Rumeurs/Aubry : l'UMP dénonce "entourloupe" et "victimisation"
Primaire EELV : Eva Joly remporterait une victoire assez large
Le chorégraphe Roland Petit est mort
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Le chorégraphe est décédé à l'âge de 87 ans d'une leucémie foudroyante. |
DSK : un sénateur démocrate réclame un procès
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Figure centrale de la communauté noire de Harlem, Bill Perkins demande au procureur Vance de poursuivre son enquête. |
Martine Aubry : face à la rumeur, l'humour est une arme mortelle
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OPINION. Comment la Première secrétaire du PS peut-elle répondre intelligemment aux coups bas dont-elle fait l'objet ? Par Thierry Do Esperito, consultant en communication. |
Un proche de Bruno Gollnish exclu du FN pour deux ans
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Yvan Benedetti, conseiller municipal de Vénissieux et bras droit de Bruno Gollnish, s'était dit "antisioniste, antisémite, anti-juif". |
Atlantis doit s'arrimer à l'ISS ce dimanche
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La navette doit livrer 3,7 tonnes de vivres, équipements et pièces de rechange devant permettre aux six astronautes de la station de tenir pendant un an. |
Un concert à l'Olympia pour soutenir l'Elysée Montmartre
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Bénabar, Raphaël et Bernard Lavilliers donnent ce dimanche soir un concert pour sauver la salle ravagée par un incendie. |
EGYPTE. Les policiers accusés d'avoir tué des manifestants limogés
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Des manifestations dénonçaient le manque de sanctions et la lenteur de la justice envers les auteurs de la répression de la révolte contre Moubarak. |
La Libye dénonce à nouveau des frappes contre des civils
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Le Premier ministre du régime de Kadhafi se serait plaint auprès d'un émissaire de l'Onu de "violations flagrantes des résolutions" par l'Otan. |
Moselle : le forcené armé s'est rendu
Le jeune homme, âgé de 26 ans, était retranché chez lui depuis samedi soir avec une carabine.
Fukushima : la décontamination prendra plusieurs dizaines d'années
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Le premier ministre japonais a présenté un premier programme de décontamination de la centrale nucléaire très attendu. |
Primaire PS : Hollande reste en tête mais Aubry remonte
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Si François Hollande a "le plus l'étoffe d'un président", Martine Aubry, elle, incarne les valeurs de la gauche selon les Français. |
F1 : Alonso signe à Silverstone sa première victoire de la saison
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L'Espagnol sur Ferrari a remporté le Grand Prix de Grande-Bretagne devant l'Allemand Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull). |
Coupe du monde de foot : les Bleues en demies
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L'équipe de France féminine a obtenu une qualification historique samedi en éliminant l'Angleterre (1-1, 4-3 aux tirs au but). |
François Bayrou veut mener une politique de "vérité" en 2012
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"Le gouvernement nous dit : la crise est derrière nous ... tout le monde sait que ce n'est pas vrai", dénonce le président du MoDem. |
Total annonce une prochaine hausse du prix de l'essence
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Le groupe répercutera la récente hausse du prix du pétrole sur le prix de l'essence à la pompe. |
Kate et William, sages comme des images à Hollywood
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Pas de foule en délire ou de paparazzi en embuscade : pour leur première visite aux Etats-Unis, le Duc et la Duchesse de Cambridge font dans la discrétion. Par Cécile Delarue, à Los Angeles. |
Guerre des déchets : qui veut la peau de Naples ?
Un des Black Eyed Peas bien présent dans le Haut-Doubs
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L'annonce de la venue de trois membres du groupe américain avait suscité buzz et incrédulité cette semaine. |
L'affaire DSK et la "présomption de véracité"
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OPINION. La démarche du juge n'est pas si loin du fameux "Jugement de Salomon", où c'est parole contre parole. Par Daniel Sibony, psychanalyste. |
SNCF : la rénovation du réseau va retarder les trains...
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... pendant 4 ou 5 ans, soit la durée des travaux prévus pour moderniser le réseau ferré. |
"Merci et adieu", titre News of the World pour sa dernière Une
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Pris dans le scandale des écoutes téléphoniques, le tabloïd anglais propose ce dimanche sa dernière édition. |
Popularité : nouvelle baisse pour Sarkozy et Fillon
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Seuls 21% de sondés font confiance au chef de l'Etat. |
De nouveaux modèles de radars embarqués testés
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Un millier de radars supplémentaires seront installés d'ici 2012. |
Etats-Unis : deux avions interceptés dans l'espace aérien de Camp David
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Barack Obama passe le week-end dans la résidence d'été des présidents américains. |
Le célèbre chanteur argentin Facundo Cabral assassiné
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Des hommes non identifiés ont mitraillé la voiture du chanteur, immense star en Amérique latine. |
L'Etna crache ses cendres, l'aéroport de Catane ferme ses pistes
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Le volcan sicilien est en pleine activité. Si le phénomène est normal et sans danger pour les habitants, l'aéroport de Catane a dû fermer temporairement. |
COUPE DAVIS. La France s'impose logiquement face à l'Allemagne
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La paire Tsonga-Llodra s'est imposée en 3 sets face à Kas-Petzshner. Les tricolores ont fait respecter le classement et rencontreront en demi-finale l'Espagne ou les Etats-Unis. |
DOCU. Découvrez "Le Business de la piraterie"
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Le Nouvel Observateur diffuse une enquête sur l'économie de la piraterie en Somalie et ses conséquences en Europe. |
La "youtubisation" de la vie privée
Le jeu vidéo de la semaine : Lego - Pirates des caraïbes
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Les célèbres briques danoises appliquent une recette bien rodée à une nouvelle saga. Au risque de lasser ? |
L'application de la semaine : Elections 2012
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Le service affiche un baromètre en "temps réel" des intentions de vote et une liste des candidats à la présidentielle mise à jour régulièrement. Pas indispensable mais bienvenue. |
AVIGNON : Frédéric Mitterrand dans la Cour d’Honneur… et au charbon
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Offensive de charme du ministre de la Culture, furieux contre le Nouvel Observateur depuis l’article de Jacques Drillon intitulé "La Chute de la maison Mitterrand". |
Pécresse, la chiraquienne qui monte
Rugby : comment Max Guazzini a été poussé vers la sortie
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Après dix-huit ans à la tête du Stade français, l'ex-secrétaire de Dalida vient de céder le club à un repreneur pour éviter la relégation. Par Gérard Muteaud. |
VIDEO. Flash-back : il y a 40 ans disparaissait Louis Armstrong
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Retour en images sur la carrière du jazzman, en partenariat avec l'Ina. Avec notamment un document rare et en intégralité : un enregistrement d'un des concerts de Louis Armstrong en 1948. |
Blogs | |||
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Juliette Binoche bouleversante, Patrice Chéreau au sommet Par Odile Quirot |
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FUKUSHIMA (suite 40) Des décennies pour nettoyer la centrale de Fukushima Par Dominique Leglu |
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La ”Youtubisation” de la vie privée Par Jérôme Hourdeaux |
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Monoprix, le quotidien c'est pas si sympa. Par Claude Soula |
Voir tous les blogs |

MP3 Radio | Website News Briefs: | |||||||||||
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1. Energy War? Lebanon Warns Israel ‘Playing with Fire’ Offshore
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Lebanon has warned Israel it is “playing with fire” by staking out energy claims in the Mediterranean Sea, where Beirut says Israel’s discoveries are in its territory.
The Israeli Cabinet, heading off another dispute similar to the Sheba Farms land dispute at the northern border, approved a “marine economic zone proposal” Sunday after Lebanon presented maps to the United Nations, marking maritime borders that would include part of the giant Leviathan and Tamar fields. The United Nations previously has refused to take repsonsiblity for marking the maritime borders.
The Lebanese daily As-Safir, in an article under the headline “War of Oil: Another Phase of Israeli Offense,” reported that Lebanese Minister of Energy and Water Joubran Bassil said Israel “is playing with fire “by violating Lebanon’s maritime border and oil rights.”
He added, “Obviously we will prevent any violation. However, in case of violation, Israel will not be the only damaged part, but also large companies that cooperate with it. We, in Lebanon, respect the rights of others, and we don’t want to violate the rights of others, but at the same time, we do not want someone to attack us. Lebanon will not give up its rights or its borders”
Israeli firms discovered the gas fields, which also are believed to hold large commercially viable oil deposits, two years ago. Afterwards, Lebanon said the discoveries are in its territory, and it recently has announced that a Norwegian company will start a seismic research offshore.
Hizbullah, with its eyes on the rich reserves, previously has threatened that Israel is risking war by planning to “steal” its offshore energy reserves.
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon Sunday morning denied a report n the Haaretz newspaper that the United States already has backed the Lebanese position.
"The dispute over the border with Lebanon was created by the Lebanese,” he said on Army Radio. “It is incorrect that the Americans sided with Lebanon in this dispute. There are very objective and organized rules, and I think that Israel will have no problem proving its ownership of the maritime areas that are ostensibly in dispute."
He also said that Israel has unsuccessfully tried to talk with Lebanese officials about maritime borders, despite the countries' officially being enemy states. "We've been in contact with Lebanon for a very long time," he explained. "We have an interest in demarcating and setting all the borders, but they refuse."
“Even the current land border, which is recognized by the United Nations, [was demarcated] without Lebanese involvement or recognition,” Ayalon said. “After the huge gas reserves were discovered, they suddenly woke up. Now that they've suddenly sent maps, we have no choice but to set the borders ourselves."
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman charged that Lebanon is “under pressure from Hizbullah” and “is looking for friction.” He added that there are "very strong arguments under international law" that back Israel’s claims.
Comment on this story
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Lebanon has warned Israel it is “playing with fire” by staking out energy claims in the Mediterranean Sea, where Beirut says Israel’s discoveries are in its territory.
The Israeli Cabinet, heading off another dispute similar to the Sheba Farms land dispute at the northern border, approved a “marine economic zone proposal” Sunday after Lebanon presented maps to the United Nations, marking maritime borders that would include part of the giant Leviathan and Tamar fields. The United Nations previously has refused to take repsonsiblity for marking the maritime borders.
The Lebanese daily As-Safir, in an article under the headline “War of Oil: Another Phase of Israeli Offense,” reported that Lebanese Minister of Energy and Water Joubran Bassil said Israel “is playing with fire “by violating Lebanon’s maritime border and oil rights.”
He added, “Obviously we will prevent any violation. However, in case of violation, Israel will not be the only damaged part, but also large companies that cooperate with it. We, in Lebanon, respect the rights of others, and we don’t want to violate the rights of others, but at the same time, we do not want someone to attack us. Lebanon will not give up its rights or its borders”
Israeli firms discovered the gas fields, which also are believed to hold large commercially viable oil deposits, two years ago. Afterwards, Lebanon said the discoveries are in its territory, and it recently has announced that a Norwegian company will start a seismic research offshore.
Hizbullah, with its eyes on the rich reserves, previously has threatened that Israel is risking war by planning to “steal” its offshore energy reserves.
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon Sunday morning denied a report n the Haaretz newspaper that the United States already has backed the Lebanese position.
"The dispute over the border with Lebanon was created by the Lebanese,” he said on Army Radio. “It is incorrect that the Americans sided with Lebanon in this dispute. There are very objective and organized rules, and I think that Israel will have no problem proving its ownership of the maritime areas that are ostensibly in dispute."
He also said that Israel has unsuccessfully tried to talk with Lebanese officials about maritime borders, despite the countries' officially being enemy states. "We've been in contact with Lebanon for a very long time," he explained. "We have an interest in demarcating and setting all the borders, but they refuse."
“Even the current land border, which is recognized by the United Nations, [was demarcated] without Lebanese involvement or recognition,” Ayalon said. “After the huge gas reserves were discovered, they suddenly woke up. Now that they've suddenly sent maps, we have no choice but to set the borders ourselves."
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman charged that Lebanon is “under pressure from Hizbullah” and “is looking for friction.” He added that there are "very strong arguments under international law" that back Israel’s claims.
Comment on this story
2. UN ‘Human Rights’ Official Apologizes to Jews and Animals
by Gil Ronen
The United Nations Human Rights Council’s special rapporteur on Palestinian rights, Richard Falk, has published an “apology” for the publication of an anti-Semitic cartoon showing a kippah (skullcap)-wearing dog on his Internet blog.
The apology, however, is just as offensive, as it is directed equally toward both Jews and animals, as if each was insulted by being compared to the other.
The cartoon appeared on Falk’s blog as an illustration to an entry he made regarding the supposed anti-Arab and pro-Israel hypocrisy of the United States and the International Criminal Court. It shows Lady Liberty taking her dog for a walk. The dog wears a shirt labeled “USA” and dons a Jewish kippah on its head. It is shown gobbling a pile of bloody human bones while wetting Lady Liberty’s foot.
After initially denying that he had even published the cartoon, Falk removed it from his blog. He issued this “apology”:
"With apologies, I realize that the cartoon... had strongly anti-Semitic symbolism that I had not detected before it was pointed out to me...
"My intention has never been to demean in any way Jews as a people despite my strong criticisms of Israeli policies, and some versions of Zionist support...
"Beyond this, if we are to have a sustainable human future we must also make peace with nature, and treat animals with as much respect as possible...
"At the same time, I am quite aware that many of the messages were motivated to discredit me due to my views of Israeli policies and behavior."
The cartoon was noticed last Wednesday by UN Watch, which demanded that UN Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay, issue a statement on the matter.
Falk responded on that same day by saying: "It is a complete lie. I know nothing about such a cartoon, and would never publish such a thing, ever." Later that day he deleted the cartoon. He explained: "Maybe I do not understand the cartoon, and if it offends in this way I have removed it from the blog. It may be in bad taste to an extent I had not earlier appreciated, but I certainly didn’t realize that it could be viewed as anti-semitic, and still do not realize."
In another post Wednesday he commented: "I did not perceive any racist connotations, and certainly no anti-semitic implications, and since it offends people I have removed it without understanding why." He also blamed his imperfect eyesight, at age 80, for causing him to think that the dog's Star of David-adorned kippah was a helmet.
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, denounced Falk’s cartoon on the floor of the US Congress.
Falk is Jewish himself. He taught international law and international relations at Princeton University for forty years.
Comment on this story
by Gil Ronen

The United Nations Human Rights Council’s special rapporteur on Palestinian rights, Richard Falk, has published an “apology” for the publication of an anti-Semitic cartoon showing a kippah (skullcap)-wearing dog on his Internet blog.
The apology, however, is just as offensive, as it is directed equally toward both Jews and animals, as if each was insulted by being compared to the other.
The cartoon appeared on Falk’s blog as an illustration to an entry he made regarding the supposed anti-Arab and pro-Israel hypocrisy of the United States and the International Criminal Court. It shows Lady Liberty taking her dog for a walk. The dog wears a shirt labeled “USA” and dons a Jewish kippah on its head. It is shown gobbling a pile of bloody human bones while wetting Lady Liberty’s foot.
After initially denying that he had even published the cartoon, Falk removed it from his blog. He issued this “apology”:
"With apologies, I realize that the cartoon... had strongly anti-Semitic symbolism that I had not detected before it was pointed out to me...
"My intention has never been to demean in any way Jews as a people despite my strong criticisms of Israeli policies, and some versions of Zionist support...
"Beyond this, if we are to have a sustainable human future we must also make peace with nature, and treat animals with as much respect as possible...
"At the same time, I am quite aware that many of the messages were motivated to discredit me due to my views of Israeli policies and behavior."
The cartoon was noticed last Wednesday by UN Watch, which demanded that UN Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay, issue a statement on the matter.

Falk responded on that same day by saying: "It is a complete lie. I know nothing about such a cartoon, and would never publish such a thing, ever." Later that day he deleted the cartoon. He explained: "Maybe I do not understand the cartoon, and if it offends in this way I have removed it from the blog. It may be in bad taste to an extent I had not earlier appreciated, but I certainly didn’t realize that it could be viewed as anti-semitic, and still do not realize."
In another post Wednesday he commented: "I did not perceive any racist connotations, and certainly no anti-semitic implications, and since it offends people I have removed it without understanding why." He also blamed his imperfect eyesight, at age 80, for causing him to think that the dog's Star of David-adorned kippah was a helmet.
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, denounced Falk’s cartoon on the floor of the US Congress.
Falk is Jewish himself. He taught international law and international relations at Princeton University for forty years.
Comment on this story

3. Yehoram Gaon: Did Police Need Rabbis’ Fingerprints?
by Gil Ronen
Yehoram Gaon, legendary Israeli singer-actor and cultural icon, questioned the state’s wisdom in arresting Rabbis Dov Lior and Yaakov Yosef over their “haskama” to a book called “Torat HaMelech” (“The King’s Torah”).
Gaon hosts a weekly radio show on government-run Voice of Israel Radio / Reshet Bet.
Gaon hinted that the state authorities had made a mistake by placing Torat HaMelech in the spotlight, when it would have gone unnoticed otherwise. “I, for one, would never have reached this book – what interest would I have in Halakhic quotes about morals in wartime? – but how do you explain the fact that for two weeks since I went out and looked for the book, I have been reading it and trying to understand what the fuss is about…?”
Gaon made clear that his criticism of the law enforcement authorities does not mean that he supports the rabbis’ refusal to show up for questioning. From the moment the rabbis were summoned, he opined, they had no option but to comply immediately with it. He cited the famous precept “dina demalchuta dina,” which enjoins Jews to respect the law of the land wherever they might be.
“Without respect for the State, Torah will not be heard in our region either – only the roars, growls and barks of the multitude. Respect for the State in the only glue holding us together, secular and hareidi-religious Jews.”
Were a rabbi called in for questioning over suspicion of theft or bribery, noted Gaon, no one would have said anything. The anger over the arrests erupted because the rabbis were not suspected of a criminal deed but about “philosophical musings,” he explained, and this is “a twilight zone.”
The police could have asked the rabbi same questions they asked him in the interrogation room over the phone, protested Gaon. Not only that, but they took his fingerprint “so that if he picks someone’s pocket, they will have his thumbprint in the offenders’ registry,” he added sarcastically.
“The rule of law is above everything, even above the rabbis, and because it is so strong, exclusive… it should be completely self confident and not just right or just. It should also be smart,” Gaon added.
Comment on this story
by Gil Ronen

Yehoram Gaon, legendary Israeli singer-actor and cultural icon, questioned the state’s wisdom in arresting Rabbis Dov Lior and Yaakov Yosef over their “haskama” to a book called “Torat HaMelech” (“The King’s Torah”).
Gaon hosts a weekly radio show on government-run Voice of Israel Radio / Reshet Bet.
Gaon hinted that the state authorities had made a mistake by placing Torat HaMelech in the spotlight, when it would have gone unnoticed otherwise. “I, for one, would never have reached this book – what interest would I have in Halakhic quotes about morals in wartime? – but how do you explain the fact that for two weeks since I went out and looked for the book, I have been reading it and trying to understand what the fuss is about…?”
Gaon made clear that his criticism of the law enforcement authorities does not mean that he supports the rabbis’ refusal to show up for questioning. From the moment the rabbis were summoned, he opined, they had no option but to comply immediately with it. He cited the famous precept “dina demalchuta dina,” which enjoins Jews to respect the law of the land wherever they might be.
“Without respect for the State, Torah will not be heard in our region either – only the roars, growls and barks of the multitude. Respect for the State in the only glue holding us together, secular and hareidi-religious Jews.”
Were a rabbi called in for questioning over suspicion of theft or bribery, noted Gaon, no one would have said anything. The anger over the arrests erupted because the rabbis were not suspected of a criminal deed but about “philosophical musings,” he explained, and this is “a twilight zone.”
The police could have asked the rabbi same questions they asked him in the interrogation room over the phone, protested Gaon. Not only that, but they took his fingerprint “so that if he picks someone’s pocket, they will have his thumbprint in the offenders’ registry,” he added sarcastically.
“The rule of law is above everything, even above the rabbis, and because it is so strong, exclusive… it should be completely self confident and not just right or just. It should also be smart,” Gaon added.
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4. Two Rocket Attacks South of Ashkelon; IDF Bombs Tunnel
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Terrorists in Hamas-controlled Gaza attacked south of Ashkelon Saturday with two rockets, and the Air Force retaliated by bombing a terror tunnel.
No damage or injuries were reported in the missile attacks, and the IDF said the retaliatory bombing scored a direct hit on the tunnel. As in the past, the Defense Ministry did not explain why the terror tunnels, designed to help terrorists infiltrate and carry out kidnappings, are bombed only after missile strikes on Israelis.
Terrorists have attempted to enter Israel via Hamas-built tunnels, under cover of haze when weather conditions cause poor visibility, and by attempting to cut the security fence. Often, mortar and rocket fire towards Israel are employed in an attempt to distract IDF soldiers.
The Hamas and allied terrorists have escalated attacks on Israel the past two weeks after a lull of more than two months. A roadside bomb caused light injuries to one tank soldier on Thursday. The same day, the IDF said it is installing the Windbreaker system, shielding tank against missiles, on another battalion in the brigade that is based near Gaza.
Earlier last week, the Air Force strafed and killed two terrorists as they were preparing to launch rockets n the western Negev.
Hamas officially declared a ceasefire in April but has violated it several times, as in the past.
Comment on this story
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Terrorists in Hamas-controlled Gaza attacked south of Ashkelon Saturday with two rockets, and the Air Force retaliated by bombing a terror tunnel.
No damage or injuries were reported in the missile attacks, and the IDF said the retaliatory bombing scored a direct hit on the tunnel. As in the past, the Defense Ministry did not explain why the terror tunnels, designed to help terrorists infiltrate and carry out kidnappings, are bombed only after missile strikes on Israelis.
Terrorists have attempted to enter Israel via Hamas-built tunnels, under cover of haze when weather conditions cause poor visibility, and by attempting to cut the security fence. Often, mortar and rocket fire towards Israel are employed in an attempt to distract IDF soldiers.
The Hamas and allied terrorists have escalated attacks on Israel the past two weeks after a lull of more than two months. A roadside bomb caused light injuries to one tank soldier on Thursday. The same day, the IDF said it is installing the Windbreaker system, shielding tank against missiles, on another battalion in the brigade that is based near Gaza.
Earlier last week, the Air Force strafed and killed two terrorists as they were preparing to launch rockets n the western Negev.
Hamas officially declared a ceasefire in April but has violated it several times, as in the past.
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5. Report: Gaza Terrorists use Google Earth to Pinpoint Targets
by Maayana Miskin
Terrorists in Gaza have a new tool helping them to fire on innocent civilians living in southern Israel – the popular satellite mapping program Google Earth. A group of terrorists from the Al-Aksa Martyrs' Brigades recently described their use of the program to a reporter for Slate Magazine.
“The technology is always improving,” a terrorist calling himself Abu Saif told journalist Sharon Weinberger. “Our struggle started with the Kalashnikov, and then it moved to the suicide bomb, then the locally made rocket, and now the Grad rocket.”
Gaza's rocket launching crews use Google Earth to aim their weapons, Abu Said said. The program is seen as superior to maps because it is more up-to-date and gives precise locations for potential targets.
Terrorists who spoke to Weinberger said they plan to continue with rocket attacks despite the deployment of the Iron Dome system, which shoots short-range rockets out of the air. “The Israelis are using a lot of money for this defense, but during the last rocket attacks, our rockets made it through,” explained Abu Hamza, a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist.
Abu Saif suggested that terrorists were getting their hands on new technologies that would help them continue attacks. “At some point in the future, the Grad will be a thing of the past,” said Abu Saif.
Terrorists are believed to have used a laser-guided missile in a recent attack on a school bus that murdered Israeli teenager Daniel Viflic.
Another way in which terrorists are using modern technology is public relations. They have begun making their own videos to send to the media in hopes of gaining support. One recent video filmed by Abu Saif's group was sent to Al Jazeera.
“In some way, rocket making has almost become an extreme form of reality television,” Weinberger suggested, “with the militants understanding that playing to the cameras is as important as, or perhaps more important than, actually launching rockets.”
Comment on this story
by Maayana Miskin

Terrorists in Gaza have a new tool helping them to fire on innocent civilians living in southern Israel – the popular satellite mapping program Google Earth. A group of terrorists from the Al-Aksa Martyrs' Brigades recently described their use of the program to a reporter for Slate Magazine.
“The technology is always improving,” a terrorist calling himself Abu Saif told journalist Sharon Weinberger. “Our struggle started with the Kalashnikov, and then it moved to the suicide bomb, then the locally made rocket, and now the Grad rocket.”
Gaza's rocket launching crews use Google Earth to aim their weapons, Abu Said said. The program is seen as superior to maps because it is more up-to-date and gives precise locations for potential targets.
Terrorists who spoke to Weinberger said they plan to continue with rocket attacks despite the deployment of the Iron Dome system, which shoots short-range rockets out of the air. “The Israelis are using a lot of money for this defense, but during the last rocket attacks, our rockets made it through,” explained Abu Hamza, a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist.
Abu Saif suggested that terrorists were getting their hands on new technologies that would help them continue attacks. “At some point in the future, the Grad will be a thing of the past,” said Abu Saif.
Terrorists are believed to have used a laser-guided missile in a recent attack on a school bus that murdered Israeli teenager Daniel Viflic.
Another way in which terrorists are using modern technology is public relations. They have begun making their own videos to send to the media in hopes of gaining support. One recent video filmed by Abu Saif's group was sent to Al Jazeera.
“In some way, rocket making has almost become an extreme form of reality television,” Weinberger suggested, “with the militants understanding that playing to the cameras is as important as, or perhaps more important than, actually launching rockets.”
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6. No Anthem – No Money, According to Proposed Law
by Gil Ronen
MK Alex Miller, Head of the Knesset’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee, is initiating a bill that would make academic institutions that do not play the national anthem in their ceremonies ineligible for state funding.
The bill was conceived after Haifa University and the Hebrew University’s School of Social Work refused to play the national anthem at their latest graduation ceremonies. The refusals were explained by the claim that Arab graduates would be offended by the anthem.
The bill determines that institutes for higher learning that wish to be funded by the state must play the national anthem at every formal ceremony, including commencement ceremonies and other events that have national meaning.
“In view of the fact that the State of Israel funds the institutes for higher learning and invests tens of thousands of shekels in every student, the decision to keep the anthem out of commencement ceremonies is a particularly insolent and unacceptable one.
“This action has nothing to do with academic freedom and expresses the private will of people to use their position and status in order to express a radical political stance that disrespects national symbols. Some hinted that they decided to forgo the playing of HaTikva so as not to offend certain populations. This is a slippery and dangerous slope. What will be the next stage? Will they also remove the national flag?”
The Knesset’s Education Committee will convene Monday for an urgent meeting in which Miller intends to notify the heads of academic institutions of the legislative initiative. “The Council for Higher Learning and the Council of University Heads should realize that there is a limit to [their] disregard and cynicism, he warned. He hinted that if the obligation to play the anthem is written into the universities’ internal rules and enforced, he would forgo the legislation.
Comment on this story
by Gil Ronen

MK Alex Miller, Head of the Knesset’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee, is initiating a bill that would make academic institutions that do not play the national anthem in their ceremonies ineligible for state funding.
The bill was conceived after Haifa University and the Hebrew University’s School of Social Work refused to play the national anthem at their latest graduation ceremonies. The refusals were explained by the claim that Arab graduates would be offended by the anthem.
The bill determines that institutes for higher learning that wish to be funded by the state must play the national anthem at every formal ceremony, including commencement ceremonies and other events that have national meaning.
“In view of the fact that the State of Israel funds the institutes for higher learning and invests tens of thousands of shekels in every student, the decision to keep the anthem out of commencement ceremonies is a particularly insolent and unacceptable one.
“This action has nothing to do with academic freedom and expresses the private will of people to use their position and status in order to express a radical political stance that disrespects national symbols. Some hinted that they decided to forgo the playing of HaTikva so as not to offend certain populations. This is a slippery and dangerous slope. What will be the next stage? Will they also remove the national flag?”
The Knesset’s Education Committee will convene Monday for an urgent meeting in which Miller intends to notify the heads of academic institutions of the legislative initiative. “The Council for Higher Learning and the Council of University Heads should realize that there is a limit to [their] disregard and cynicism, he warned. He hinted that if the obligation to play the anthem is written into the universities’ internal rules and enforced, he would forgo the legislation.
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7. Netanyahu Extends Recognition to South Sudan
by Gil Ronen
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced at Sunday’s cabinet meeting that Israel recognizes the newly declared country of South Sudan.
“Yesterday, a new state was born, South Sudan,” he said. “I hereby announce that Israel recognizes the Republic of South Sudan. We wish it success. This is a peace-seeking country and we would be pleased to cooperate with it in order to ensure its development and its prosperity. Greetings to South Sudan.”
South Sudan broke off from Sudan following years of persecution of its population -- which is mostly Christian and pagan -- by the Muslim North. Some analysts therefore see it as a natural candidate for diplomatic cooperation with Israel, which also suffers from its Muslim neighbors. South Sudan expressed interest in such ties even before declaring independence.
Netanyahu went on to thank “Israel’s friends” for helping to block the attempted “fly-in” by pro-terrorist activists. He did not name names, but among the countries that acted to stymie the efforts were European Union members that prevented would-be protesters from boarding flights to Israel.
“Last week, we stopped the defiant fly-in against the State of Israel," Netanyahu said. "We acted methodically and successfully in a variety of spheres – diplomacy, intelligence, public security, migration control and others, in order to frustrate this provocation. And indeed the provocation was foiled.”
“The agents provocateurs who tried to enter the State of Israel, a considerable portion of them were stopped at their points of origin, some were stopped at Ben-Gurion International Airport and some, a minority, entered the State of Israel and were detained here.”
“First of all, I would like to thank our many friends around the world who helped us in this matter. I also thank Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, whom I asked to coordinate the effort in Israel and who did so very well. I also thank Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Interior Minister Eli Yishai and his people. Thanks, of course, to Israel Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino and the police, and to the security forces and the Population Authority personnel.”
“I would also like to thank all of the Government officials who worked successfully on this issue," he added. "I would also like to make it clear that Israel will continue to frustrate provocations and attempts to break through our borders, whether by land, sea or air.”
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by Gil Ronen

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced at Sunday’s cabinet meeting that Israel recognizes the newly declared country of South Sudan.
“Yesterday, a new state was born, South Sudan,” he said. “I hereby announce that Israel recognizes the Republic of South Sudan. We wish it success. This is a peace-seeking country and we would be pleased to cooperate with it in order to ensure its development and its prosperity. Greetings to South Sudan.”
South Sudan broke off from Sudan following years of persecution of its population -- which is mostly Christian and pagan -- by the Muslim North. Some analysts therefore see it as a natural candidate for diplomatic cooperation with Israel, which also suffers from its Muslim neighbors. South Sudan expressed interest in such ties even before declaring independence.
Netanyahu went on to thank “Israel’s friends” for helping to block the attempted “fly-in” by pro-terrorist activists. He did not name names, but among the countries that acted to stymie the efforts were European Union members that prevented would-be protesters from boarding flights to Israel.
“Last week, we stopped the defiant fly-in against the State of Israel," Netanyahu said. "We acted methodically and successfully in a variety of spheres – diplomacy, intelligence, public security, migration control and others, in order to frustrate this provocation. And indeed the provocation was foiled.”
“The agents provocateurs who tried to enter the State of Israel, a considerable portion of them were stopped at their points of origin, some were stopped at Ben-Gurion International Airport and some, a minority, entered the State of Israel and were detained here.”
“First of all, I would like to thank our many friends around the world who helped us in this matter. I also thank Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, whom I asked to coordinate the effort in Israel and who did so very well. I also thank Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Interior Minister Eli Yishai and his people. Thanks, of course, to Israel Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino and the police, and to the security forces and the Population Authority personnel.”
“I would also like to thank all of the Government officials who worked successfully on this issue," he added. "I would also like to make it clear that Israel will continue to frustrate provocations and attempts to break through our borders, whether by land, sea or air.”
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8. Former Security Chief: 'The Rebbe Knew All About ISA Operations'
by David ben Yacov
Yaakov Peri, former chief of the Israeli Security Agency and now head of the Mizrahi-Tfahot Bank Board of Directors, participated in the Tammuz 3rd National Chabad Convention commemorating the passing of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe.
The Chabad Online website brought Peri's description of a meeting he had with the Rebbe. “It was a great privilege for me. I never met anyone like him. He was as familiar as I was with ISA operations. We discussed Palestinian and global terror."
The meeting took place in 1989 in the Rebbe’s home and Peri related that “the Rebbe gave a perfect forecast of global and Arab world events, tying them into the destiny of the Jewish People. He said that Islam knew no limits, and would continue to engage in terrorist activity, and he ended with a blessing for those in our secret service which I conveyed to them upon my return.
"His assessments all came true, matching the forecasts of the Military Intelligence and the ISA. He foresaw that the Cold War between the United States and Russia would soon end, and so it was."
Peri also praised the global Chabad representatives, who bring Judaism to the most remote corners of the Earth, inspired by the Rebbe and his teachings. “The elevation of the soul on its day of passing is like a wedding. This is also the joy inherent in the mission of the Chabad representatives. This is the legacy of the Rebbe,” Peri concluded.
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by David ben Yacov

Yaakov Peri, former chief of the Israeli Security Agency and now head of the Mizrahi-Tfahot Bank Board of Directors, participated in the Tammuz 3rd National Chabad Convention commemorating the passing of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe.
The Chabad Online website brought Peri's description of a meeting he had with the Rebbe. “It was a great privilege for me. I never met anyone like him. He was as familiar as I was with ISA operations. We discussed Palestinian and global terror."
The meeting took place in 1989 in the Rebbe’s home and Peri related that “the Rebbe gave a perfect forecast of global and Arab world events, tying them into the destiny of the Jewish People. He said that Islam knew no limits, and would continue to engage in terrorist activity, and he ended with a blessing for those in our secret service which I conveyed to them upon my return.
"His assessments all came true, matching the forecasts of the Military Intelligence and the ISA. He foresaw that the Cold War between the United States and Russia would soon end, and so it was."
Peri also praised the global Chabad representatives, who bring Judaism to the most remote corners of the Earth, inspired by the Rebbe and his teachings. “The elevation of the soul on its day of passing is like a wedding. This is also the joy inherent in the mission of the Chabad representatives. This is the legacy of the Rebbe,” Peri concluded.
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Il Consiglio di Stato vieta la mail: "Troppo lenta"

A ottobre 25mila candidati faranno il concorso per diventari professori universitari: invieranno al Miur 35 milioni di pagine di documenti per una spesa complessiva di 800 milioni. La Gelmini prova a sostituire la carta con le mail. Ma il Consiglio di Stato dice no: "Trasmissione lenta"

Assalamu alaykum, the Ahlul Bayt DILP team is pleased to announce the addition of the following resources to the collection.
Message of Thaqalayn, Editorial, Volume 10, Number 2, Summer 2009/1430
by Mohammad Ali Shomali
article is the editorial of the Message of Thaqalayn journal, Volume
10, Issue number 2, released in summer of 2009. It discusses the
contents of the proceding articles in this journal which have been
listed below.
Read Text » The Prophet's Spiritual State at the Time of His Mission
by S. Ahmad Rahnamaei
this paper the author studies some major aspects of the life of the
Prophet Muhammad at the beginning of his mission, especially the way he
received revelation from God. The author discusses in detail this part
of the Prophet's life from both Shi'a and Sunni sources (which are well
Read Text » Different Methodological Approaches to Spirituality
by Mohammad Ali Shomali
this paper, the author discusses, in brief, the methodologies used by
scholars in studying spirituality. He classifies it into three
approaches, i.e., the philosophical approach, the mystical approach and
the scriptural approach and discusses the importance of all three of
Read Text » An Outline of Governance from a Qur'anic Perspective
by Karim Aghili
this paper, the author presents a brief summary and paraphrase of some
of the salient points regarding governance from a Qur'anic point of
view, based on Law and Politics in the Qur'an by Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi
Misbah Yazdi. This paper is an attempt to clarify that Islam aims at
establishing an ideal society by having a just government.
Read Text » Ijtihād: Taswib or Takhti'ah
by Muhammad Namazi
this article, the author talks in brief about the concept, definition,
and types of ijtihâd and examines the criteria and justification of
takhti'ah (admission of the possibility of error in the judgments of the
jurist) and taswib (maintenance of the jurist's infallibility and
denial of any possibility of error) according to both Shi'a and Sunni
Read Text » Intellectual, Political and Social Status of the Shi'ites on the Verge of Occultation
by Mas'ud Pur Sayyid Aqaei
this paper, the author studies a very important part of the history of
Islam, that is, the period of the lives of Imam Hadi (AS) and Imam
Askari (AS), and the efforts these two Imams made to develop a network
of agents (wukalā) to prepare the Shi'a community for the era of the
occultation of Imam Mahdi (AS).
Read T ext » Reason, Faith and Authority: A Shi'ite Perspective
by Mohammad Ali Shomali
this paper, the author discusses the importance of reason in Islam, its
relevance and connection to true faith and also explains what authority
is in Islam and to whom it belongs. He does so in the light of the
Quran and traditions.
Read Text » |
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Bulletin électronique
URL de cet article:
La politique d'assassinat des États-Unis
par Joe Kishore
| |
Le 8 juillet 2011
| |
Plus de cent jours depuis le début de la guerre en
Libye, il apparaît ouvertement que la stratégie des États-Unis et de
l'OTAN vise plus que jamais l'assassinat politique.
Des chasseurs américains et européens ont mené de
nombreux raids aériens contre l'enceinte résidentielle de Mouammar
Kadhafi, tuant ainsi des membres de sa famille. Frustrés par la durée de
l'opération, qui est essentiellement dans une impasse, les stratèges
militaires concentrent de plus en plus leurs efforts à déposer le chef
d'État libyen pour transférer le pouvoir à d'autres forces au sein du
régime. Cela pourrait se faire par une révolte dans le cercle rapproché
de Kadhafi ou, sinon, par l'assassinat.
Plus tôt cette semaine, Mike Turner, un congressiste
républicain et membre du House Armed Services Committee, a parlé d'une
discussion qu'il avait eue avec l'amiral Samuel Locklear dans laquelle
le commandant de l'OTAN en Italie a admis explicitement l'existence
d'une politique d'assassinat. Selon Turner, Locklear « a expliqué que le
mandat de protection de la population était interprété afin de
permettre la déposition de la hiérarchie de commandements de l'armée de
Kadhafi, dont Kadhafi fait lui-même partie ».
Mardi dernier, Stratfor, un groupe de réflexion
étroitement lié à l'appareil d'État américain, a affirmé que les
accusations de crime de guerre portées contre Kadhafi par la Cour pénale
internationale « donnent une impulsion accrue à l'actuelle stratégie de
l'OTAN consistant à utiliser la puissance aérienne pour assassiner le
chef libyen dans le but d'accomplir la mission : un changement de
régime ».
Mercredi dernier, le président américain Barack Obama
a amené sa position lors d'une conférence de presse qui traitait
essentiellement des plans pour d'énormes coupes dans les programmes
sociaux aux États-Unis. Grâce aux actions des États-Unis, a déclaré
Obama, cet « homme qui parrainait des opérations terroristes contre les
États-Unis d'Amérique est maintenant acculé au pied du mur et le noeud
coulant se resserre ». Ce n'était pas la première fois qu'Obama décidait
de faire référence au lynchage en parlant de Kadhafi.
La politique d'assassinat des États-Unis et de
l'OTAN, tout comme la guerre en Libye dans son ensemble, est clairement
illégale, tant sous le droit international que national. En tentant
d'expliquer pourquoi elle ne constituait pas une violation de la loi sur
les pouvoirs de guerre (War Powers Act), qui exige l'autorisation du
Congrès pour toute action militaire, l'administration Obama a soutenu,
de façon ridicule, que le bombardement de la Libye n'atteignait pas le
niveau des « hostilités ». Cependant, si c'est le cas, la politique
d'assassinat apparaît clairement comme la tentative éhontée du meurtre
d'un chef d'État étranger par une puissance impérialiste.
Durant sa conférence de presse, Obama a fait
plusieurs déclarations extraordinaires sur le sujet de la Libye. Il a
écarté les questions constitutionnelles soulevées par la loi sur les
pouvoirs de guerre – promulguée après les révélations que l'État avait
menti et agi criminellement durant la guerre des États-Unis au Vietnam –
les qualifiant de « bavardage sur le processus et sur la consultation
au Congrès, et ainsi de suite ». Le président, supposément un étudiant
du droit constitutionnel, a tourné en dérision ceux qui critiquent
l'illégalité de la guerre en Libye en disant qu'ils faisaient des
« histoires ».
Ensuite, n'ayant même pas d'argument pseudolégal pour
justifier sa politique, Obama s'est rabattu sur l'argument que Kadhafi,
« avant Oussama Ben Laden, a été responsable de la mort de plus
d'Américains qu'à peu près n'importe qui sur la planète ».
Personne des médias n'a jugé bon d'insister pour que
le président revienne sur cette question. Avant la décision de bombarder
la Libye en mars, Kadhafi profitait de relations amicales avec toutes
les grandes puissances, y compris les États-Unis. En 2003, la Libye
avait mis un terme à son programme d'armement nucléaire et biologique et
ce geste avait été louangé par l'administration Bush comme le modèle à
suivre pour l'Iran et la Corée du Nord.
En avril 2009, le fils de Kadhafi, à ce moment
ministre de la Sécurité nationale du pays, a été chaleureusement
accueilli par Hillary Clinton au département d'État. Cet événement a été
suivi deux mois plus tard par une poignée de main, bien couverte dans
les médias, entre Kadhafi et Obama.
Durant cette période, Kadhafi signait d'importants
contrats avec les sociétés pétrolières américaines et européennes.
Ensuite, pour des raisons qui n'ont jamais clairement été expliquées,
mais qui sont clairement liées aux intérêts géostratégiques des
puissances européennes et des États-Unis, la décision fut prise de
renverser le régime de Kadhafi et de mettre en place un régime qui
serait encore plus lié aux intérêts de l'impérialisme.
Après avoir d'abord tenté de déposer le gouvernement
en appuyant les « rebelles » à l'est et à l'ouest, les États-Unis et
l'OTAN adoptent maintenant une méthode plus directe.
Toutefois, la politique d'assassinat des États-Unis
ne se limite pas qu'à Kadhafi. Mercredi dernier, l'administration Obama a
dévoilé sa « Stratégie nationale de contreterrorisme », qui décrit une
stratégie d'« assassinats ciblés » partout où les États-Unis
identifieraient une menace à leurs intérêts. En présentant cette
stratégie, le conseiller au contreterrorisme, John Brennan, a déclaré
que « notre meilleure offensive ne sera pas toujours de déployer de
grandes armées à l'étranger, mais parfois de mettre une pression ciblée,
chirurgicale, sur les groupes qui nous menacent ».
Cette « pression ciblée, chirurgicale », signifie le
recours aux drones téléguidés de l'armée et de la CIA ainsi qu'aux
forces spéciales comme celles qui ont assassiné Ben Laden. Sous
l'administration Obama, les États-Unis ont considérablement intensifié
l'utilisation des drones en Afghanistan, au Pakistan, en Irak, au Yémen
et maintenant en Libye, pour tuer toute personne qui serait qualifiée de
« militant » ou de « terroriste ». Un sixième pays a été ajouté à la
liste la semaine dernière lorsqu'un drone américain a attaqué les
présumés dirigeants d'une organisation affiliée à Al-Qaïda en Somalie.
Dans une période historique précédente, des sections
de la classe dirigeante américaine ont vu les immenses dangers que
posaient de telles politiques. En 1965, après son arrivée au pouvoir,
confronté à la révélation de complots d'assassinat par les États-Unis
dans diverses parties du monde, le président Lyndon Johnson avait
déclaré que les États-Unis « dirigent un satané Meurtre inc. »
En 1976, la commission Church, qui a mené des
enquêtes du Sénat sur les complots d'assassinat de la CIA, avait conclu
qu'une politique d'assassinat « transgresse les préceptes moraux
essentiels à notre mode de vie ». Un ordre exécutif émis dans la foulée
de la commission a interdit explicitement cette pratique.
Évidemment, il n'y a jamais eu d'âge d'or de
l'impérialisme américain. Cependant, il s'est produit un véritable
effondrement de la responsabilité légale et démocratique, même si
celle-ci n'existait qu'en apparence, au cours des 35 dernières années.
Un politique d'assassinat par l'État est le couronnement d'un processus
formé de guerres d'agression illimitées, de torture, de détention sans
accusation, et de l'érosion des droits démocratiques aux États-Unis. Ce
processus est étroitement lié à la transformation des relations sociales
aux États-Unis, à la montée d'une aristocratie financière parasite et à
la croissance extraordinaire de l'inégalité sociale.
Des politiques visant à assassiner Kadhafi en tant
que stratégie militaire auront des conséquences majeures.
L'administration Obama et la classe dirigeante américaine démontrent
qu'ils sont prêts à tuer extrajudiciairement n'importe qui jugé comme
étant un obstacle. Ce n'est pas qu'un avertissement dirigé vers les
organisations politiques ou les chefs d'État étrangers. Il ne fait pas
de doute que le personnel du gouvernement américain utiliserait des
méthodes semblables contre toute opposition importante au pays même.
Article original, WSWS, paru le 1er juillet 2011

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Mancherorts gibt es auch Licht per Anruf Von Christiane Raatz, dpa --> [für Abonnenten] Campingplätze gut gebucht Betreiber in Sachsen-Anhalt haben volle Bücher Von Sabrina Gorges, dpa --> [für Abonnenten] +++ Ausland: Neue Flüchtlingswelle nach Lampedusa Über 1300 Bootsflüchtlinge aus Libyens Kriegsgebiet erreichen die kleine süditalienische Insel --> Endstation Flughafen Tel Aviv Teilnehmer der Aktion »Willkommen in Palästina« in israelischer Abschiebehaft Von Martin Lejeune --> Kritik kommt aus allen Schichten In Syrien gibt es neben dem etablierten Nationalen Dialog eine weitgefächerte Opposition Von Karin Leukefeld, Damaskus --> Wenig Interesse an Dialog Oppositionelle blieben Treffen fern --> Parteinahme für das Heimatland In Deutschland lebende Vietnamesen unterstützen Hanoi im Inselstreit mit China Von Marina May --> Jubel für den neuen Staat Südsudan erklärte offiziell die Unabhängigkeit vom Norden --> Blutiges Wochenende in Afghanistan USA setzen auf baldigen Sieg über Al Qaida --> [für Abonnenten] Militärhilfe liegt auf Eis --> [für Abonnenten] Neues Beben in Japan --> [für Abonnenten] Malaysias Polizei in Rambo-Manier Friedliche Demonstration für Wahlrechtsreform niedergeschlagen Von Alois Leinweber, Kuala Lumpur --> Lateinamerika vertieft die Integration Gemeinschaft der lateinamerikanischen und karibischen Staaten steht in den Startlöchern Von Harald Neuber --> [für Abonnenten] Berlusconis Konzern muss zahlen Italien: Millionenstrafe gegen Fininvest macht Situation für Premier noch komplizierter Von Anna Maldini, Rom --> »Die Kredite stürzen Griechenland in den Abgrund« Alexis Tsipras, Fraktionsvorsitzender der griechischen Koalition der Linken, über das verschuldete Europa --> +++ Wirtschaft/Soziales: Ökonomie der Sicherheit Von Christa Luft --> Kaum Geld für künftige Therapeuten Verband fordert angemessene Bezahlung in der Ausbildung Von Ulrike Henning --> Riesenflop mit Riesenrad --> [für Abonnenten] Ackermann hat Nachfolger --> [für Abonnenten] Agentur spart bei Beratung --> [für Abonnenten] Staatsgeld für Pleitebank US-Notenbank hat Lehman Brothers kurz vor der Insolvenz Milliarden gegeben Von John Dyer, Boston --> +++ Feuilleton: Brasilianische Tänze auf dem Sonnendeck Bootsfahrten sind beim Montreux Jazz Festival immer schnell ausverkauft Von Christoph Nitz, Montreux --> Zwei Welten Maja Haderlap ist Gewinnerin des diesjährigen Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preises Harald Loch --> Beredte Augenblicke Ausstellung I: Fotografien von Georges Brassai Von Anita Wünschmann --> [für Abonnenten] Der 4. Stamm Ausstellung II: Die Sudentendeutschen Von Karlen Vesper --> Wie weiter? Weltkulturerbe --> [für Abonnenten] MOSEKUNDS MONTAG KLEINE SPENDE Wolfgang Hübner --> Ein makelloser Text Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis ging an Maja Haderlap Von Harald Loch --> Finale Hamburger Theater --> [für Abonnenten] +++ Berlin/Brandenburg: Abschied in der Kathedrale Hunderte erwiesen verstorbenem Kardinal Sterzinsky letzte Ehre Von Stefan Engelbrecht, dpa --> [für Abonnenten] Brutaler Überfall auf Jugendlichen in Ahrensfelde --> [für Abonnenten] Polizei filmte die Liebig 14 --> Wahlkampf mit Millionen --> Gysi gegen Müggelsee-Route --> [für Abonnenten] Erprobt Klaus Joachim Herrmann will eine Kandidatur als Test-Region --> Feuerteufel im Treppenhaus Brandstifter und die schlimmen Folgen ihrer nächtlichen Streifzüge Von Rainer Funke --> Verfolgung und Rückkehr Wanderausstellung »Jüdisches Leben in Pankow« im Jugendzentrum JUP Von Ariane Mann --> Erfolgsstücke ohne Sommerpause Die neue Saison von Theater und Komödie am Kurfürstendamm Von Volkmar Draeger --> Friedensschafe auf Schloßplatz --> Lautstark für das Tacheles --> Harms: Konzept ist aufgegangen --> [für Abonnenten] Teboul gewinnt Modepreis --> +++ Sport: Nachschuss Plädoyer im Hinterstübchen --> Das Ausscheiden als Argument Dass die DFB-Frauen aus dem Turnier geflogen sind, spricht für die Entwicklung des Frauenfußballs Von Jirka Grahl --> Keiner weiß, was er nun schon zuhause soll Nach dem Viertelfinalaus suchen Deutschlands Fußballerinnen nach Gründen für das 0:1 gegen Japan Von Mark Wolter, Wolfsburg --> Wir wollen ins Finale --> Ungläubig --> Appellierend --> Hoffnungsvoll --> Der größte Erfolg Frankreich besiegt England im Elfmeterschießen Von Roland Leroi, dpa --> 3:1 gegen müde Australierinnen Schweden zieht ins Halbfinale ein und sichert sich den letzten Olympiastartplatz für Europa Von Michael Fox und Gerd Münster, dpa --> Nur gewinnen ist wichtig 1999er Boom im Frauenfußball in den USA längst vergessen Von Kevin Hagen, dpa --> [für Abonnenten] Bahnvierer hofft auf Olympia 2012 Radsport: Claudia Pechstein scheitert beim Olympiatest auf der Bahn Von Thorsten Kanter, dpa --> [für Abonnenten] Vettels Boxen-Crew mit Blackout Ferrari-Star Fernando Alonso nutzt Chance und siegt in Silverstone --> [für Abonnenten] Rätselraten über die vielen Stürze 98. Tour de France: Massensturz auf der 9. Etappe / Tagesieg an Luis-Leon Sanchez Von Tom Mustroph, Saint-Flour --> [für Abonnenten] +++ Meinung/Kolumne: Unten links --> Guter Grollgrund Standpunkt von Uwe Kalbe Von Uwe Kalbe --> Kunst des Loslassens Kommentar von Gabriele Oertel Von Gabriele Oertel --> Wer kann Kanzler? Kommentar von Aert van Riel --> Zynisch und schändlich Kommentar von Martin Ling Von Martin Ling --> +++ Umwelt: »Zu viele Barrieren im System« Umweltpsychologin Ellen Matthies über Klimawandel und Gewohnheiten Von Sabine Wygas --> Indigene gegen Regierung Ekuador: Amazonasgemeinde geht gegen Erdölförderung vor Gericht --> Streit über »fremde« Arten Verharmlosung oder fälschliche Ablehnung Von Steffen Schmidt --> Schnecken statt Rauchschwalben Deutsche und italienische Umweltaktivisten verbinden Artenschutz und Entwicklung Von Benjamin Haerdle -->
July 10, 2011
Tomgram: Barbara Ehrenreich, The Fog of (Robot) War
Last week, William Wan and Peter Finn of the Washington Post
that at least 50 countries have now purchased or developed pilotless
military drones. Recently, the Chinese had more than two dozen models
in some stage of development on display at the Zhuhai Air Show, some of
which they are evidently eager to sell to other countries.
So three cheers for a thoroughly drone-ified world. In my lifetime, I've repeatedly seen advanced weapons systems or mind-boggling technologies of war hailed as near-utopian paths to victory and future peace (just as the atomic bomb was soon after my birth). Include in that the Vietnam-era, "electronic battlefield," President Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (aka “Star Wars”), the “smart bombs” and smart missiles of the first Gulf War, and in the twenty-first century, "netcentric warfare," that Rumsfeldian high-tech favorite.
You know the results of this sort of magical thinking about wonder weapons (or technologies) just as well as I do. The atomic bomb led to an almost half-century-long nuclear superpower standoff/nightmare, to nuclear proliferation, and so to the possibility that someday even terrorists might possess such weapons. The electronic battlefield was incapable of staving off defeat in Vietnam. Reagan’s “impermeable” anti-missile shield in space never came even faintly close to making it into the heavens. Those "smart bombs" of the Gulf War proved remarkably dumb, while the 50 "decapitation" strikes the Bush administration launched against Saddam Hussein's regime on the first day of the 2003 invasion of Iraq took out not a single Iraqi leader, but dozens of civilians. And the history of the netcentric military in Iraq is well known. Its "success" sent Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld into retirement and ignominy.
In the same way, robot drones as assassination weapons will prove to be just another weapons system rather than a panacea for American warriors. None of these much-advertised wonder technologies ever turns out to perform as promised, but that fact never stops them, as with drones today, from embedding themselves in our world. From the atomic bomb came a whole nuclear landscape that included the Strategic Air Command, weapons labs, production plants, missile silos, corporate interests, and an enormous world-destroying arsenal (as well as proliferating versions of the same, large and small, across the planet). Nor did the electronic battlefield go away. Quite the opposite -- it came home and entered our everyday world in the form of sensors, cameras, surveillance equipment, and the like, now implanted from our borders to our cities.
Rarely do wonder weapons or wonder technologies disappoint enough to disappear. And those latest wonders, missile- and bomb-armed drones, are now multiplying like so many electronic rabbits. And yet there is always hope. Back in 1997, Barbara Ehrenreich went after the human attraction to violence in her book Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War. In it, among other brilliant insights, she traced the beginnings of our modern blood rites not to Man, the Aggressor, but to human beings, the prey (in a dangerous early world of predators). Now, in an updated, adapted version of an afterword she did for the British edition of that book, she turns from the origins of war to its end point, suggesting in her usual provocative way that drones and other warrior robotics may, in the end, do us one strange favor: they may finally bring home to us that war is not a human possession, that it is not what we are and must be. (To catch Timothy MacBain’s latest TomCast audio interview in which Ehrenreich discusses the nature of war and how to fight against it, click here, or download it to your iPod here.) Tom
So three cheers for a thoroughly drone-ified world. In my lifetime, I've repeatedly seen advanced weapons systems or mind-boggling technologies of war hailed as near-utopian paths to victory and future peace (just as the atomic bomb was soon after my birth). Include in that the Vietnam-era, "electronic battlefield," President Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (aka “Star Wars”), the “smart bombs” and smart missiles of the first Gulf War, and in the twenty-first century, "netcentric warfare," that Rumsfeldian high-tech favorite.
You know the results of this sort of magical thinking about wonder weapons (or technologies) just as well as I do. The atomic bomb led to an almost half-century-long nuclear superpower standoff/nightmare, to nuclear proliferation, and so to the possibility that someday even terrorists might possess such weapons. The electronic battlefield was incapable of staving off defeat in Vietnam. Reagan’s “impermeable” anti-missile shield in space never came even faintly close to making it into the heavens. Those "smart bombs" of the Gulf War proved remarkably dumb, while the 50 "decapitation" strikes the Bush administration launched against Saddam Hussein's regime on the first day of the 2003 invasion of Iraq took out not a single Iraqi leader, but dozens of civilians. And the history of the netcentric military in Iraq is well known. Its "success" sent Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld into retirement and ignominy.
In the same way, robot drones as assassination weapons will prove to be just another weapons system rather than a panacea for American warriors. None of these much-advertised wonder technologies ever turns out to perform as promised, but that fact never stops them, as with drones today, from embedding themselves in our world. From the atomic bomb came a whole nuclear landscape that included the Strategic Air Command, weapons labs, production plants, missile silos, corporate interests, and an enormous world-destroying arsenal (as well as proliferating versions of the same, large and small, across the planet). Nor did the electronic battlefield go away. Quite the opposite -- it came home and entered our everyday world in the form of sensors, cameras, surveillance equipment, and the like, now implanted from our borders to our cities.
Rarely do wonder weapons or wonder technologies disappoint enough to disappear. And those latest wonders, missile- and bomb-armed drones, are now multiplying like so many electronic rabbits. And yet there is always hope. Back in 1997, Barbara Ehrenreich went after the human attraction to violence in her book Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War. In it, among other brilliant insights, she traced the beginnings of our modern blood rites not to Man, the Aggressor, but to human beings, the prey (in a dangerous early world of predators). Now, in an updated, adapted version of an afterword she did for the British edition of that book, she turns from the origins of war to its end point, suggesting in her usual provocative way that drones and other warrior robotics may, in the end, do us one strange favor: they may finally bring home to us that war is not a human possession, that it is not what we are and must be. (To catch Timothy MacBain’s latest TomCast audio interview in which Ehrenreich discusses the nature of war and how to fight against it, click here, or download it to your iPod here.) Tom
War Without Humans
Modern Blood Rites Revisited
By Barbara Ehrenreich
For a book about the all-too-human “passions of war,” my 1997 work Blood Rites ended on a strangely inhuman note: I suggested that, whatever distinctly human qualities war calls upon -- honor, courage, solidarity, cruelty, and so forth -- it might be useful to stop thinking of war in exclusively human terms. After all, certain species of ants wage war and computers can simulate “wars” that play themselves out on-screen without any human involvement.
More generally, then, we should define war as a self-replicating pattern of activity that may or may not require human participation. In the human case, we know it is capable of spreading geographically and evolving rapidly over time -- qualities that, as I suggested somewhat fancifully, make war a metaphorical successor to the predatory animals that shaped humans into fighters in the first place.
A decade and a half later, these musings do not seem quite so airy and abstract anymore. The trend, at the close of the twentieth century, still seemed to be one of ever more massive human involvement in war -- from armies containing tens of thousands in the sixteenth century, to hundreds of thousands in the nineteenth, and eventually millions in the twentieth century world wars.
Click here to read more of this dispatch.
*** Japan Times E-mail News Service *** __________ Monday, July 11, 2011 ________________ TODAY'S TOP STORIES ========================= [NATIONAL NEWS] Leak forces Tepco to temporarily halt water decontamination system After Tepco discovers leakage of 50 liters of contaminated water and chemicals, the utility suspends the water cooling system while workers make the necessary repairs. [MORE] -> --- [NATIONAL NEWS] No reports of injuries, damage from M7.3 quake in northeastern Japan The Japan Meteorological Agency issues its first tsunami warning since June 23, when a magnitude 6.7 quake shook the northeastern region. [MORE] -> --- [NATIONAL NEWS] Fukushima government inspects farm over beef radiation fears Fukushima prefectural government tries to determine whether farm's management of feed and water for cows is sufficient in response to the detection of excessive levels of radioactive cesium in the meat of 11 cows shipped from it. [MORE] -> [More news] OTHER NEWS ========================= [NATIONAL NEWS] Okada says Japan's reactor 'stress tests' should be shorter than EU's [NATIONAL NEWS] Study shows higher ground not high enough for some tsunami-prone communities [NATIONAL NEWS] University researchers genetically engineer mice that can chirp like birds ===================================================================== Follow The Japan Times on Facebook and Twitter: ===================================================================== BUSINESS ========================= [BUSINESS NEWS] Nation lags in renewable energy OPINION ========================= [More Op-Ed stories] [For features] [Text ad in Japanese] ===================================================================== Footballイングリッシュ -- プレミアリーグを英語のまま楽しむ! [ CD1枚付き ] ベッカム、ランパード、ベンゲル監督などのインタビュー、試合の実況中継 ハイライトをCD収録。ワールドカップ、EUROを英語で観戦しよう! 海外サッカー、主にプレミアリーグを英語で楽しむために必要な、 「リーディング力」と「リスニング力」をつけることを目的とした英語学習書です。 ===================================================================== SPORTS ========================= [BASEBALL] Settsu's eight shutout innings lead Hawks to victory over Marines [GOLF] Mika leads the Miyazatos at U.S. Open [J.LEAGUE SOCCER] Kim's first J-League goal clinches win for Gamba [SPORTS] Shimoda KO'd by Ramos in first defense of his WBA super bantamweight title [SPORTS] Murakami retains Asian javelin title [SUMO] Hakuho begins Nagoya basho with a bang [TENNIS] Nishikori earns Japan a berth in Davis Cup World Group playoffs [INTERNATIONAL SOCCER] Japan triumphs over Germany to reach Women's World Cup semis [More Sports Stories]
François Hollande : les rumeurs et manoeuvres, "ça suffit !"
Martine Aubry : face à la rumeur, l'humour est une arme mortelle
Dette US : Obama veut un accord sous 10 jours
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Le président américain négocie de nouveau avec le Congrès ce lundi avec pour objectif d'empêcher le défaut de paiement des Etats-Unis. |
SYRIE. La France hausse le ton
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L'ambassade de France à Damas et un consulat à Alep ont été dégradés à la suite d'une visite de l'ambassadeur dans la ville de rebelle de Hama. |
Total annonce une prochaine hausse du prix de l'essence
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Le groupe répercutera la récente hausse du prix du pétrole sur le prix de l'essence à la pompe. |
Roland Petit , le Vieil Homme et la Mort
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Le chorégraphe laisse une oeuvre marquée par des créations enchanteresses, mais aussi par le brillant factice des comédies musicales et le goût du strass et des paillettes. Par Raphaël de Gubernatis. |
Primaire EELV : Eva Joly remporterait une victoire assez large
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C'est ce qu'indiquent les premières tendances du dépouillement des votes selon un responsable du parti écologiste. |
La discothèque du Haut-Doubs se dit victime d'une tromperie
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Selon le gérant, "l'image négative donnée aux Fins" a joué dans le fait que deux des trois membres des Black Eyed Peas annoncés ne soient pas venus. |
Découverte macabre dans le lac d'Annecy
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Les corps de deux personnes ont été découverts ce week-end dans le lac haut-savoyard. Leur mort remonterait à un an. |
DSK : un sénateur démocrate réclame un procès
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Figure centrale de la communauté noire de Harlem, Bill Perkins demande au procureur Vance de poursuivre son enquête. |
Fukushima : la décontamination prendra plusieurs dizaines d'années
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Le premier ministre japonais a présenté un premier programme de décontamination de la centrale nucléaire très attendu. |
Guerre des déchets : qui veut la peau de Naples ?
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Tout le monde semble s'être uni pour ruiner la cité : la Camorra qui profite de la situation, la Ligue du Nord qui refuse la solidarité nationale, la classe politique locale qui rivalise d'incurie. Par Marcelle Padovani |
Atlantis s'est arrimée à l'ISS une dernière fois
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La navette doit livrer 3,7 tonnes de vivres, équipements et pièces de rechange pour permettre aux six astronautes de la station de tenir pendant un an. |
"News of the World" : Murdoch à Londres pour déminer le scandale
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Le magnat de la presse a fait le déplacement afin de gérer lui-même le scandale des écoutes téléphoniques. |
Sarkozy serait battu par Hollande comme par Aubry
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Les deux principaux candidats socialistes devanceraient l'actuel président aux deux tours de la présidentielle, d'après un sondage. Marine Le Pen perd du terrain. |
Libye : la France cherche des "solutions politiques"
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Alain Juppé souhaite trouver, avec l'Union africaine, une sortie négociée au conflit en Libye. Le départ de Kadhafi reste "l'élément clé". |
Un proche de Bruno Gollnish exclu du FN pour deux ans
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Yvan Benedetti, conseiller municipal de Vénissieux et bras droit de Bruno Gollnish, s'était dit "antisioniste, antisémite, anti-juif". |
Kate et William, sages comme des images à Hollywood
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Pas de foule en délire ou de paparazzi en embuscade : pour leur première visite aux Etats-Unis, le Duc et la Duchesse de Cambridge font dans la discrétion. Par Cécile Delarue, à Los Angeles. |
Un concert à l'Olympia pour soutenir l'Elysée Montmartre
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Bénabar, Raphaël et Bernard Lavilliers donnent ce dimanche soir un concert pour sauver la salle ravagée par un incendie. |
Egypte : les policiers accusés d'avoir tué des manifestants limogés
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Des manifestations dénonçaient le manque de sanctions et la lenteur de la justice envers les auteurs de la répression de la révolte contre Moubarak. |
Moselle : le forcené armé s'est rendu
Le jeune homme, âgé de 26 ans, était retranché chez lui depuis samedi soir avec une carabine.
F1 : Alonso signe à Silverstone sa première victoire de la saison
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L'Espagnol sur Ferrari a remporté le Grand Prix de Grande-Bretagne devant l'Allemand Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull). |
Coupe du monde de foot : les Bleues en demies
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L'équipe de France féminine a obtenu une qualification historique samedi en éliminant l'Angleterre (1-1, 4-3 aux tirs au but). |
L'affaire DSK et la "présomption de véracité"
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OPINION. La démarche du juge n'est pas si loin du fameux "Jugement de Salomon", où c'est parole contre parole. Par Daniel Sibony, psychanalyste. |
SNCF : la rénovation du réseau va retarder les trains...
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... pendant 4 ou 5 ans, soit la durée des travaux prévus pour moderniser le réseau ferré. |
De nouveaux modèles de radars embarqués testés
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Un millier de radars supplémentaires seront installés d'ici 2012. |
Etats-Unis : deux avions interceptés dans l'espace aérien de Camp David
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Barack Obama passe le week-end dans la résidence d'été des présidents américains. |
Le célèbre chanteur argentin Facundo Cabral assassiné
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Des hommes non identifiés ont mitraillé la voiture du chanteur, immense star en Amérique latine. |
L'Etna crache ses cendres, l'aéroport de Catane ferme ses pistes
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Le volcan sicilien est en pleine activité. Si le phénomène est normal et sans danger pour les habitants, l'aéroport de Catane a dû fermer temporairement. |
François Bayrou veut mener une politique de "vérité" en 2012
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"Le gouvernement nous dit : la crise est derrière nous ... tout le monde sait que ce n'est pas vrai", dénonce le président du MoDem. |
COUPE DAVIS. La France s'impose logiquement face à l'Allemagne
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La paire Tsonga-Llodra s'est imposée en 3 sets face à Kas-Petzshner. Les tricolores ont fait respecter le classement et rencontreront en demi-finale l'Espagne ou les Etats-Unis. |
DOCU. Découvrez "Le Business de la piraterie"
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Le Nouvel Observateur diffuse une enquête sur l'économie de la piraterie en Somalie et ses conséquences en Europe. |
Le jeu vidéo de la semaine : Lego - Pirates des caraïbes
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Les célèbres briques danoises appliquent une recette bien rodée à une nouvelle saga. Au risque de lasser ? |
L'application de la semaine : Elections 2012
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Le service affiche un baromètre en "temps réel" des intentions de vote et une liste des candidats à la présidentielle mise à jour régulièrement. Pas indispensable mais bienvenu. |
AVIGNON : Frédéric Mitterrand dans la Cour d’Honneur… et au charbon
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Offensive de charme du ministre de la Culture, furieux contre le Nouvel Observateur depuis l’article de Jacques Drillon intitulé "La Chute de la maison Mitterrand". |
Pécresse, la chiraquienne qui monte
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L'autonomie des universités, c'est elle. Une réforme réputée impossible, que la toute nouvelle ministre du Budget a pourtant réussi à mener à bien. Portrait bilan par Caroline Brizard et Patrick Fauconnier |
Rugby : comment Max Guazzini a été poussé vers la sortie
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Après dix-huit ans à la tête du Stade français, l'ex-secrétaire de Dalida vient de céder le club à un repreneur pour éviter la relégation. Par Gérard Muteaud. |
VIDEO. Flash-back : il y a 40 ans disparaissait Louis Armstrong
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Retour en images sur la carrière du jazzman, en partenariat avec l'Ina. Avec notamment un document rare et en intégralité : un enregistrement d'un des concerts de Louis Armstrong en 1948. |
VIDEOS | |||||
![]() Bande-annonce de "Lego : Pirates des caraïbes" |
![]() La bande-annonce de "Lego : Pirates des caraïbes" |
![]() Les plus belles demandes en mariage |
![]() Un guitariste aveugle rejoint U2 sur scène |
![]() Alexis Mabille : Collection Automne-Hiver 2011-2012 |
Blogs | |||
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Juliette Binoche bouleversante, Patrice Chéreau au sommet Par Odile Quirot |
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FUKUSHIMA (suite 40) Des décennies pour nettoyer la centrale de Fukushima Par Dominique Leglu |
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La ”Youtubisation” de la vie privée Par Jérôme Hourdeaux |
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Monoprix, le quotidien c'est pas si sympa. Par Claude Soula |
Voir tous les blogs |
Ricardo Gama
- Rio! O ataque dos aerobueiros!
- Blogs já substituem protestos e manifestações
- IMPUNIDADE TOTAL: Rio de Janeiro soma 60 mil homicídios a esclarecer em 10 anos
- Homem abre porta do carro do vice-presidente Michel Temer em tentativa de assalto
- MP pede a prisão de José Dirceu, e ele promete "correr país"
- Abertura da Copa 2014 será em São Paulo, diz colunista da Revista Veja
- Vice-governador Pezão faz Governo do Rio comprar casa de cunhada de sua esposa por preço mais alto do que valia
- Descaso transforma Rio de Janeiro em campo minado, milhares de bueiros podem explodir
- Romário tenta fugir da blitz mas não consegue e tem carteira apreendida na Lei Seca
- ASSALTO: Procuradoria quer que bancos devolvam R$ 1 bi a correntistas
- Na Cabralândia - Vice de Cabral agradece empreiteira ao inaugurar teleférico no Complexo do Alemão e comemora vitória sobre “os ministérios públicos”…
- Testemunha viu PMs matarem Juan, revela o 'Jornal Nacional'
- CAMPO MINADO: A cada três bueiros no Rio de Jneiro um pode explodir
- DITADURA: Bombeiros Militares não podem entrar em quartel com fitas vermelhas
- Eduardo Paes doa terreno para o Império Serrano e libera verba para a reforma do espaço
- Polícia apura se jornalista baleado no interior do RJ sofreu atentado
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 04:30 PM PDT
O Rio de Janeiro está um CAOS, agora o povo tem que fugir dos bueiros da Light para sobreviver, mas ninguém deixa de fazer piada.
Leiam e riam, mas não pisem nos bueiros da Light se querem viver. Reprodução da Folha de São Paulo ![]() E o Eramos6 pegou cinco tampas de bueiro e fez o logotipo da Olimpíada de 2016. Sabe aquelas cinco rodinhas? Agora são cinco tampas de bueiro. E saiu uma nova expressão: BUM-EIRO! Bum-eiro: buraco que esquenta e explode debaixo das pessoas. Rarará! Parece filme das Tartaruga Ninjas! E pior: "Light pode ter 4.000 bueiros com risco de explodir". Tá se preparando pro Réveillon? . |
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 04:26 PM PDT
Boa, é a força da internet a favor da democracia.
Reprodução do site Jornal da Tarde (Grupo Estadã
de cinco anos à espera de uma solução para o problema de saneamento da
rua onde morava, Robinson Dias criou o blog SOS Rua Brasiluso.
“Comecei o blog como uma forma de desabafo sobre o descaso que
sofríamos, mas deu tanta repercussão que recebemos até a visita de um
secretário municipal que veio ver o problema pessoalmente.”
Delfino, do Jardim Tietê, zona leste, criou o blog Riacho dos Machados
para protestar. Segundo ele, os moradores ficaram quatro dias sem
assistência depois de uma grande enchente. Mas, o que era um protesto,
ganhou a internet. “Postando vídeos, relatando o descaso, enviando
links para vereadores, deputados e secretários, as coisas começaram a
acontecer. Os blogs dão muito mais resultado que queimar pneus e fazer
protestos. Não tenho dúvida.”
experiência deu tão certo, que Delfino diz já ter criado 56 blogs para
ajudar outras comunidades a resolver suas pendências com órgãos
Maradei, diretor da AME Jardins, na zona sul, afirma que a entidade
tem um bom canal de comunicação com a Prefeitura. Mas o blog ajuda a
melhorar a relação. “Com publicações que fizemos, conseguimos eliminar
seis pontos de descarte irregular de lixo e entulho. A própria
Subprefeitura de Pinheiros se antecipou ao ver as postagens e as fotos e
resolveu o problema.” Para ele, essa é uma ferramenta que permite uma
relação de maior transparência com o poder público e os associados.
Richter, vice-presidente da Amo Jardim Sul I e II, mantém no blog uma
votação para saber se os moradores querem uma subprefeitura exclusiva
para o Morumbi. Quando considerar oportuno, vai apresentar o resultado
para a Prefeitura junto com um projeto para sua criação. “O que percebo
é que os moradores querem esse tipo de informação da comunidade.
Existe uma grande demanda para isso.”
Carne e ossoA
coordenadora do curso de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Metodista,
Luci Praum, afirma que os blogs são uma ferramenta a mais dos
movimentos sociais. “Mas não substituem a organização direta das
pessoas, a presença em carne e osso.”
sua avaliação, essas novas mídias servem para que os movimentos
avaliem qual a melhor estratégia para o objetivo que pretendem atingir.
“Um não exclui o outro.”
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 04:20 PM PDT
è pelo visto povo está fu..., quem mata no Rio de Janeiro tem grandes chances de sair impune.
Realmente muita coisa tem que ser mudada.
Reprodução do jornal Estado de São Paulo on line
Levantamento da Divisão de Homicídios (DH) mostra que na capital fluminense, que concentra a maioria dos homicídios, a elucidação pouco evoluiu. A divisão, criada em janeiro de 2010, esclareceu em seu primeiro ano de funcionamento 14% dos 1.425 homicídios dolosos.
Em 2007, análise do sociólogo Michel Misse apontava que no mesmo prazo a polícia esclarecia 11% dos assassinatos. Em 1994, o antropólogo Luiz Eduardo Soares apontou que 7,8% destes crimes eram denunciados ao MP com a autoria identificada em dois anos de investigação.
Nesta semana, a população teve mais uma demonstração das limitações da polícia: a investigação sobre o sumiço de Juan Moraes, de 11 anos. Ele desapareceu em 20 de junho durante ação da PM em Nova Iguaçu, mas a busca começou 9 dias depois. Uma testemunha, Wanderson de Assis, de 19, foi preso como traficante e depois ingressou no Programa de Proteção à Testemunha.
perícia nas viaturas policiais foi feita uma semana depois e encontrou
sangue. No dia 30, a Polícia Civil anunciou que uma ossada havia sido
achada, mas a perícia disse que era uma menina. Uma semana depois, o
exame de DNA provou que os restos mortais eram de Juan. A perita e o delegado foram afastados e os quatro policiais suspeitos de matar Juan e ocultar o cadáver estão sendo investigados.
Rio está perto da média nacional de 8% de elucidação dos crimes,
segundo o Mapa da Violência 2011. Países europeus e os Estados Unidos
trabalham com média de 70% a 80%, embora registrem bem menos crimes do
que o Brasil. Entre os homicídios não solucionados no Rio, o último caso
de grande repercussão foi o da engenheira Patrícia Amieiro, cujo corpo está desaparecido desde 14 de junho de 2008, depois de seu carro ser atingido por disparos de PMs, ainda não julgados.
Gestora do Enasp no Rio, a promotora Renata Bressan
diz que parte do problema é do Judiciário. "Não é só a polícia que é
culpada. Em algumas comarcas, o número de processos ficou alto, porque
juízes se negam a arquivar casos. Quando promotores acumulam muito
trabalho, eles passam a trabalhar por amostragem." Segundo o Conselho
Nacional do Ministério Público, Minas ocupa o segundo lugar no ranking dos homicídios não esclarecidos, com 20 mil casos. São Paulo teria 1,2 mil.
Falhas. A promotora aponta que a má gestão do programa Delegacia
Legal, criado em 2000, contribuiu para o alto número de inquéritos inconclusos. Para cada Delegacia Legal, uma Delegacia de Acervo Cartorário (Deac) era criada para finalizar os inquéritos antigos e permitir que distrito informatizado começasse do zero. Caberia à Deac investigar os casos inconclusos, o que não aconteceu. "Na prática, o acervo cartorário virou um cemitério de inquéritos."
. |
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 04:15 PM PDT
Vice-presidente sofre tentativa de assalto e não registra queixa, péssimo exemplo, demonstra não confiar na polícia.
Ao ler essa matéria me lembrei do Ciro Gomes que disse: "O PMDB é um ajuntamenro de bandidos e o Michel Temer é o chefe dessa quadrilha". Por fim, me lembrei de outro ditado: "Ladrão que rouba ladrão tem 1oo anos de perdão".
Reprodução da Folha de São Paulo
![]() A Folha apurou, contudo, que o assaltante chegou a abrir a porta do motorista do carro de Temer e foi dominado pela segurança. A versão eletrônica da revista "Veja", que divulgou a história ontem, relata a mesma versão acrescentando que a arma chegou a ser colocada na cabeça do motorista. A Vice-Presidência dá outro relato. Afirma que Temer se deslocava em comboio pela avenida Cidade Jardim, na zona oeste. Um homem com uma arma abordou o carro e fugiu quando quatro seguranças do GSI (Gabinete de Segurança Institucional) saíram dos veículos atrás e à frente do de Temer. O homem jogou a arma no chão e fugiu. O comboio seguiu e não foi prestada queixa, já que não houve violência, segundo o Planalto. O destino do assaltante, após ser dominado, é incógnito. Temer, que foi secretário de Segurança de São Paulo duas vezes, nos anos 80 e 90, não quis falar sobre o caso. . |
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 04:04 PM PDT
José Dirceu amigão de Lula condenado e preso ?
Se o STF soltou o terrorista Cesar Battisti, vão prender Dirceu ? A conferir.
Reprodução da Folha de São Paulo
![]() Segundo a coluna, a namorada dele, Evanise Santos, chorou por duas horas ao saber do pedido de condenação. Dirceu disse à coluna que vai "correr o país" para se defender. Sua assessoria informou que ele está no exterior, mas não comentou o caso. . . |
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 03:55 PM PDT
Ué ?
O Rio de Janeiro gastando mais de 1 bilhão do dinheiro do povo em obra "superfaturada" do Maracanâ feita pela Delta Construtora e cia, e não vamos fazer a abertura da Copa 2014 ? Hummmm, acho que Sérgio Cabral e Eduardo Pes devem se explicar sobre esse assunto.
São Paulo só será anunciada pela Fifa como cidade que abrigará a abertura da Copa em outubro. Até lá, vai penar com o suspense.
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 11:02 AM PDT
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 07:10 AM PDT
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 06:59 AM PDT
Cacete !!!
Essa pegou mal "peixe", tentar dar ré para fugir da blitz !!!
Sem mais comentários.
![]() ![]() Além dele, havia outras pessoas no carro, entre elas, sua filha. Um motorista habilitado foi chamado para conduzir o veículo. Segundo testemunhas contaram a O DIA 24 Horas, o deputado chegou a dar ré para fugir da blitz, mas não conseguiu. Procurada pela reportagem, a Assessoria de Imprensa do deputado disse ainda desconhecer o caso. Reportagem de Danilo Motta, João Antônio Barros, Mariana Brugger e Pedro de Figueiredo . |
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 06:43 AM PDT
Reprodução da Folha de São Paulo
Fala sério !!!
Não é a toa que é no Brasil que os bancos mais lucram no mundo, motivo, metem a mão no bolso dos clientes. ![]() Segundo o procurador Claudio Gheventer, uma resolução do BC publicada em 30 de abril de 2008 estabeleceu quais serviços os bancos poderiam cobrar, mas as três instituições continuaram a recolher tarifas que estavam fora da padronização. De acordo com a ação, o Santander cobrou R$ 351,6 milhões de comissão de disponibilização de limite (CDL) de abril de 2008 a junho de 2009. O HSBC cobrou comissão de manutenção de limite de crédito (CMLC, de R$ 7,6 milhões) de dezembro de 2008 a março de 2009. Já o Itaú Unibanco é réu em três ações por tarifas cobradas dos clientes do Unibanco: comissão sobre operações ativas (COA, R$ 100,8 milhões), comissão de manutenção de crédito (CMC, R$ 80,4 milhões) e multa por devolução de cheques (R$ 64 milhões). Segundo o promotor Gheventer, os bancos arrecadaram pouco mais de R$ 500 milhões, mas os processos pedem que o ressarcimento seja o dobro, de acordo com o Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Antes de entrar na Justiça, o MPF enviou recomendações para que os bancos fizessem o ressarcimento integral. Apenas o Santander respondeu, dizendo que devolverá os valores arrecadados a título de Repasse de Encargos de Operação de Crédito - REOC, em um total de R$ 265 milhões. Além dos ressarcimentos, o Ministério Público Federal quer a condenação a indenizações por danos morais coletivos, em valores que variam de R$ 5 milhões a R$ 30 milhões. O HSBC informou que, como o caso ainda está em trâmite judicial, não vai se pronunciar. Santander e Itaú Unibanco foram procurados, mas não responderam à reportagem. . |
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 06:43 AM PDT
Mas um ótimo artigo que publico no blog sobre a "Cabralândia", a terra das MARACUTAIAS.
Reprodução da Revista Veja on line, Blog Reinaldo Azevedo
de “Pai do PAC” pela presidente Dilma Rousseff, o vice-governador do
Rio de Janeiro, Luiz Fernando Pezão (PMDB), comemorou como uma vitória
sobre os “ministérios públicos” a inauguração do teleférico do
Complexo do Alemão. Em seu discurso, ele também agradeceu às
empreiteiras responsáveis pela obras. Citou, inclusive, a Delta
Construções - empresa que está no centro da pior crise política
enfrentada pelo governador Sérgio Cabral Filho (PMDB) desde que ele
assumiu seu primeiro mandato, em janeiro de 2007.
“Ninguém sabe no Brasil mais do que a senhora (Dilma Rousseff) o que é fazer obra pública neste País”, disse Pezão. “Eu queria aqui dividir esse momento (…) por nós estarmos celebrando de vencer a burocracia toda, de vencer os ministérios públicos, de vencer todas as dificuldades que existem num processo como esse”, argumentou o vice-governador. Pezão comentava as dificuldades de se fazer obras públicas no Brasil quando se declarou vitorioso em relação aos órgãos responsáveis pela “defesa dos direitos sociais e individuais, da ordem jurídica e do regime democrático”, conforme explica a página da Procuradoria Geral da República (PGR) na internet. Braço direito e possível candidato à sucessão de Cabral (PMDB), Pezão também fez questão de agradecer à engenharia brasileira, antes de citar todas as empresas responsáveis “por essa obra extraordinária”. Ao falar da Delta Construções, Pezão poupou Cabral do constrangimento de fazer menções à empresa. Há 20 dias, Cabral pegou um jato emprestado do empresário Eike Batista, do grupo EBX, para ir à Bahia participar dos festejos de aniversário do dono da Delta em um resort. A queda de um helicóptero que servia aos familiares do político e do empreiteiro provocou a morte de sete pessoas e tornou pública a intimidade entre os dois. Cavendish perdeu a mulher, Jordana, e o enteado, Luca. No helicóptero também estava Mariana Noleto, de 20 anos, namorada de Marco Antonio Cabral, filho do governador. Pezão havia acabado de chegar à Sicília, na Itália, para passar férias quando ocorreu o acidente. Pegou o primeiro voo de volta ao Brasil para ajudar o governador a tentar administrar a crise. O governo Cabral já pagou mais de R$ 1 bilhão à Delta, de Cavendish. Pelo menos R$ 207 milhões têm origem em contratos assinados com dispensa de licitação. Eike, que emprestou o avião para Cabral, recebeu R$ 79,2 milhões em benefícios fiscais para a EBX durante a gestão do peemedebista. Para tentar contornar a crise, o governador editou um código de conduta para a alta administração estadual e vem concedendo aumentos e benefícios ao funcionalismo. |
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 06:44 AM PDT
Essa matéria (abaixo) mostra mais uma vez o quanto é INCOMPEENTE a Secretária de Segurança Pública, a Rede Globo "achou" uma testemunha que a polícia "não achou".
A matéria também prova o quanto o povo NÃO confia na Polícia Civil, "alguém" entregou um áudio do suposto tiroteio a jornalistas, e não a polícia. Em suma, o caso Juan mostrou o quanto BURRA, INCOMPETENTE, e DESPREPARADA é a Secretária de Segurança Pública do Rio de Janeiro. Mas enquanto isso o secretário Beltrame não pode reclamar do salário, todo mês cai na conta dele mais de R$ 50 mil reais por mês (clique aqui e leia).
Reprodução do Globo on line
- Primeiro eles mataram o bandido, e o Juanzinho correu. Eles mataram o Juan e esconderam embaixo de um sofá - disse a testemunha. - Meia hora depois, eles voltaram, pegaram o corpo e botaram numa viatura.
No dia seguinte ao enterro do menino Juan de Moraes, de 11 anos - morto durante confronto entre policiais militares do 20º BPM (Mesquita) e traficantes na comunidade Danon,
em Duque de Caxias - teve início, por volta das 11h, a reconstituição
do crime, que só deve ser concluída no fim da noite desta sexta-feira.
Um áudio de veracidade não comprovada foi entregue a jornalistas por um
morador da comunidade Danon
que não quis se identificar, durante a reconstituição. Na gravação -
que o morador afirma ter sido feita no dia do suposto tiroteio, quando
estava escondido atrás de um muro - é possível ouvir muitos tiros, de
diferentes calibres.
Depois de o áudio ter sido entregue aos repórteres que cobriam a reconstituição do crime, outra pessoa não identificada,
que afirmou ser traficante, disse ter ocorrido uma intensa troca de
tiros no dia da operação policial. Peritos que vistoriaram o local do
crime, no entanto, encontraram vestígios de que apenas policiais teriam
atirado no dia da operação. A assessoria de imprensa da Polícia Civil
afirma ter tomado conhecimento do áudio por jornalistas, e divulgará
apenas neste sábado que medidas serão adotadas a respeito da gravação.
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 06:44 AM PDT
O Crea-RJ vistoriou 21 bueiros ontem,e disse que sete estão pestes a explodir a qualquer hora.
Em outras palavras "1", de cada 3 bueiros no Rio de Janeiro, podemos dizer que um está prestes a explodir. Em outras palavras "2", a cada 3 bueiros que pisamos, um pode nos fuder. E aí ? O que as autoridades públicas estão fazendo ?
ATENÇÃO: Não pise em bueiros da light, deixe para pisar na cabeça dos políticos !!!
Reprodução da Folha de São Paulo
![]() A fiscalização do órgão avaliou que, em sete deles, existe "100% de chance de ocorrer uma explosão" caso alguma centelha seja acesa. "Para que uma explosão ocorra é necessário oxigênio, gás e um elemento que faça a ignição, que pode ser um fósforo ou um curto-circuito.A presença de 5% a 15% de gás já oferece risco", disse o engenheiro Luiz Cosenza, da comissão de análise e prevenção de acidentes do Crea. Segundo o órgão, cinco dos bueiros com problemas ficam na rua Uruguaiana, entre a rua Sete de Setembro e a rua da Alfândega. Os outros dois ficam nas ruas da Assembleia e Sete de Setembro. A CEG, concessionária local fornecedora de gás, admitiu responsabilidade na explosão de quatro bueiros no início da semana, que interditou parte da rua da Assembleia e deixou dois feridos. Em reunião na tarde de ontem, o prefeito Eduardo Paes (PMDB) pediu que a CEG assine um TAC (Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta) enquanto a rede subterrânea não for modernizada. Segundo o prefeito, a companhia reluta em fazer o mesmo que a Light, que se comprometeu a pagar multa de R$ 100 mil por bueiro que venha a explodir. Enquanto as concessionárias não eliminam o perigo de explosões, a prefeitura anunciou que vai contratar uma empresa para fazer o monitoramento constante das galerias da cidade, a fim de que os riscos sejam conhecidos. "A agência [Aneel (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica)] está meio ausente", afirma Paes. . |
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 06:00 AM PDT
Eu já havia postado sobre isso aqui no blog após receber vários e-mail's de bombeiros militares, mas faço questão de postar a matéria do Globo on line sobre o assunto.
Em suma, esse Governo VAGABUNDO e DITADOR do Sérgio Cabral continua perseguindo e massacrando os bombeiros. E aí bombeiros ?
Além das fitinhas, também está proibida a entrada em qualquer estacionamento das unidades do Corpo de Bombeiros de veículos com banners,
adesivos, bandeiras, pinturas, faixas, adereços, adornos ou acessórios
que façam referência "explícita ou implícita aos fatos ocorridos
durante movimentos reivindicatórios por melhorias de vencimentos e de condições de trabalho", segundo o texto do boletim interno.
comandante-geral do Corpo de Bombeiros, coronel Sérgio Simões, também
mandou advertir 63 cabos bombeiros por terem cantado com excessivo
fervor o hino da corporação durante uma solenidade de formatura , na
quinta-feira, num quartel de Guadalupe. Os bombeiros teriam sido
especialmente enfáticos ao cantar o trecho "Nenhum passo daremos atrás",
verso que tinha virado uma espécie de lema no período das
De acordo com a Secretaria estadual de Defesa Civil, os bombeiros advertidos pelo comandante-geral durante a cerimônia já entregaram um memorando com suas defesas. Dentro de 20 dias, será decidido se os militares serão punidos administrativamente.
trecho do hino é o mesmo que virou lema das manifestações por aumento
de salários, iniciado por guarda-vidas da corporação em abril. Quem circulou pelo Centro do Rio entre maio e junho
teve chance de ouvir repetidas vezes o verso, que virou palavra de
ordem nas escadarias da Assembleia Legislativa do Rio, onde os
manifestantes ficaram acampados. O movimento culminou na prisão de 439
bombeiros por uma semana por causa da invasão do Quartel Central, mês
passado na Praça da República.
vez, o trecho cantado fora do tom gerou constrangimento aos oficiais
do Curso Superior de Comando e alguns deles deixaram a cerimônia antes do fim. Apesar da ousadia, a Banda Sinfônica
do Corpo de Bombeiros, que executava a melodia, não interrompeu a
música. A formatura havia ocorrido no mesmo dia em que o governador
Sérgio Cabral anunciara a concessão de auxílio-transporte e
gratificações para parte dos bombeiros militares.
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 06:01 AM PDT
Temos visto que o Prefeito Eduardo Paes não economiza dinheiro para as escolas de samba no Rio de Janeiro, uma pena que a educação e a saúde não tenham a mesma ATENÇÃO.
O curioso da matéria abaixo é que o secretário de Conservação e Serviços Públicos da Prefeitura, Carlos Roberto Osório, que assinou o termo de doação do terreno para a Império Serrano, é "imperiano". Sabe como é, esse tal Carlos Osório acaba de garantir um bom reduto eleitoal. Esse é o Rio de Janeiro do Eduardo Paes, sem mais.
Reprodução do jornal O Dia on line
![]() O Secretário de Conservação e Serviços Públicos da Prefeitura, Carlos Roberto Osório, que é imperiano e recebeu uma camisa oficial da escola de presente, falou a respeito da doação: "É um espaço que com certeza vai ser muito útil para o Império Serrano, e por isso o Prefeito ficou sensibilizado com o pedido do Átila e resolvemos ajudar a escola, liberando também a verba para reforma da quadra". A festa no Botequim do Império vai ter a presença especial do Grupo Auê, de bastante sucesso nas Zonas Norte e Oeste, com muito samba de raiz, alegrando a galera bonita que acompanha o pagode bem tocado dessa rapaziada. Os trabalhos serão abertos pelos grupos Pura Delícia e Quinta Essência. . |
Posted: 10 Jul 2011 06:01 AM PDT
Não se sabe ao certo se foi um atentado, testemunhas disseram que foi um assalto.
Espero que a polícia investigue, e que prenda esses vagabundos que atiraram no jornalista. Por outro lado, se tiver sido um atentado por causa das denúncias que o jornalista faz em seu site o caso é muito mais GRAVE. Que PORRA é essa ? Agora esses políticos ladrões estão derrubando a bala quem lhe faz críticas e denúncias ?
A conferir.
Reprodução do Último Seguno
Proprietário do site Vassourasnanet que faz denúncias contra políticos na região, Mário Randolfo foi baleado no rosto, ombro e na mão quando chegava em casa.
Segundo relato de uma testemunha, o autor dos disparos foi um homem que disse ao jornalista que pretendia assaltá-lo. A hipótese de atentado, no entanto, não é descartada em razão da atividade de Randolfo.
O jornalista está internado no Hospital Universitário do município e, segundo a polícia, corre risco de morte.
![]() |
11 luglio 2011
La teologa e il cardinale. Una storia americana
La censura a un libro su Dio non provoca rottura ma dialogo. La rivista progressista "America" porge il ramo d'ulivo. Una lezione di papa Benedetto su che cos'è "vera" teologiaThe Theologian and the Cardinal. An American Story
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La censure exercée sur un livre consacré à Dieu provoque non pas une rupture mais un dialogue. La revue progressiste "America" tend un rameau d'olivier. Le pape Benoît XVI donne une leçon expliquant ce qu'est la "vraie" théologieLa teóloga y el cardenal. Una historia americana
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![]() | Deux semi-submersibles de Dockwise en rade de Toulon Exceptionnellement, deux navires semi-submersibles de la compagnie Dockwise étaient présents simultanément, la semaine dernière, en rade de Toulon. Effectuant traditionnellement le transport de yachts entre les Caraï... |
![]() | Projet de coopération entre les ports français et italiens de la Riviera Développer des synergies entre les ports de la riviera française et italienne. C'est l'objectif de Ports Riviera Coopération, porté par le Conseil général des Alpes-Maritimes et la Province d'Imperia. Alors que l'Uni... |
![]() | Le Havre : Nouveaux débarquements pour la raffinerie Total Dans le cadre de la modernisation de la Raffinerie de Normandie, exploitée par Total, une importante livraison de colis lourds par voie fluviale a été réalisée le 29 juin sur le quai Dresser, situé rive Nord du Grand... |
![]() | CMA CGM propose un nouveau service ferroviaire entre Zeebrugge et Duisbourg Le groupe français annonce le renforcement de son offre intermodale, avec l'introduction d'un service ferroviaire reliant le port belge de Zeebrugge et le hub trimodal de Duisbourg (Allemagne). Une cinquième na... |
Les prix des carburants
vont repartir à la hausse

Le PDG de Total a annoncé que le groupe pétrolier allait répercuter à la pompe les récentes progressions des prix du brut. Une majoration de quatre centimes d'euro par litre est attendue.
L'UMP contre-attaque
Martine Aubry sur les rumeurs
La candidate à la primaire accuse des responsables de droite de colporter des fausses informations contre elle.

Ciotti : «Le PS ressort
la théorie du complot»
INTERVIEW - Le député UMP et président du conseil général des Alpes-Maritimes estime que «l'affaire DSK et les rumeurs sur Martine Aubry se rejoignent sur la volonté de retrouver une main manipulatrice».
Eva Joly remporterait nettement
la primaire
des écolos
Selon les premières tendances du dépouillement du second tour, la victoire d'Eva Joly ne ferait plus de doute. Au premier tour, elle avait manqué de l'emporter sur Nicolas Hulot à 64 voix près. Les résultats seront connus mardi.

Roland Petit,
un aristocrate du ballet
Le chorégraphe et danseur, créateur des Ballets de Marseille, s'est éteint dimanche matin à l'âge de 87 ans. Une leucémie l'a foudroyé en quelques jours alors qu'il se trouvait chez lui, à Genève.
Sans doute plus de 100 morts
un naufrage en Russie
Les secouristes jugent infimes les chances de retrouver des survivants parmi la centaine de personnes portées disparues, dont de nombreux enfants, après le naufrage d'un bateau de croisière naviguant sur la Volga.
Des explosions dans une base navale chypriote font plusieurs morts
L'explosion a gravement endommagé une centrale électrique.
Libye : Paris conditionne le départ
des alliés à un dialogue
La position française semble évoluer, le ministre de la Défense ayant évoqué un maintien de Kadhafi dans le pays «dans une autre pièce de son palais, avec un autre titre». Le fils du colonel libyen affirme que la France négocie directement avec Tripoli l'issue du conflit.
Voyage dans les villes fantômes
de Libye

REPORTAGE - Des milliers d'habitants du Djebel Nefousa, en pays berbère au nord-ouest de la Libye, ont fui devant les combats entre rebelles et kadhafistes.
Les ambassadeurs
et américain convoqués en Syrie
Damas reproche aux deux diplomates de s'être rendu sans
autorisation dans la ville rebelle de Hama. Une réunion de dialogue
national s'est ouverte dimanche, sans l'opposition.
» Syrie : un demi-million de manifestants à Hama
» INTERVIEW - «Pas de dialogue en Syrie tant que les chars sont dans la rue»

L'aide aux Français détenus à l'étranger
INFO À LA DEMANDE - De nombreux
Français ont maille à partir avec des justices étrangères. Comment les
services consulaires peuvent-ils les aider ? Quel rôle jouent les
accords bilatéraux ? vous apporte des réponses.
» Nos restitutions sont consultables par les membres Mon Figaro
Menace de grève des pilotes de ligne début août
Un syndicat a déposé un préavis pour toutes les compagnies aériennes françaises du 5 au 8 août, écrit la Tribune.

Copé : «Retrouver l'esprit de conquête»
Le secrétaire général de du parti majoritaire organisait dimanche les quatrièmes journées de Maussane.
Tour de France : le Français
Thomas Voeckler en jaune

CYCLISME - Thomas Voeckler s'empare du Maillot Jaune, au terme de la 9e étape du Tour de France remportée par Luis Leon Sanchez
à Saint-Flour. Une terrible chute a éliminé Alexandre Vinokourov et Jurgen Van den Broeck.
» La 9e étape en images
» Ce qu'il faut retenir de la 9e étape du Tour de France (avec

Tour de France : deux coureurs renversés
Une voiture suiveuse, siglée France Télévisions, a heurté l'Espagnol Juan Antonio Flecha et le Néerlandais Johnny Hoogerland, échappés dans la 9e étape.
Dette américaine : Barack Obama
pose un ultimatum
Le président américain estime qu'il «faut» que le Congrès trouve un accord sur la dette dans les 10 jours. Sinon, les États-Unis pourraient faire défaut le 2 août. Ce lundi s'annonce encore houleux.

Où sont passés Sully
et Colbert ?
Les élites illustrent le centralisme à l'état pur, cette exception
française. Ceux qui n'en font pas partie sous-entendent péjorativement
que les problèmes de la nation viennent de cette caste, ignorante du
«pays réel».
» Les précédents épisodes
» Abonnez-vous à Mon
Figaro Select pour consulter cet article
Plus de 50 morts dans le déraillement
d'un train en Inde
Le train transportait environ un millier de personnes et une quinzaine de voitures ont déraillé alors que le convoi roulait quasiment à la vitesse maximum de 108 km/h.
Les radars embarqués testés
dans l'Oise et les Yvelines
Des failles dans la procédure de contrôle des radars anciens ont abouti à l'annulation de PV.
Nicolas Sarkozy endosse
les habits de chef de guerre
Défilé du 14 Juillet, vote sur l'engagement en Libye, la semaine du chef de l'État est placée sous le signe militaire.
Affaire DSK: «Il y a les faits
et il y a la vérité judiciaire»

INTERVIEW - Le professeur Stephen Gillers enseigne à la faculté de droit de l'Université de New York depuis 1978 dont il a été vice-doyen. Spécialiste des questions d'éthique juridique, il analyse les implications judiciaires et politiques de l'affaire Strauss-Kahn.
DSK : mobilisation politique
pour Nafissatou Diallo
Un sénateur démocrate, figure centrale de la communauté noire de Harlem, a tenu dimanche une conférence de presse pour demander la poursuite de l'enquête contre Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
Qui sera touché par le
nouveau calendrier scolaire
Luc Chatel envisage un raccourcissement des vacances d'été pour l'année scolaire 2013-2014.
Lagarde loue le travail de DSK à la tête du FMI
La nouvelle directrice générale du FMI a réaffirmé souhaiter poursuivre sur la même voie que son prédécesseur, notamment en tenant davantage compte des réalités sociales.
Trois personnes en fuite après la mort d'un vigile de discothèque
Deux incidents ont été relevés dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche devant la boîte de nuit d'Ivry-sur-Seine où un vigile a été tué. Les suspects dans cette affaire sont toujours recherchés.

Gourgeon : «Air France devient productiviste»
INTERVIEW - La compagnie présente lundi sa
stratégie de bases en province, inspirée des méthodes du low-cost. Son
directeur général s'explique.
» Gourgeon renouvelé pour quatre ans à la tête d'Air France
Fernando Alonso reste en jeu
FORMULE 1 - Vainqueur du Grand Prix de Grande-Bretagne au volant d'une Ferrari retrouvée, l'Espagnol se relance au championnat. Sur le podium, les Red Bull de Vettel et de Webber n'ont, cette fois, rien pu faire.
Selah Sue, le souffle d'une voix

La jeune femme à la silhouette gracile et au coffre digne d'une diva soul expérimentée est l' invitée du «Live-Le Figaro».
Kate et William, stars d'un soir
à Hollywood
Point d'orgue de leur visite en Amérique du Nord, le duc et la
duchesse de Cambridge ont présidé samedi soir à Los Angeles un dîner de
gala, destiné à promouvoir les jeunes espoirs du cinéma britannique.
» EN IMAGES - Kate et William, d'Ottawa à Hollywood
La BBC pourrait supprimer 3000 emplois
Selon le Sunday Times, le groupe public britannique présenterait à l'automne un plan de réduction de ses coûts de 20%. Il pâtit aujourd'hui de la baisse de ses subventions décidée dans le cadre du plan d'austérité.
News of the World met un point final
à son histoire
«Nous avons perdu notre chemin, il n'y a aucune justification à la peine causée
aux victimes», s'excuse dans son ultime numéro le tabloïd dominical, au centre du scandale des écoutes téléphoniques.
» Le scandale des écoutes fragilise David Cameron

À Pampelune, la fête
entre tradition et excès
EN IMAGES - Bouillonnante de vie, de musique et d'alcool, la ville accueille depuis mercredi plus d'un million de visiteurs pour les fêtes les plus célèbres d'Espagne, également connues pour leurs dangereuses courses de taureaux.

Posez vos questions
à Chantal Jouanno
La ministre des Sports, conseillère régionale d'Ile-de-France élue à
Paris et tête de liste UMP pour les sénatoriales, sera l'invitée du
Talk Orange-Le Figaro ce lundi, en direct à 18h. Posez-lui
toutes vos questions.
» Jouanno: «C'est une déception»
Les Bleues crèvent l'écran

FOOTBALL - Avec un pic à 2,45 millions de spectateurs sur la
TNT, la rencontre Angleterre-France a atteint un sommet d'audience.
L'engouement ne fait peut-être que débuter.
» Les Bleues au bout du suspense
» Le diaporama du match

et la Lettre à Elise
En 1810, le compositeur écrit, en pensant à une certaine Thérèse Malfatti, une Bagatelle en la mineur. Mais par quel mystère cette brève oeuvre pour piano est-elle devenue, un demi-siècle plus tard, la célèbre Lettre à Elise ?

Comme un garçon...
Des podiums aux écrans
de cinéma en passant par la musique, le style tomboy détrône l'ultra-féminité façon Mad Men. La mode est à l'allure garçon manqué... Ou comment se donner un genre qui met tout le monde d'accord...
» EN IMAGES - Les nouveaux garçons manqués

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Le Boulgaria repose désormais par vingt mètres de fond. Un passager est mort, les autres ont pu être repêchés.>>

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Obama Leans on G.O.P. for a Deal on Debt Ceiling
President Obama
met with Congressional leaders to try to revive chances for a $4
trillion deal to avert a default on the national debt, a day after
Speaker John A. Boehner appeared to dash hopes for any far-reaching
Despite Mexican Violence, U.S. Firms Expand by Border
American manufacturers in Mexico are expanding, a stark paradox during violent times there.
Panetta Says Iranian Arms in Iraq Are a 'Concern'
Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta is the third top American official to warn about Iranian influence in Iraq in recent days.
not surprising to us now that when you stop the treatment, people
relapse. It doesn't mean that the treatment doesn't work, it just means
that you need to continue treatment."
DR. DANIEL ALFORD, on the limits of brief rehabilitation programs in treating addiction.

If You Build It
As part of an
art installation, adventurous guests can now spend the night in their
very own boat and sleep under the stars in Far Rockaway.

Room For Debate
How to Improve Summer School
To save programs and money, and improve results, what changes should be made?
Offering Slow, Small Changes, Morocco's King Stays in Power
A recently
approved referendum to give more powers to elected leaders in Morocco
has been seen as an alternative to the bloody confrontations that have
marked the Arab Spring.
Envoy Meets With Leader of Yemen on Accord
John Brennan
told President Ali Abdullah Saleh that the only way to restart American
aid would be to sign an accord to effectively remove himself from power.
Syrian Opposition Leaders Boycott a Government Dialogue Opening
figures said they would not take part in talks, which officials said are
aimed at a transition to multiparty democracy, until the government
ended its crackdown on protesters.
Doctors Inc.
New for Aspiring Doctors, the People Skills Test
A new admission
process at medical schools involves a series of encounters meant to
examine aspiring doctors' ability to communicate and work in teams.
News Analysis
Cautionary Lessons From State's Shutdown
Since Minnesota
closed its doors on July 1, officials have found themselves facing
complicated new questions, and a dispute that threatens to drag on.
Accusations of Abuse by Priest Dating to Early 1940s
His accusers
allege that the Rev. Clement A. Hageman was "dumped" in impoverished,
nonwhite communities in Arizona and New Mexico by church officials to
avoid scandal.
Quick Action Helps Google Win Friends in Japan
Through efforts
like a Person Finder site and Street View recordings after the
earthquake and tsunami, Google is finally winning over new friends in
Economy Faces a Jolt as Benefit Checks Run Out
About 20 percent
of personal income comes from government payments, and as programs are
trimmed, reduced consumer spending could slow the recovery.
Wall St. Banks Expected to Post Weak 2nd-Quarter Results
After a sizzling
first quarter, the weakening economy and an array of worrisome global
events have Wall Street planning for big revenue drops and new rounds of
Northern Ireland's McIlroy Transcends Boundaries
The stories of
the United States Open golf champion Rory McIlroy and the former boxing
champion Barry McGuigan reflect the changes in their country.
United States 2 (5), Brazil 2 (3), Penalty Kicks
With Grit and 10 Players, U.S. Women Oust Brazil
A last-gasp goal
on a header by Abby Wambach allowed the Americans to take their chances
in a shootout, and they advanced to the semifinals against France.
Yankees 1, Rays 0
After Another Yankees Victory, News of a Big Loss
Robinson Cano scored the only run thanks to two miscues by Tampa Bay, but Alex Rodriguez will miss 4-6 weeks after knee surgery.
Check in, Swim Out: A Floating Hotel as Art
In Jamaica Bay, Constance Hockaday has created one of New York's loopiest getaways.
Video |
Critic's Notebook
Injuries and Triumphs Color a Ballet Season
American Ballet
Theater coped impressively with dancers missing due to injury during its
spring season, but the company was held back nonetheless by a repertory
that does not do justice to some classics.
ArtsBeat Blog
Theater Talkback: A Method to Their Madness
Few things test
the mettle of an actor – or separate the artists from the hacks – like
the simulation of a whopping case of mental illness.
Labour Party Vows to Fight Murdoch's Bid to Take Over Satellite Company
A bid by Rupert
Murdoch's News Corporation to take over British Sky Broadcasting ran
into trouble when the party vowed to bring the takeover to a vote in the
House of Commons.
Cozy Ties Mark Newspaper's Dealings With Scotland Yard
A detective's
account offers another window into an unusually close relationship
between The News of the World and the British police.
Emphatic Farewell for British Paper Caught Up in Hacking Scandal
The final edition included an apology to readers and a defiant claim to being the "world's greatest."
An Aggressive Ruling on Clean Air
Tough new limits on power plant emissions will improve lives and save money.
Dangerous Omissions
Gaps in the federal screening system for gun buyers threaten public safety.
Dropping the Ball on Health Exchanges
If the State Senate doesn't stop blocking the exchanges, New York may lose out on millions of dollars in federal support.
Jeter's Moment
Three thousand
hits is a wonderful milestone, but numbers alone cannot adequately
measure the achievement of the Yankees' Derek Jeter.
Op-Ed Contributor
How Seawater Can Power the World
Nuclear fusion is an essentially inexhaustible source of energy that can be extracted from seawater.
Op-Ed Columnist
No, We Can't? Or Won't?
Our failure to create jobs is a choice rationalized by an ever-shifting set of excuses.
Op-Ed Columnist
The Method to Their Madness
There are reasons why the Republican Party has its heels dug in on the debt ceiling.
Op-Ed Contributor
Bad Borders, Good Neighbors
A strategy for making Israel's 1967 borders defensible.