L'ultima di de Magistris:
no ai termovalorizzatori
i rifiuti spediti all'estero
no ai termovalorizzatori
i rifiuti spediti all'estero
ore 15:48
Il sindaco Renzi rottama
pure i suoi dipendenti:
sono peggio di Fantozzi

pure i suoi dipendenti:
sono peggio di Fantozzi

Renzi contro i dipendenti comunali: "Timbrano alle 14 e già un quarto d’ora prima sono in coda col cappotto, pronti per uscire". La risposta della Rsu: "E' ora che cresca". Ma lui: "Il sindacato è l'organizzazione più lontana dalla mia generazione"

![]() | Is "9/11 Truth" Based Upon a False Theory? Given my background in the history and the philosophy of science and as a professional scholar, I founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth for the purpose of promoting collaborative research on the events of 9/11 by creating a web site. Read More »» |


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Sex Diaries
The Consultant in an Open Relationship Who Has Sex Nearly Twice a Day
This week's sex diarist is willing to try anything.
Scandal-Stained Wretches
An Unexplained Death Was Just About the Only Thing Conspiracy Theorists Found Lacking in the News Corp. Scandal
No longer: A whistle-blowing journalist has been found dead.

Rupert Murdoch’s Prime Antagonists Had a Shared Hobby

Bored Tennessee Lawmaker Defaces Desk
We've all been there.

Gigi Jordan Says She Killed Her Son to Protect Him
This story gets worse and worse.

Hello and Welcome to the 2012 GOP Field, Buddy Roemer!
He saw a niche: Fewer than a dozen white men were running.

Cuomo’s Union Victory: Won With Open Arms
(And a stick in his back pocket.)

Herman Cain Says ‘Hallowed Ground’ Is Wherever People Don’t Want a Mosque to Be
Cain continues to strive for new anti-Islam heights.

When Twitter Met Facebook: Jerks, Nerds, and Vulcans
A parable from the wilds of Silicon Valley.

America Really Impressed With How Everyone’s Handled the Debt Ceiling
People are disappointed in the GOP most of all.

Marisa Noel Brown Sued for Making Money Off of Stuff That Wasn’t Hers
There's an unsatisfying symmetry here.

Will God Have Yet Another Candidate in the GOP Primary?
Rick Perry feels "called."

Rudy Giuliani Wants the GOP Out of Our Bedrooms
"I don't know what the heck the Republican Party wants to getting involved in people's sexual lives and personal lives so much."

Obama Appoints Richard Cordray to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren is going to need to make some new plans.

Will Elisabeth Murdoch Inherit the News Corp. Reins? [Updated]
Early on in the scandal, she called for Rebekah Brooks to step down.
Fashion Calendar
Tomorrow’s Events and Sales: Shop Discounts on Padma Lakshmi’s Jewelry Line, Cynthia Rowley’s Spring Collection
Plus, last chance at discounts on men's and women's merchandise at Bird.
Boys May Come and Boys May Go
Madonna’s Material Girl Line Will Soon Include Padded Bras
ZOMG and scented body mists and glittery lip glosses!

Check Out Prada’s Resort Collection
No more bananas.

Tamara Mellon Has Also Left Halston
The label's disintegration continues.

More Fall Fashion Ads: Baptiste Giabiconi and Anja Rubik Play Happy Family for Fendi
Plus, the Alexander Wang campaign, and an Elie Saab preview.

Michelle Obama Wore Brown Pants to Watch the World Cup Soccer Match
With a TV dinner for herself and the fam.

Gwen Stefani Is Designing Baby Clothes for Target
It's called Harajuku Mini.

Here’s the First Picture of Harper Seven
Yep, she's pretty cute.

Claudia Schiffer Covers Vogue Germany; Lily Allen Angered by Rumors About Her Boutique
Also, Kate Middleton's favorite color is white, and William's is blue.

J. Lo and Marc Anthony’s Divorce Supposedly Won’t Affect Their Kohl’s Line
It turns out they signed separate contracts.

Best Bet: Mini Festival Necklace
A cheery, cheap accessory to complement summer basics.

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,792 www.icasualties.org/oif/
Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,598
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001
$1,222,215,301,557 http://www.costofwar.com/
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001
$1,222,215,301,557 http://www.costofwar.com/
Pakistan's Sovereignty For Sale?
Dollars, Drones and Development
By Jalees Hazir |
Notions about Pakistan's dependence on the global bully are exaggerated.
How the US Controls "Civil society" Throughout Africa
Enemy-sponsored organisations threaten nation
By Tafataona Mahoso
"great democracies" of the West have been the most consistent and most
persistent enemy of the African: during slavery, during the scramble
for Africa after the Berlin Conference, during colonialism, during
apartheid and now during the current effort to recolonise Africa.
Neocons Fume Over US Boat to Gaza
By Ray McGovern
co-passengers and I of the U.S. Boat to Gaza have now gone from
"High-Seas Hippies," according to the right-wing Washington Times, to
"fools, knaves, hypocrites, bigots, and supporters of terrorism," says
Alan Dershowitz.
More Trouble in Murdochworld
By Mike Whitney
firestorm in the UK is not really about phone hacking at all. It's
about Corporate fiefdoms and unelected oligarchs who control the flow of
information and use that power to their own advantage.
Clinton Praises 'Vital' Austerity Measures in Greece
By Elise Labott, Aaron Smith and Annalyn Censky
Clinton said the measures the government took "are vital first steps.
Letting Bankers Walk
By Paul Krugman
the kid-gloves treatment? Money and influence no doubt play their
part; Wall Street is a huge source of campaign donations.
Obama Raises Record Sums from the Wealthy
By Patrick Martin
that President Obama is the first choice of Wall Street and the
American super-rich, his reelection campaign announced Wednesday that it
had broken all previous records for fundraising, raking in $86 million
during the second quarter of this year.
Wall Street's Euthanasia of Industry
By Michael Hudson
know, there's one good thing that President Obama has done that we
never anticipated in Europe. He's shown the Europeans that we can never
depend upon America again"
James Bamford Unplugged!
The Secrecy of the Obama Administration
The Secrecy of the Obama Administration
By Boiling Frogs
whistleblower Thomas Drake, The implications of WikiLeaks, the
absurdity of Obama's Nobel Peace Award and the absence of real coverage
and analyses in the US Mainstream Media.
The Most Incredible Thing Fox News Has Ever Done
By James Fallows
Or at least the most amazingly brazen I can think of at this moment. It's about the News of the World hacking scandal.
In Case You Missed It
The CIA and the Media
The CIA and the Media
By Carl Bernstein
Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the
Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up.
America's Disappeared
By Chris Hedges
citizens can "legally" be assassinated. Illegal abductions, known
euphemistically as "extraordinary rendition," are a staple of the war
on terror.
Trained for Pain:
Get your Torture Degree from School of Americas
from the School of the Americas have been implicated in massacres and
torture throughout the hemisphere - including the murder of six Jesuit
priests and four American churchwomen in El Salvador.
Activists claim 30 killed in Syrian clashes:
least 30 people were killed in 24 hours in the central Syrian city of
Homs in clashes between supporters and opponents of President Bashar
al-Assad's regime, a human rights activist said on Sunday.
14 killed in clashes in Yemen:
Four soldiers and 10 militants linked to al-Qaeda have been killed in clashes in the southern Yemeni town of Zinjibar.
Yemen's Saleh to stay in Saudi Arabia for now: official:
wounded President Ali Abdullah Saleh will stay in Saudi Arabia until
doctors declare him fit, a Yemeni official said on Friday, denying
reports that Saleh could come back in time for this weekend's 33rd
anniversary of his ascent to power.
Libya : 12 killed as rebels suffer heavy casualties in battle for Brega:
at Benghazi Hospital said 12 people died in Saturday's fighting and as
many as 200 were injured. There were no immediate reports on
casualties from Sunday's clashes.
NATO airstrikes pound Tripoli:
Gadhafi said today afternoon that his country will never surrender in the face of assaults by rebels and a NATO air campaign.
NATO destroys civilian radar at Tripoli's international airport:
NATO statement Monday claimed the civilian air traffic control radar
was tracking NATO jets and the information was used to coordinate an air
defense early-warning system.
Libya's «Freedom Fighters» Found to Engage in Pillage:
Rights Watch released materials citing cases of gross abuse by
anti-Gadhafi rebels in a mountainous area located in the western part of
Russia criticises West's backing of Libyan rebels": -
criticised on Monday the United States and other countries that have
recognised the rebel National Transitional Council as Libya's
legitimate government, saying they were taking sides in the civil war.
10 "Militants" Killed in Afghanistan:
Authorities say the "Taliban fighters" were killed Sunday in a school in Nangarhar province.
Seven Afghan police killed in checkpoint attack: http://reut.rs/pVgeXF
Three NATO occupation force soldiers killed in Afghanistan:
soldiers serving in the NATO-led International Security Assistance
Force (ISAF) were killed on Monday in a roadside bombing in eastern
Advisor to Afghan president killed:
strapped with explosives have killed a close adviser to Afghan
President Hamid Karzai and a member of parliament in another insurgent
strike against the Afghan leader's inner circle.
British Occupation Force Soldier Killed in Afghanistan:
said the soldier was shot dead while "conducting a routine patrol with
members of the Afghan national army yesterday", adding the soldier
"received a fatal gunshot wound during this incident".
Afghan civilians killed in NATO raids:
Afghan lawmakers have unanimously demanded that NATO stop killing civilians in their country.
'CIA Trusted Ahmad Wali Karzai's Assassin':
US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Special Forces had close
working relation with the bodyguard who shot dead the younger brother of
Afghan President Hamid Karzai last week.
Pakistan: Three killed, 16 injured in attack on NATO tankers:
remote-controlled device planted under the tanker exploded before it
entered the tribal area, the fire has engulfed five markets," Muhammad
Ijaz Khan, a senior police officer, said.
US drone strikes in Pakistan claiming many civilian victims, says campaigner:
One man in Waziristan is documenting casualties - and says destruction has been radicalising locals.
Arrest of ex-CIA lawyer sought over drone use :
Human rights lawyers seek warrant against John Rizzo for approving drone strikes in Pakistan that killed hundreds.
At least 3 killed as clashes escalate on the Iran-Iraq border:
least two Iranian Kurdish rebels and one member of Tehran's elite
Revolutionary Guards were killed during clashes along the Islamic
Republic's border with Iraq, the two sides said Sunday.
Roadside bomb kills two in Baghdad:
Iraqi officials say a roadside bomb targeting a security patrol has killed one policeman and a passer-by in western Baghdad.
No Extension, No Renewal of US Security Agreement - Hashimi :
Tariq Al-Hashimi declared today that the interests of both Iraq and
USA are not to extend or renew the security agreement ending on 31
December,2011, a statement of his office said.
Mumbai blasts detainee reportedly dies of torture:
man, involved in the July 13 Mumbai blasts, reportedly died of police
torture during interrogation, according to media reports on Sunday.
Bahrain Shiites pull out of reconciliation talks:
al-Marzooq says top leaders of Al Wefaq party decided to withdraw from
the U.S.-backed talks during a meeting Sunday, claiming the other side
was not serious about addressing Shiite demands for greater rights and
political freedoms.
Democracy in steep decline around the world:
Arab Spring is, in many ways, a mirage. Several nations in the region
may eventually make the transition to democracy - this is hardly assured
- but in reality, democracy is faltering throughout the developing
world, from Asia to Latin America, from Africa to the former Soviet
Jewish settlers are terrorising Palestinians, says Israeli general:
senior Israeli army commander has warned that unchecked "Jewish
terror" against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank threatens to
plunge the territory into another conflict. .
Dr Finkelstein in Defamation :
This is a clip of Norman Finkelstein's two appearances in Yoav Shamir's documentary "Defamation"
First UN aid drops reach rebel-held Somalia:
Medicine and food are airlifted to territory held by al-Shabab after opposition group lifts ban on foreign agencies.
11 million hungry from East Africa's drought:
Africa's worst drought in 60 years is putting 11 million lives at
risk, many of them in war-torn Somalia, where thousands of hungry
families are making the dangerous trek across parched, violent territory
to the promise of safety and food in Kenya.
Rebekah Brooks's arrest intensifies phone-hacking crisis:
Former News International chief executive identified as a criminal suspect and held throughout the day by Scotland Yard
Rupert Murdoch Has Gamed American Politics Every Bit as Thoroughly as Britain's:
Murdoch's Fox News hosts prattle on and on about their enthusiasm for
the free market, they work for a firm that seeks to game the system so
Murdoch's "properties" are best positioned to monopolize the discourse.
CIA Veteran Robert Baer Predicts September Israel-Iran War :
Audio interview with former CIA agent.
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain:
have right to ban mosques: Cain said his view doesn't amount to
religious discrimination because he says Muslims are trying to inject
Shariah law into the U.S.
48 hours to save the euro as Greece deal stalls:
last night warned Europe has only 48 hours to save the single currency
amid concern over the failure to seal a new rescue plan for debt-laden
Hunger Haunts California Town:
youngsters have just noodles, bread or crackers to eat for dinner, as
many here do, they cannot perform well in school," the food bank
website says. "This is how many families in poverty must live today,
relying on carbohydrate-based food that's filling but very low in
75,000 US veterans could be homeless :
published by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs shows
that over 75,000 US military personnel could be homeless after they
return from foreign wars.
"Let us be peace and joy"
Tom Feeley
Openings | |
What to Eat at Ellabess, Opening in the Nolitan Hotel This Evening
The long-delayed project bows at last.
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Health Concerns | |
Bubby’s Blames DOH Closure on Intrusive Flies
First flies, then roaches, now mice.
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Openings | |
Alex Stupak Will Open Empellón Cocina This Fall, But Won’t Serve Tacos There
Sounds like the East Village location will be more upscale than its West Village counterpart.
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Openings | |
First Look at Left Bank, Opening Tomorrow Night in the West Village
Laurence Edelman of the Red Cat and Mermaid Inn is behind the project.
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Boob Tube | |
Canz: The New Reality Show That Sounds Worse Than Famous Food
VH1 is really on a roll these days.
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Truckin' | |
Are Food Trucks Heading Toward a Food Court Model?
And, amid the mobile-dining drama, another sort of "food truck" has launched in NYC — a mobile greenhouse.
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Ew | |
Yes, There’s a Breastfeeding Doll Now
And of course it's popular in Europe.
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Interviews | |
Anthony Mackie Will Personally Serve You a Drink at His New Bar, Opening This Week
It sounds like his Bed-Stuy bar won't be your typical celebrity-owned hotspot.
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Video Feed | |
Watch a Ted Talks Video of Nathan Myhrvold Revealing How He Cuts Things in Half
Hint: You'll need a machine shop.
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Openings, | |
‘High-end Caribbean’ Chef Needed in Times Square
A new restaurant is looking for a chef to serve small plates in a big space.
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Mediavore | |
Organic Pet Food on the Rise; Barrel-aged All the Rage
Plus: China set to release its pork surplus, drought in the South is really bad, and more, in our morning news roundup.
Gastronomics | |
Gastronomics: Why Blowout Feast Reservations Are In
Felix Salmon looks at the many benefits — and surprisingly few drawbacks — of so-called "large-format" dining.
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MoviSol -
Internazionale per i Diritti Civili - Solidarietà
Newsletter n. 28/2011
Newsletter n. 28/2011
Teleconferenza di Lyndon LaRouche
Appuntamento in rete con Lyndon LaRouche: il 21 luglio, alle
ore 19:00, su larouchepac.com o su movisol.org.
I lettori possono inviare sin d'ora una domanda a LaRouche, sia
inglese sia in italiano.
Anticostituzionalità della rete di salvataggio della UE
Il 5 luglio la Corte Costituzionale tedesca ha tenuto
un'udienza pubblica sui due ricorsi contro l'adesione del governo di Berlino
alle politiche di salvataggio europee. I ricorsi sono quelli presentati dai
famosi "cinque professori" (Wilhelm Hankel, Wilhelm Noelling, Karl Albrecht
Schachtschneider, Joachim Starbatty e Dieter Spethmann) che si sono già battuti
contro l'euro in più di un ricorso costituzionale nel passato, e dal
parlamentare democristiano dissidente Peter Gauweiler, rappresentato dal
giurista Dieter Murswiek. La Corte ha ascoltato i ricorrenti e quattro
rappresentanti del governo e del parlamento che hanno difeso i salvataggi.
Le oltre sette ore di dibattimento hanno rivelato che il
governo e la maggioranza parlamentare della Germania hanno apparentemente
sposato le tesi del famigerato Carl Schmitt, che ottant'anni fa formulò la
dottrina secondo cui "un'emergenza crea nuovi poteri e nuove leggi". Schmitt
così preparò il terreno al golpe dei nazisti, che nel 1933 giustificarono la
dittatura con il "bisogno di agire contro l'emergenza e le minacce". Durante
tutto il corso del dibattimento, la fazione filo-salvataggi ha fatto frequente
uso di termini come "emergenza" o "estremamente pericoloso".
L'arroganza del potere degli euro fanatici è apparsa evidente
quando hanno cercato fin dall'inizio di convincere la Corte a respingere il
ricorso: Il ministro del Tesoro Wolfgang Schaeuble ha ammonito i giudici
costituzionali che "i nervosissimi mercati finanziari osservano molto da vicino
se l'Europa sia in grado di conservare fermezza", parlando di "situazioni di
emergenza in cui abbiamo dovuto agire" e sostenendo che "i mercati finanziari"
avrebbero potuto scatenare" un'insolvenza incontrollata" da un momento
I ricorrenti hanno sottolineato che persino il principale
consigliere economico del governo avesse condannato il salvataggio lo scorso
anno, e che un'inchiesta tra oltre 200 economisti tedeschi ha visto 189 di loro
votare contro e solo sette a favore del salvataggio. Nella sua risposta, il
portavoce dell'esecutivo ha affermato con arroganza che il governo ha scelto di
ascoltare il FMI perché questo avrebbe "la migliore esperienza" su come
affrontare i problemi del debito. Lo stesso esperto in seguito si è spinto fino
a negare che fosse stato violato alcun diritto democratico dei cittadini,
chiedendo: "Dove sono i cittadini che protestano contro le misure di salvataggio
nelle strade di Brema o Berlino? Dove sono, mi mostri quei cittadini".
Ma gli euro fanatici hanno oltrepassato il segno, costringendo
il presidente della Corte, Andreas Vosskuhle, a interrompere dicendo di aver
trovato "troppo ottimismo artificiale" da parte del governo e della BCE. "Che
cosa ci avete detto un anno fa su come le cose avrebbero funzionato in Grecia, e
invece non è stato così, e ci avete detto la stessa cosa riguardo all'Irlanda e
ora al Portogallo. Che cosa dobbiamo credere? A dire il vero, sono scettico".
I ricorrenti hanno centrato il tema, attaccando il "golpe
contro l'istituzionalità europea" (Schachtschneider), "un'emergenza al di sopra
della legge, della costituzione e delle leggi europee", "Un criterio di
emergenza che nessun tribunale può accettare" (Murswiek). Spetta alla Corte
"fermare la politica UE" per proteggere i cittadini "dalla rovina dell'Unione
Economica e Monetaria", ha affermato Noelling, aggiungendo che la Corte "è
l'ultima istituzione in cui la popolazione abbia ancora fiducia".
Schachtschneider e Murswiek hanno chiesto ai giudici di essere consci della
propria responsabilità verso la costituzione, lo stato e i cittadini.
Quest'udienza è stata un avvenimento storico, una rara
occasione per denunciare gli errori e la complicità del governo con le banche.
Il parlamento non compie più il dovere di controllare il governo, e la Germania
non dispone di uno strumento come il referendum popolare per correggere le
scelte dell'esecutivo. Per quanto riguarda i media, essi in genere fiancheggiano
le banche e i mercati finanziari, mostrando poca simpatia per le vittime della
crisi. Perciò, la Corte Costituzionale si è dimostrata essere l'ultima spiaggia
per ridimensionare gli abusi del governo e del parlamento in mano al partito
euro fanatico. La sentenza è attesa per la fine di agosto o l'inizio di
USA: cresce l'abbrivio per Glass-Steagall
Continua a crescere l'abbrivio a favore della legge per
reintrodurre Glass-Steagall, la separazione tra banche ordinarie e banche
d'investimento, favorito in parte dall'accelerazione del crollo del sistema
finanziario e dell'economia reale transatlantici. Il 7 luglio è stato introdotto
un secondo disegno di legge alla Camera dei Rappresentanti dal democratico
Maurice Hinchey, con cinque cofirmatari tre dei quali hanno già sottoscritto il
ddl 1489 di Marcy Kaptur. È prevista l'introduzione di un testo simile al Senato
entro questo mese. Mentre veniva presentata la nuova proposta di legge, altri
cinque nuovi deputati hanno sottoscritto il testo della Kaptur, mentre numerosi
altri hanno espresso l'intenzione di farlo.
Lyndon LaRouche ha descritto la dinamica dietro il sostegno a
Glass-Steagall come un crescente spirito unitario, in cui le questioni di vita e
di morte che gli Stati Uniti si trovano ad affrontare stanno cominciando a
spezzare l'anello di corruzione settaria che ha rovinato gli USA negli ultimi
quarant'anni, particolarmente dalla morte di John e Robert Kennedy. Nel suo
famoso libro "Profili nel coraggio", l'allora senatore Kennedy polemizzò contro
la politica di "stare con quelli che contano" regnante a Washington. Quei
politici pongono da decenni la lealtà di partito al di sopra del patriottismo.
Questo, ha affermato LaRouche, sta ora finendo. La cartina al tornasole sarà un
passaggio bipartisan, a prova di veto, della legge Glass-Steagall in entrambi i
rami del Congresso, che ristabilirà il ruolo di quest'ultimo e salverà gli Stati
Uniti dalla disintegrazione economica nelle prossime settimane.
Un ex presidente regionale della Federal Reserve con decenni di
servizio ha riferito questa settimana che egli, come LaRouche, vede i mesi di
luglio e agosto come "l'ultima grande opportunità" per Glass-Steagall. Egli ha
notato che la battaglia tra il Presidente Obama e i legislatori repubblicani
sulla questione del tetto al debito pubblico e i tagli al bilancio finirà col
decimare i resti dell'economia americana. L'unico rimedio è il passaggio
immediato di Glass-Steagall per revocare le decine di trilioni di dollari di
salvataggi bancari finiti nel buco nero di Wall Street e nelle banche e negli
hedge funds offshore, e iniziare l'espansione del credito nell'economia reale
per finanziare infrastrutture e veri posti di lavoro produttivi.
L'impegno di Obama, per conto dei suoi proprietari a Wall
Street e Londra, alla distruzione delle ultime vestigia della rete di sicurezza
sociale di Roosevelt sta sciogliendo gli ultimi dubbi a favore di
Glass-Steagall. Nella prima settimana di luglio, Obama ha fatto chiaramente
capire di essere pronto a demolire la Social Security (pensioni) e Medicare
(mutua) come parte dell'accordo con i repubblicani. Dopo aver già cancellato i
programmi di volo spaziale umano della NASA, la cocciutaggine di Obama a voler
salvare Wall Street e Londra sulle spalle del popolo americano ha smosso anche i
più fedeli sostenitori del partito democratico, come il sindacato
dell'automobile UAW, che ha lanciato un appello alla mobilitazione per fermare
l'attacco a Social Security e Medicare.
Già il sindacato dei "machinists" (che da noi sarebbero i
metalmeccanici) ha appoggiato la proposta di legge 1489, e così hanno fatto
diverse federazioni locali dell'AFL-CIO. La mobilitazione dell'UAW è di buon
auspicio affinché l'intero movimento sindacale faccia sentire la sua voce nella
battaglia per Glass-Steagall.
Salvare la civiltà dal precipizio
La conferenza dello Schiller Institute che ha riunito 400
partecipanti da almeno quindici paesi per due giorni a Rüsselsheim il 2 e 3
luglio è stato un evento straordinario. Al di là dell'ampiezza dei temi, il filo
conduttore è stato la necessità di ribaltare l'attuale collasso economico dando
vita ad un vasto Rinascimento scientifico e culturale.
Ciò che colpisce è l'ampio spettro di relatori, tutti convinti,
nel proprio campo, che il sistema attuale stia conducendo la civiltà sull'orlo
del precipizio e che sia giunto il momento di battersi per cambiare le cose.
Anche se è impossibile cogliere il senso dei lavori della conferenza in una
newsletter, in particolare lo spirito di ottimismo che è emerso, diamo qui un
sunto dei temi, invitando gli abbonati a seguire il più possibile i discorsi
completi e la discussione sui siti movisol.org e larouchepac.com.
La missione dell'Europa: grandi progetti per sviluppare
Jacques Cheminade, candidato presidenziale francese, ha
spiegato nel suo intervento i molti paradossi sulla prospettiva di una nuova
politica di sviluppo. Alle condizioni di crollo attuale, sembra assurdo
candidarsi alla Presidenza, dato che la politica francese è dominata da un'elite
oligarchica che stabilisce le regole del gioco.
Quello che va fatto, ha detto, nel contesto delle elezioni, è
sconfiggere il cuneo che è stato creato dai britannici tra Europa ed America col
"fucile a canna doppia" di Glass-Steagall e dello sviluppo industriale
dell'Africa. Con grande umorismo Cheminade ha illustrato ai presenti le tante
obiezioni che vengono rivolte alla sua candidatura, che viene generalmente
respinta come "utopistica" e "impopolare". Oggi, ha detto, "l'impopolarità è la
precondizione per una campagna presidenziale. Ha ridicolizzato coloro che lo
accusano di non rispettare le "tradizioni francesi" il che significa i simili
degli autocrati Luigi XIV e Napoleone.
Il test per la Francia e l'Europa oggi, ha insistito Cheminade,
sta nel garantire l'indipendenza e lo sviluppo industriale dei paesi africani.
Ma invece di sviluppare il Maghreb, l'Europa bombarda la Libia, e sogna di
installare pannelli solari nel deserto invece di inverdirlo. È nostro compito
evitare gli errori degli anni Sessanta, quando le battaglie sociali in Europa
non furono collegate allo sviluppo dell'Africa.
Una proposta concreta per grandi progetti simili è stata
presentata dal Dott. Marcello Vichi, architetto del progetto Transaqua per
l'Africa centrale, noto ai nostri lettori. Il dott. Vichi ha proiettato un film
prodotto 30 anni fa dalla società Bonifica che dirigeva a quel tempo, ed ha
illustrato come questo progetto preleverebbe l'acqua dal bacino del fiume Congo
per immetterla nel Lago Ciad, che sta morendo, ripristinandone le dimensioni
originali e creando il potenziale per svariate forme di sviluppo nella regione.
Ha descritto come gli investitori sdegnano questo programma, preferendo il
"ritorno al Medio Evo".
RFE/RL Central Asia Report
7/18/2011 9:37:40 PM
A review of RFE/RL reporting and analysis about the five countries of Central Asia.
For more stories on Central Asia, please visit and bookmark our Central Asia page . |
![]() Kyrgyzstan has introduced gasoline rationing after a Russian refinery stopped supplying fuel earlier this month to non-members of the Commonwealth of Independent States Customs Union. More ![]() Kazakhstan says it is ready to provide the Austrian authorities with documents it says prove former presidential son-in-law Rakhat Aliev's involvement in the killing of two Kazakh bankers. More ![]() Despite losing market share, General Motors Uzbekistan has reported a huge increase in its sales of cars in Russia in the first half of 2011. More ![]() Kazakhstan's most prominent human rights activist, who is serving a four-year prison term for a traffic accident, says it is unlikely he will be granted parole. More ![]() Dozens of ethnic Uzbeks and Kyrgyz confronted each other in the southern Kyrgyz town of Aravan before dispersing. More ![]() The speaker of the Kyrgyz parliament and other lawmakers have come under fire for spending public funds during a trip to Malaysia and Indonesia. More ![]() Relatives of the prisoners killed during an attempted prison break in east-central Kazakhstan early this week say their bodies have not been returned to the families. More ![]() The second journalist protesting media censorship in Uzbekistan has ended her hunger strike due to poor health. More ![]() An RFE correspondent in Turkmenistan was threatened with charges of slander after posting reports about deadly explosions at a weapons depot near the country's capital earlier this month. More ![]() The fugitive former chairman of Kazakhstan's BTA Bank has warned Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev of the threat of radical Islamic groups and called for his resignation. More ![]() The Kyrgyz Central Election Commission (BSK) says that five candidates have officially registered so far for the upcoming presidential election. More ![]() The deadly explosions last week in Turkmenistan mark the unprecedented emergence of citizen journalism in one of the world's most isolated countries. More ![]() The assassination of Ahmad Wali Karzai, Karl Eikenberry's parting shots as he leaves Afghanistan, and why an Uzbek comedian isn't laughing. More ![]() Kyrgyzstan analysts say some parliament deputies have business interests that are prohibited by the constitution. More ![]() Uzbek municipal authorities have prohibited the sale of watermelons and other melons in bazaars located in the capital. More Visiting the neighbors isn't easy when you live in Kyrgyzstan and they live in China's Xinjiang Province. More ![]() Tajikistan has released a correspondent for the BBC who was taken into custody one month ago on suspicion of belonging to a banned Islamic group. More ![]() Two dismissed Kazakh police officers have appealed to pop icon Sting to help them get their jobs back after the British rocker snubbed one of Central Asia's prickliest dictators. More ![]() Dozens of residents in the southern Kyrgyz city of Osh have protested delays in the reconstruction of their homes destroyed during deadly clashes between ethnic Uzbeks and Kyrgyz last year. More ![]() One of the three people accused of killing independent Kyrgyz journalist Gennady Pavlyuk in Kazakhstan in 2009 has renounced his initial testimony. More ![]() The fugitive former chairman of Kazakhstan's BTA Bank has been granted political asylum in Britain. More ![]() A Russian citizen jailed for 16 years in Uzbekistan on treason charges as been released. More ![]() The Tajik Interior Ministry says two escapees from a high-profile jailbreak last year have been detained in east-central Tajikistan and in Kyrgyzstan. More ![]() Some prominent Kazakh bloggers say the government's blockage of the Wordpress blog platform since June is politically motivated. More ![]() The trial in Tajikistan of 53 people suspected of belonging to the banned Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) thought to be behind a suicide car-bomb attack last year began today. More ![]() One of the two journalists protesting media censorship in Uzbekistan has ended her hunger strike after being forcibly hospitalized. More ![]() Nearly a week after a deadly series of blasts outside the capital, Ashgabat, many in Turkmenistan still don't know the extent of what really happened as they await permission to return to their homes. More ![]() Kazakh officials have said a total of 16 prisoners were killed when inmates attempted to escape from a Kazakh prison late on July 10. More ![]() Dramatic new footage has surfaced of the devastating blasts at a weapons depot in the Turkmen town of Abadan on July 7. More ![]() Another Tajik soccer club has been fined for its unruly behavior. The Tajikistan Football Federation took disciplinary action on July 11 against the first-division team Hosilot for its attack on match officials. More ![]() An exiled Turkmen opposition leader says President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov's call for dissidents to return and take part in the 2012 presidential election is unrealistic because most have been sentenced in absentia. More ![]() The British mining company Oxus Gold says the Uzbek government is attempting to seize its assets by forcing its joint venture to be liquidated. More ![]() A Tajik man has been charged with creating a women's organization that belongs to the banned Islamic group Jamaat ut-Tabligh. More ![]() The human rights watchdog Memorial has said Kazakhstan's extradition of Uzbek asylum seekers to Uzbekistan last month violates international and national laws. More ![]() Turkmen authorities have admitted there were casualties following explosions in the industrial town of Abadan that caused major damage and led to a mass evacuation of residents on July 7. More |
RFE/RL Headlines
7/18/2011 9:43:31 PM
A daily digest of the English-language news and analysis written by the staff of Radio Free Europe/Radio LibertyRFE/RL is looking for guest bloggers, preferably writing from and about our broadcast region. If you're interested, drop us a line at webteam@rferl.org. |
![]() Earlier this month, three Azerbaijani Army officers issued a video appeal to the president to investigate corruption in their unit. The Defense Ministry says it's investigating the allegations, but some worry that instead it will cover up the charges and persecute the whistle-blowers. More ![]() It's not uncommon for rich people to say they owe their success to one thing: a strong desire to succeed. But does the same hold true for societies? We look at that question in the third and final part of our three-part series on building prosperity. More ![]() In an interview with RFE, Alec Ross, the U.S. State Department's Senior Adviser for Innovation, talks about the goals of the Internet Freedom Agenda and how it relates to Iran. More ![]() Spanish diplomat Fernando Valenzuela is the head of the European Union's delegation to Russia. He sat down with RFE/RL Russian Service correspondent Danila Galperovich for a wide-ranging discussion of relations between Brussels and Moscow. More ![]() There is no magic formula for knowing how countries become wealthy and their citizens happy. More ![]() What makes countries happy and prosperous? It's more than just a high GDP. According to recent studies, the factors that contribute to making countries rich, and their people satisfied, also include citizens' ability to participate fully in public and business life. More ![]() In Russia, the exposure of prosecutors participating in an illegal gambling ring is not being seen as a blow to corruption, as one might expect. Instead, it's being read mainly as evidence of a turf war between state agencies. More ![]() Kyrgyzstan has introduced gasoline rationing after a Russian refinery stopped supplying fuel earlier this month to non-members of the Commonwealth of Independent States Customs Union. More ![]() Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian acknowledges that oligopolies are a major reason for the high cost of living in Armenia. More ![]() Kazakhstan says it is ready to provide the Austrian authorities with documents it says prove former presidential son-in-law Rakhat Aliev's involvement in the killing of two Kazakh bankers. More ![]() Despite losing market share, General Motors Uzbekistan has reported a huge increase in its sales of cars in Russia in the first half of 2011. More ![]() Kazakhstan's most prominent human rights activist, who is serving a four-year prison term for a traffic accident, says it is unlikely he will be granted parole. More ![]() A Moscow court has adjourned the high-profile libel trial against prominent Russian music critic Artyom Troitsky as it awaits a key piece of evidence. More ![]() Dozens of ethnic Uzbeks and Kyrgyz confronted each other in the southern Kyrgyz town of Aravan before dispersing. More ![]() The Argentinean company that operates Yerevan's Zvartnots International Airport has moved to open Armenia's first tax-free economic zone in order to boost agricultural exports and other products. More ![]() The speaker of the Kyrgyz parliament and other lawmakers have come under fire for spending public funds during a trip to Malaysia and Indonesia. More ![]() Two years ago, "The Moscow Times" ran a story about a Russian man identified as “Viktor,” who allegedly stormed into a hair salon in the town of Meshchovsk waving a pistol and demanding money. More ![]() Well, it was just a matter of time before somebody decided to play the fear card. Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev darkly warned last week that "extremist" groups may be planning to disrupt elections to the State Duma in December More ![]() Outspoken Iranian blogger Mehdi Khazali, the son of a hard-line ayatollah, has been arrested again after being summoned by intelligence officials, the opposition ‘Sahamnews’ website reports. More ![]() A cartoon by the hard-line Fars news agency, which is a clear insult to Iranian women who don't respect the Islamic hijab fully and are often described by authorities as "badly veiled," is making the rounds on social media. More ![]() Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has floated a new approach to expediting the Karabakh peace process, which is widely perceived as bogged down following the failure of the Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents during their meeting in Kazan on June 24 to sign the most recent version of the so-called Madrid Principles for resolving the conflict. More ![]() The high moral high-ground “The Guardian,” “The New York Times,” and much of the liberal press, have taken would make sense to me, were it not for their cooperation with WikiLeaks. More ![]() An expert on Iran offers some negotiating tips. More ![]() Taking naps, riding motorcycles, fleeing fighting, being detained, remembering the dead. More |
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Unter dem Motto »Rache für Carlo« gingen rund 500 Demonstranten bei einer unangemeldeten Demonstration in Berlin-Kreuzberg auf die Straße. http://www.neues-deutschland.de/weiteres/fotogalerie/?sid=273 Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, hier erfahren Sie, welche Themen im ND vom 19.07.2011 behandelt werden. +++ Titel: SPD spielt den Euro-Retter Gabriel und Co. bieten Regierung Zusammenarbeit bei Bewältigung der Schuldenkrise an Von Aert van Riel --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/202397.spd-spielt-den-euro-retter.html +++ Inland: Hilfe beim Zaudern Standpunkt von Haidy Damm Von Haidy Damm --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/202398.hilfe-beim-zaudern.html Rentenklau mangels Mindestlohn Anwartschaften sinken insbesondere im Osten --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/202399.rentenklau-mangels-mindestlohn.html Bitte nach Gebrauch abgeben! 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1 Single Keystroke Nearly Self-Destructs Unmanned Navy Copter
1 SEIU Intimidation Manual?
Un nuovo algoritmo chiarisce la storia dell'esodo umano dall'Africa
Fino a 20.000-40.000 anni fa vi è stato un continuo scambio genetico fra le popolazioni africane e non africane
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Scoperti due nuovi vicini per il Sole
Si tratta di due nane brune che si trovano a una distanza di soli 15 e 18 anni luce dal Sole
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Cerere e Vesta: due pianeti nani che influenzano la Terra
effetto della mutua interazione gravitazionale, i corpi lasciano le
loro orbite iniziali per dare origine a orbite caotiche, con una
significativa probabilità
di impatto tra loro, stimata in 0,2 per cento per miliardo di anni
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Una correlazione tra telomeri e rischio di enfisema
i topi non avessero patologie polmonari di base, dopo l’esposizione al
fumo hanno sorprendentemente sviluppato un enfisema
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Una proteina chiave nello sviluppo del linfoma nel cane e nell'uomo
risultati di una nuova ricerca sono coerenti con i dati di altri studi
sul cancro, che hanno mostrato che il gene RNPC1 è fortemente
sovraespresso nei tumori
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Come ti riscrivo tutto il genoma
un nuovo approccio di correzione del genoma, un gruppo di ricercatori
ha sistematicamente sostituito un sequenza di tre lettere con un altra
un genoma di E. coli
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Estrogeni protettori contro tumori gastrici
improbabile che le conclusioni dello studio portino a ipotizzare di
trattare anche gli esseri umani maschi con estrogeni: si può pensare
tuttavia di sviluppare
farmaci che ne riproducano gli effetti antitumorali
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Nanotubi di carbonio per l'energia solare
nuovo composto è più economico di quello contenente rutenio, ma
consente una densità di energia stoccata 10.000 volte più alta
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Più geni coinvolti nel tumore del colon
La scoperta potrebbe aprire la strada a nuovi trattamenti che tengano conto di questa molteplicità di cause
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Il calore della Terra: metà è quello primigenio
Quasi la metà del calore emesso dalla Terra proverrebbe ancora da quello che risale all'epoca di formazione del pianeta
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Il social network delle locuste
sociali sugli utenti di Facebook e Twitter sono stati utilizzati per
comprendere come i loro immensi sciami si coordinino per muoversi tutti
insieme anche
su grandi distanze
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