| Prof. William A. Cook The Death of Democracy "The
right to freedom of expression is a fundamental one, necessary to
protect the exercise of all other human rights in democratic societies
because it is essential for holding governments accountable to the
public" (Human Rights Watch, "When Speech Offends," February-March
2006). »» |
Veterans Today U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for Jul 21, 2011 Harris
Information Technology Services Corp., Dulles, Va., is being awarded a
$64,660,233 firm-price-incentive firm-with-award-fee contract
modification for the network and space operations and maintenance,
maintenance and logistics support to be provided to Air Force Space
Command's 50th Space Wing. »» |
| Tom Valentine Free Trade, Trojan Horse Stole America When
I joined the Liberty Lobby and Spotlight Newspaper in early 1980s, the
major issues were confronting Zionism and Stopping NAFTAFA (the North
American Free Trade and Finance agreements-note how the "finance" part
is conveniently left off in most media cases). »» |
| Veterans Today A Great Book About the Great Games Eric
Walberg's Postmodern Imperialism: Geopolitics and the Great Games is
the best introduction to geopolitics that I have seen. Walberg begins by
citing such classic theoreticians as Mackinder, Haushofer and Ratzel in
his description of how the imperial center drains the resources of its
periphery »» |
Robert Rosebrock RePatriot Radio Tomorrow - Don't Miss It! Join
us tomorrow, Friday morning, July 22, for the "Veterans Weekly Forum"
RePatriot Radio Show broadcast live from the Metro Philadelphia area and
carried over AM Radio in the Tri-State area of Pennsylvania, Delaware
and New Jersey, with a potential listening audience of 5,000,000. »» |