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L'Aquitaine teste avec succès ses senseurs au large de la Bretagne Premiers enregistrements de pistes radar, premières images infrarouges, premiers déploiements du sonar remorqué... La tête de série du programme des frégates européennes multi-missions (FREMM) a achevé avec succès sa... |
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DCNS teste son nouveau système de lutte anti-torpille DCNS a procédé, sur son site de Saint-Tropez, à une série d'essais de son nouveau système anti-torpille Contralto. Plusieurs tirs de maquettes inertes de la contre-mesure Canto-V, pour bâtiments de surface, ont été menés... |
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Un nouveau DRH pour DCNS C'est bien Alain Guillou, jusqu'ici Directeur des Ressources Humaines de la DGA, qui succède à Hervé Dufoix chez DCNS. Un retour aux sources pour le nouveau DRH, puisque cet ingénieur général de l'armement (hors classe),... |
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La vente du chantier Blohm+Voss à Abu Dhabi Mar est abandonnée Après deux ans de négociations, la cession par l'Allemand ThyssenKrupp de sa branche civile du chantier Blohm+Voss, au groupe Abu Dhabi Mar a été abandonnée d'un commun accord. La raison principale évoquée est le conte... |
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Le premier porte-avions chinois à la mer dans le courant de l'été C'est finalement cet été, et peut-être dès le mois d'août si tout va bien, que le premier porte-avions chinois devrait débuter ses essais en mer. Actuellement en achèvement à l'arsenal de Dalian, le Shi Lang (ex-Va... |
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L'US Navy commande son 63ème destroyer du type Arleigh Burke Les chantiers Huntington Ingalls Industries se sont vus notifier, par la marine américaine, le contrat portant sur la réalisation du 63ème destroyer lance-missiles du type DDG 51 (classe Arleigh Burke). Cette commande fa... |
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Schiebel vend son drone Camcopter S-100 en Russie Présenté la semaine dernière au salon naval IMDS, à Saint-Pétersbourg, le drone Camcopter S-100 vient de remporter son premier contrat en Russie. C'est ce qu'a annoncé son concepteur, l'Autrichien Schiebel, qui s'est all... |
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L'attaque d'un vraquier singapourien déjouée au large d'Oman Aidé par des F/A-18 du porte-avions américain USS George H.W. Bush et le ravitailleur britannique RFA Fort Victoria, l'équipage du Sagar Ratan, un vraquier de 61.000 tonnes immatriculé à Singapour, est parvenu à déjo... |
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Deux tentatives d'attaques pirates devant Singapour Dans la nuit du 1er au 2 juillet, deux attaques pirates se sont déroulées à quelques heures d'intervalle dans le détroit de Malacca, à proximité immédiate de Singapour. La première attaque a eu lieu sur le Woodstar, un v... |
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Opération sécurité en mer au large de Granville La première opération « sécurité mer » de la saison estivale 2011 sur la façade Manche mer du Nord s'est déroulée hier, entre Granville et les îles Chausey. Entre 10 et 14 heures, les différentes administrations ... |
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A la découverte des métiers du ferry Barfleur (3) Durant toute cette semaine, nous vous proposons de partir à la rencontre de l'équipage du Barfleur, de Brittany Ferries. De la passerelle à la cuisine, en passant par les boutiques et les machines, une soixantaine de per... |
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CMA CGM : Nouveau service entre l'Asie, les Fidji et la Nouvelle-Zélande Le groupe maritime français annonce le lancement, à compter du 18 juillet, d'une nouvelle ligne reliant l'Asie, les îles Fidji et la Nouvelle-Zélande. Baptisé ANZEX, ce nouveau service hebdomadaire sera exploité... |
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Conteneurs : Le projet de navette entre Caen et Le Havre en bonne voie Le projet de mise en place l'an prochain d'une liaison maritime pour conteneurs entre Caen et Le Havre suit son cours. Huit mois après la signature d'une première convention, l'ensemble des acteurs concernés, notamme... |
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Rouen : Le trafic en hausse au premier semestre Le trafic du port de Rouen est en hausse de 4.7% au premier semestre. La place portuaire normande a traité 13.2 millions de tonnes, confirmant la tendance haussière enregistrée depuis 2009. Le trafic a été porté par les ... |
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Nantes : L'IRT Jules Verne tient son AG constitutive L'assemblée générale constitutive de l'AFIRT, Association des membres Fondateurs de l'IRT Jules Verne, s'est déroulée le 30 juin. Cette association de préfiguration, qui rassemble les 28 membres fondateurs, a pour ob... |
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Eolien offshore : Areva fait alliance avec Iberdrola Areva et l'énergéticien espagnol Iberdrola Renewables ont annoncé un accord de partenariat pour répondre sur deux des champs éoliens offshores du futur appel d'offres français. Dans le cadre de cet accord, Areva sera le ... |
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Louis Cruises renforce son équipe commerciale en France Conformément à ce qu'avait indiqué lors de sa récente prise de fonction Nicholas Sharp, directeur général de Louis Cruises France, la compagnie grecque renforce son équipe hexagonale. Afin de soutenir le développement ... |
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MSC Croisières introduit des cabines Spa sur ses paquebots La compagnie italo-suisse développe son offre avec de nouvelles cabines dédiées au bien-être. D'abord implantées sur les paquebots MSC Fantasia et MSC Splendida, les Aurea Spa Suites seront situées près du Spa et leurs o... |

![]() | Riposte Against Zionism: Go Tell It To The People In the preceding articles in this series, I have developed the basic theses of my analysis that define the place we stand now, and where we must stand if we wish to alter the world Zionism has contrived for us. Read More »» |


Еженедельный журнал Ru.chabad.org
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------------------------------------------------------------------------ ATTACK ON BORDER-FREE TRAVEL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boycott Call Enrages Danish Politicians A suggestion by a German politician that vacationers boycott Denmark now that the country has introduced tougher border controls has angered leaders in Copenhagen. But the European Union is also concerned that the new customs regime is bad for Europe. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,772521,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: New Checks on the Danish Border http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-70039.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE SABOTEURS AMONG US ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Danish Border Controls Shake EU Foundations With the reintroduction of border controls, the Danes are calling into question one of the EU's greatest achievements. Unfortunately, there has been little protest in Brussels and other European capitals. There is growing fatigue regarding European integration -- and that is a bitterly disappointing trend. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,772517,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: New Checks on the Danish Border http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-70039.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPIEGEL INTERVIEW WITH ALLIANZ CEO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Greece Has an Opportunity to Attract Investment' In a SPIEGEL interview, Allianz CEO Michael Diekmann discusses the participation of private creditors in a new bailout for Greece, the German insurance giant's contribution to the aid package and his proposal for a long-term solution to Athens' problems. http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/0,1518,772308,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL CHALLENGE TO GREECE AID ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'The Greeks Would Be Well Advised to Exit the Euro Zone' Germany's high court on Tuesday began hearing a legal challenge to the 110-billion-euro aid package provided to debt-stricken Greece in 2010. Retired economics professor Joachim Starbatty is one of those behind the case -- and he expects the court to prove him right. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,772443,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERATIONS OF PORK ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How Greece's Political Elite Ruined the Country The latest tranche of loans from the EU and the IMF has helped buy debt-ridden Greece some time. But the Greeks will find it hard to get back on their feet. Their country has been ruined by three political dynasties, which created a bloated system of cronyism that is hard to change. By SPIEGEL Staff http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,772176,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HIGHWAY ROBBERY? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Armored Truck Loses 1 Million Euros on the Autobahn A large-scale search for three bags of money containing around a million euros which vanished from an armored truck on a German autobahn has so far been unsuccessful. While the bags could simply have fallen out of the truck, police are not ruling out the possibility they were stolen. http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,772428,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD FROM BERLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Berlin 'Playing With Fire' in Saudi Tank Deal The German government's approval of the sale of "Leopard" tanks to Saudi Arabia has outraged opposition parties in Berlin, and the ruling conservatives aren't happy about it either. Commentators say the deal undermines principles of German foreign policy and could exacerbate the crisis in the Arab region. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,772501,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: Germany's Mighty 'Leopard' Tanks in Demand http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-69968.html#ref=nlint Growth in Arms Exports: Germany Wants to Supply Battle Tanks to Saudi Arabia http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,772177,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPIEGEL INTERVIEW WITH NBA STAR DIRK NOWITZKI ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Who Knows If My Way Is the Right One?' NBA star Dirk Nowitzki finally has his championship after 13 years in the United States. SPIEGEL spoke to the German athlete about stage fright, the politics of basketball and an unexpected gift from Muhammad Ali. http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,772189,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: A German-American Hero http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-69967.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTRAGE OVER EGYPTIAN HOTEL SHOW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ German Tourist Wins Refund For Hitler Salute Sketch A German man has won a partial refund for his vacation for being subjected to a stage show in Egypt in which entertainers gave the Hitler salute and goosestepped around -- to show how Germans supposedly greet each other. A Munich court ordered the firm to pay him back just 34.45 euros. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,772423,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE BEAUTIFUL GAME ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Germany Feels Strain of World Cup Expectations The Women's World Cup this summer was supposed to increase the sport's scope and importance in Germany. Fans, for their part, hope the country's team takes home the title for a third time. With expectations higher than ever, the players are feeling the pressure. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,772399,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: German Team Feels World Cup Pressure http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-70008.html#ref=nlint
uno studio dell'Università di Boston, la combinazione fra aumento di
attività solare ed effetto serra avrà effetti devastanti sul
riscaldamento globale
apre altre 18 riserve della biosfera. All'interno del progetto MAB che
conta 580 riserve in 144 nazioni, anche 10 parchi italiani.
dell'Oms a una maggiore sicurezza dell'acqua pubblica. Troppi i rischi
ancora legati a una sua cattiva gestione sanitaria
giunta a conclusione la querelle sui possibili nuovi tagli agli
incentivi per le rinnovabili. Nel testo della manovra non si parla di
bagnati sono finiti all'ospedale a causa di vari malesseri. Imputata
numero uno un'alga tossica che avrebbe infestato la zona, nutrita
tagli agli incentivi sulle rinnovabili pari al 30%, smentite dal
Governo. Cosa si rischierebbe nel caso fossero confermate?
la polemica in Puglia. L'amministrazione Vendola non rispetterebbe il
secondo quesito. Dubbi e perplessità da pare del comitato Acqua Bene
piano energetico presentato dal governo danese punta a dire addio alle
fonti fossili in meno di 40 anni. La parte del leone la farà l'eolico
*** Japan Times E-mail News Service *** __________ Wednesday, July 6, 2011 ________________ TODAY'S TOP STORIES ========================= [NATIONAL NEWS] Reconstruction minister quits after week Ryu Matsumoto resigns as reconstruction minister just a week into his stint after drawing flak for insulting two governors in the disaster-hit Tohoku region he was tasked to rebuild, and his exit drives Prime Minister Naoto Kan into a deeper political quagmire. [MORE] -> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110706a1.html --- [NATIONAL NEWS] 45% of kids sustained thyroid radiation Around 45 percent of children in Fukushima Prefecture checked by the prefectural and central governments in late March experienced thyroid exposure to radiation, although in all cases in trace amounts that officials said didn't warrant further examination. [MORE] -> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110706a2.html --- [NATIONAL NEWS] Noda: Pass bond bill or nation goes bust Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda says the government may run out of money as early as October unless a bill authorizing bond sales is passed in the Diet. 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METZLER http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/eo20110706a2.html [OPINION] Lagarde in the IMF inferno KEVIN RAFFERTY http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/eo20110706a3.html [More Op-Ed stories] http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion.html FEATURES ========================= [COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY NEWS] Video games now have the same U.S. protection as books and films BRIAN ASHCRAFT http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nc20110706ba.html [For features] http://www.japantimes.co.jp/life.html http://www.japantimes.co.jp/entertainment.html ===================================================================== Follow The Japan Times on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/thejapantimes and Twitter: http://twitter.com/japantimes ===================================================================== SPORTS ========================= [BASEBALL] Jeter held hitless in return http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sb20110706a1.html [BASEBALL] Marines' Castillo makes eyecatching return to Japan JASON COSKREY http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sb20110706j1.html [SOCCER] Zaccheroni spurns interested suitors http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sc20110706a1.html [SOCCER] Inoha to join Croatia's Hajduk Split http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sc20110706a2.html [SOCCER] Otsu set for Monchengladbach move http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sc20110706a3.html [AMERICAN FOOTBALL] NFL retirees file court complaint http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sf20110706a1.html [GOLF] Miyazato sets sights on U.S. Open http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sg20110706a1.html [BASKETBALL] Suzuki retires to coach HeatDevils http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sk20110706b1.html [OLYMPICS] Pyeongchang battling hard to host 2018 Winter Games http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/so20110706a1.html [SPORTS] American Farrar takes July 4th stage http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sp20110706a1.html [SPORTS] IOC approves slopestyle for Sochi http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sp20110706w1.html [INTERNATIONAL SOCCER] Chile rallies past Mexico http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sw20110706a1.html [More Sports Stories] http://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports.html http://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/sumo.html

I cibi grassi inducono a un'irresistibile voglia di mangiarne sempre di più, creando una vera e propria dipendenza. Colpa...

Esistono alimenti che facilitano il concepimento? Ecco il parere degli esperti e qualche consiglio per rimanere incinta in...
Moody's: China's Local Debt Underreported By $540 Billion
July 5, 2011
China's local government debt burden may be 3.5 trillion yuan ($540
billion) larger than auditors estimated, putting banks on the hook for
deeper losses that could threaten their credit ratings, Moody's said on