Ministeri al Nord, l'alt di Napolitano

Lettera a Berlusconi del capo dello Stato: «Preoccupato
per il decentramento»
POLITICA La missiva al premier contiene i rilievi del Colle. Lega «irritata». La scorsa settimana esponenti del governo hanno partecipato all'inaugurazione

Il capo dello Stato oggi ha inviato
a Berlusconi una lettera contenente "motivi di preoccupazione sul tema del decentramento" di quattro sedi inaugurate sabato scorso a Monza |
"Ipotesi crimini contro l'umanità"
Solo così Breivik prenderà 30 anniBorghezio choc, la Lega lo scarica
L'imputazione potrebbe cambiare per rendere più severa la pena.
Il leghista: giuste le idee dell'assassino. Calderoli si scusa: farnetica |
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Fuga d'amore sfidando le leggi. Dopo le faide familiari, Salma
e Stephen, che si amano dal liceo, cercano una vita migliore.
e Stephen, che si amano dal liceo, cercano una vita migliore.
Memoria difensiva alla Giunta della Camera. "Contro di me fumus persecutionis, Procure colabrodo. Da Giulio 4.000 euro al mese"
Milanese "pronto a spiegare" Alla Camera nuove carte
Il 'superministro' vive gratis nella casa del braccio destro
Milanese: "Date alla Procura cassette e tabulati telefonici"
Il 'superministro' vive gratis nella casa del braccio destro
Milanese: "Date alla Procura cassette e tabulati telefonici"

Ministeri al Nord, stop di Napolitano
Lettera a Berlusconi: "C'è preoccupazione"
Messaggio del presidente della Repubblica al premier. Rilievi sullo spostamento delle sedi di quattro dicasteri a Monza. L'inaugurazione sabato con una coda di dure polemiche. Gli insulti della Lega
"Breivik, siano crimini contro l'umanità"
Video: Borghezio choc. E la Lega chiede scusa

BLOG Dalla Norvegia all'Europa di ENRICO FRANCESCHINI
Utoya, gli spari e la fuga: videoracconto
Norvegia piange: foto/video Il piano del killer
BLOG Dalla Norvegia all'Europa di ENRICO FRANCESCHINI
Utoya, gli spari e la fuga: videoracconto
Norvegia piange: foto/video Il piano del killer
Napolitano scrive a Berlusconi:
"I ministeri al Nord preoccupano"
Lettera del capo dello Stato al Cav per esprimere preoccupazione sul decentramento

ore 21:01
Il presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano ha oggi inviato al presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi una lettera contenente rilievi e motivi di preoccupazione sul tema, oggetto di ampio dibattito, del decentramento delle sedi dei ministeri sul territorio

Bersani in una lettera al Corriere: "Non rivendichiamo una diversità genetica, ma una diversità politica". Poi però ammette: "Non siamo immuni da sospetti". Penati annuncia le sue dimissioni da vicepresidente del Consiglio regionale della Lombardia. I pm: Di Caterina come Greganti. "100 milioni a Botteghe oscure". E si riapre pure il dossier Serravalle

L’ex consigliere del ministro Tremonti, Marco Milanese, scrive una memoria difensiva alla Giunta per le autorizzazioni della Camera che dovrà decidere sulla richiesta d’arresto nei suoi confronti: "L’iniziativa giudiziaria assume la veste della persecuzione poiché diseguale è il trattamento riservatomi rispetto alla generalità dei casi"

Il neosegretario del Pdl rilancia la proposta di formare un Ppe italiano riagganciando le forze del centrodestra. Lancia un appello a Casini e Fini per fare un fronte comune e li invita ad abbandonare il proprio odio contro Berlusconi. Ma Bocchino non sembra ancora pronto per farlo...

L'odg passa nonostante il parere contrario del governo. Il documento indica in prima battuta l'inceneritore di Brescia e gli altri impianti del nord gestiti dalla società A24 come luogo dove avviare lo smaltimento dei rifiuti. Ma la Lega: "Odg senza valore, vigileremo perché non abbia seguito"

Affossato il provvedimento sul contrasto dell’omofobia: "Il disegno di legge avrebbe offerto una protezione privilegiata alla persona offesa in ragione del proprio orientamento sessuale e avrebbe creato discriminazioni fra chi subisce forme di violenza". La Carfagna: "Bocciato questo testo, ma riprendiamo il dialogo". L'opposizione: "E' una vergogna"

Venerdì la giunta darà il via libera ai rincari sul biglietto dell'Atm e all'introduzione dell'addizionale Irpef. La Lega invita disoccupati, precari, cassintegrati e 65enni a non pagare la corsa su tram e metropolitana: "E se sale il controllore ci si dichiari clandestini"

Ancora una giornata di proteste fuori dai cantieri della linea ad alta velocità. I manifestanti hanno impedito agli operai di lavorare e poi uno sfregio alla bandiera: hanno tolto il Tricolore dal monumento ai caduti sostituendolo col vessillo dei movemineti No Tav

Quattro mesi dopo l'inizio dei raid aerei, Londra offre una exit strategy per la Libia
- Speciali: Guerra al raìs che non si arrende
- Speciali: La rivolta contro i regimi

RECENTLY IN THE CUT Fashion Calendar
Tomorrow’s Events and Sales: Proenza Schouler’s Sample Sale; 70 Percent Off at Rogan and Loomstate
Plus, last chance for discounted Tim Hamilton and Tom Scott footwear.
Beauty Marks
Kim Kardashian Has Psoriasis; Lady Gaga May Be Going Bald
Also, Calista Flockhart cut her hair and dyed it brown.

This Is What Doutzen Kroes Looks Like When She’s Acting
She's making all her co-stars jealous, but probably just because she's clean.

Elle Fanning Is on One of Many Covers of the New Issue of LOVE Magazine
She appears to have been photographed mid-prayer.

Reports: Grace Coddington Sold Her Memoir for Seven Figures
A lifetime of dealing with the fashion industry is surely worth as much.

Alexander McQueen Left His Money to Charity, His Family, and His Dogs
Here's a list of his beneficiaries.

LVMH’s Profits Jumped 25 Percent So Far This Year
Rich folks love themselves some fancy bags.

Sicilian Mobsters Are No Longer Allowed to Wear Designer Suits in Jail
Their wives are furious.

More Fall Fashion Ads: There’s a Middle-Aged Naked Guy in the Marc Jacobs Menswear Campaign
And more 'traditional' models were shot for Donna Karan and Ports 1961.

The Bumbys Will Judge Your Personal Appearance, Particularly Your Flatforms and Cutoff Shorts
Performance artists and party favorites, Gill and Jill Bumby fearlessly appraise all those who stand before them.

Plus-Size Model Marquita Pring Pads Her Hips for Some Castings
She also had a casting with Marc Jacobs recently.

Katy Perry’s Padded Smurf Outfit Was Uncomfortable; LVMH’s Sales Are Booming
Also, here's ‘Vogue’ Korea's 15th anniversary cover.

May Rihanna’s Sequined Glamour Butt Light the Way for More September Cover Releases
It's that time of the year, when the fattest issues come out.

Halston Poached BCBG Max Azria’s President After All
Ben Malka is sweeping in with a $20 million cash infusion.

Here Is Michael Kors’s New Jewelry Collection
It's priced from $100-$500.

You Can’t Miss Ginnifer Goodwin in Yellow That Bright
Even if the cut of her dress does swallow her somewhat.

Onlookers Giggled During the Courtroom Debate Between Louboutin and YSL
Red-soled shoes are hilarious, obviously.

Kate and Pippa Middleton Expected to Cause a Sheer Hosiery Trend in the U.S.
Are you ready?

Professional Poker Player Beth Shak Has Over 1,200 Shoes
700 of them are Christian Louboutins.

Isabeli Fontana Has Been Tweeting About How Much She Loves Lauryn Hill’s Ex, Rohan Marley
Even as Lauryn gave birth to his sixth child over the weekend.

Monique Péan and Eddie Borgo Just Got Fat Checks From Tiffany & Co.
They're the first winners of a new CFDA/'Vogue' grant program for jewelry designers.

Looking Back at Amy Winehouse’s Inimitable Style
A retrospective of the singer's fashion moments.

Best Bet: Motel Denim Playsuit
A casually cool onesie that can be dressed up or down.

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The Look Book
Johnny Weir, Figure Skater
“I hate sweaty people getting aggressively close to you when you're walking down the street. ” |
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The Cross-Body Concert Bag
They may be miniscule, but they're more than
adequate for cocktailing, street-strolling, festival-going, and other
summertime endeavors. |
More in Fashion» |
RFE/RL Headlines
7/26/2011 8:26:42 PM
A daily digest of the English-language news and analysis written by the staff of Radio Free Europe/Radio LibertyRFE/RL is looking for guest bloggers, preferably writing from and about our broadcast region. If you're interested, drop us a line at |
![]() Ethnic tensions have risen in northern Kosovo after an overnight stand-off between local Serbs and Kosovar police at a border checkpoint. More ![]() Officials from the Armenian governing coalition and the opposition Armenian National Congress say they have agreed to discuss the heated issue of holding early presidential and parliamentary elections. More ![]() Four activists from the opposition Other Russia group were detained in the western city of Nizhny Novgorod. More ![]() Russian officials are in Baku to discuss the renewal of Moscow's lease for Azerbaijan's Qabala radar station, More ![]() More than 500 Iranian women's rights activists and their supporters have issued a statement calling on authorities to put an end to "systematic violence against women" as the sixth gang rape in recent months was reported. More ![]() Another one of the 25 convicts who escaped last year from a high-security Tajik prison has been recaptured while a second one has been killed. More ![]() Police in Kazakhstan's northwestern city of Aqtobe have killed a murder suspect while trying to detain him and his associates. More ![]() Valery Lazarev, an editor at the Volga TV company, told RFE/RL that the incident took place on July 23 when his crew was filming a fire at a military base in Nizhny Novgorod. More ![]() Beleaguered former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has embraced new media with a passion. Armed with her iPad, she keeps all of her 27,328 Twitter followers well abreast of the shenanigans that take place in the Pechersk Regional Court, where she is on trial for abuse of power and corruption. More ![]() It appears that got a peek at a draft of the Popular Front's electoral program -- and it is surprisingly 'liberal.' More ![]() In a move that insurgency commander Doku Umarov has hailed as marking "a new page" in the ongoing jihad against the Russian presence in the North Caucasus, several of the senior Chechen commanders who split with him a year ago have reaffirmed their allegiance. More ![]() The terrorist bombing in the Minsk subway in April and the terrorist bombing and shooting in Oslo on July 22 have at least one thing in common: according to official accounts, both attacks were the work either of lone terrorists or a small group of acquaintances. More ![]() We can't help but pay attention to mass murderers like Anders Behring Breivik and Osama bin Laden. But we do so at our own peril. Their actions make it more difficult to hold the reasoned dialogue we need about how the world is changing. More |
RFE/RL Russia Report
7/26/2011 8:25:08 PM
A review of RFE/RL reporting and analysis about domestic and foreign-policy developments in Russia.
For more stories on Russia, please visit and bookmark our Russia page . |
![]() Four activists from the opposition Other Russia group were detained in the western city of Nizhny Novgorod. More ![]() Russian officials are in Baku to discuss the renewal of Moscow's lease for Azerbaijan's Qabala radar station, More ![]() In a move that insurgency commander Doku Umarov has hailed as marking "a new page" in the ongoing jihad against the Russian presence in the North Caucasus, several of the senior Chechen commanders who split with him a year ago have reaffirmed their allegiance. More ![]() It appears that got a peek at a draft of the Popular Front's electoral program -- and it is surprisingly 'liberal.' More ![]() Valery Lazarev, an editor at the Volga TV company, told RFE/RL that the incident took place on July 23 when his crew was filming a fire at a military base in Nizhny Novgorod. More ![]() Vladimir Vysotsky, an immensely popular Soviet-era actor, singer, and poet, has been commemorated in Russia on the anniversary of his death more than three decades ago. More ![]() Officials at a labor camp in northwestern Russia have given a "negative assessment" of Platon Lebedev, a former associate of jailed former Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky who is seeking release on parole. More ![]() Hundreds of Daghestanis now living in Azerbaijan face a terrible, if unintended dilemma that will soon force them to abandon their homes or change their citizenship. More ![]() Public displays of affection seem to be reaching a new level in the Russian capital. More A motley band of bearded and unkempt activists from the unregistered Other Russia party have become the latest addition to Russia’s offbeat opposition protest scene. More ![]() Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has signed into law new amendments that define beer as alcohol for the first time and place restrictions on its sale. No longer will Russians be able to buy a bottle of beer in a kiosk at any time of the day or night. More ![]() The statistics follow recent protests in Tatarstan organized by pro-Russian groups that claimed the teaching of the Russian language in Tatarstan is being neglected and obligatory Tatar-language classes prevent students from properly learning Russian. More ![]() If Dmitry Medvedev remains president for a second term, as I suspect he will, what will Vladimir Putin's role be? More ![]() Russian asset-management firm Arbat Capital has tailored its services to reflect total uncertainty over who will run in the March 2012 presidential election. More |
RFE/RL Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova Report
7/26/2011 8:22:23 PM
A review of RFE/RL reporting and analysis about Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova.
For more stories on Eastern Europe, please visit and bookmark our Eastern Europe page . |
![]() The terrorist bombing in the Minsk subway in April and the terrorist bombing and shooting in Oslo on July 22 have at least one thing in common: according to official accounts, both attacks were the work either of lone terrorists or a small group of acquaintances. More ![]() The first leader of the Belarusian Catholic Church, Cardinal Kazimierz Swiatek, is buried in the southwestern town of Pinsk. A former Gulag prisoner, Swiatek is credited with reviving the Catholic Church in Belarus and making it "Belarusian," which included the use of the Belarusian language at church services. More ![]() In his so-called manifesto "A European Declaration of Independence," Anders Behring Breivik, who has admitted to carrying out terrorist attacks in Norway on July 23 that left more than 90 people dead, writes about how he visited Belarus and studied the political regime there. More ![]() I will never forget the goose bumps I had 10 years ago when Cardinal Swiatek brought the first large group of pilgrims from Belarus to Rome. It was impossible not to be shaken when he greeted Pope John Paul II and the pope made a speech in reply. Two Poles -- the pope and the cardinal -- spoke in the Belarusian language. More Like most couples, Svyatlana Gorokhovik and Pavel Vinahradau had dreamed of a wedding filled with merriment, friends and champagne. This is difficult, however, when the groom is serving time in a drab Belarusian prison. More Belarusian security forces have detained dozens of protesters who rallied against the government in another of the "silent" rallies that have been held in Minsk and other Belarusian cities every Wednesday for nine consecutive weeks, despite an official ban. More ![]() Local media in Belarus are reporting that state-controlled radio has banned a politically suggestive song by Soviet-era rocker Viktor Tsoi. More ![]() The head of the Belarusian central bank has been released from his position amid an economic crisis. More ![]() The European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee has discussed ways to put further pressure on Minsk over its crackdown on the opposition. Lawmakers and experts also agreed that the current sanctions directed against the ruling elite have paid dividends. More ![]() Authorities in Belarus have dropped lawsuits aimed at closing two independent newspapers at the request of the Information Ministry. More ![]() Beleaguered former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has embraced new media with a passion. Armed with her iPad, she keeps all of her 27,328 Twitter followers well abreast of the shenanigans that take place in the Pechersk Regional Court, where she is on trial for abuse of power and corruption. More ![]() Leonid Kadenyuk, the only Ukrainian citizen to fly into space on a U.S. space shuttle, has expressed regret at the end of the 30-year-old space program. More ![]() The door to the European Union remains open for the countries in Eastern Europe and political change in Belarus will happen sooner rather than later. That's the view of European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek, who sat down with RFE/RL to talk about the future of the EU's Eastern Neighborhood. More |