Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: ITALIC MALEDICTIONBerlusconi Institutionally ignorant the father. Institutionally ignorant the daughter. The Predator Carlo De Benedetti belongs to the mafia-style block controlling the NATO-Comprador Quirinale. The Berlusconis are just their unaccepted ass lickers

Sunday 10 July 2011

Institutionally ignorant the father.
Institutionally ignorant the daughter.
The Predator Carlo De Benedetti belongs to the mafia-style block controlling the NATO-Comprador Quirinale.
The Berlusconis are just their unaccepted ass lickers

Leccare il cul al Quirinale-NATO non rende Si sono circondati di persone incompetenti come loro (e di imbroglioni) su questioni istituzionali. Normale i Berlusconi che non ci abbiano mai capito nulla. Neppure ora. CarlettoDB è di quel blocco mafioso-istituzional-compradoro. Anzi è, da sempre, un agente speciale per destabilizzazioni e golpe. I Berlusconi sono solo lecchini non graditi. C'è comunque ancora la Cassazione. Se conferma od aggrava, meglio pagare subito. Anzi, pagheranno subito, ora, in una decina di giorni, se la sentenza è esecutiva, indipendente da appello, come sembra sia.
Il blocco Quirinalizio punterà alla liquidazione totale dei Berlusconi, che è il programma loro dal 1994. Vi ricordate i Rizzoli e mille altri? 
Non a caso, è da sempre sotto tiro, seppur limitato, anche l'ex-PCI p2-andreottian-berlingueriano, i D'Alema. Il Presidente Giorgio Napolitiano, appena eletto dal parlamento allargato, ha subito drammaticamente accentuato l'azione delle Polizie Segrete quirinalizie, con magistratura al seguito, e si è posto come interlocutore unico relativamente all'Impero. I risultati si vedono, a tutti i livelli. Sottosvilupppismo arrogante e sfascista, con corruzione burocratica dilagante, in salsa camorristico-napoletana ed irreversibile.
Lodo, Marina attacca l'Ingegnere
"Il suo è capitalismo cannibale"

La presidente di Fininvest all'indomani della sentenza annuncia il ricorso in Cassazione e accusa De Benedetti: "Contro mio padre una tenaglia mediatica"

ore 11:09
La presidente di Fininvest annuncia il ricorso in Cassazione: "De Benedetti ha sempre voluto essere come mio padre, ma non ci è riuscito. Con i nostri soldi prenderà La7". Poi la presidente di Fininvest dice: "È inaccettabile che qualunque norma possa risultare utile anche a Silvio Berlusconi o alle sue azienda venga definita ad personam. Siamo al conflitto d’interessi al contrario". E aggiunge: "L’aggressione verso mio padre dura da 17 anni e è evidente come dietro tutto questo ci sia una parte della magistratura e certa stampa, che ha nei giornali di De Benedetti la sua punta di diamante"
ore 14:20

Il presidente del Consiglio europeo, Herman Van Rompuy, ha convocato una riunione di emergenza per domani mattina per discutere della crisi del debito nell’Eurozona e degli attacchi speculativi al nostro Paese. parteciperranno Barroso, Trichet e Juncker

Berlusconi rapinato:
è una decisione bomba 

I gatti che stanno dando la caccia al topo Silvio provano a intaccare le sue riserve. Un consiglio? Anziché pagare chiuda la Mondadori e la consegni a De Benedetti. Pagare o aspettare, ecco cosa farà Fininvest
Bossi: "Sentenza pesante
Spero che non si tratti 
di un verdetto politico" 

ore 12:19
Il Senatùr promette fedeltà al presidente del Consiglio: "Se mollassimo adesso il Governo il mercato ci farebbe fallire tutti, ci farebbe fare la fine della Grecia e gli stranieri si porterebbero via tutto"
Impariamo da Londra:
la libertà di stampa
non è libertà di spiare 

A Londra nessuno difende i giornalisti che intercettano. In ItaliaRepubblica & C. farebbero le barricate. Gli inglesi vogliono rispettata la privacy, da noi vengono pubblicati dettagli della vita privata con il timbro dei giudici
Sinistra senza vergogna
Esulta e poi insulta 

Dalla Bindi a Di Pietro, tutti intonano il solito tormentone delle dimissioni anticipate

  • 14:59
  • 10 LUG
  • ROMA

Murdoch: Scotland Yard fa mea culpa

Per alto funzionario scandalo 'danneggia molto immagine polizia'


Vertice Ue straordinario domani su Grecia e Italia

Consob studia stretta contro vendite scoperto

Il presidente del Consiglio Ue, Herman Van RompuyIl presidente del Consiglio Ue, Herman Van Rompuy
Il presidente del Consiglio Ue Van Rompuy ha convocato una riunione di emergenza per discutere della crisi del debito nella zona dell'euro

Egitto, licenziati i poliziotti che parteciparono a repressione


L'ex braccio destro di Tremonti ascoltato dai magistrati il 29 marzo: «Mai preso soldi,
con le nomine io non c'entro. La Ferrari? Capitemi, ho vissuto dove tutto era limitato».



Il giorno di Titti e Brunetta | Video
«Mi contesteranno? È la democrazia»

Il giorno di Titti e Brunetta | Video«Mi contesteranno? È la democrazia»
CRONACHEIl ministro Renato Brunetta a Ravello per le sue nozze con Tommasa (Titti) Giovannoni. La sposa indosserà un vestito di Versace, mentre lo sposo non rinuncia al panciotto. Per quel che riguarda le proteste Brunetta ricorda: «È sempre un matrimonio» di N.Luca

*** Japan Times E-mail News Service ***
__________ Sunday, July 10, 2011 ________________


Insider blew whistle on Kyushu Electric TV stunt
The scandal in which Kyushu Electric Power Co. tried to make local residents appear supportive of restarting the utility's nuclear reactors was brought to light by an in-house whistle-blower.
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Students from Taiwan denied disaster funds
Taiwanese students attending universities in Tohoku at their own expense were barred from applying for emergency funds after the March disaster due to the lack of diplomatic relations with Taipei.
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Heatstroke surge feared as people save power
As the mercury rises to levels unseen in decades and amid the nationwide power-saving drive, health experts warn the public of the risk of heatstroke if they refrain too much from using air conditioning.
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Snapshot of current thought

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Salvation through baffling wisdom

Watch your manners!

Banana's fabulous fables

Media were quick off the mark with March 11 disaster publications

Lady Gaga vs. Kuroyanagi; Korean boy-band drama remake; CM of the week: Sogo/Seibu

Japan's attention to detail is all in the delivery

Up close and personal with MIT robots

With Japan at a crossroads, it's instructive to recall the Hidaka affair

A cross-cultural  pas de deux comes to town

Company team helps fill Tohoku gap

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Miyazatos make solid U.S. Open start

Sawa late show keeps Reysol top of J. League

Report claims Yao to retire

Kim's contribution crucial to Pyeongchang's victory

Bolt under the weather, but still captures 200 in France

Japan recovers to roar past Tonga

Nishikori, Soeda claim advantage

Cannavaro retires on medical advice

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Según el vicepresidente, el "proceso es delicado"
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Para Cuba, una dependencia ahora incierta
Tras la caída de la URSS, el régimen encontró en Chávez un socio indispensable; pero ya empieza a especular con su ausencia
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Murdoch lucha por el futuro de su imperio mediático
El magnate australiano viaja hoy a Londres para hacerse cargo en persona del manejo de la crisis
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El adiós de News of the World
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Nace un nuevo país: Sudán del Sur
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Imponen a Berlusconi una multa millonaria
Elisabetta Piqué Corresponsal en Italia
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Por el mundo
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Un habitual problema de credibilidad
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Ir a Exterior

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Fall Kührer: Tätersuche als Fall für die Wissenschaft

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Weekly Report from Taiwan Security Research (Jul. 10, 2011)
For full text, click on the title or visit the TSR web page at

South China Sea Dispute Heats Up
South China Sea: A Commons for China Only? By Carlyle A. Thayer (YaleGlobal, Jul. 7, 2011) As the center of the global economy shifts eastward, trade routes serving the area have acquired greater importance. It’s also brought new attention to the 1982 United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea, or UNCLOS.
Cross-Strait Issues
Taipei, Beijing Seek Consensus on Investment Protection Pact
(China Post, Jul. 4, 2011) A senior official at theMainland Affairs Council said that both sides of the Taiwan Strait will strive to arrange the next meeting of the two top negotiators this summer, despite speculation that such a meeting might not be held this year.
Taiwan Offices Upgraded in HK and Macau
(China Post, Jul. 5, 2011) In a major breakthrough after 45 years, Taiwan's representative offices in Hong Kong and Macau will be renamed to reflect their upgraded status and functions, chairwoman Lai Hsing-yuan of MAC said.
Taiwan Jobs Sucked to China by Failure to Mimic Singapore Economic Model By Chinmei Sung (Bloomberg, Jul. 4, 2011) As warmer ties with former civil-war foe China encourage an exodus of factories to the lower-cost mainland, Taiwan’s failure to develop new growth industries has caused it to fall behind Singapore and Hong Kong.
Ministers Rebut Job Losses to China Story
(Taipei Times, Jul. 7, 2011) Government officials rebutted a media report claiming that job losses in Taiwan were the result of an exodus of Taiwanese manufacturing industries to China.
14 Taiwanese Fraud Suspects Repatriated from China
(China Post, Jul. 7, 2011) After months of cross-strait dialogue, the 14 Taiwanese suspects who were controversially deported from the Philippines to China in a fraud case last year were repatriated to Taiwan.
Chinese Delegations' Impact Worries Ma: Report
(China Post, Jul. 10, 2011) President Ma Ying-jeou has reportedly expressed concerns that the arrival of too many official delegations from China in the run-up to the presidential poll may dampen his reelection campaign.
Strait Ahead? China’s Fifth Generation Leaders And Taiwan Policy By Jacques deLisle (Eurasia Review, Jul. 10, 2011) Beijing’s current Taiwan policy is likely to remain in place as the PRC begins a transition from the so-called fourth-generation leadership to the fifth generation leadership.
U.S.-China Engagement
China Sea Dispute Looms Large in U.S. Visit By Jeremy Page
(Wall Street Journal, Jul. 9, 2011) Adm. Mullen is due to arrive in Beijing Saturday just as the U.S. and its two main regional military partners—Japan and Australia—begin joint naval drills in the South China Sea for the first time.
Gen. Tso’s Default Chicken By David E. Sanger
(New York Times, Jul. 10, 2011) No lender, not even the mandarins of Zhongnanhai, can dictate how much America spends. But they can influence how much America will have to pay to borrow the cash.
Military Balance and Arms Sales
Taiwanese Military Reportedly Develops ‘Stealth’ Coating
(Taipei Times, Jul. 5, 2011) The Republic of China navy has made a major breakthrough in the development of an absorbent paint that can provide stealth capabilities to its weapons platforms, local media reported.
(AFP, Jul. 8, 2011) Taiwan has test-fired for the first time a locally developed submarine-launched missile designed to counter the threat of China’s fast-expanding navy, a report said.
Taiwan's DIY Arms Hopes Face Friendly Fire Over Credibility By Jens Kastner (Asia Times, Jul. 9, 2011) Taiwan is chronically in need of advanced weaponry that the US is hesitant to supply. One solution is that theisland build its own, and the prospect of keeping much of the US$9.2 billion defense budget within the economy is much to the liking of the Taiwanese government.
US to Upgrade Taiwan’s Existing F-16 Jet: Legislator
(AFP, Jul. 4, 2011) The United States is expected to announce soon it will help Taiwan to upgrade its current F-16 fighter planes rather than selling it more advanced aircraft, a senior Taipei legislator said.
Taiwan's Foreign Relations
US Ambassador Delivers APEC Invite to President
(Taipei Times, Jul. 6, 2011) On a visit to Taiwan, US Senior Official for APEC Ambassador Kurt Tong extended an invitation to President Ma Ying-jeou to attend the 19th APEC Leaders’ Meeting hosted by the US in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Nov. 12 and Nov. 13.
Gov’t Must Open Trade to Join TPP: US
(CNA, Jul. 6, 2011) Taiwan needs to be prepared in order to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, Kurt Tong, a senior U.S. official for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, was quoted as saying after a high-level meeting in Taipei.
(CNA, Jul. 9, 2011)Edwin Lacierda, spokesman for Malacanang Palace, said the purpose of forming a study group to review “one China” policy was to find ways of improving ties with Taiwan.
CCP's 90th Anniversary and China's Domestic Issues
China's Communist Party at 90 By David Shambaugh
(IHT, Jun. 30, 2011) Nationwide ceremonies and a deluge of media coverage have been mobilized by China’s ruling Communist Party to mark its 90th anniversary today. But all the hoopla cannot conceal the party’s insecure state.
China Censors Web Searches on Jiang Zemin’s Health By Keith B. Richburg (Washington Post, Jul. 6, 2011) China’s media censors began blocking Internet search terms to try to tamp down speculation on the health of ailing former leader Jiang Zemin.
Why China Is Trying to Censor Talk About Jiang Zemin By Jeremy Page (Wall Street Journal, Jul. 7, 2011) To the outside world, China’s efforts to censor talk of the apparent illness of former President Jiang Zemin might seem unnecessary, but the Communist Party is acutely aware that the death of current and former Chinese leaders has often been a trigger for political instability in the past.

Dalton LinEditor, Taiwan Security Research
, Taiwan Security Research:


Boehner: No large-scale debt-reduction plan
House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) abandoned efforts Saturday night to reach a comprehensive debt-reduction deal.
(By Paul Kane and Lori Montgomery)

Food, ad industries fight nutrition guidelines
Companies are teaming up to lobby against voluntary standards for food marketed to children.
(By Lyndsey Layton and Dan Eggen)

7.0 tremor hits off Japan’s coast
Initial reports indicated no damage as a result of this aftershock, but residents were urged to evacuate.
(By Chico Harlan)

Dozens of questions for Clemens jury pool
Outside experts said the questions posed by the judge and attorneys reveal their belief that jurors’ feelings about sports and Congress could prove critical in shaping a verdict.
(By Del Quentin Wilber)

Planes violate restricted space near Camp David
Fighter jets intercepted small private aircraft near Camp David on two separate occasions Saturday while President Obama was scheduled to be there.
(By Martin Weil)

Obama, Hill leaders at pivotal point in debt talks as Boehner drops goal for bigger package
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama and congressional leaders were regrouping after House Republicans abandoned efforts for a massive deficit reduction package of $4 trillion over 10 years — a potential deal that had unnerved partisans from both political parties.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Boehner abandons budget talks
House Speaker John Boehner’s decision to abandon talks over a comprehensive budget deal may be smart politics but it’s a lost opportunity.
(, The Washington Post)

Conservative ‘marriage pledge’ group apologizes for slavery reference
One section of the pledge claimed that a black person born into slavery “was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American president.”
( by Sandhya Somashekhar , The Washington Post)

Florida Rep. Alcee Hastings asks court to throw out claims he sexually harassed aide
WASHINGTON — Congressman Alcee Hastings asked a court Saturday to throw out claims that he subjected a former employee to sexual harassment and retaliation when he was co-chairman of an independent U.S. agency.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Report: US could suspend hundreds of millions in aid unless Pakistan fights militants tougher
WASHINGTON — A report says the U.S. could suspend hundreds of millions in military aid to Pakistan unless the two countries’ fractured relations improve and Pakistan pursues militant groups more aggressively.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Miss Manners: Courtesy shouldn’t disappear in airport security lines
An airport veteran wants to know if it’s really wrong to cut in front of someone fumbling through their belongings in a security line. You know, to speed things along ...
(, Universal Press)

Ask Amy: His unfaithful wife wants time to heal
He found out his wife had an affair, but he wants to work things out. Thing is, she needs time “to heal.” Shouldn’t he be the one doing the healing?
(, Tribune Media Service)

Drudgery and grudgery: The age-old housework impasse
She works, he’s the househusband. Each feels the other should do more housework.
(, The Washington Post)

American Ice Co. near 9:30 Club

(, The Washington Post)

(, The Washington Post)

Mystics fall apart late against Fever
Playing again without injured Crystal Langhorne, Washington scores just seven points in the fourth as it falls to Indiana for its third straight loss.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Donovan, Beckham score to lead Galaxy to 2-1 win over Fire
CARSON, Calif. — David Beckham assisted on Landon Donovan’s goal and then scored the tiebreaker on a corner kick to help the Los Angeles Galaxy beat the Chicago Fire 2-1 on Saturday night.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Williams, Espindola score in second half to lift Real Salt Lake to 2-0 win over FC Dallas
SANDY, Utah — Andy Williams scored on a free kick early in the 47th minute and Fabian Espindola added a goal in the final minute of stoppage time to lift Real Salt Lake to a 2-0 victory over FC Dallas on Saturday night.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Pineda unravels after blown call, gives up 2 HRs by Hunter in Mariners' loss to Angels
ANAHEIM, Calif. — Michael Pineda took full advantage of some perfectly placed shadows between the mound and home plate.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Cash scores 26 to lead Storm rally past Sparks 99-80
SEATTLE — Swin Cash turned the game around for the Seattle Storm when she decided to attack the basket with drives and short jumpers in the third quarter.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Fire at home for elderly in Ukrainian village kills at least 13, injures 11
KIEV, Ukraine — A fire tore through a home for the elderly in western Ukraine Sunday, killing at least 13 people, officials said.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Express train derails in northern India; dozens injured
LUCKNOW, India — An express train derailed in northern India on Sunday, injuring at least 34 people, railway officials said.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Australia to hit nation's 500 worst polluters with tax; companies to pay $25 per ton of carbon
SYDNEY — Australia will force its 500 worst polluters to pay 23 Australian dollars ($25) for every ton of carbon dioxide they emit, with the government promising to compensate households hit with higher power bills under a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions unveiled Sunday.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Top Syrian opposition figures, activists stay away from government-organized talks on reform
BEIRUT — Leading Syrian opposition figures and prominent activists have shunned government-sponsored reform talks, saying they will not participate as long as the regime ruthlessly cracks down on protesters.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Vietnam detains anti-China protesters and journalists from US, Japan news agencies
HANOI, Vietnam — Security forces in Vietnam quashed an anti-China rally in the capital by detaining protesters along with journalists covering the event for foreign news agencies, including The Associated Press.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Carolyn Hax Live: Advice columnist tackles your problems (Friday, July 8)
Advice Columnist Carolyn Hax takes your questions and comments about the strange train we call life.
(, vForum)

Real Wheels Live
Live online discussion with Real Wheels columnist Warren Brown about car-buying and the auto industry.
(, vForum)

Carolyn Hax Live: Advice columnist tackles your problems (Friday, July 15)
Advice Columnist Carolyn Hax takes your questions and comments about the strange train we call life.
(, vForum)

The Weather Gang Lab with Jason Samenow (Video)
Capital Weather Gang's Jason Samenow digs into this week's big weather story. Join the chat to find out what will happen -- and why.
(, vForum)

D.C.'s biggest stories: Lunchline's Clinton Yates breaks them down (video)
Clinton Yates a news junkie and pop culture fanatic who scours The Washington Post and its partner sites every weekday to find the gems that you want to read but don't have time to search for.
(, vForum)

How Apple Led The High-Stakes Patent Poker Win Against Google, Sealing Ballmer’s Promise

( by ,

Jets' Tannenbaum, SAP's McDermott exchange game plans for winning at business, football
FLORHAM PARK, N.J. — A picture hangs in Bill McDermott’s basement that his son treasures more than any other.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Eric Schmidt: You Don’t Know It’s A Bubble Until The Bubble Ends

( by ,

Despite Google+ Competition, Disco, Google’s Hushed Messaging App, Continues To Improve

( by ,

The Twitter Endgame: IPO, Chess, or Roulette?

( by ,

In Boston, chagrined over the one that got away
The city’s venture capitalists declined to fund the founder of Facebook, the world’s most popular social-networking service, when he wanted to expand his start-up in 2004. They don’t want to make that kind of mistake again.
( by Laura Keeley Bloomberg News , The Washington Post)

Obama, Hill leaders at pivotal point in debt talks as Boehner drops goal for bigger package
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama and congressional leaders are regrouping after House Republicans gave up efforts for a massive deficit reduction package of $4 trillion over 10 years.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

When less is more for your 401(k)
Regardless of how much they know about investing, employees make better choices when they have fewer options.
( by Bob Frick , The Washington Post)

China's trade growth slows further in June; global surplus widens to $22.2 billion
BEIJING — China’s import growth decelerated further in June as the world’s second-largest economy cooled, widening its trade surplus to $22.2 billion, data released Sunday showed.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)

Obama's challenge: Showing how a big deficit reduction deal creates desperately needed jobs
WASHINGTON — Immersed in an intense struggle to cut the national debt, President Barack Obama faces a dilemma that will stay with him even if he succeeds in striking a grand deal with Congress: convincing Americans that the entire effort will do anything to create desperately needed jobs.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP) 

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12:47 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
Ben Whishaw es el presunto culpable
20:56 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
Antena 3 'roba' a TVE su directora de programación y contenidos, Lola Molina
21:27 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
TNT prepara una nueva 'Dallas'
21:07 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
Activistas españoles iniciarán una huelga de hambre en la embajada en Atenas
22:08 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
Israel niega la entrada a decenas de activistas de la flotilla aérea propalestina
21:23 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
Unicef informa de muertes de niños libios por restos explosivos del conflicto
 Ciencia y Ecología
21:17 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
Dos meses de cárcel por 'cazar' meteoritos en Omán
07:56 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Australia fija un impuesto de 17,3 euros por tonelada de emisión de CO2
19:31 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
El último transbordador despega con éxito
14:07 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
Las ISP en EEUU podrían cortar el acceso a Internet a los usuarios por descargas
17:21 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
El artista espía de la Apple Store
12:06 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
Google busca una mayor integración con Facebook y Twitter
18:17 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
Muere el judío que inspiró 'La vida es bella' de Roberto Benigni
19:28 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
'En España, Cristo volvería a ser crucificado con internet apedreando'
20:32 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
'La SGAE quiso sellarme la boca'
21:29 - martes, 5 de julio de 2011
Cy Twombly, uno de los grandes artistas del siglo XX
14:38 - sábado, 2 de julio de 2011
Muere Isabel Salueña, autora de casi 600 títulos de novela rosa
16:17 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
Manuel Galbán, seis décadas de música con Buena Vista Social Club y Los Zafiros
11:11 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Las sedes judiciales de Madrid son 'anticuadas, inadecuadas e insuficientes', denuncia el TSJM
11:27 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Detenido el presunto autor de 15 robos con violencia en comercios de Madrid
20:16 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
Feministas frente a antiabortistas en la Puerta del Sol
23:05 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
Fred maquilla el drama
16:37 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
Alonso presiona a Red Bull
19:28 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
Rui Costa, la cara A del Movistar
08:19 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Moyá consigue 'cazar' a Cerezuela y lo cuelga en twitter
08:47 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Beckham recibe a los duques de Cambridge en una exclusiva recepción en Los Ángeles
02:03 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
El príncipe Guillermo, un jugador de polo con mal perder
 Castilla y León
11:05 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Platero es pequeño, peludo... y curativo
11:48 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
La Policía detiene al presunto autor de la muerte de un joven en Burgos
11:31 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Un corredor de Valladolid, entre los once heridos en el encierro de San Fermín
03:42 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
La Junta quiere obligar por ley a los hoteles a utilizar un lenguaje no sexista
12:00 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
La cárcel de Almería 'pierde' presos, pero continúa casi al doble de su capacidad
03:42 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
El renacer de una mina milenaria
 Unión Europea
03:37 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
Los eurodiputados creen que la salida a la crisis pasa por 'más Europa'
17:18 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
La UE y Mercosur cierran otra ronda sin avances en las ofertas comerciales
19:13 - jueves, 7 de julio de 2011
Primer paso para que las infracciones de tráfico en el extranjero se paguen
 País Vasco
10:59 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
El caos institucional relanza a López
11:57 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Con una aplicación informática los padres tendrán informes del 'día a día' del alumno
11:07 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
La cuadratura del círculo fiscal
11:21 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Sinde sobre El Cabanyal: 'El fallo del Supremo obliga a repensar el modelo de ciudad'
11:30 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Condenado a dos años por llevarse a su hijo para forzar a mujer a volver con él
13:33 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
El PP valenciano dice que tomarse 'en serio' el caso de los trajes es 'casi como una burla'
11:10 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
El nuevo alcalde de Salt aboga por fijar cuotas máximas de inmigrantes
11:36 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
El sector catalanista del PSC baraja avanzar su candidatura, liderada por Ros
20:49 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
Minoritaria marcha para conmemorar el aniversario del clamor contra el TC
11:14 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
'Ya está bien de lamentarnos de lo mal que nos van las cosas'
16:47 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
La iniciativa popular para la dación en pago podrá entrar en el Congreso
19:45 - viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
Adicae propone que sea el juez quien dicte el valor de adjudicación de una vivienda
11:50 - domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Un inglés en el paraíso más caro de España
19:33 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
Piden 16 años de cárcel a un hombre por intentar matar a su mujer en Palma
16:27 - sábado, 9 de julio de 2011
PSM-IV-ExM pide un referéndum para decidir si Blanquerna debe ser o no peatonal

איך לרומם את החופש הגדול?
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צריך בכלל חופשה?
הרב דוד סמסון שליט"א, ראש ישיבת YTAיש לחקור 'בחפצא' של בין הזמנים את החקירה הבאה: האם 'בין הזמנים' הוא זמן בפני עצמו, וכמו שיש זמן, יש גם 'בין הזמנים' עם כללים וגדרים משלו, או שמא 'בין הזמנים' הוא פשוט חסרון מציאות של הזמן. והנפקא מינה גדולה - האם יש מצוה לנוח בבין הזמנים כמו שיש מצוה ללמוד בזמן, או שמא זו פגרה טכנית שעדיף לעקוף אותה אם-אפשר, ולנצלה ללימוד מקסימאלי?
זכורני את ר' אברום שפירא זצ"ל מזכיר בשיעור כללי לפני סוף הזמן, את השל"ה הקדוש שאמר: "בין הזמנים לא יזכר ולא יפקד", והיה ברור לי לפי דברים אלו, ש'בין הזמנים' הוא פשוט זמן ללא כל אופי עצמי וכשמו כן הוא 'בין הזמנים', וממילא יש לנסות להקדיש את כולו ללימוד תורה.
אבל הוקשה לי מהגמרא (ברכות ל"ה) בה רבא בקש מתלמידיו שלא יבואו לישיבה "ביומי ניסן וביומי תשרי", כלומר בבין הזמנים, למרות שהם רצו. מכך נראה ש'בין הזמנים' הוא בעצם זמן בפני עצמו ויש להקדישו למנוחה?
נראה לי שהתשובה לחקירה תלויה בסוג התלמיד, ואסביר: נוסחת החינוך קובעת שאדם שניצב מול אתגר מתאים, מצליח ומתחזק מההתמודדות, כדברי חז"ל (סנהדרין צ"ט): "אמר רבי אלעזר כל אדם לעמל נברא, שנאמר: 'כי אדם לעמל יולד' איני יודע אם לעמל פה נברא אם לעמל מלאכה נברא?", ומסקנת הגמרא: "לעמל תורה נברא", כלומר כל בני אדם חייבים לעמול, ואשרי מי שזוכה שעמלו בתורה.
האומנות שבחינוך היא להתאים את האתגר ליכולת של התלמיד, אך יש בכך סכנה משני כיוונים: אם האתגר קל מדי - תחסר לתלמיד התמודדות, ולא יתפתח כראוי. אולם מצד שני אם האתגר הוא מעבר ליכולתו, התלמיד לא יצליח לעמוד בו, ואמנם הוא רוכש ניסיון, אבל מתפתח כשהוא מצולק.
אם-כך יש לנו שני סוגי תלמידים: ישנם תלמידים שהמערכת מתאימה להם ומפתחת את כישרונותיהם, תלמיד כזה מרגיש סיפוק מההצלחה ומהגדילה, ועבור תלמידים כאלו 'בין הזמנים' הוא פשוט חסרון והעדר זמן, אילוץ שעדיף שלא היה, כדברי השל"ה הקדוש.
אולם תלמידים שמאותגרים מעל ליכולתם צריכים את 'בין הזמנים' כמים קרים לנפש עייפה, בכדי להשיב ולבנות את ההערכה העצמית, על-ידי הצבת יעדים מתאימים שההצלחה בהם מולידה סיפוק וכבוד עצמי. לתלמידים הללו כשם שמצוה ללמוד בזמן, כך מצוה עבורם להימנע מללמוד ב'בין הזמנים' וכפי שרבא בקש מתלמידיו.
וכן לתלמידים שמאותגרים מתחת ליכולתם, 'בין הזמנים' עבורם הוא זמן קדוש של לימוד ברמה ובהתאמה ליכולתם. הם צריכים את הזמן הזה כדי להציב לעצמם יעדים חינוכיים ההולמים את כישרונותיהם.
כלומר, החופש הוא הזמן שהיעדים בו הם בהתאמה אישית לחלוטין. האדם הנבון מכיר בעצמו מה הוא צריך להשלמת נפשו. לפעמים זו פעילות גופנית שלא מוצאת את מקומה כראוי במשך השנה ולפעמים זו סוגיה או נושא שהוא רוצה לברר בעצמו.
יהי רצון שנזכה לדור שברכת השל"ה תתאים, ש'בין הזמנים' "לא ייזכר ולא יפקד" כי כל בניך לימודי ה' ורב שלום בניך.

סרטים בחופש?
הרב יונה גודמן שליט"א, ראש תחום חינוך אמוני, מכללת אורות ישראלהקיץ מהווה תקופה מלאת אתגרים וסכנות. נדרשת בו הורות פעילה, המתכננת ומכוונת את הילדים לאורכו למען ייבנו ולא חלילה להפך. כדי לסייע בתרגום הדברים לשפת המעשה, אשתדל בע"ה לחדד דוגמא אחת הקשורה למחשב הביתי.
מעטים ההורים המרוצים משימושי המחשב של ילדיהם. למשל, רבים הילדים שצופים באמצעותו בכמות עצומה של סרטים. הם מחליפים כל יום סרטים עם חבריהם, מביאים סרטים שאין להוריהם מושג מה תוכנם וצופים בהם עד בלי די. יש המגיעים לחמש שעות צפייה בסרטים ביום - חלק בבית וחלק אצל החברים.
משום מה, הורים רבים ניצבים נבוכים וחוששים להציב גבולות ברורים. הורות בריאה מחייבת גבולות בשני תחומים: כמות ואיכות. א. כמות: חובה לקבוע כמות מרבית של צפייה שבועית. הכמות חייבת לכלול את מה שצופים אצל החברים, אחרת לא עשינו דבר. ב. איכות: ניתן בנקל לבדוק כל סרט ב'גוגל' ולהבין מה תוכנו. רק לאחר בדיקתו ניתן לאשר לילדים לצפות בו. כלל זה מחייב את הילדים להודיע מראש להוריהם במה הם מבקשים לצפות, ולא להחליט באופן ספונטאני מבלי שנוכל לבדוק. כשם שחשוב לנו מה נכנס לפיהם, כך חיוני שנבדוק מה נכנס לנשמתם. בדיקת תוכן הסרט מראש יכולה להיעשות עם הילד. ניתן להשתמש בה כהזדמנות לדבר על תכני חיים מגוונים הקשורים להתלבטות האם לצפות בו.
יש הורים שיקראו את דברנו ויזדעקו: "מדוע כלל להתיר צפייה בסרטים? יש להתנגד לכל העניין!" להם נשיב כי מי שביתו נקי מסרטי מחשב - אשריו. אך רבים אומרים שהם נגד סרטים ולכן לא עוסקים כלל בהכוונת התכנים, ובינתיים ילדיהם צופים בלי הדרכה כלל. להורים אלה נציע לגלות אחריות הורית בתחום חיוני זה, ולעשות סדר דחוף בשימושי המחשב הביתי. אף הוא זקוק לגבולות בקיץ...
מתוך העלון השבועי של תנועת קוממיות,
לקבלת העלון המלא:
* נערך על ידי הרב

DSK. Pour le chef de la sécurité d'Accor, la thèse du complot relève du "délire"

sofitel DSK René-Georges Querry aurait prévenu l'Elysée de l'arrestation de DSK peu après 23H45 le 14 mai.

Coupe du monde de foot : les Bleues en demies

LES FRANÇAISES EN QUARTS DE FINALE DU MONDIAL L'équipe de France féminine a obtenu une qualification historique samedi en éliminant l'Angleterre (1-1, 4-3 aux tirs au but).
Suivre sur facebook

Le Japon touché par un petit tsunami après un séisme de 7,1

Un sismographe Aucun dégât ni victime ne sont à déplorer, l'alerte a été levée.

Popularité : nouvelle baisse pour Sarkozy et Fillon

François Fillon et Nicolas Sarkozy le 28 juin 2011 à Sable-sur-Sarthe Seuls 21% de sondés font confiance au chef de l'Etat.

Etats-Unis : deux avions interceptés dans l'espace aérien de Camp David

Obama camp david Barack Obama passe le week-end dans la résidence d'été des présidents américains.

Le Sud-Soudan devient la plus jeune nation du monde

Juba Sud soudan indépendance Le Sud à majorité chrétienne se sépare ainsi du Nord musulman après des décennies de guerre qui ont fait des millions de morts.

COUPE DAVIS. La France s'impose logiquement face à l'Allemagne

Quart de finale Coupe Davis La paire Tsonga-Llodra s'est imposée en 3 sets face à Kas-Petzshner. Les tricolores ont fait respecter le classement et rencontreront en demi-finale l'Espagne ou les Etats-Unis.

Fininvest, le groupe de Berlusconi, condamné à payer 560 M d'euros

Silivio Berlusconi au Sénat, à Rome, le 21 juin 2011 Le groupe a corrompu des avocats et un juge pour ravir la maison d'édition "Mondadori" a son propriétaire, Carlo De Benedetti.

124 pro-palestiniens détenus en Israël

Israël barrière Arrivés d'Europe à l'aéroport de Tel-Aviv, la plupart des militants ont été transférés dans des prisons israéliennes en attente de leur expulsion.

La droite osera-t-elle privatiser le train ?

Nicolas Sarkozy en 2008 OPINION. Des bruits de couloirs - et d'autres éléments plus tangibles - le laissent penser. Par Claire Dagnogo, militante socialiste.

DOCU. Découvrez "Le Business de la piraterie"

piraterie Le Nouvel Observateur diffuse une enquête sur l'économie de la piraterie en Somalie et ses conséquences en Europe.

Cécile Duflot et Eva Joly prônent l'union après la primaire écologiste

Duflot et Joly, avril 2011 La primaire d'Europe-Ecologie Les Verts a été marquée par des dissensions entre les deux prétendants, Eva Joly et Nicolas Hulot.

La "youtubisation" de la vie privée

Blog youtubisation On voit de plus en plus de particuliers mettre eux-mêmes en scène les moments clefs de leur existence afin de répondre aux canons des vidéos virales et s'assurer un "buzz" sur You Tube. Par Jérôme Hourdeaux.

LIBYE. "On entend de plus en plus de tirs à Tripoli"

Tripoli-Libye Dans la capitale libyenne, la vie quotidienne suit son cours, bien que la nervosité monte sensiblement. Par notre envoyé spécial, Christophe Boltanski.

Martine Aubry veut faire taire les rumeurs sur son mari

Jean Louis Brochen - Aubry Certains sites internet prétendent que Jean-Louis Brochen est un islamiste.

La terrible rumeur qui frappe Martine Aubry sur le net

Martine Aubry le 6 juillet 2011 à Bourg-les-Valence OPINION. Elle avait pourtant prévenu qu'elle ne tolérerait aucun ragot à son sujet. Par Bruno Roger-Petit, chroniqueur du Plus.

Pécresse, la chiraquienne qui monte

Pécresse L'autonomie des universités, c'est elle. Une réforme réputée impossible, que la toute nouvelle ministre du Budget a pourtant réussi à mener à bien. Portrait bilan par Caroline Brizard et Patrick Fauconnier

Guérini dépose une nouvelle plainte contre Montebourg

09.07.11 Jean-Noël Guérini (AFP) Le candidat à la primaire socialiste s'était dit "inquiet que le parti socialiste soit solidaire d'élus dont les liens avec le grand banditisme apparaissent".

L'armée se déploie dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie

Un char de l'armée syrienne Les autorités auraient procédé à des perquisitions et saccagé des maisons de militants anti-régime.

THONON. Pas de cantine pour les enfants de chômeurs

Cantine Afin que leurs enfants mangent le midi dans les établissements scolaires de Thonon-les-Bains, les parents vont devoir présenter leurs feuilles de paie.

Copé à Borloo : "le 21 avril n'est pas réservé seulement à la gauche"

Jean-François Copé Le secrétaire général de l'UMP a une nouvelle fois mis en garde Jean-Louis Borloo contre une candidature à l'élection présidentielle.

AVIGNON : Frédéric Mitterrand dans la Cour d’Honneur… et au charbon

Frédéric Mitterrand Offensive de charme du ministre de la Culture, furieux contre le Nouvel Observateur depuis l’article de Jacques Drillon intitulé "La Chute de la maison Mitterrand".

Cyclisme : Rui Costa remporte la huitième étape du Tour de France

Rui Alberto Costa durant la huitième étape du Tour de France, entre Aigurande et Super-Besse, le 9 juillet 2011 Le coureur de Movistar est le cinquième Portugais à remporter une étape sur la Grande Boucle. Hushovd conserve son maillot jaune.

Gérard Larrat, ex-maire UMP de Carcassonne mis en examen

Gérard Larrat L'ancien maire de Carcassonne, Gérard Larrat, vient d'être inculpé, entre autres, d'"atteinte à la sincérité du scrutin".

Cour des comptes : une polémique rondement orchestrée

Claude Guéant En moins de 48 heures, l'UMP est parvenue à faire oublier le contenu d'un rapport douloureux sur sa politique sécuritaire au profit d'une polémique sur la fiabilité de l'institution financière. Par Estelle Gross.

Affaire DSK/Banon : ouverture d'une enquête préliminaire

Photomontage montrant Dominique Strauss-Khan et la journaliste Tristane Banon Tristane Banon avait déposé lundi une plainte contre DSK pour tentative de viol.

Rugby : comment Max Guazzini a été poussé vers la sortie

Le président du Stade Français Max Guazzini le 8 janvier 2011 Après dix-huit ans à la tête du Stade français, l'ex-secrétaire de Dalida vient de céder le club à un repreneur pour éviter la relégation. Par Gérard Muteaud.

Athlétisme : bilan mitigé pour Bolt et Lemaître au meeting Areva

USAIN BOLT REMPORTE LE 200M DU MEETING DIAMOND LEAGUE DE PARIS Les deux champions n'ont pas véritablement réalisé leurs objectifs lors du meeting Areva qui s'est tenu hier soir, dans des conditions difficiles.

Le nationaliste flamand Bart de Wever "apprécie beaucoup Sarkozy"

Bart De Wever le 25 mai 2011 à Antwerp Le président du parti autonomiste flamand avoue son son admiration pour le chef d'Etat français qui a "osé introduire un débat sur l'identité nationale".

Les Egyptiens continuent de descendre dans la rue

09.07.11 Manifestations en Egypte (AFP) Les manifestants demandent tout particulièrement la démission des responsables de l'ancien régime encore dans les allées du pouvoir.

Retour des membres de la flottille française : "le combat continue"

09.07.11 Olivier Besancenot à Athène, flottille Gaza (AFP) Olivier Besancenot, l'un des participants de l'opération, a présenté la campagne 'Phénix'. "La flottille renaîtra de ses cendres", a-t-il affirmé.

Le jeu vidéo de la semaine : Lego - Pirates des caraïbes

Lego : Pirates des caraïbes Les célèbres briques danoises appliquent une recette bien rodée à une nouvelle saga. Au risque de lasser ?

L'application de la semaine : Elections 2012

Application Elections 2012 Le service affiche un baromètre en "temps réel" des intentions de vote et une liste des candidats à la présidentielle mise à jour régulièrement. Pas indispensable mais bienvenue.

VIDEO. Flash-back : il y a 40 ans disparaissait Louis Armstrong

louis armstrong Retour en images sur la carrière du jazzman, en partenariat avec l'Ina. Avec notamment un document rare et en intégralité : un enregistrement d'un des concerts de Louis Armstrong en 1948.

AVIGNON. "Enfant", un spectacle de Boris Charmatz

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  • Newsletter | 10.07.2011, 13:45 UTC
    Die Themen des Tages
    Berichte, Hintergründe, Meinungen
    Schweden im Halbfinale
    Erneut starkes Erdbeben vor japanischer Küste
    Griechenland hält Europa weiter in Atem
    Bachmann-Preis für Maja Haderlap
    Der Nahe Osten zwischen Freiheit und Diktatur
    Abstufung Portugals "konsequenter Schritt"
    Ein Märchenwald auf Reisen
    Märchen zum Mitnehmen!
    Der ewig modische Tanzschuh
    Schweden im Halbfinale
    Schwedens Frauen stehen zum dritten Mal in einem WM-Halbfinale. Das Team gewann in Augsburg gegen Australien mit 3:1 und machte damit die Hoffnungen der deutschen Mannschaft auf eine Olympia-Teilnahme zunichte.
    Erneut starkes Erdbeben vor japanischer Küste
    Wieder versetzte ein Erdbeben mit einer Stärke von 7,3 die Menschen in Japan in Angst und Schrecken. Doch dieses Mal scheint es glimpflich ausgegangen zu sein. Berichte von Schäden gab es bislang nicht.
    Griechenland hält Europa weiter in Atem
    Am Montag beraten die Euro-Finanzminister über ein zweites Hilfspaket für Griechenland. Die Verhandlungen fangen wieder von null an, nachdem die Ratingagenturen der Politk einen Strich durch die Rechung gemacht haben.
    Audio Beitrag hören: Griechenland hält Europa weiter in Atem
    > Nächster Schock für Griechenland
    Bachmann-Preis für Maja Haderlap
    Für junge Autoren kann er den Durchbruch bedeuten: der Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis. Er ist eine der wichtigsten Literaturauszeichnungen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Nun hat ihn die in Klagenfurt lebende Maja Haderlap gewonnen.
    > Wawerzinek gewinnt Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis
    Der Nahe Osten zwischen Freiheit und Diktatur
    Seit Wochen ist zwischen Marokko und dem Jemen nichts mehr wie es war. Das Volk begehrt auf. Diktatoren werden gestürzt oder klammern sich verzweifelt an die Macht. Wir haben die Ereignisse zusammengefasst.
    Abstufung Portugals "konsequenter Schritt"
    Für Kornelius Purps, Analyst bei der Unicredit Bank, ist die Verschlechterung der Bonität Portugals ein konsequenter Schritt. Das Land stehe ähnlich schlecht da wie Griechenland. Mehr bei unserem Partner
    Ein Märchenwald auf Reisen
    21 Märchen in sieben Kisten um die Welt. Eine Kölner Agentur hat für das Goethe-Institut eine Wanderausstellung gebaut, die über Märchen aufklären soll. Es ist viel Pappe im Spiel, trotzdem wiegt das Ganze Tonnen.
    Märchen zum Mitnehmen!
    22 Lieblingsmärchen aus aller Welt, ausgesucht von Mitarbeitern und Mitarbeiterinnen der Deutschen Welle – adaptiert, übersetzt, vertont, animiert. Jetzt auch als Podcast!
    Der ewig modische Tanzschuh
    Es war einmal ein Tanzschuh, der war so schön, dass alle Frauen ihn haben wollten. Sie bekamen den Ballerina. Der ist modisch seit den 1950ern nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Firma Bloch ist daran nicht ganz unschuldig.

    Why QE2 Failed: The Money All Went Offshore

    Global Research, July 9, 2011

    On June 30, QE2 ended with a whimper.  The Fed’s second round of “quantitative easing” involved $600 billion created with a computer keystroke for the purchase of long-term government bonds.  But the government never actually got the money, which went straight into the reserve accounts of banks, where it still sits today.  Worse, it went into the reserve accounts of FOREIGN banks, on which the Federal Reserve is now paying 0.25% interest. 
    Before QE2 there was QE1, in which the Fed bought $1.25 trillion in mortgage-backed securities from the banks.  This money too remains in bank reserve accounts collecting interest and dust.  The Fed reports that the accumulated excess reserves of depository institutions now total nearly $1.6 trillion.    
    Interestingly, $1.6 trillion is also the size of the federal deficit – a deficit so large that some members of Congress are threatening to force a default on the national debt if it isn’t corrected soon. 
    So here we have the anomalous situation of a $1.6 trillion hole in the federal budget, and $1.6 trillion created by the Fed that is now sitting idle in bank reserve accounts.  If the intent of “quantitative easing” was to stimulate the economy, it might have worked better if the money earmarked for the purchase of Treasuries had been delivered directly to the Treasury.  That was actually how it was done before 1935, when the law was changed to require private bond dealers to be cut into the deal.   
    The one thing QE2 did for the taxpayers was to reduce the interest tab on the federal debt.  The long-term bonds the Fed bought on the open market are now effectively interest-free to the government, since the Fed rebates its profits to the Treasury after deducting its costs.   
    But QE2 has not helped the anemic local credit market, on which smaller businesses rely; and it is these businesses that are largely responsible for creating new jobs.  In a June 30 article in the Wall Street Journal titled “Smaller Businesses Seeking Loans Still Come Up Empty,” Emily Maltby reported that business owners rank access to capital as the most important issue facing them today; and only 17% of smaller businesses said they were able to land needed bank financing.      
    How QE2 Wound Up in Foreign Banks 
    Before the Banking Act of 1935, the government was able to borrow directly from its own central bank.  Other countries followed that policy as well, including Canada, Australia, and New Zealand; and they prospered as a result.  After 1935, however, if the U.S. central bank wanted to buy government securities, it had to purchase them from private banks on the “open market.”  Former Fed Chairman Marinner Eccles wrote in support of an act to remove that requirement that it was intended to keep politicians from spending too much.  But all the law succeeded in doing was to give the bond-dealer banks a cut as middlemen.   
    Worse, it caused the Fed to lose control of where the money went.  Rather than buying more bonds from the Treasury, the banks that got the cash could just sit on it or use it for their own purposes; and that is apparently what is happening today.
    In carrying out its QE2 purchases, the Fed had to follow standard operating procedure for “open market operations”: it took secret bids from the 20 “primary dealers” authorized to sell securities to the Fed and accepted the best offers.  The problem was that 12 of these dealers – or over half -- are U.S.-based branches of foreign banks (including BNP Paribas, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, UBS and others); and they evidently won the bids.   
    The fact that foreign banks got the money was established in a June 12 post on Zero Hedge by Tyler Durden (a pseudonym), who compared two charts: the total cash holdings of foreign-related banks in the U.S., using weekly Federal Reserve data; and the total reserve balances held at Federal Reserve banks, from the Fed’s statement ending the week of June 1.  The charts showed that after November 3, 2010, when QE2 operations began, total bank reserves increased by $610 billion.  Foreign bank cash reserves increased in lock step, by $630 billion -- or more than the entire QE2.  

     In a June 27 blog, John Mason, Professor of Finance at Penn State University and a former senior economist at the Federal Reserve, wrote:  
    In essence, it appears as if much of the monetary stimulus generated by the Federal Reserve System went into the Eurodollar market. This is all part of the “Carry Trade” as foreign branches of an American bank could borrow dollars from the “home” bank creating a Eurodollar deposit. . . .

    Cash assets at the smaller [U.S.] banks remained relatively flat . . . . Thus, the reserves the Fed was pumping into the banking system were not going into the smaller banks. . . .  
    [B]usiness loans continue to “tank” at the smaller banking institutions. . . .

    The real lending by commercial banks is not taking place in the United States. The lending is taking place off-shore, underwritten by the Federal Reserve System and this is doing little or nothing to help the American economy grow.  
    Tyler Durden concluded: 
    . . . [T]he only beneficiary of the reserves generated were US-based branches of foreign banks (which in turn turned around and funnelled the cash back to their domestic branches), a shocking finding which explains . . . why US banks have been unwilling and, far more importantly, unable to lend out these reserves . . . .  
    . . . [T]he data above proves beyond a reasonable doubt why there has been no excess lending by US banks to US borrowers: none of the cash ever even made it to US banks! . . . This also resolves the mystery of the broken money multiplier and why the velocity of money has imploded. 
    Well, not exactly.  The fact that the QE2 money all wound up in foreign banks is a shocking finding, but it doesn’t seem to be the reason banks aren’t lending.  There were already $1 trillion in excess reserves sitting idle in U.S. reserve accounts, not counting the $600 billion from QE2. 
    According to Scott Fullwiler, Associate Professor of Economics at Wartburg College, the money multiplier model is not just broken but is obsolete.  Banks do not lend based on what they have in reserve.  They can borrow reserves as needed after making loans.  Whether banks will lend depends rather on (a) whether they have creditworthy borrowers, (b) whether they have sufficient capital to satisfy the capital requirement, and (c) the cost of funds – meaning the cost to the bank of borrowing to meet the reserve requirement, either from depositors or from other banks or from the Federal Reserve. 
    Setting Things Right
    Whatever is responsible for causing the local credit crunch, trillions of dollars thrown at Wall Street by Congress and the Fed haven’t fixed the problem.  It may be time for local governments to take matters into their own hands.  While we wait for federal lawmakers to get it right, local credit markets can be revitalized by establishing state-owned banks, on the model of the Bank of North Dakota (BND).  The BND services the liquidity needs of local banks and keeps credit flowing in the state.  For more information, see here and here.  
    Concerning the gaping federal deficit, Congressman Ron Paul has an excellent idea: have the Fed simply write off the federal securities purchased with funds created in its quantitative easing programs.  No creditors would be harmed, since the money was generated out of thin air with a computer keystroke in the first place.  The government would just be canceling a debt to itself and saving the interest. 
    As for “quantitative easing,” if the intent is to stimulate the economy, the money needs to go directly into the purchase of goods and services, stimulating “demand.”  If it goes onto the balance sheets of banks, it may stop there or go into speculation rather than local lending -- as is happening now.  Money that goes directly to the government, on the other hand, will be spent on goods and services in the real economy, creating much-needed jobs, generating demand, and rebuilding the tax base.  To make sure the money gets there, the 1935 law forbidding the Fed to buy Treasuries directly from the Treasury needs to be repealed.  

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