Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: President Giorgio Napolitano, and the social block of which he is a puppet, wanted the 2006 referendum for firing a modernizing institutional reform!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

President Giorgio Napolitano, and the social block of which he is a puppet, wanted the 2006 referendum for firing a modernizing institutional reform!

Costi della casta, la colpa è degli italiani/ "A dire il vero una riforma costituzionale per ridurre gli inquilini del Parlamento c'era già stata: quella della devoluzione del 2005, che, oltre al trasferimento di poteri alle Regioni e al Senato federale, riduceva di un terzo il numero di deputati e senatori. A partire dal 2011. La riforma che aveva superato tutto il lunghissimo iter previsto dalla Carta, venne però respinta dal referendum della primavera 2006. Quando si esprime il popolo sovrano, in democrazia ha sempre ragione…".

L'Aquitaine teste avec succès ses senseurs au large de la Bretagne
Premiers enregistrements de pistes radar, premières images infrarouges, premiers déploiements du sonar remorqué... La tête de série du programme des frégates européennes multi-missions (FREMM) a achevé avec succès sa...

DCNS teste son nouveau système de lutte anti-torpille
DCNS a procédé, sur son site de Saint-Tropez, à une série d'essais de son nouveau système anti-torpille Contralto. Plusieurs tirs de maquettes inertes de la contre-mesure Canto-V, pour bâtiments de surface, ont été menés...

Un nouveau DRH pour DCNS
C'est bien Alain Guillou, jusqu'ici Directeur des Ressources Humaines de la DGA, qui succède à Hervé Dufoix chez DCNS. Un retour aux sources pour le nouveau DRH, puisque cet ingénieur général de l'armement (hors classe),...

La vente du chantier Blohm+Voss à Abu Dhabi Mar est abandonnée
Après deux ans de négociations, la cession par l'Allemand ThyssenKrupp de sa branche civile du chantier Blohm+Voss, au groupe Abu Dhabi Mar a été abandonnée d'un commun accord. La raison principale évoquée est le conte...

Le premier porte-avions chinois à la mer dans le courant de l'été
C'est finalement cet été, et peut-être dès le mois d'août si tout va bien, que le premier porte-avions chinois devrait débuter ses essais en mer. Actuellement en achèvement à l'arsenal de Dalian, le Shi Lang (ex-Va...

L'US Navy commande son 63ème destroyer du type Arleigh Burke
Les chantiers Huntington Ingalls Industries se sont vus notifier, par la marine américaine, le contrat portant sur la réalisation du 63ème destroyer lance-missiles du type DDG 51 (classe Arleigh Burke). Cette commande fa...

Schiebel vend son drone Camcopter S-100 en Russie
Présenté la semaine dernière au salon naval IMDS, à Saint-Pétersbourg, le drone Camcopter S-100 vient de remporter son premier contrat en Russie. C'est ce qu'a annoncé son concepteur, l'Autrichien Schiebel, qui s'est all...

L'attaque d'un vraquier singapourien déjouée au large d'Oman
Aidé par des F/A-18 du porte-avions américain USS George H.W. Bush et le ravitailleur britannique RFA Fort Victoria, l'équipage du Sagar Ratan, un vraquier de 61.000 tonnes immatriculé à Singapour, est parvenu à déjo...

Deux tentatives d'attaques pirates devant Singapour
Dans la nuit du 1er au 2 juillet, deux attaques pirates se sont déroulées à quelques heures d'intervalle dans le détroit de Malacca, à proximité immédiate de Singapour. La première attaque a eu lieu sur le Woodstar, un v...

Opération sécurité en mer au large de Granville
La première opération « sécurité mer » de la saison estivale 2011 sur la façade Manche mer du Nord s'est déroulée hier, entre Granville et les îles Chausey. Entre 10 et 14 heures, les différentes administrations ...

A la découverte des métiers du ferry Barfleur (3)
Durant toute cette semaine, nous vous proposons de partir à la rencontre de l'équipage du Barfleur, de Brittany Ferries. De la passerelle à la cuisine, en passant par les boutiques et les machines, une soixantaine de per...

CMA CGM : Nouveau service entre l'Asie, les Fidji et la Nouvelle-Zélande
Le groupe maritime français annonce le lancement, à compter du 18 juillet, d'une nouvelle ligne reliant l'Asie, les îles Fidji et la Nouvelle-Zélande. Baptisé ANZEX, ce nouveau service hebdomadaire sera exploité...

Conteneurs : Le projet de navette entre Caen et Le Havre en bonne voie
Le projet de mise en place l'an prochain d'une liaison maritime pour conteneurs entre Caen et Le Havre suit son cours. Huit mois après la signature d'une première convention, l'ensemble des acteurs concernés, notamme...

Rouen : Le trafic en hausse au premier semestre
Le trafic du port de Rouen est en hausse de 4.7% au premier semestre. La place portuaire normande a traité 13.2 millions de tonnes, confirmant la tendance haussière enregistrée depuis 2009. Le trafic a été porté par les ...

Nantes : L'IRT Jules Verne tient son AG constitutive
L'assemblée générale constitutive de l'AFIRT, Association des membres Fondateurs de l'IRT Jules Verne, s'est déroulée le 30 juin. Cette association de préfiguration, qui rassemble les 28 membres fondateurs, a pour ob...

Eolien offshore : Areva fait alliance avec Iberdrola
Areva et l'énergéticien espagnol Iberdrola Renewables ont annoncé un accord de partenariat pour répondre sur deux des champs éoliens offshores du futur appel d'offres français. Dans le cadre de cet accord, Areva sera le ...

Louis Cruises renforce son équipe commerciale en France
Conformément à ce qu'avait indiqué lors de sa récente prise de fonction Nicholas Sharp, directeur général de Louis Cruises France, la compagnie grecque renforce son équipe hexagonale. Afin de soutenir le développement ...

MSC Croisières introduit des cabines Spa sur ses paquebots
La compagnie italo-suisse développe son offre avec de nouvelles cabines dédiées au bien-être. D'abord implantées sur les paquebots MSC Fantasia et MSC Splendida, les Aurea Spa Suites seront situées près du Spa et leurs o...

Information Clearing House Newsletter
News You Won't Find On CNN
July 05, 2011

"I think our governments will remain virtuous for many centuries as long as they are chiefly agricultural; and this will be as long as there shall be vacant lands in any part of America. When they get piled upon one another in large cities as in Europe, they will become corrupt as in Europe."-- Thomas Jefferson -- (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President


Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,
Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,570

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001
Perpetual Motion
Why the War Machine Keeps on Running
By Franklin C. Spinney
Today, the United States is locked in a throes of perpetual war, and our politics are dominated by its political handmaiden, perpetual fear. If you doubt this, just think about the recent expansion of drone assaults to Libya and Somalia or your next invasive pat down in an airport or the continuation of the onerous Patriot Act.


The Petraeus-CIA Powergrab
By Jack D. Douglas
The U.S. Party is now moving faster to concentrate power in the military, to expand U.S. murder attacks around the world, and to intimidate any critics in the ways totalitarian regimes do in their early days to silence critics as they consolidate their power.


Papandreou Selling Off Greek Assets
PASOK: Pan Hellenic Socialist Kleptocrats
By James Petras
George Papandreou is not bought, he is rented. He sells public enterprises to the multinationals. - He supports NATO's war against Libya. He directs the Greek Coast Guard to enforce Netanyahu's blockade of Gaza.


Why was Salah muzzled for preaching peace in London?
By Jonathan Cook
He is an Islamic "preacher of hate" whose views reflect "virulent anti-Semitism" and who has funded Hamas terror operations, according to much of the British media.


The First American Dollar War Defeat
By Ron Holland
How powerful elite interests and central bankers could manipulate American foreign policy using a black flag event in order to guarantee the American dollar remains the world's reserve currency.


Whatever Happened to the Freedom to Fly?
By Brian J. Foley
Memo to Southwest Airlines: Why Don't You Honor All Defenders of Liberty This Fourth of July?

I Didn't Fight For Your Freedom
By Jude
I didn't fight for your freedoms. In the six years I was in, - Neither did anyone who went to Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Vietnam. It's all Bullshi*.


July 4th is a Scam
By James Altucher
Lets not view the Constitution as gospel. Countries, people, systems, technology evolves. As they do, its important to see what from the past is good and what can be discarded.


FBI Secretly Tracked College Student Without Warrant
You might want to take a look under your rear bumper after reading this.


A Brilliant and Courageous Statement
By: Fidel Castro
The external and internal enemies of Hugo Chávez are at the mercy of his words and his initiatives. Without a doubt there shall be surprises in store for them.


Double bombing kills 37 at Iraqi government office:
A car packed with explosives and a roadside bomb went off back-to-back outside a municipal building north of Baghdad on Tuesday, killing 37 people and wounding 54, Iraqi police and a hospital doctor said.


Sources: US offers 10,000 troops for Iraq as option to extend American occupation:
The White House is offering to keep up to 10,000 troops in Iraq next year, U.S. officials say, despite opposition from many Iraqis and key Democratic Party allies who demand that President Barack Obama bring home the American military as promised.


Four NATO occupation force soldiers killed in Afghan east:
Four NATO occupation force soldiers were killed Tuesday in two attacks in eastern Afghanistan, where mostly US troops are battling a fierce Taliban insurgency close to the border with Pakistan, the military said.


British occupation force soldier missing from Afghan base found shot dead:
 A BRITISH occupation force soldier who went missing from his base in southern Afghanistan was found dead last night with gunshot wounds following a massive day-long manhunt.


Australian soldier killed in Afghanistan:
An Australian soldier has been shot in the head and killed during an encounter with insurgents in southern Afghanistan, defence chief David Hurley said on Tuesday.


Karzai: Afghan police killed in border attack:
Afghan President Hamid Karzai says an undisclosed number of Afghan border policemen have been killed and wounded after an estimated 150 militants attacked checkpoints along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.


France announces troop withdrawal from Afghanistan:
The withdrawal of France's approximately 4,000 troops will follow a timetable comparable to that of the staggered pullout of American troops, starting this summer, Sarkozy's office said in a statement.


Militants attack security convoy in Pakistan, 5 killed:
About five security personnel were killed and six others wounded in an ambush on their convoy in Southwestern district of Pakistan, said police on Tuesday.


Three militants, soldier killed as check-post attacked from Afghanistan:
A soldier and three militants were killed in a clash near a border checkpost on the Durand Line in Loi Mamond tehsil of Bajaur Agency on Sunday night, official and tribal sources said.


US wants strong grip on every Pakistani corps HQ of army
The United States has been pressing the Pakistan Army to allow the posting of a security liaison officer (SLO) at every corps headquarters of the military but the army has rejected the demand considering it a security threat, said a news report.


Did Pakistan have reporter killed?:
Obama administration officials believe that the country's intelligence service ordered the "barbaric and unacceptable" killing of a journalist who had written about ties between the country's military and Al Qaeda militants, according to a report Tuesday.


Official cost of wars short by trillions:
The total cost to the United States of its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus the related military operations in Pakistan, is set to exceed US$4 trillion ($4.8 trillion) - more than three times the sum so far authorised by Congress in the decade since the September 11 attacks.


Think tank: Shrink ground forces, end counterinsurgency missions for savings:
While saying defense cuts should be made, no lawmaker - Democrat or Republican - has yet put forth a plan detailing where the Pentagon budget could be slashed and proposing where those cuts could come from as part of recent budget and debt deliberations.


Russia criticizes US over human rights abuses in wars abroad:
"We call on the the American side to pay adequate attention to this issue in the context of President (Barack) Obama's repeated assurances of his firm intention to deal with the legal violations committed during George W. Bush's presidency under the pretext of the 'war on terror,'" Konstantin Dolgov said.


Syria: Clashes In Hama Kill 13 Civilians:
News of door-to-door police incursions and arrests were reported by human rights NGOs, who place total civilian casualties at 13, including a 15-year-old


Syria's Assad faces dilemma in Hama:
Diplomats say how Assad deals with Hama could determine the direction of Syria's unrest, at least for the immediate future.


Air strikes kill 10 in Yemen:
Four civilians and six gunmen were killed in a series of air raids yesterday that targeted extremists who have taken control of most of Yemen's southern city of Zinjibar, sources told AFP.


Yemen general says Saleh must go, backs VP:
"The general public in Yemen is seeking a transfer of power to the vice president," Gen. Ali Mohsen al-Ahmer told CNN. "This is a principle that we must follow because there are agreements that sides have signed."


Yemenis vehemently oppose US-Saudi plan:
The Secretary General of the Yemen Democratic Party, has said that the ideal of the Yemeni revolution is to make major change in the ruling regime, while declaring the vehement opposition of the Yemeni people and revolutionaries with the US-Saudi plan to transfer power to the Yemeni vice-president, Mansour Haadi.


Libya: Seven rebels killed in clash near Misurata:
Misurata early Tuesday came under an artillery attack by Libyan forces in an attempt to advance toward the northwest city in an effort to recapture parts under control by rebels.


Fact or fiction?
Col Muammar Gaddafi 'offers to give up power in Libya':
Col Muammar Gaddafi has offered to give up power for the first time, but only if his hated son is allowed to stand as his successor, a Russian official claimed on Tuesday.


NATO's ground operation in Libya to lead to unpredictable consequences in region - Russian deputy FM :
"Such interference [a ground operation] would be a serious blow to Libya's sovereignty and territorial integrity and would lead to unpredictable consequences on the regional scale," Bogdanov said in an interview with Interfax.


Depleted Uranium found in Libya by scientists:
The use of DU in Libya has been certified by a group of independent scientists on the spot, as reported by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya. It can now be added to the list of criminal acts perpetrated by NATO to protect the civilian population.


Gaddafi forces 'intercept arms from Qatar':
Government spokesman says two boats carrying weapons for rebels seized from west of Tripoli.


Israelis kill 2 Palestinians, injure one:
Israeli artillery shelling has killed two Palestinians and injured another in the central besieged Gaza Strip, medics say.


French Protest Boat Heads for Gaza:
A small French pleasure craft slipped out of Greek waters Tuesday in an attempt to break Israeli's naval blockade on Gaza, reviving an international campaign that appeared to have ground to a halt.


Gaza flotilla activists occupy Spanish embassy in Greece:
Activists demand flotilla be allowed to leave for Gaza; American captain of Gaza flotilla ship released after Saturday arrest.


Lessons of Argentina crisis ignored in handling of Greece:
Argentina provides a case study in where Greece is heading, which is out of the single currency, into default and a brutally imposed re-engagement with harsh economic realities.


Ireland: Ictu 'may support default option':
There is no possibility of 1.8 million workers repaying around €200 billion in debts arising from the collapse of the banking system within any reasonable time frame, outgoing president of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions Jack O'Connor has said.


Princess Diana Death Film Cover-up:
A new film about the death of Princess Diana has been banned in the UK


Hugo Chávez's triumphant return to Venezuela:
Just days after announcing that he was being treated for cancer in Cuba, Chávez made a surprise return to Venezuela yesterday. He's just in time for today's bicentennial celebrations.


Colombia's gold rush:
Helicopter raids by the Colombian army on small community mining collectives have become commonplace and the Colombian government is accused of targeting poor workers to protect big business interests and committing human rights violations with impunity.


US anti-piracy body targets foreign website owners for extradition:
British website owners could face extradition to the US on piracy charges even if their operation has no connection to America and does something which is most probably legal in the UK


On Independence Day 2011, we're more dependent than ever:
This year, as the nation celebrates Independence Day, the sputtering U.S. economy offers a stark reminder that today we're more dependent upon foreigners than ever before.


We're Number One? 20 Not So Good Categories That The United States Leads The World In:
A lot of people that write articles like this have a deep hatred for America. But that is not the case with me.

"Let us be peace and joy"
Tom Feeley

griefRiposte Against Zionism: Go Tell It To The People
In the preceding articles in this series, I have developed the basic theses of my analysis that define the place we stand now, and where we must stand if we wish to alter the world Zionism has contrived for us.
breaking newsDenise Nichols
The Focus of the US Media is MIA on July Fourth
Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, talks to his Greek counterpart George Papandreou in AthensJames Petras
PASOK: Pan Hellenic Socialist Kleptocrats
national_cemetery1Veterans Today
VA: Invoking God at Services OK
obama-white houseVeterans Today
President Praises Troops During July 4 Event at White House
US Huey Helicopter Spaying Agent Orange in VietnamEd Mattson
Will Agent Orange Ever Disappear?
national_cemeteryVeterans Today
At VA National Cemeteries, Families' Wishes Come First
health care in americaStephen Lendman
Health Care in Cuba and America
vt-top-101Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - July 05, 2011
Palestinian people power - could it be a game-changer?
'US needs A Declaration of Independence - from Israel'
Veterans News Now : President Praises Troops During July 4 Event at White House
Veterans News Now : At VA National Cemeteries, Families' Wishes Come First
Veterans News Now : Top 10 News For Veterans-July 5, 2011
Tom Dillman : Live 350 Years? Are They Nuts?
Veterans News Now : Remembering the Forgotten on Independence Day
Economy Health Living Military Politics Vet News WarZone World ZPicks
Tom Valentine
New Cancer Paradigm; It's About Time!
A solution to the scourge of cancer is at hand. Researchers now know where to look, and they may soon be uncovering data that brings an end to the monopolized medical nightmare. »»
Peter Duesberg
Niall Bradley
The American Dream - Connecting The Dots
A musical tribute to the American Dream, brought to you by Happy Fourth of July everyone! »»
Stephen Lendman
Independence Day Hypocrisy
All US federal holidays wreak of hypocrisy, representing notions and events other than what they commemorate. Besides Christmas, none perhaps is more celebrated than when America became independent from Britain on July 4, 1776. »»
Robert Rosebrock
Remembering the Forgotten on Independence Day
Today is American Independence Day, a time to celebrate. »»
Bob Johnson
Were America's Founders Altruistic Patriots?
On this 4th of July we need to reflect on important ideas. »»
The famous Minuteman statue based on Isaac Davis
euro money
Jeff Gates
Crisis by Consensus
Greece is in crisis because it has too much debt. The US is in crisis because it needs to issue more debt. »»
Veterans Today
A July Fourth Shame on the Founders
The tendency is to think of ourselves as "exceptional" Not just "all Americans," mind you, but all people. The Declaration of Independence was meant to be a statement expressing the "self-evident" rights of all mankind. Those principles had a universality that was a beacon to the world. -- Ray McGovern »»
trampling-founding-ideals 2
Kourosh Ziabari
Criticize Israel and Lose Your Career
American freelance journalist and researcher Alison Weir is the founder and executive director of "If Americans Knew." »»
Stephen Lendman
Israeli Freedom Flotilla II Terrorism
Daily, Israel keeps proving its lawless rogue credentials, notably by blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza. »»
free Gaza
Eileen Fleming
Failures of Intelligence
This citizen of conscience for U.S. House of Representatives 2012 asserts that America's ugly side is rooted in failures of intelligence, heretical Christianity and a lack of true patriotism, for "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official." -Theodore Roosevelt »»

Еженедельный журнал
Tammuz 3, 5771 · July 5, 2011
На этой неделе Версия для печати

Р-н Александр Фейгин
Недельная глава Торы
Содержание; тексты; уроки
Испуганный царь и жадный пророк... Ангел-ниндзя и говорливая ослица... Проклятья, перекованные в благословения и мессанское пророчество... Чума во время пира и спасительный мститель…

3 Тамуза (15 июня) - день Ребе
Краткая биография; Учение; Истории и эссе о Ребе.

Тора и современность
На первый взгляд, магия, давая человеку, находящемуся в материальном мире, доступ к духовным реалиям, выглядит чем-то сродни религии. Между ними, однако, существует принципиальная разница.

Р-н Йосеф Херсонский
Предсказания Пророков рисуют эпоху Машиаха как эру благоденствия, мира и спокойствия. Между тем, судя по мрачному прогнозу Билама (Валаама), дружная семья братских народов Земли к моменту наступления этого братства очень сильно поредеет! Какую цену человечество должно будет заплатить за всемирное процветание в дни Машиаха?

Р-н Эли Коган
Вопросы к раввину
Что для верующего еврея считается осквернением его жилища, делающим его дальнейшее проживание в нем невозможным?

Р-н Велвел Белинский
С прошлой недели
Так как все случается по Промыслу Б-жию, и вы взяли на себя труд написать мне, я воспринимаю это как признак того, что должен использовать эту возможность, чтобы обратить ваше внимание на один вопрос, который имеет отношение к вашему хобби…

Из писем Любавичского Ребе
Еврейская свадьба – сакральная смесь величественных ритуалов и безудержной радости - явление поистине уникальное. Что же там происходит и почему?


Boycott Call Enrages Danish Politicians
A suggestion by a German politician that vacationers boycott Denmark now
that the country has introduced tougher border controls has angered
leaders in Copenhagen. But the European Union is also concerned that the
new customs regime is bad for Europe.,1518,772521,00.html#ref=nlint


Photo Gallery: New Checks on the Danish Border


Danish Border Controls Shake EU Foundations
With the reintroduction of border controls, the Danes are calling into
question one of the EU's greatest achievements. Unfortunately, there has
been little protest in Brussels and other European capitals. There is
growing fatigue regarding European integration -- and that is a bitterly
disappointing trend.,1518,772517,00.html#ref=nlint


Photo Gallery: New Checks on the Danish Border


'Greece Has an Opportunity to Attract Investment'
In a SPIEGEL interview, Allianz CEO Michael Diekmann discusses the
participation of private creditors in a new bailout for Greece, the
German insurance giant's contribution to the aid package and his
proposal for a long-term solution to Athens' problems.,1518,772308,00.html#ref=nlint


'The Greeks Would Be Well Advised to Exit the Euro Zone'
Germany's high court on Tuesday began hearing a legal challenge to
the 110-billion-euro aid package provided to debt-stricken Greece in
2010. Retired economics professor Joachim Starbatty is one of those
behind the case -- and he expects the court to prove him right.,1518,772443,00.html#ref=nlint


How Greece's Political Elite Ruined the Country
The latest tranche of loans from the EU and the IMF has helped buy
debt-ridden Greece some time. But the Greeks will find it hard to get
back on their feet. Their country has been ruined by three political
dynasties, which created a bloated system of cronyism that is hard to
change.  By SPIEGEL Staff,1518,772176,00.html#ref=nlint


Armored Truck Loses 1 Million Euros on the Autobahn
A large-scale search for three bags of money containing around a million
euros which vanished from an armored truck on a German autobahn has so
far been unsuccessful. While the bags could simply have fallen out of
the truck, police are not ruling out the possibility they were stolen.,1518,772428,00.html#ref=nlint


Berlin 'Playing With Fire' in Saudi Tank Deal
The German government's approval of the sale of "Leopard" tanks to Saudi
Arabia has outraged opposition parties in Berlin, and the ruling
conservatives aren't happy about it either. Commentators say the deal
undermines principles of German foreign policy and could exacerbate the
crisis in the Arab region.,1518,772501,00.html#ref=nlint


Photo Gallery: Germany's Mighty 'Leopard' Tanks in Demand

Growth in Arms Exports: Germany Wants to Supply Battle Tanks to Saudi


'Who Knows If My Way Is the Right One?'
NBA star Dirk Nowitzki finally has his championship after 13 years in
the United States. SPIEGEL spoke to the German athlete about stage
fright, the politics of basketball and an unexpected gift from Muhammad


Photo Gallery: A German-American Hero


German Tourist Wins Refund For Hitler Salute Sketch
A German man has won a partial refund for his vacation for being
subjected to a stage show in Egypt in which entertainers gave the Hitler
salute and goosestepped around -- to show how Germans supposedly greet
each other. A Munich court ordered the firm to pay him back just 34.45


Germany Feels Strain of World Cup Expectations
The Women's World Cup this summer was supposed to increase the sport's
scope and importance in Germany. Fans, for their part, hope the
country's team takes home the title for a third time. With expectations
higher than ever, the players are feeling the pressure.,1518,772399,00.html#ref=nlint


Photo Gallery: German Team Feels World Cup Pressure

Secondo uno studio dell'Università di Boston, la combinazione fra aumento di attività solare ed effetto serra avrà effetti devastanti sul riscaldamento globale
L'Unesco apre altre 18 riserve della biosfera. All'interno del progetto MAB che conta 580 riserve in 144 nazioni, anche 10 parchi italiani.
Appello dell'Oms a una maggiore sicurezza dell'acqua pubblica. Troppi i rischi ancora legati a una sua cattiva gestione sanitaria
Sembra giunta a conclusione la querelle sui possibili nuovi tagli agli incentivi per le rinnovabili. Nel testo della manovra non si parla di decurtazioni
Cinquanta bagnati sono finiti all'ospedale a causa di vari malesseri. Imputata numero uno un'alga tossica che avrebbe infestato la zona, nutrita dall'inquinamento
Presunti tagli agli incentivi sulle rinnovabili pari al 30%, smentite dal Governo. Cosa si rischierebbe nel caso fossero confermate?
Scoppia la polemica in Puglia. L'amministrazione Vendola non rispetterebbe il secondo quesito. Dubbi e perplessità da pare del comitato Acqua Bene Comune
Il piano energetico presentato dal governo danese punta a dire addio alle fonti fossili in meno di 40 anni. La parte del leone la farà l'eolico 

*** Japan Times E-mail News Service ***
__________ Wednesday, July 6, 2011 ________________


Reconstruction minister quits after week
Ryu Matsumoto resigns as reconstruction minister just a week into his stint after drawing flak for insulting two governors in the disaster-hit Tohoku region he was tasked to rebuild, and his exit drives Prime Minister Naoto Kan into a deeper political quagmire.
[MORE] ->


45% of kids sustained thyroid radiation
Around 45 percent of children in Fukushima Prefecture checked by the prefectural and central governments in late March experienced thyroid exposure to radiation, although in all cases in trace amounts that officials said didn't warrant further examination.
[MORE] ->


Noda: Pass bond bill or nation goes bust
Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda says the government may run out of money as early as October unless a bill authorizing bond sales is passed in the Diet.
[MORE] ->

[More news]


LDP planning major energy policy rethink

Tepco pledges \300,000 more to each evacuee

Tohoku riled by Matsumoto's shortcomings

ASDF F-15 and pilot missing in the East China Sea

Utility seeks support toward Hamaoka restart

Kin bequeath writer Inoue's works to Sendai

LDP expels Hamada, suspends two

Triple-killer's death penalty final

Summer holiday travelers to slip

Cutting power at night may be overdoing it

UNHCR exec lauds refugee strides, urges more

Tepco hit up for rumor damages

Crisis may worsen lack of nuclear skills


Cabinet OKs \2 trillion quake-aid budget

787 makes trial flight from Tokyo to Osaka

Nippon Life mulls more Tepco loans

Underwater mining of rare earths economically not viable: expert says

Geneva's oldest private bank eyes doubling assets held by Japanese

NEC looking to boost sales in Brazil by 30%

Billionaire eyes Gree listing abroad

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Mr. Thaksin wins again

Brace for a surge in Southeast Asian piracy

China rocks South China Sea boat

Lagarde in the IMF inferno

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Moody's: China's Local Debt Underreported By $540 Billion

July 5, 2011
China's local government debt burden may be 3.5 trillion yuan ($540 billion) larger than auditors estimated, putting banks on the hook for deeper losses that could threaten their credit ratings, Moody's said on Tuesday.