
U.S.: Israel Included in Terror Watch List by Mistake - Yitzhak Benhorin (Ynet News)
Israeli diplomats stationed in the U.S. were surprised to discover that Israel was one of 36 countries included in a Homeland Security terror watch list issued on May 10.
A U.S. spokesman said Israel's appearance on the list was a mistake.
Hamas Arrests Male Hairdresser for Gaza Woman's Haircut - Jon Donnison (BBC News)
The Hamas government in Gaza has begun enforcing a law banning men from cutting women's hair. This week at least one male hairdresser in Gaza was arrested.
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News Resources - North America, Europe, and Asia:
- Syrian Troops Kill 22 in Hama Crackdown - Elvis Barukcic
"At least 22 people were killed in Hama and more than 80 wounded, some of them seriously," in a Syrian army crackdown, Ammar Qurabi of the National Organization for Human Rights said Wednesday. "The wounded are being treated in two hospitals in Hama," he said, adding that troops had entered the Al-Hurani hospital. "A large number of Hama residents have fled either to the nearby town of Al-Salamiya or towards Damascus," Qurabi said. (AFP) - Iran's Nuclear Steps Deepen Western Suspicions - Fredrik Dahl
Expanding uranium enrichment, a new atomic energy chief said to have military expertise, missile tests - Western analysts see fresh signs that Iran may be seeking to develop the means to build nuclear warheads. "Iran has been working hard in several ways to advance a nuclear weapons capability," said proliferation expert Mark Fitzpatrick of the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. "It needs fissile material, weaponization expertise and a delivery vehicle. On each of these, it has been making progress."
Britain last week said Iran had carried out covert tests of a missile that could carry a nuclear warhead. During a military exercise last week, Iran test-fired 14 missiles on one day alone, including some it says are capable of hitting Israel and U.S. bases in the Middle East. (Reuters)
See also IAEA Concerned over Iran Plans to Triple Uranium Production - Jack Kimball
Yukiya Amano, director general of the UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said on Wednesday that he was "quite concerned" over plans by Tehran to triple uranium production capacity. (Reuters) - U.S.: Mideast Talks the Way Forward, Not UN Votes - Bradley Klapper
The Obama administration on Wednesday repeated its opposition to any unilateral attempt to secure UN recognition for an independent Palestine. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the U.S. was trying to prod the Israelis and Palestinians back into direct negotiations after a multi-month impasse. "Our goal is to get these parties back to the table, and our position on the idea of a UN action in September remains that it's not a good idea, that it's not helpful."
Michael Oren, Israel's U.S. ambassador, said Wednesday that his country was working with the U.S. on a document outlining agreed parameters for talks to move forward. (AP) - California Tightens Screw on Trade with Iran - Matthew Garrahan
A new California law prohibits companies with Iran investments from bidding for state contracts. By insisting companies sever ties with Iran before they bid for lucrative state and city contracts, California has "changed the game" on Iran divestment, according to Mark Wallace, president of United Against Nuclear Iran. California would be the world's eighth largest economy if it were a separate country. (Financial Times-UK)
- Romania Won't Support PA Statehood Bid at UN - Herb Keinon
Romania will not support a Palestinian bid for statehood at the UN in September, senior government officials said Wednesday, following talks Prime Minister Netanyahu held in Bucharest. "The Palestinians are not grasping the price that they will pay if they unilaterally declare a state with the support of the UN," Netanyahu told Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc, alluding to the possibility that the Palestinians may lose aid from some countries in the West as a result of the move. (Jerusalem Post)
See also For Israel, a Balkan Bloom - Dan Williams
During a visit to Bucharest on Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu pointed to a growing group of central and east European countries close to the U.S. that were supporting the Israelis in UN and EU forums. "While there is all this talk of Israel being isolated, these countries are deeply eager to develop ties. Their opinion of us is very favorable. They are taking a hard look at their interests and understand that Israel can help advance them."
Netanyahu said Balkan states saw in Israel's tensions with Arab neighbors and Iran a reflection of their own past struggles against Soviet supremacy. "They have lived under tyranny, so they are much more skeptical; they are much more respectful of a democracy arrayed against totalitarian forces," he said. (Reuters) - UN Report: Gaza Blockade Legal, Israel Doesn't Owe Turkey Apology for Marmara - Barak Ravid and Jonathan Lis
The UN report on last year's Gaza flotilla clash found that Israel's blockade of Gaza is legal and that Jerusalem owes no apology to Turkey for the Mavi Marmara raid, diplomatic sources said. Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem who saw the draft report said it sharply criticizes Turkey for not doing enough to prevent the flotilla from setting sail. However, the report says Israeli commandos used excessive force, though Israel had insisted the soldiers had been attacked and were acting in self-defense. (Ha'aretz) - Bomb Explodes Near IDF Force on Gaza Border - Hanan Greenberg
An IDF soldier sustained injuries Thursday after a roadside bomb exploded near an IDF tank operating near the security fence in Gaza. (Ynet News)
- The Hard Man of Damascus - Gary Gambill
With Syrian troops encircling the city of Hama, the Obama administration and its European counterparts continue to hold out hope that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad can be coaxed into accepting a peaceful transition to democracy. Unfortunately, there are no plausible circumstances under which a democratic transition would constitute a rational choice for the embattled dictator, and it appears exceedingly unlikely that the Syrian people will peacefully accept anything less.
The powerful stigma associated with Alawite hegemony over a majority Sunni population both necessitates and enables the current Syrian police state. A freely elected Syrian government would surely be dominated by Sunnis and therefore strongly disposed to mete out harsh justice for the preceding decades of brutal tyranny.
The select group of dissidents allowed to attend a "national dialogue" conference in Damascus last week conspicuously excluded figures with significant influence over the protesters. The Syrian president isn't trying to negotiate with his opponents - he's trying to divide and defeat them. (Foreign Policy) - All Hail the Government of Greece - Editorial
All hail the government of Greece for single-handedly mothballing the flotilla that was setting sail to challenge Israel's naval blockade of Gaza. They deserve the world's thanks. The would-be blockade runners should be happy that Greece spared them from being used as pawns - and placed in harm's way - by Hamas, the terrorist gang that has its thumb on Gaza. (New York Daily News)
See also Alliance Shifts Behind Greece Gaza Stand - Elena Becatoros
Ties between Israel and Greece have blossomed as Israel's relations with Turkey have cooled. "The main cause for the change in Greek strategy lies in the worsening of relations between Turkey and Israel," said Giorgos Tzogopoulos, research fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy. (Forbes) - Free Gaza - from Hamas - George Jonas
The Free Gaza Movement is misnamed, unless it wants to free Gaza from Hamas. The strip's inhabitants need to be liberated only from corrupt and dysfunctional fanatics who mask their own inability to govern with stubborn efforts to wipe Israel off the map, or goad it into acts of self-defense that make its bad press worse and increase its isolation. Israel has limited options. Not protecting its population from periodic attacks launched from adjacent territories wouldn't be a viable option for any country. (National Post-Canada)
- In a referendum in which, impressively, three-quarters of voting-age Moroccans participated, the country adopted significant reforms. Under the new rules, King Mohammed VI is to keep ultimate control over the army and remains the supreme religious authority - but on most issues he now must "consult" with an elected prime minister.
- Morocco's experiment in transferring some powers to elected officials is unique in a region in which unelected rulers tend to grab, rather than cede, powers.
- Also included are more rights for women and minorities. Berber will become an official national language alongside Arabic.
- Morocco has taken a significant step that could become a model for transition toward democracy (and affinity with the West) in the region.
Taliban Hotel Attack: Low Death Toll, High Psychological Value
At about 10 p.m. on June 28, a group of heavily armed militants attacked
the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan. According to
government and media reports, the attack team consisted of eight or nine
militants who were reportedly wearing suicide vests in addition to
carrying other weapons. At least three of the attackers detonated their
vests during the drawn-out fight. Afghan security forces, assisted by
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), needed some eight hours
to clear the hotel of attackers. One group of militants even worked
their way up to the roof of the hotel, where they fired several
rocket-propelled grenades.
The attack resulted in the deaths of 12 people, as well as all the
militants. The Taliban had a different take on the attack, posting a
series of statements on their website claiming responsibility and saying
the assault was conducted by eight operatives who killed 90 people and
that the real news of their success was being suppressed. (Initially,
the Taliban claimed to have killed 200 in the attack but reduced the
toll to 90 in later statements.) Read more »

Dispatch: Chavez Returns To Venezuela
Analyst Reva Bhalla explains how Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is
likely to manage potential threats within his regime while undergoing
medical treatment. Watch the Video »
Bulletin électronique Mondialisation.ca
URL de cet article: http://www.mondialisation.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=25522www.Mondialisation.ca
La guerre contre la Libye
est une catastrophe économique
pour l'Afrique et l'Europe
par Thierry Meyssan
Le 5 juillet 2011
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Voltairenet.org - 2011-07-03
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des mobiles de la guerre contre la Libye est de stopper le
développement du continent noir, de permettre l’installation de la base
militaire de l’US Africom en Cyrénaique, et de débuter l’exploitation
coloniale de l’Afrique au profit des États-Unis. Pour comprendre ces
enjeux cachés, le Réseau Voltaire à interrogé Mohammed Siala, ministre
de la Coopération et administrateur du fonds souverain libyen.
Réseau Voltaire : Votre
pays est riche en gaz et en pétrole. Vous avez capitalisé 70 milliards
de dollars au sein de l’Autorité libyenne d’investissement. Comment
utilisez-vous cette manne ?
Mohammed Siala : Nous disposons
d’importantes ressources, mais elles ne sont pas renouvelables. Nous
avons donc créé l’Autorité libyenne d’investissement pour protéger la
richesse des générations futures, comme l’ont fait les Norvégiens par
exemple. Cependant, nous consacrons une partie de ces fonds au
développement de l’Afrique. Cela signifie que nous avons placé plus de 6
milliards de dollars dans des actions de développement du continent, en
matière d’agriculture, de tourisme, de commerce, de mines, etc.
Nous avons placé le reste des fonds dans des secteurs
différents, des pays différents, des monnaies différentes. Partout, y
compris aux USA et en Allemagne, ce qui leur a malheureusement permis de
geler certains de nos avoirs.
Réseau Voltaire : Techniquement, comment ce gel est-il mis en œuvre ?
Mohammed Siala : Le gel des avoirs
est régi par les lois bancaires du pays où ils sont placés. La règle est
qu’ils bloquent nos comptes, mais que nous pouvons en obtenir parfois
la libération si nous portons le litige devant un Comité des
réclamations et si nous prouvons qu’ils étaient destinés à certains
usages. Par exemple, je viens à l’instant de plaider le dégel de fonds
destinés à verser des bourses aux 1 200 étudiants que nous avons envoyés
en Malaisie. Nous essayons de faire de même pour tout ce qui touche aux
allocations sociales ou aux frais d’hospitalisation de nos
ressortissants à l’étranger.
Il arrive que certains pays nous autorisent à
utiliser des fonds pour l’achat de nourriture ou de médicaments. En
principe, c’est notre droit, mais beaucoup refusent de dégeler les
sommes nécessaires ou font traîner les choses. Par exemple, en Italie,
l’État refuse tout usage de nos avoirs. En Allemagne, l’État autorise
les usages humanitaires, mais ce sont certaines banques qui refusent de
dégeler les fonds nécessaires. Les interprétations de la résolution sont
complètement différentes selon les États. Nous réclamons une règle
claire : ce qui est permis est autorisé et ce qui ne l’est pas est
interdit. Pour le moment, l’interprétation est politique et la force
prévaut sur le droit.
Réseau Voltaire : Est-ce le seul problème que vous rencontrez pour vos approvisionnements ?
Mohammed Siala : Nous devons aussi
faire face au blocus maritime que l’OTAN a mis en place sans base
légale. Ils interdisent notre approvisionnement, ou le retardent, y
compris pour des cargaisons alimentaires. Ils s’appliquent surtout à
empêcher notre livraison en essence, même si cela n’est pas prévu par
les résolutions pertinentes de l’ONU. Nous avons ainsi un pétrolier qui
patiente depuis un mois à Malte. Pour chaque bateau, ils discutent le
double usage de ce qu’il transporte. L’essence est destinée aux
véhicules civils. Mais ils disent qu’elle peut l’être aussi par des
voitures de l’armée. Nous répondons qu’ils ne peuvent nous interdire de
l’utiliser pour les ambulances, etc. Quoi qu’il en soit, depuis le début
du conflit, ils empêchent toute livraison d’essence. Or, nous sommes
dépendants des raffineries étrangères pour environ un tiers de notre
approvisionnement. D’où la pénurie actuelle. En théorie, ils ont
uniquement le droit d’inspecter les navires pour s’assurer qu’ils ne
transportent pas d’armes. Mais en pratique, ils déploient illégalement
un blocus maritime.
Ils ont ordonné à des bateaux russes et chinois de
faire demi-tour. Leurs États doivent alors déposer une plainte devant le
Comité des sanctions de l’ONU pour discuter de l’interprétation des
résolutions. C’est une procédure interminable et dissuasive. Aucune base
légale ne les autorise à agir ainsi, mais ils le font de force, sûrs de
leur impunité.
Nous parvenons toutefois à nous approvisionner par
voie terrestre, mais cela est dérisoire : nous avons besoin d’un mois
pour transporter par camion ce que nous pouvons décharger en une journée
dans nos ports.
Réseau Voltaire : Votre pays a
multiplié les constructions d’infrastructures, notamment les
gigantesques travaux d’irrigation de la Man Made River. Quels sont vos
projets en cours ?
Mohammed Siala : Il existe un chemin
de fer qui parcourt l’Afrique du Nord, sauf la Libye. Nous voulons le
compléter pour nous intégrer dans l’économie régionale et la dynamiser.
Les Chinois construisent le tronçon Tunisie-Syrte. Les Russes sont
chargés de Syrte-Benghazi. Une négociation était en cours avec l’Italie
pour le tronçon Benghazi-Égypte ainsi que pour les locomotives. Nous
avons aussi commencé la construction d’une ligne transcontinentale
nord-sud, avec le tronçon Libye-N’Djamena. Ce sont des investissements
considérables d’intérêt international et nous avions cru que le G8 nous
aiderait. Il l’avait promis, mais nous n’avons rien vu venir.
Nous sommes âpres en affaires et nous avons utilisé
les appels d’offre pour obliger nos prestataires à baisser leurs prix.
Lors de sa visite ici, Vladimir Poutine a convenu d’aligner les tarifs
des entreprises russes sur ceux de ses compétiteurs chinois. Nous avons
pu ainsi diversifier nos partenaires.
Réseau Voltaire : Avec la guerre, que vont devenir ces projets ?
Mohammed Siala : Tous ces chantiers
sont interrompus avec le gel des avoirs. Mais nous poursuivons les
appels d’offre pour les tronçons à réaliser parce que nous sommes
certains que la guerre est momentanée et que les travaux reprendront.
Nous nous préparons à poursuivre les contrats provisoirement interrompus
pour raison de « force majeure ».
La guerre a désespéré nos partenaires. Les Chinois
ont ici 20 milliards de dollars de contrats, les Turcs 12 milliards.
Viennent ensuite les Italiens, les Russes, puis les Français. Ce n’était
pas leur intérêt de laisser faire cette agression, encore moins d’y
participer. Probablement certains ont–ils reçu des compensations en
dessous de table, mais nous n’avons aucune information précise à ce
sujet. D’autres espèrent avoir plus en conquérant notre pays et en
s’attribuant eux-mêmes les contrats de reconstruction.
Réseau Voltaire : Quelles sont les conséquences du gel de vos avoirs pour l’Afrique ?
Mohammed Siala : En bloquant nos
avoirs, ils ont aussi bloqué nos actions de développement en Afrique. Le
continent ne parvient qu’à exporter des produits bruts. Nous
investissons pour qu’ils soient transformés en Afrique et commercialisés
par les Africains. Il s’agit de créer des emplois et de conserver la
plus-value en Afrique. D’un côté les Européens nous encouragent car
cette politique assèche les flux migratoires, d’un autre, ils s’y
opposent parce qu’ils doivent renoncer à l’exploitation coloniale.
Les Occidentaux veulent maintenir l’Afrique dans une situation où elle n’exporte que des produits bruts, des commodités.
Par exemple, lorsque le café produit en Ouganda est
exporté en Allemagne d’où il est commercialisé, la plus-value reste en
Allemagne. Nous avons financé des installations pour la torréfaction, la
mouture, le packaging etc. La part de rémunération des Ougandais est
passée de 20% à 80%. Évidemment, notre politique entre en conflit avec
celle des Européens. C’est un euphémisme.
Nous finançons des rizières au Mozambique et au
Libéria, à hauteur de 32 millions de dollars par projet et créons chaque
fois 100 000 emplois. Nous visons d’abord l’autosuffisance alimentaire
de chaque État africain, et seulement après les marchés d’exportation.
Sans aucun doute, nous entrons en conflit avec ceux qui produisent et
exportent du riz, surtout s’ils spéculent avec.
Nous construisons aussi des routes. Par exemple
depuis la Libye à travers le Niger. Nous avons déjà relié le Soudan à
l’Érythrée ce qui bouleverse l’économie régionale et ouvre des
perspectives de développement. Il désormais possible de faire circuler
des marchandises par route et par mer.
Réseau Voltaire : Peut-on dire
que la Libye a peu d’alliances diplomatiques, mais que vous avez élaboré
des alliances économiques qui vous protègent. Peut-on parler de
diplomatie des investissements ?
Mohammed Siala : Oui.
Par exemple, nous finançons pour 50 millions de
dollars la construction par des entreprises chinoises d’un canal de 32
kilomètres au Mali pour l’irrigation des zones agricoles. Le gel de nos
avoirs interrompt d’importants projets agricoles dans ce pays. S’il se
poursuit, un problème alimentaire se posera rapidement et les
populations reprendront et accélèreront leur migration vers l’Europe. En
définitive, les Européens ne peuvent pas se permettre de stopper notre
effort de développement du continent. Ils n’ont pas d’alternative à
notre politique.
Réseau Voltaire : Disposez-vous
d’un dispositif qui vous permette de payer vos commandes sur le marché
international malgré le gel de vos avoirs. Votre pays est attaqué, je
pense bien sûr à l’achat d’armes et munitions.
Mohammed Siala : Nous résistons
depuis quatre mois et demi. Nous avons tiré les leçons de l’embargo et
étions prêts au premier jour. Beaucoup d’États nous observent et veulent
prendre des mesures similaires pour se protéger eux aussi de
Thierry Meyssan est un intellectuel français, président-fondateur du Réseau Voltaire et de la conférence Axis for Peace. Il publie des analyses de politique étrangère dans la presse arabe, latino-américaine et russe. Dernier ouvrage en français : L’Effroyable imposture : Tome 2, Manipulations et désinformations (éd. JP Bertand, 2007) |
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1. Ban-Ki Moon Blames Israel, Also Arabs for Nakba Day Riots
by Elad Benari
A UN report has placed the blame on both Israel and Arabs for the “Nakba Day” riots along the Israeli-Lebanese border, Reuters reported Wednesday.
The UN report claims Israel used force “not commensurate to the threat” when it fired live ammunition during the demonstration.
At the same time, the report notes that the Arab protesters also behaved in a provocative and violent way.
The UN report said that seven people died during the riot. This figure was revised down from eleven people who were initially reported killed.
The report came from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s office and is based on an investigation carried out by UNIFIL, the United Nation’s force in Lebanon, Reuters said.
UNIFIL’s preliminary findings had said the demonstrators, “in throwing stones and petrol bombs across the Israeli technical fence and the Blue Line ... carried out a provocative and violent act that constitutes a violation of resolution 1701.”
Resolution 1701, adopted by the UN Security Council in August 2006 following the Second Lebanon War, called for a full cessation of hostilities between Israel and the Lebanon-based Hizbullah terror group. There has been ample proof, however, that Hizbullah has violated this resolution, but nothing has been done about it by the UN.
UNIFIL also said that the “firing of live ammunition by the Israel Defense Forces across the Blue Line against the demonstrators” also “constituted a violation of resolution 1701 and was not commensurate to the threat to Israeli soldiers.”
Ban’s spokeswoman was quoted by the news agency as having told journalists Ban “stands by his conclusions and observations.”
The UN report calls on Lebanese Armed Forces and Lebanese authorities to “enforce law and order in the area and to prevent any incident on the Blue Line.”
It also calls on Israel to “refrain from responding with live fire in such situations, except where clearly required in immediate self-defense.”
The UN report does not deal with the other major incident that occurred on Nakba Day, when nearly 1,000 Syrian Arabs invaded the Golan Heights and entered the village of Majdal Shams.
Comment on this story
by Elad Benari

A UN report has placed the blame on both Israel and Arabs for the “Nakba Day” riots along the Israeli-Lebanese border, Reuters reported Wednesday.
The UN report claims Israel used force “not commensurate to the threat” when it fired live ammunition during the demonstration.
At the same time, the report notes that the Arab protesters also behaved in a provocative and violent way.
The UN report said that seven people died during the riot. This figure was revised down from eleven people who were initially reported killed.
The report came from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s office and is based on an investigation carried out by UNIFIL, the United Nation’s force in Lebanon, Reuters said.
UNIFIL’s preliminary findings had said the demonstrators, “in throwing stones and petrol bombs across the Israeli technical fence and the Blue Line ... carried out a provocative and violent act that constitutes a violation of resolution 1701.”
Resolution 1701, adopted by the UN Security Council in August 2006 following the Second Lebanon War, called for a full cessation of hostilities between Israel and the Lebanon-based Hizbullah terror group. There has been ample proof, however, that Hizbullah has violated this resolution, but nothing has been done about it by the UN.
UNIFIL also said that the “firing of live ammunition by the Israel Defense Forces across the Blue Line against the demonstrators” also “constituted a violation of resolution 1701 and was not commensurate to the threat to Israeli soldiers.”
Ban’s spokeswoman was quoted by the news agency as having told journalists Ban “stands by his conclusions and observations.”
The UN report calls on Lebanese Armed Forces and Lebanese authorities to “enforce law and order in the area and to prevent any incident on the Blue Line.”
It also calls on Israel to “refrain from responding with live fire in such situations, except where clearly required in immediate self-defense.”
The UN report does not deal with the other major incident that occurred on Nakba Day, when nearly 1,000 Syrian Arabs invaded the Golan Heights and entered the village of Majdal Shams.
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2. "Peace-Activists" Plan Ben Gurion Airport Provocations
by Gil Ronen
Hundreds of people, many of whom are being used cynically by Israel's enemies and are convinced that they are peace activists, will try to create provocations at Ben Gurion Airport over the weekend.
Security forces assess that most of the activists will begin entering Israel Friday on 50 different incoming flights from Europe.
Reports say that they have received e-mail instructions from their handlers to create provocative scenes at Ben Gurion Airport. They are to videotape the provocations and their results, then pass on the tape to world media.
Security forces have fanned out in the airport and received instructions on how ot arrest the activists in a way that does not provide them with the kind of footage they desire.
Foreign media reported Wednesday night that two Dutch reporters were refused permission to board an El Al flight from Amsterdam to Israel. According to the reports, the journalists – who are employed by an international news agency – were told that they pose a security risk.
Police are also concerned that enemy sympathizers who have already arrived in Israel in recent days will try to hold a protest at or near Ben Gurion Airport.
Activists duped by Israel's enemies have been known to carry out dangerous and even suicidal missions on behalf of the anti-Israeli forces. The most famous example of this was Rachel Corrie, who got in front of a huge IDF bulldozer in Gaza and was accidentally killed. Corrie's handlers, the International Solidarity Movement, are believed to be producing the present provocation as well.
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by Gil Ronen

Hundreds of people, many of whom are being used cynically by Israel's enemies and are convinced that they are peace activists, will try to create provocations at Ben Gurion Airport over the weekend.
Security forces assess that most of the activists will begin entering Israel Friday on 50 different incoming flights from Europe.
Reports say that they have received e-mail instructions from their handlers to create provocative scenes at Ben Gurion Airport. They are to videotape the provocations and their results, then pass on the tape to world media.
Security forces have fanned out in the airport and received instructions on how ot arrest the activists in a way that does not provide them with the kind of footage they desire.
Foreign media reported Wednesday night that two Dutch reporters were refused permission to board an El Al flight from Amsterdam to Israel. According to the reports, the journalists – who are employed by an international news agency – were told that they pose a security risk.
Police are also concerned that enemy sympathizers who have already arrived in Israel in recent days will try to hold a protest at or near Ben Gurion Airport.
Activists duped by Israel's enemies have been known to carry out dangerous and even suicidal missions on behalf of the anti-Israeli forces. The most famous example of this was Rachel Corrie, who got in front of a huge IDF bulldozer in Gaza and was accidentally killed. Corrie's handlers, the International Solidarity Movement, are believed to be producing the present provocation as well.
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3. Will Professor 'Judd' Ne'eman be Questioned for Incitement?
by David ben Yacov
Professor Yehuda "Judd" Ne’eman, Professor Emeritus at Tel Aviv University's Faculty of the Arts, an Israel Prize winner and renowned film director/cinematographer, has said that there should be a civil war between the political left and the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria -- the "settlers".
Science Minister Professor Daniel Hershkowitz , Chairman of the ‘HaBayit HaYehudi’ party, strongly condemned the statements, saying:
“Judd Ne’eman’s bellicose statements of incitement put the law enforcement system to the acid test. If the system ignores someone’s call for a civil war, and his irresponsible sedition against an entire population, this will be a harsh blow to the principle of equality before the law, and will shake the people’s confidence in the system.”
MK Aryeh Eldad (National Unity) said, “Judd Ne’eman’s statements reflect the idiom about the pot calling the kettle black. Anyone suggesting civil war after losing the elections, anyone proposing the use of weapons against the democratic majority, is much closer to fascism and neo-Nazism than are those who represent the majority of the people, and who serve them in the Knesset."
"Judd Ne’eman doesn’t simply produce films. He is living in a surreal movieland, a movie where the lunatic, delusional left wing can impose its dictatorship on the people, the kind of Stalin-esque dictatorship that was founded on the corpses of those who opposed it,” he added.
The responses were especially relevant since Israeli media have featured the much pulicized arrests of two renowned rabbis, Rav Dov Lior and Rav Yakov Yosef, for writing "haskamot", approbations, for the controversial "Torah Hamelekh" ("King's Torah"), all week. The two were apprehended by police after they refused to answer a summons to come for questioning on the issue.
The left considers the book, which delineates halakhic aspects of the wartime dilemma when the choice is killing enemy civilians rather than endangering Jewish soldiers' lives, incitement. It is not known as this item is published whether Shai Nitzan, the Assistant Attorney General who chose to summon the rabbis, sees Professor Ne'eman's statements as incitement.
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by David ben Yacov

Professor Yehuda "Judd" Ne’eman, Professor Emeritus at Tel Aviv University's Faculty of the Arts, an Israel Prize winner and renowned film director/cinematographer, has said that there should be a civil war between the political left and the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria -- the "settlers".
Science Minister Professor Daniel Hershkowitz , Chairman of the ‘HaBayit HaYehudi’ party, strongly condemned the statements, saying:
“Judd Ne’eman’s bellicose statements of incitement put the law enforcement system to the acid test. If the system ignores someone’s call for a civil war, and his irresponsible sedition against an entire population, this will be a harsh blow to the principle of equality before the law, and will shake the people’s confidence in the system.”
MK Aryeh Eldad (National Unity) said, “Judd Ne’eman’s statements reflect the idiom about the pot calling the kettle black. Anyone suggesting civil war after losing the elections, anyone proposing the use of weapons against the democratic majority, is much closer to fascism and neo-Nazism than are those who represent the majority of the people, and who serve them in the Knesset."
"Judd Ne’eman doesn’t simply produce films. He is living in a surreal movieland, a movie where the lunatic, delusional left wing can impose its dictatorship on the people, the kind of Stalin-esque dictatorship that was founded on the corpses of those who opposed it,” he added.
The responses were especially relevant since Israeli media have featured the much pulicized arrests of two renowned rabbis, Rav Dov Lior and Rav Yakov Yosef, for writing "haskamot", approbations, for the controversial "Torah Hamelekh" ("King's Torah"), all week. The two were apprehended by police after they refused to answer a summons to come for questioning on the issue.
The left considers the book, which delineates halakhic aspects of the wartime dilemma when the choice is killing enemy civilians rather than endangering Jewish soldiers' lives, incitement. It is not known as this item is published whether Shai Nitzan, the Assistant Attorney General who chose to summon the rabbis, sees Professor Ne'eman's statements as incitement.
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4. Educational Expert on Judd Ne'eman: The Left Want Civil War
by David ben Yacov
The Chairman of the Professors for a Strong Israel and ex-Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Education, Dr. Gabi Avital, responded to the inflammatory statements made by Israel Prize winner Yehuda "Judd" Ne’eman on Wednesday, in which he called for a civil war between leftist Israelis and the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria, in an interview with Arutz Sheva radio.
“I see it from a 28-year perspective. Israel Prize winner A.B Yehoshua [Israeli author and playwright, and an ardent, untiring radical left activist in the Peace Now Movement, ed.] said three decades ago that civil wars are globally accepted, happen everywhere, and that they are good for the nation, as the war straightens out the power imbalance between the sides.”
“The left wish for a civil war. Then-Meretz MK Avshalom Vilan wrote 7 years ago, just before the evacuation of Gush Katif, ‘You must understand that we will fight the violence of extremist settlers and use every kind of self-defense, and if we have to – we will open fire.’ This is not a defensive democracy being described. It is democracy using aggression against its own citizens,” stressed Dr. Avital.
Dr. Avital is of the opinion that despite civil war being the wish of the radical left, It will never happen in Israel. “We won’t give them that pleasure,”
“Looking as it were through the eyes of the state prosecution, we always have to watch out for the law against sedition. If the Attorney General's office came to the conclusion that written sedition must be investigated, then they will have to investigate methodical, premeditated verbal statements as sedition as well. I expect them not to discriminate. If "they" decide not to interrogate "Judd" Ne’eman for whatever reasons, then they should also avoid investigating the right wing, and you know to whom I’m referring.”
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by David ben Yacov

The Chairman of the Professors for a Strong Israel and ex-Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Education, Dr. Gabi Avital, responded to the inflammatory statements made by Israel Prize winner Yehuda "Judd" Ne’eman on Wednesday, in which he called for a civil war between leftist Israelis and the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria, in an interview with Arutz Sheva radio.
“I see it from a 28-year perspective. Israel Prize winner A.B Yehoshua [Israeli author and playwright, and an ardent, untiring radical left activist in the Peace Now Movement, ed.] said three decades ago that civil wars are globally accepted, happen everywhere, and that they are good for the nation, as the war straightens out the power imbalance between the sides.”
“The left wish for a civil war. Then-Meretz MK Avshalom Vilan wrote 7 years ago, just before the evacuation of Gush Katif, ‘You must understand that we will fight the violence of extremist settlers and use every kind of self-defense, and if we have to – we will open fire.’ This is not a defensive democracy being described. It is democracy using aggression against its own citizens,” stressed Dr. Avital.
Dr. Avital is of the opinion that despite civil war being the wish of the radical left, It will never happen in Israel. “We won’t give them that pleasure,”
“Looking as it were through the eyes of the state prosecution, we always have to watch out for the law against sedition. If the Attorney General's office came to the conclusion that written sedition must be investigated, then they will have to investigate methodical, premeditated verbal statements as sedition as well. I expect them not to discriminate. If "they" decide not to interrogate "Judd" Ne’eman for whatever reasons, then they should also avoid investigating the right wing, and you know to whom I’m referring.”
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5. U.S. Indicts Hizbullah Man Who Tried to Enter Israel
by Gil Ronen
A resident of Michigan has been charged in absentia with using a fake passport in an attempt to get into Israel and conduct a bombing on behalf of Hizbullah. The man, Faouzi Ayoub, 44, is on the FBI's most wanted list of terror suspects, according to the Associated Press.
He is still at large.
Ayoub faces one count of passport fraud, according to the indictment that was delivered in August 2009 but was only unsealed in U.S. District Court in Detroit this week.
According to federal prosecutors, the Lebanese-born Ayoub used a passport under the name of Frank Mariano Boschi to enter Israel in October 2000. His last known U.S. residence was in southeast Michigan.
The indictment says Ayoub was supposed to carry out a bomb attack but apparently does not implicate him in any actual bombing.
The FBI's office in Detroit could not discuss the case Wednesday, AP reported. Nor could it divulge why the indictment was unsealed at this time.
Spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold noted that Ayoub should be considered armed and dangerous and that anyone with information about him should contact their local FBI office, or nearest U.S. embassy or consulate.
"Future indictments may be handed down as various investigations proceed in connection to other terrorist incidents," the FBI's website said.
The FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list is topped by Egyptian Islamic Jihad founder Ayman Al-Zawahiri. Al-Zawahiri has taken the place at the top of the list formerly occupied by Osama Bin Laden – now dead and buried at sea.
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by Gil Ronen

A resident of Michigan has been charged in absentia with using a fake passport in an attempt to get into Israel and conduct a bombing on behalf of Hizbullah. The man, Faouzi Ayoub, 44, is on the FBI's most wanted list of terror suspects, according to the Associated Press.
He is still at large.
Ayoub faces one count of passport fraud, according to the indictment that was delivered in August 2009 but was only unsealed in U.S. District Court in Detroit this week.
According to federal prosecutors, the Lebanese-born Ayoub used a passport under the name of Frank Mariano Boschi to enter Israel in October 2000. His last known U.S. residence was in southeast Michigan.
The indictment says Ayoub was supposed to carry out a bomb attack but apparently does not implicate him in any actual bombing.
The FBI's office in Detroit could not discuss the case Wednesday, AP reported. Nor could it divulge why the indictment was unsealed at this time.
Spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold noted that Ayoub should be considered armed and dangerous and that anyone with information about him should contact their local FBI office, or nearest U.S. embassy or consulate.
"Future indictments may be handed down as various investigations proceed in connection to other terrorist incidents," the FBI's website said.
The FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list is topped by Egyptian Islamic Jihad founder Ayman Al-Zawahiri. Al-Zawahiri has taken the place at the top of the list formerly occupied by Osama Bin Laden – now dead and buried at sea.
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6. Chief Rabbi Says Religious Must "Settle" Israel's Cities Too
by Gil Ronen
The Chief Sephardic Rabbi, Rav Shlomo Amar, said Wednesday that in its idealistic rush to settle Judea and Samaria, the religious population had not "settled' Israel’s cities until the Torah Nucleus Groups were created and began to fill the gap.
Rav Amar spoke at the Convention of Torah Nucleus Groups sponsored by the Kehilot Fund, Lev Yehudi and Hineni. Rav Amar expressed his appreciation for the nucleus groups. These are young couples who move to development towns and cities together and work within the exisiting systems to improve education, create after school activiites for youngsters, spread religious knowledge and rejuvenate religious experiences for residents, explaining:
“It seems to me that the national religious sector, as well as the hareidi-religious one, had neglected the Land’s cities for a long time. Following the Six Day War, the national religious public went to settle Judea and Samaria out of enthusiasm and devotion, but in the peak of enthusiasm it neglected all of Israel’s cities for dozens of years.”
As for the hareidi public – the Rabbi contended that most of it has settled in several major hareidi cities, but keeps to its own neighborhoods and has no real influencing presence in the rest of Israel’s cities.
If the hareidis enter cities and create involved communities in the way that the Torah nucleus groups do, “there would be great salvation in this and their children would not suffer spiritually either,” he said.
Rav Amar mentioned the Chabad emissaries who are sent to every country in the world, and despite the problematic environments, succeed in seeing their children remain true to Judaism.
He told the religious nucleus group representatives: “You are doing one of the greatest things that are being done in this period… Without taking away from the importance of settlement in Judea and Samaria, the Torah nucleus groups are even more important in my eyes because it saves so many souls in all of Israel’s cities. There is nothing greater than this in my view.”
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by Gil Ronen

The Chief Sephardic Rabbi, Rav Shlomo Amar, said Wednesday that in its idealistic rush to settle Judea and Samaria, the religious population had not "settled' Israel’s cities until the Torah Nucleus Groups were created and began to fill the gap.
Rav Amar spoke at the Convention of Torah Nucleus Groups sponsored by the Kehilot Fund, Lev Yehudi and Hineni. Rav Amar expressed his appreciation for the nucleus groups. These are young couples who move to development towns and cities together and work within the exisiting systems to improve education, create after school activiites for youngsters, spread religious knowledge and rejuvenate religious experiences for residents, explaining:
“It seems to me that the national religious sector, as well as the hareidi-religious one, had neglected the Land’s cities for a long time. Following the Six Day War, the national religious public went to settle Judea and Samaria out of enthusiasm and devotion, but in the peak of enthusiasm it neglected all of Israel’s cities for dozens of years.”
As for the hareidi public – the Rabbi contended that most of it has settled in several major hareidi cities, but keeps to its own neighborhoods and has no real influencing presence in the rest of Israel’s cities.
If the hareidis enter cities and create involved communities in the way that the Torah nucleus groups do, “there would be great salvation in this and their children would not suffer spiritually either,” he said.
Rav Amar mentioned the Chabad emissaries who are sent to every country in the world, and despite the problematic environments, succeed in seeing their children remain true to Judaism.
He told the religious nucleus group representatives: “You are doing one of the greatest things that are being done in this period… Without taking away from the importance of settlement in Judea and Samaria, the Torah nucleus groups are even more important in my eyes because it saves so many souls in all of Israel’s cities. There is nothing greater than this in my view.”
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7. Fiscal Bodies Issue Warnings Against Aiding Iran
by Gil Ronen
Three government fiscal authorities have issued warnings against financial ties to bodies that aid Iran’s nuclear program.
The coordinated warnings were issued by Securities Authority Chairman Prof. Shmuel Hauser, the Commissioner of Capital Markets in the Ministry of Finance, Prof. Oded Sarig, and the Supervisor of Banks in the Bank of Israel, David Zaken.
The three officials instruct Israeli firms to beware of doing business with companies that appear on international lists as assisting the Iranian nuclear program or programs that support it.
The three bodies issued a joint statement that said: “The purpose of the instructions is to heighten awareness of the supervised bodies to the ramifications of having ties with the bodies that are included in the lists… due to their involvement or assistance in advancing Iran’s nuclear program, and to ensure that they set an appropriate policy for dealing with the concomitant risks.”
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by Gil Ronen

Three government fiscal authorities have issued warnings against financial ties to bodies that aid Iran’s nuclear program.
The coordinated warnings were issued by Securities Authority Chairman Prof. Shmuel Hauser, the Commissioner of Capital Markets in the Ministry of Finance, Prof. Oded Sarig, and the Supervisor of Banks in the Bank of Israel, David Zaken.
The three officials instruct Israeli firms to beware of doing business with companies that appear on international lists as assisting the Iranian nuclear program or programs that support it.
The three bodies issued a joint statement that said: “The purpose of the instructions is to heighten awareness of the supervised bodies to the ramifications of having ties with the bodies that are included in the lists… due to their involvement or assistance in advancing Iran’s nuclear program, and to ensure that they set an appropriate policy for dealing with the concomitant risks.”
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8. COS Gantz: “I Thank Rabbi Haim Druckman in the Name of the IDF”
by David ben Yacov
An event commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Ohr Etzion hesder (lit. ‘arrangement’, the program whereby students combine Torah study with IDF service) Yeshiva at Merkaz Shapira took place on Wednesday evening. The Rabbi of Ramat-Gan, Rabbi Ya’acov Ariel, was the keynote speaker who praised the yeshiva for its achievements.
IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz arrived to congratulate the thousands of graduates and students of the Ohr Etzion Yeshiva. This was the first visit for the new COS at a hesder yeshiva. He expressed his support of the hesder program, and praised the venerable head of the yeshiva, Rabbi Haim Druckman, who is also head of the Association of Hesder Yeshivas. Rabbi Druckman, an icon of the religious Zionist Torah world and known to all as an intrepid man of integrity, was until recently head of the government's Conversion Authority, where he found himself under much publicized Hareidi-religious fire on rabbinic court and army conversions.
The COS related that in his youth he spent some formative, influential years in yeshiva study. “The strength of Torah values is distinct across the IDF. I find it in the loyalty and determination of many IDF commanders and fighters, among them students of this yeshiva and others, as they serve in various units and in the reserve corps, carrying out their duties with a sense of purpose that is second to none.”
The COS also mentioned a source of contention, the appointment of NItzan Alon, considered by many Judea and Samaria residents to be against them, to the post of commander of the area. “In recent weeks, there have been harsh remarks made towards the commander of the Judea-Samaria division, Brigadier-General Nitzan Alon. He is an officer of great merit who dedicates his life to the security of the citizens of Israel. I am strongly opposed to the accusations made against him. The attempts to denigrate the authority of a top IDF official are unacceptable, and I expect you all to support IDF commanders and condemn such statements and actions.”
Gantz concluded by saying “This evening is a celebration in honor of the yeshiva, but also in honor of a special man, whose name is synonymous with the excellence of the hesder program – Rabbi Haim Druckman.”
He spoke directly to the rabbi, and said, “The story of your life is a fine demonstration of the revival of the Jewish nation in Israel. From your childhood in Poland, to your escape from the Nazis and your immigration before your bar-mitzva, to the creation of this immense life’s work across many decades."
"I take this opportunity to thank you, in the name of the IDF, and in the name of the entire Israeli society.”
The Minister of Science and Technology, Rabbi Professor Daniel Hershkowitz congratulated the yeshiva graduates and said that he salutes Rabbi Druckman’s vast educational enterprise.
The Head of the Yeshiva, Rabbi Haim Druckman, spoke with great emotion, and expressed his hope and faith that the yeshiva graduates will continue to contribute to the reinforcement of the Torah, the Nation and the Land in all walks of life, paraphrasing Rabbi Avraham Kook, the first Ashkenazic Chief rabbi of Israel and forerunner of religious Zionism .
”Reality teaches us the importance of the yeshiva education we receive. The yeshiva is devoted to the land of Israel, but no less to the state of Israel, despite the difficulties.” The rabbi once again quoted Rabbi Kook who said that darkness is driven away by increasing light.
“The Nation of Israel is eternal, the Torah is eternal, and the bond between them is eternal,” stressed Rabbi Druckman.
The event was dedicated to the thousands of yeshiva graduates, that were expected to arrive en masse. A special commemorative CD was produced by the yeshiva, including recordings of memorable moments and songs of the yeshiva band recorded with the participation of Rabbi Druckman.
The yeshiva students reenacted the renowned Ohr Etzion Friday night banquet, led by Rabbi Druckman complete with the singing of the “Shalom Aleichem”(greeting of the angels) prayer, and the “Ribon HaOlamim” (Master of the Worlds) prayer, praising G-d for the gift of the Sabbath.
The Ohr Etzion yeshiva was founded in 1977 by Rabbi Druckman. It belongs to the network of B’nei Akiva yeshivas, that educate tens of thousands of students to the values of Torah and love of the land of Israel and of the state of Israel. The yeshiva houses some 250 students, and provides a home base for the many students serving in the IDF and on the Home Front, as part of the ‘hesder’ framework.
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by David ben Yacov

An event commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Ohr Etzion hesder (lit. ‘arrangement’, the program whereby students combine Torah study with IDF service) Yeshiva at Merkaz Shapira took place on Wednesday evening. The Rabbi of Ramat-Gan, Rabbi Ya’acov Ariel, was the keynote speaker who praised the yeshiva for its achievements.
IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz arrived to congratulate the thousands of graduates and students of the Ohr Etzion Yeshiva. This was the first visit for the new COS at a hesder yeshiva. He expressed his support of the hesder program, and praised the venerable head of the yeshiva, Rabbi Haim Druckman, who is also head of the Association of Hesder Yeshivas. Rabbi Druckman, an icon of the religious Zionist Torah world and known to all as an intrepid man of integrity, was until recently head of the government's Conversion Authority, where he found himself under much publicized Hareidi-religious fire on rabbinic court and army conversions.
The COS related that in his youth he spent some formative, influential years in yeshiva study. “The strength of Torah values is distinct across the IDF. I find it in the loyalty and determination of many IDF commanders and fighters, among them students of this yeshiva and others, as they serve in various units and in the reserve corps, carrying out their duties with a sense of purpose that is second to none.”
The COS also mentioned a source of contention, the appointment of NItzan Alon, considered by many Judea and Samaria residents to be against them, to the post of commander of the area. “In recent weeks, there have been harsh remarks made towards the commander of the Judea-Samaria division, Brigadier-General Nitzan Alon. He is an officer of great merit who dedicates his life to the security of the citizens of Israel. I am strongly opposed to the accusations made against him. The attempts to denigrate the authority of a top IDF official are unacceptable, and I expect you all to support IDF commanders and condemn such statements and actions.”
Gantz concluded by saying “This evening is a celebration in honor of the yeshiva, but also in honor of a special man, whose name is synonymous with the excellence of the hesder program – Rabbi Haim Druckman.”
He spoke directly to the rabbi, and said, “The story of your life is a fine demonstration of the revival of the Jewish nation in Israel. From your childhood in Poland, to your escape from the Nazis and your immigration before your bar-mitzva, to the creation of this immense life’s work across many decades."
"I take this opportunity to thank you, in the name of the IDF, and in the name of the entire Israeli society.”
The Minister of Science and Technology, Rabbi Professor Daniel Hershkowitz congratulated the yeshiva graduates and said that he salutes Rabbi Druckman’s vast educational enterprise.
The Head of the Yeshiva, Rabbi Haim Druckman, spoke with great emotion, and expressed his hope and faith that the yeshiva graduates will continue to contribute to the reinforcement of the Torah, the Nation and the Land in all walks of life, paraphrasing Rabbi Avraham Kook, the first Ashkenazic Chief rabbi of Israel and forerunner of religious Zionism .
”Reality teaches us the importance of the yeshiva education we receive. The yeshiva is devoted to the land of Israel, but no less to the state of Israel, despite the difficulties.” The rabbi once again quoted Rabbi Kook who said that darkness is driven away by increasing light.
“The Nation of Israel is eternal, the Torah is eternal, and the bond between them is eternal,” stressed Rabbi Druckman.
The event was dedicated to the thousands of yeshiva graduates, that were expected to arrive en masse. A special commemorative CD was produced by the yeshiva, including recordings of memorable moments and songs of the yeshiva band recorded with the participation of Rabbi Druckman.
The yeshiva students reenacted the renowned Ohr Etzion Friday night banquet, led by Rabbi Druckman complete with the singing of the “Shalom Aleichem”(greeting of the angels) prayer, and the “Ribon HaOlamim” (Master of the Worlds) prayer, praising G-d for the gift of the Sabbath.
The Ohr Etzion yeshiva was founded in 1977 by Rabbi Druckman. It belongs to the network of B’nei Akiva yeshivas, that educate tens of thousands of students to the values of Torah and love of the land of Israel and of the state of Israel. The yeshiva houses some 250 students, and provides a home base for the many students serving in the IDF and on the Home Front, as part of the ‘hesder’ framework.
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Le tabloïd a mis sur écoute des familles de victimes de crimes : des soldats tués en Irak, des morts dans l'attentat de Londres en 2005, une jeune fille assassinée. |
Audiovisuel extérieur (AEF): Alain de Pouzilhac mauvais manager de l'année ?
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Alain de Pouzilhac, mauvais manager? Ce n’est pas Christine Ockrent qui le dit, mais c’est ce que laissent entendre les critiques de la mission de contrôle général économique et financier de l’audiovisuel public. |
Je suis proctologue... et ce n'est pas sale
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Vous vous demandez parfois comment font ces gens pour exercer une telle profession ? Jean-Luc Saint-Martin, proctologue, s'occupe des pathologies de l'anus et du rectum. Il vous répond. |
Valls cogne… Aubry, Hollande, Montebourg et Royal !
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Lors d'une rencontre citoyenne à Paris, le député-maire d'Evry a prôné le "discours de vérité". Carnet de campagne, par Sylvain Courage |
Vers un fichage des "honnêtes" Français ?
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Une proposition de loi vise à moderniser la carte d'identité et créer un fichier centralisé des données biométrique des Français. Un texte essentiel mélangeant sécurité informatique et lobbying. Par Boris Manenti |
Les banques rabotent leurs commissions
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L'Autorité de la concurrence a passé un accord avec les banques sur une baisse des commissions sur les retraits et les paiements par carte. |
Binationalité : Guéant n'a pas "l'intention de changer la loi"
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Le ministre de l'Intérieur souhaite toutefois "rehausser le niveau des exigences" pour ceux "qui veulent entrer dans la nationalité". |
Harry Potter : la suite est déjà écrite
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Chaque phénomène planétaire donne naissance à des mouvements annexes plus ou moins gratinés. Harry Potter n'a pas failli à la règle, avec les fanfictions. Par Camille Bolo |
MALAISIE. Prise d’otage dans une école
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Un homme armé a pris en otage une trentaine d'enfants et quatre enseignants avant d’être interpellé. |
Flottille pour Gaza : le bateau français intercepté en Crète
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Le navire de militants pro-palestiniens est convoyé au port de Sitia par les autorités grecques. |
JO 2018 : la douche "très, très froide" d'Annecy
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La candidature française n'a enregistré que sept voix lors du vote pour la désignation des JO d'Hiver de 2018. |
Natalie Portman : son bébé a un prénom !
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Après trois semaines d’attente insupportable, on sait enfin comment s’appelle le petit Millepied. Par Cécile Delarue, à Los Angeles. |
Areva : Lauvergeon regrette les "stratégies fluctuantes de l'Etat"
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Patronne d'Areva pendant dix ans, Anne Lauvergeon n'a pas été reconduite par l'Elysée à la tête du groupe nucléaire. |
Les agriculteurs se mobilisent à Rungis
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"Si ça continue comme ça, on ne pourra plus produire en France", déplorent les agriculteurs, qui interpellent les grossistes qui favorisent les produits espagnols. |
Taxer les sodas pour lutter contre l'obésité : efficace ?
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OPINION. Cette mesure appliquée aux Etats-Unis s'apparente surtout à une punition. Par Camille Letourmy, ingénieur en nutrition. |
Gary Dourdan : l'Expert se shootait à "l'héro du péquenaud"
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Gary Dourdan a eu un accident sous l'influence d'un puissant antalgique. Par Jean-Frédéric Tronche |
Little Richard : Petit mais Costaud
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A 78 ans, "l’architecte du Rock’n Roll" roule toujours : il a mis le feu à la Maison Blanche pour la Fête nationale. Par Cécile Delarue, à Los Angeles |
BORDEAUX. La femme du préfet de l'Orne prise en otage dans un train
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Armé de "deux lames japonaises", l'auteur des faits demandait la révision d'une condamnation. Il a été interpellé. |
SYRIE. "On leur avait arraché les ongles"
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L'opposant syrien Ashraf Almoukdad, de passage à Paris, nous raconte le martyre de la ville de Deraa, de son jeune cousin Hamza, torturé et tué à 13 ans. Par Céline Lussato |
Enquête sur des contrats d'armement au profit de Moubarak
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C'est la première fois depuis sa démission que l'ancien président fait l'objet d'une enquête de la part de la justice militaire. |
VIDEOS | |||||
![]() Alexis Mabille : Collection Automne-Hiver 2011-2012 |
![]() Les premiers pas de Christine Lagarde au FMI |
![]() Un Ovni en flammes dans le ciel du Mexique |
![]() FMI : ce qui attend Christine Lagarde |
![]() La destruction de 2.272 kg de feux d'artifice |
Blogs | |||
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Festival d'Avignon. Un ”Jan Karski,” admirable Par Odile Quirot |
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DSK et les pensées correctes Par Jean Daniel |
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Le génie des Napolitains Par Marcelle Padovani |
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«Les 20 indispensables de l’été» (et quelques nouvelles d’éditeurs) Par Laure Garcia |
Voir tous les blogs |
Diário do Rio de Janeiro
- Piadas com as explosões dos bueiros no Rio de Janeiro
- Carioca só quer dormir e namorar no Inverno
- Mapa das Explosões de Bueiros
- Tem Skiny Para Mim
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 11:20 PM PDT
![]() Como peguei a maioria do Twitter, infelizmente não dá para citar a fonte. Mas as imagens são do Kibeloco e a capa do jornal Meia Hora de 3a feira. E você tem mais alguma piada?
![]() Posts Relacionados:
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 03:55 PM PDT
Vou dizer, nesse frio tem de ser herói para acordar
cedo e tomar banho. E mais difícil que entrar no banho, é sair… E você, o
que gosta de fazer no inverno? Pode responder aqui
Posts Relacionados:
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 11:26 AM PDT
Veja o mapa abaixo, ou maior aqui, e quem souber de mais casos mande um e-mail para rio@diariodorio.com.
Visualizar Mapa da Explosão de Bueiros em um mapa maior Posts Relacionados:
Posted: 06 Jul 2011 11:07 AM PDT
Pois o Skinny começou na 6a um blog, www.temskinypramim.com.br/blog.php,
com tirinhas dos seus mascotes o Skiny e o Bigodudo (acho que você vai
descobrir quem é quem rápido). São postadas novas tirinhas todos os
dias, além de jogos e competições, dá para ficar o dia todo lá. Já foi
lançado o Jogo da Forca no Facebook, paguei um mico desgraçado e não consegui passar da 2a pergunta… se tivesse alguma sobre o Rio facilitava a minha vida!
No related posts. |
valise diplomatique
La Nakba effacée
d'un manuel scolaire français
Dominique Vidal
A en croire une dépêche de l'Agence France Presse (AFP) datée du 4 juillet,
« des passages de nouveaux manuels d'histoire contemporaine à destination des
classes de première générale, contestés par des associations juives, vont être
"modifiés" à l'occasion de l'impression des versions définitives, a indiqué
lundi l'éditeur Hachette Education ».
Ces modifications concerneraient la description du « partage de la Palestine » par les « manuels de premières L, S et ES à la rentrée 2011 ». Et l'agence de citer le président du Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (CRIF), qui dénonce une « présentation du conflit israélo-palestinien tout à fait scandaleuse ». M. Richard Prasquier voit notamment dans l'emploi du terme Nakba (« catastrophe », en arabe) une « idéologisation » et s'en prend à des « erreurs factuelles », sans toutefois, observe l'AFP, « préciser lesquelles ». Pour sa part, note enfin la dépêche, « le Bureau national de vigilance contre l'antisémitisme (BNVCA) a reproché aux auteurs du manuel d'"interpréter les faits historiques, de tronquer la vérité, de prendre parti" ».
A défaut de précisions du ministère de l'éducation nationale, qui a refusé de commenter ces informations, on se perd en conjectures.
Responsable, en dernier ressort, du contenu des manuels scolaires destinés aux lycéens français, le ministère ne tombe-t-il pas dans le communautarisme, si souvent vilipendé par le président de la République et le premier ministre, en acceptant de laisser un éditeur en réviser le contenu à la demande d'associations ou de groupes d'influence représentant (ou prétendant représenter) diverses « communautés » ? (...)
Ces modifications concerneraient la description du « partage de la Palestine » par les « manuels de premières L, S et ES à la rentrée 2011 ». Et l'agence de citer le président du Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (CRIF), qui dénonce une « présentation du conflit israélo-palestinien tout à fait scandaleuse ». M. Richard Prasquier voit notamment dans l'emploi du terme Nakba (« catastrophe », en arabe) une « idéologisation » et s'en prend à des « erreurs factuelles », sans toutefois, observe l'AFP, « préciser lesquelles ». Pour sa part, note enfin la dépêche, « le Bureau national de vigilance contre l'antisémitisme (BNVCA) a reproché aux auteurs du manuel d'"interpréter les faits historiques, de tronquer la vérité, de prendre parti" ».
A défaut de précisions du ministère de l'éducation nationale, qui a refusé de commenter ces informations, on se perd en conjectures.
Responsable, en dernier ressort, du contenu des manuels scolaires destinés aux lycéens français, le ministère ne tombe-t-il pas dans le communautarisme, si souvent vilipendé par le président de la République et le premier ministre, en acceptant de laisser un éditeur en réviser le contenu à la demande d'associations ou de groupes d'influence représentant (ou prétendant représenter) diverses « communautés » ? (...)
la suite de cet article inédit de Dominique Vidal :
Sur le site
Handala, témoin de l'histoire palestinienne
07/07. Le lac des signes
Marina Da Silva -
Quelle victoire pour les « chemises rouges » en Thaïlande ?
07/07. La valise diplomatique
Xavier Monthéard -
Combien sont payés les sondés ?
05/07. Régime d'opinion
Alain Garrigou -
Etats-Unis, vers une société post-européenne
05/07. Visions cartographiques
Jim Cohen et Philip S. Golub
Lodo, il Cav: “Lo presenteremo in Parlamento”/ "E' una norma sacrosanta ed equilibrata. Si può pensare di inserirla durante il percorso parlamentare". Lo ha detto il presidente del Consiglio in merito alla cosiddetta norma salva Fininvest visto che "non era un intervento ad personam, ma era una cosa giusta fatta in favore di moltissime aziende". Poi rivela: "Tremonti considerava quella norma sacrosanta e anche Calderoli l’ha vista e approvata”. Ma il ministro leghista nega. Lo scontro. La guerra in Libia? "Ero e sono contrario. Ma ho avuto le mani legate dal voto del Parlamento"

![]() | Propaganda, The News, What People Believe & Why Dr. Cynthia Boaz deals with a common source, FOX News, and their application and employment of standard propaganda and "spin" techniques which we see every day. Read More »» |


