GIORNALE/TEMPI del 14/7/2011 | ||
PANORAMA del 14/7/2011 | ![]() | |
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL RIFORMISTA del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO del 14/7/2011 | ||
LIBERO del 14/7/2011 | ||
TERRA del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL RIFORMISTA del 14/7/2011 | ||
PANORAMA del 14/7/2011 | ||
TERRA del 14/7/2011 | ||
TERRA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LIBERO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL GIORNALE del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL GIORNALE del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL GIORNALE del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL MESSAGGERO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL GIORNALE del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL GIORNALE del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ![]() | |
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL GIORNALE del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL GIORNALE del 14/7/2011 | ![]() | |
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL MESSAGGERO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL MESSAGGERO del 14/7/2011 | ||
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL MESSAGGERO del 14/7/2011 | ||
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL SOLE 24 ORE del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ![]() | |
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ![]() | |
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ||
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ||
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ||
SECOLO D'ITALIA del 14/7/2011 | ||
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ![]() | |
IL MESSAGGERO del 14/7/2011 | ![]() | |
IL MESSAGGERO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL MESSAGGERO del 14/7/2011 | ![]() | |
IL MESSAGGERO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL MESSAGGERO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL SOLE 24 ORE del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL SOLE 24 ORE del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL MESSAGGERO del 14/7/2011 | ||
L'UNITA' del 14/7/2011 | ||
L'UNITA' del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL GAZZETTINO del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL SOLE 24 ORE del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL SOLE 24 ORE del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL SOLE 24 ORE del 14/7/2011 | ||
ROMA del 14/7/2011 | ||
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ||
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ||
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ||
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ||
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL SOLE 24 ORE del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL FUTURISTA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA PADANIA del 14/7/2011 | ||
AVVENIRE del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA STAMPA del 14/7/2011 | ||
CORRIERE DELLA SERA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA STAMPA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA STAMPA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA STAMPA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA STAMPA del 14/7/2011 | ||
GIORNALE DI SICILIA del 14/7/2011 | ||
L'UNITA' del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA STAMPA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA STAMPA del 14/7/2011 | ||
ITALIA OGGI del 14/7/2011 | ||
ITALIA OGGI del 14/7/2011 | ||
ITALIA OGGI del 14/7/2011 | ||
ITALIA OGGI del 14/7/2011 | ||
AVANTI ! del 14/7/2011 | ||
ITALIA OGGI del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL SECOLO XIX del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL MATTINO del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 | ||
IL SECOLO XIX del 14/7/2011 | ||
LA REPUBBLICA del 14/7/2011 |

![]() | A Murdoch Note Murdoch is now admitted to have controlled the political system in Britain and America for two decades. He has had the power to choose national leaders, make policy, pass laws at will. Read More »» |


RFE/RL Headlines
7/14/2011 8:34:34 PM
A daily digest of the English-language news and analysis written by the staff of Radio Free Europe/Radio LibertyRFE/RL is looking for guest bloggers, preferably writing from and about our broadcast region. If you're interested, drop us a line at webteam@rferl.org. |
Visiting the neighbors isn't easy when you live in Kyrgyzstan and they live in China's Xinjiang Province. More ![]() The sinking of the riverboat cruiser the "Bulgaria" was just the latest in a series of transportation disasters plaguing Russia. The spate of tragedies is the result of negligent cost-cutting by operators seeking to plug narrow profit margins. The disasters also highlight corruption and a cavalier attitude toward safety precautions. More ![]() At a time when the situation in Afghanistan is becoming increasingly volatile, Western troop withdrawals have many wondering what the U.S.-led drawdown might mean for Afghanistan's Central Asian neighbors. More ![]() Rights groups are claiming that Russian secret services are protecting those behind the murder of Natalya Estemirova, a rights activist working in the North Caucasus who was kidnapped and killed on July 15, 2009, in the Chechen capital, Grozny. More ![]() Dozens more protesters were detained in Minsk and other cities last night in the latest of a series of weekly protests against the government of President Alyaksandr Lukashenka and a deepening economic crisis. More ![]() A suicide bomber who apparently hid his explosives inside his turban killed three people and injured 15 when he struck a mosque in Kandahar during a prayer service for the recently assassinated brother of President Hamid Karzai. More ![]() Kyrgyzstan analysts say some parliament deputies have business interests that are prohibited by the constitution. More ![]() Three Azerbaijani army officers have posted a video online addressed to President Ilham Aliyev complaining about the financial demands put on them by their commanding officer More ![]() Uzbek municipal authorities have prohibited the sale of watermelons and other melons in bazaars located in the capital. More ![]() Iranian actress and blogger Pegah Ahangarani is missing amid concerns she may have been arrested in Tehran. More ![]() Urunboy Usmonov, a correspondent in Tajikistan for the BBC who was taken into custody one month ago, is set to be released. More ![]() Two dismissed Kazakh police officers have appealed to pop icon Sting to help them get their jobs back after the British rocker snubbed one of Central Asia's prickliest dictators. More ![]() There's growing controversy in Germany about the decision to give Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin a prize for promoting freedom and democracy. More ![]() Just weeks after voting down a proposed referendum on permitting authoritarian incumbent President Eduard Kokoity to serve a third consecutive term, the parliament of Georgia's breakaway South Ossetia region is embroiled in a new crisis. More RFE/RL's Kyrgyz Service correspondent Janyl Chytyrbaeva visited the Kizilsu-Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture in western China, where a small ethnic Kyrgyz minority preserves a strong cultural identity. More |
Information Clearing House Newsletter
News You Wont Find On CNNJuly 14, 2011 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.
... No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until
"justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty
stream." Martin Luther King, Jr.
" He who recognizes no humanity in others, loses it in himself."-- author unknown
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Meade ~
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,790 www.icasualties.org/oif/
Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,588
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001 $1,220,665,477,792 http://www.costofwar.com/
300 Somali Children Left for Dead in Drought
Wander, a spokesman for Save the Children, said his agency provides
care to more than 300 unaccompanied children who were found on
roadsides after their parents died or abandoned them. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28573.htm
=== Taliban Warns Kabul Administration
By Afghan Resistance Movement
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan calls on those Afghans who work in the
ranks of the invaders of Afghanistan, particularly, this call is
directed at those influential, educated and experienced Afghans to
rethink and abandon their subservience to the non-believing invaders. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28572.htm
=== Gunboats and Gurkhas in the American Imperium
By Muhammad Idrees Ahmad
A complicit government in Pakistan, enabled by US interlocutors, continues to support US drone strikes. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28581.htm
=== "Why Libya? Why Qaddafi?"
By Husayn Al-Kurdi
are NATO war forces unleashed and all manner of military and
logistical assistance being proffered to the anti-Qaddafi forces,
styled as "rebels" and "freedom fighters" by their sponsors in America
and Europe? http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28579.htm
=== Prosecute White House Rights Abuse Crimes or Other Countries Must
By Deborah Dupre
Report leaves no doubt White House War Crimes warrant prosecutions and if Obama refuses, other nations must. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28580.htm
=== Israel Expands its Borders Into Europe
By Dahr Jamail
Recent clampdowns on Palestinian solidarity activists underscore Israel's ability to outsource its security operations. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28571.htm
=== God's Lobbyists: The Hidden Realm of Religious Influence
By Zachary Newkirk
it comes to the government lobbying efforts of most religious
institutions, their activities are notably shrouded in darkness. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28577.htm
=== Prisoners Near Death As 1,700 California Inmates Continue Hunger Strike
By Marie Diamond
hunger strike started by prisoners at Pelican Bay to protest appalling
conditions has spread across California as inmates at 13 prisons
joined in solidarity. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28574.htm
=== How Propaganda Shapes Political and Economic Outcomes
By Max Keiser
Keiser reports on Americans collecting government social welfare
benefits without knowing it and US Congressman taking financial bets
against its government debt. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28570.htm
=== Debt Ceiling Kabuki; Wall Street is "Out on a Limb" Again
By Mike Whitney
Obama stormed out of a meeting with Republican leaders on Wednesday
when negotiations broke down over raising the $14.3 trillion debt
ceiling. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28578.htm
=== The Military Industrial Complex: The Enemy from Within
By John W. Whitehead
It's not the sick, the elderly or the poor who are stealing us blind and pushing America towards bankruptcy. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28575.htm
=== Can Libertarians Save America?
By Dylan Ratigan
Party tribalists (80% of voters) are played for suckers. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28576.htm
=== Greed, Excess and America's Gaping Class Divide
By Matt Taibbi
political champions of middle America are at this very minute
campaigning in congress to extract more revenue from elderly retirees
and broke-ass students while simultaneously fighting to preserve a slew
of tax loopholes for the rich. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28582.htm
Jailed For Banking While Black
As a result he lost his job, his car was towed and sold and Chase has yet to provide an apology and compensation
US Attack Kills 50 People In Yemen:
dawn raid in Abyan province was conducted by an American unmanned
aircraft which fired missiles at a police station occupied by
"insurgents" http://bit.ly/oiJble
=== Air strikes on militants in south Yemen kill seven:
official said there were likely more casualties in the two air strikes
north of Zinjibar, capital of Abyan province, but that militants had
dragged bodies away from the area. http://bit.ly/oR53G4
=== India: Mumbai: 21 killed in three simultaneous blasts:
bombs ripped through India's commercial capital, Mumbai, on Wednesday,
killing 21 people and wounding over 100 in the deadliest attack in the
city since the 2008 assault that left 166 people dead. http://paktribune.com/news/index.shtml?241495
=== Afghan official: NATO murdered six civilians:
father and his son were killed in one house and in another house, they
killed a father, his son and a daughter. A woman was killed in the
third house,' Zadran said. http://bit.ly/oYrcwN
=== Karzai brother service: Four killed in Kandahar mosque hit:
blast has hit a mosque in Kandahar during a memorial service for the
assassinated half-brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, officials
say. The explosion killed four people, including the top cleric of the
provincial council. http://bit.ly/p3342P
=== Assassin who killed Afghanistan President Karzai's brother hanged in public square:
group of men hung the corpse against the wall in Kandahar for around
20 minutes before they carried it away, the Daily Mail reports. http://www.newkerala.com/news/2011/worldnews-27191.html
=== Taliban Warns Kabul Administration :
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan calls on those Afghans who work in the
ranks of the invaders of Afghanistan, particularly, this call is
directed at those influential, educated and experienced Afghans to
rethink and abandon their subservience to the non-believing invaders. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28572.htm
=== Another French occupation force soldier killed in Afghan battle: -
French soldier was killed Thursday in a skirmish with insurgents in
Afghanistan, just a day after five others died in a suicide attack in
the war-torn country, the French presidency said. http://bit.ly/ofu1g6
Imran Khan- led PTI calls for military action against drone attacks:
Pakistan Tehrik-e- Insaf (PTI) has said the United States-led drone
attacks in the tribal areas were unacceptable and tantamount to state
terrorism against Pakistani citizens and added that it was time for the
government to order military action against such strikes. http://www.newkerala.com/news/2011/worldnews-27539.html
=== Four killed in Syria as West pushes for UN action:
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported two deaths in the central
city of Homs, while the Arab League of Human Rights said two people
were killed in Deir Ezzor, a city in eastern Syria. http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/world/9845311/four-killed-in-syria-as-west-pushes-for-un-action/
=== Activist: Bomb hits gas pipeline in eastern Syria:
human rights activist says a bomb has damaged a natural gas pipeline
in eastern Syria. It's the first attack on the country's oil industry
amid a monthslong uprising against the regime. http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9OEM5980.htm
=== Ex-spy tells UK's Iraq Inquiry that the intelligence agency cut corners to please British govt:
The ex-spy said his agency, MI6, validated intelligence that was later withdrawn after sources were deemed unreliable. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/nationworld/sns-ap-eu-britain-iraq-inquiry,0,3150881.story
=== Ex-Army Corps Workers Charged in Iraq Bribery: Three former employees of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and two other men were charged with participating in a bribery and kickback scheme involving more than $50 million in contracts in Iraq. http://bloom.bg/n6ABMy === Israeli soldiers kill 21 year old Palestinian:
Sarhan, 21, was shot dead while emerging from a mosque, during the
Israeli search operation in the Al Farah refugee camp near Nablus. The
young man did not belong to any Palestinian political group Palestinian
sources say and did not appear to represent any particular threat. http://uk.ibtimes.com/articles/179141/20110713/israeli-soldiers-kill-21-year-old-palestinian.htm
=== Arab League to request full Palestinian membership at UN:
Council set to hold open debate on Middle East on July 26, but Israel
has made it clear that it opposes any unilateral Palestinian
declaration of statehood. http://bit.ly/rajaPk
=== Dozens of Israeli law professors protest 'unconstitutional' boycott law:
academics sign petition aimed at Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein;
Netanyahu maintains that he 'approved the law' and is 'against
boycotts' aimed at Israel. http://bit.ly/nobDU8
=== Libya says 1,100 dead in Nato 'war crimes':
prosecutor general charged on Wednesday that Nato air strikes in
support of rebel forces since the end of March have killed more than
1,100 civilians and wounded about 4,500 others. http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/World/Story/STIStory_690475.html
=== Rights group accuses Libyan rebels of abuse:
rebel forces have been responsible for looting, arson and the abuse of
civilians in their push toward Tripoli, Human Rights Watch alleged on
Wednesday. http://bit.ly/qRwq8D
=== Libya warns rebel-held east of water shortages:
muscle to their demands for a cease-fire, Libyan officials warned
Tuesday that the rebel-controlled eastern half of the country could be
cut off from water supplies without a truce to allow for maintenance
work on a power plant pumping water up from the desert. http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9OE6K080.htm
=== Muammar Qadhafi Speech July 9 at Sebha, First Mathaba:
Libya there is no government ... no autocracy ... no elections ...
this people is practising power ... all adults men and women exercise
power ... they have a say in the political, social and economic
matters. http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=627539?rss
=== Egypt dismisses almost 600 police officers:
Egypt fires almost 600 officers as part of a clean up of the unpopular force following protests against its actions. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/07/2011713151838644663.html
=== Russia offers 'phased' approach on Iran:
to the plan, Iran can revive negotiations to alleviate individual
concerns of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) about its
nuclear activities and be rewarded along the way by partial removal of
sanctions. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/189055.html
=== Colombian colonel sentenced for faking civilian murders:
Colombian army colonel has admitted his unit murdered 57 civilians,
then dressed them in uniforms and claimed they were rebels killed in
combat. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-14149676
=== How the US Props Up Criminals and Murderers All in the Name of Our Catastrophic Drug War:
US appears to be repeating its historically catastrophic strategy of
propping up human rights abusers and simplistically relying on
militarization to root out social problems. http://bit.ly/ntONPr
=== Ex-mayor of N.M. border town pleads guilty to gun running:
ousted mayor of a tiny New Mexico border town has pleaded guilty for
his role in a conspiracy to run guns to warring Mexican drug cartels,
authorities said on Wednesday. http://reut.rs/nCO0j1
=== ATF/Mexico Gun Scandal Heats Up:
Fast and Furious, the U.S. government arms sting that allowed guns to
walk over the border into the hands of Mexican organized crime, made
headlines here in Mexico over the past weeks after a Congressional
hearing in mid-June brought out new allegations. http://americasmexico.blogspot.com/2011/07/lauras-blog-fast-and-furious-scandal.html
=== Julian Assange extradition appeal hearing - day two live :
Booth at the high court and Paul Owen at the Guardian office bring you
full coverage of the second day of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's
battle to avoid being sent to Sweden to face rape and sexual assault
allegations http://bit.ly/q5LNXi
=== UK: Rupert Murdoch summonsed to appear before MPs:
Rupert and James Murdoch have been summonsed to attend next week's select committee session on phone hacking http://bit.ly/n76pw0
=== Juan Cole Sues To See If Government Kept a File on Him:
intelligence community may have had a file on a liberal blogger and
academic. Now he wants to see what, if anything, was in it. http://bit.ly/nuaP9F
=== Kenyan 'held at secret CIA jail':
Kenyan who disappeared from Nairobi's Eastleigh suburb two years ago
is being held at a secret CIA prison in Mogadishu, claims a US
magazine. http://bit.ly/nFL6qL
23 senators fear terror suspect may get fair trial:
American people must be assured that terrorists are not brought into
the United States for trial only to be released as a result of an
acquittal" http://old.news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110713/ap_on_go_co/us_terror_trial_congress
Prisoners Near Death As 1,700 California Inmates Continue Hunger Strike To Protest Appalling Conditions:
hunger strike started by prisoners at Pelican Bay to protest appalling
conditions has spread across California as inmates at 13 prisons
joined in solidarity http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28574.htm
Man Jailed For Banking While Black:
He lost his job, his car was towed and sold and Chase has yet to provide an apology and compensation. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28583.htm
=== Italian austerity budget passes Senate:
deficit-reduction package is a mix of revenue-raising measures, such
as higher hospital fees and a tax on holdings of state bonds, and cuts
in spending by the central and local governments that come mainly into
force in 2013 and 2014. A freeze on public sector wages and hiring will
be extended by a year. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/fcb55be2-ae1a-11e0-a2ab-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1S5fnGbao
=== Italy eyes privatization as market tension eases:
Italian government bolstered an austerity package on Wednesday with
plans to sell stakes in state-owned companies, and political consensus
on debt-cutting measures helped calm nervous markets. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/13/us-italy-debt-idUSTRE76C47720110713
=== Euro plunges deeper into crisis as Greece's credit rating slashed to 'junk':
rating agency Fitch yesterday indicated it expected the Greek
government to default on its loans, cutting the country's rating from
B+ to CCC. http://bit.ly/rlfvJg
=== Nikkei down after Moody's US debt warning, support holds:
said it may cut the United States' triple-A credit rating, sending the
dollar near four-month lows and pressuring exporters. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/14/markets-japan-stocks-idUSL3E7IE0ZS20110714
"Let us be peace and joy"
Tom Feeley
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NEWSLETTER vom Freitag, 15. Juli 2011, 06:00 Uhr |
*** Japan Times E-mail News Service *** __________ Friday, July 15, 2011 ________________ TODAY'S TOP STORIES ========================= [NATIONAL NEWS] Tepco injects nitrogen into No. 3 reactor Tokyo Electric Power Co. is set to inject nitrogen into the Fukushima No. 1 atomic plant's reactor 3 to reduce the risk of further hydrogen explosions, a significant step forward in the effort to contain the nuclear crisis. [MORE] -> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715a1.html --- [NATIONAL NEWS] Nuke panel downplayed power loss risk Government-commissioned experts noted in the early 1990s the possibility of fatal damage to nuclear power plants resulting from loss of all alternating-current sources for long periods, as in the case of the Fukushima No. 1 plant, but played down the risk. [MORE] -> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715a2.html --- [NATIONAL NEWS] Tohoku land-use guidelines take two-track approach The government will allow municipalities devastated by the March 11 tsunami to construct fish processing firms along the coast but request them to build hospitals and welfare facilities inland, according to draft guidelines on land use. [MORE] -> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715a3.html [More news] http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news.html OTHER NEWS ========================= [NATIONAL NEWS] Kyushu Electric apologizes for scheme; president staying put http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715a4.html [NATIONAL NEWS] Phasing out nuke power an aspiration, not policy: Edano http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715a6.html [NATIONAL NEWS] Okinawa seeks to block Osprey deployment http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715a7.html [NATIONAL NEWS] Sanitary conditions deteriorating in shelters as mercury rises: Hirano NATSUKO FUKUE http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715a8.html [NATIONAL NEWS] Power shortages top concern for investors: Nomura http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715a9.html [NATIONAL NEWS] Record set for instruments played http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715b1.html [NATIONAL NEWS] Kan lauds women's soccer team http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715b2.html [NATIONAL NEWS] Official drove 30 years without license http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715b3.html [NATIONAL NEWS] Korean Air flight over disputed islets prompts ban http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715b4.html [NATIONAL NEWS] Rejecting \160 million offer from J-Power, Aomori family left with view of nuclear plant CHISAKI WATANABE and STUART BIGGS http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715f1.html [NATIONAL NEWS] Two antinuclear arms groups divided on nuclear power NOBUKO NISHIGORI and KANAMI OTOMITSU http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110715f2.html [Text ad in Japanese] ===================================================================== The Japan Times Weekly 7月16日号の編集部オススメ記事 ■■■ EDITOR'S PICK ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ Checks seen likely to delay nuclear restarts ■ 原発で耐性試験、再稼働は夏以降か ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 購読はこちらから http://club.japantimes.co.jp/jw/ ===================================================================== BUSINESS ========================= [BUSINESS NEWS] Strong yen may force further shift abroad http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nb20110715a1.html [BUSINESS NEWS] HondaJet aims for 15% market share http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nb20110715a2.html [BUSINESS NEWS] Noda steps up currency rhetoric http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nb20110715n1.html [BUSINESS NEWS] Government may intervene to weaken yen: ex-finance minister Kato http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nb20110715n2.html [BUSINESS NEWS] Nikko said gearing up for IPO March 31 http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nb20110715n3.html [BUSINESS NEWS] Mizuho unit eyes mezzanine debt http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nb20110715n4.html [BUSINESS NEWS] Marubeni, Chubu Electric in Oman http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nb20110715n5.html OPINION ========================= [JT EDITORIAL] A long shot at what cost? http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/ed20110715a1.html [JT EDITORIAL] Japan's power-short economy http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/ed20110715a2.html [OPINION] Kissinger blighted millions as U.S. jockeyed for position KEVIN RAFFERTY http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/eo20110715a1.html [More Op-Ed stories] http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion.html FEATURES ========================= [ART] "Creatures' Paradise: Animals in Art from fhe Kyoto National Museum" TOMOKO HORI http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fa20110715o1.html [ART] "The 100th Anniversary Of Felix Hoffman Exhibition: The Beautiful Picture Book As A Gift" TOMOKO HORI http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fa20110715o2.html [ART] "Hiroshi Sugimoto Origins of Art: History" TOMOKO HORI http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fa20110715o3.html [ART] "House Inside City Outside House: Tokyo Metabolizing" MIKE HAMILTON http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fa20110715t1.html [ART] "SUMO, Wrestlers In nishikie Woodblock Prints From The Otani Kokichi Collection" JAE LEE http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fa20110715t2.html [MEDIA] Will heartthrob Mukai shine as the shogun? EDAN CORKILL http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fd20110715r1.html [FILMS] 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2' GIOVANNI FAZIO http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/ff20110715a1.html [FILMS] 'Peace' MARK SCHILLING http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/ff20110715a2.html [FILMS] 'Under the Hawthorn Tree' KAORI SHOJI http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/ff20110715a3.html [FILMS] Three films make Japanese premiere at Sokurov festival MIKE HAMILTON http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/ff20110715a4.html [GOURMET] On track for great Vietnamese food ROBBIE SWINNERTON http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fg20110715rs.html [GOURMET] Authentic flavor in a tiny bistro setting ROBBIE SWINNERTON http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fg20110715sr.html [OF NOTE] Get dolled up in Hiroshima WADE BUNNELL http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fq20110715a1.html [OF NOTE] Celebrated U.S. ballet to tour Japan WADE BUNNELL http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fq20110715a2.html [OF NOTE] See real stars at Yebisu Garden Place's summer film screenings REIMI DASDEB http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fq20110715a3.html [TRAVEL] Body scrub, Vichy shower for women http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/fv20110715ho.html [For features] http://www.japantimes.co.jp/life.html http://www.japantimes.co.jp/entertainment.html [Text ad in Japanese] ===================================================================== 【ちょびつき留学英語日記】 16歳で単身アメリカの高校へ留学した筆者が、英語がほとんど通じず 苦労したり、文化の違いにショックを受けつつも、さまざまな人に助 けられながら卒業するまでの3年間をユーモラスにつづった青春記。 http://bookclub.japantimes.co.jp/act/Detail.do?id=1248 ===================================================================== SPORTS ========================= [BASEBALL] Fan who returned Jeter ball rewarded http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sb20110715a1.html [BASEBALL] Otonari, three relievers one-hit Eagles in 12-inning 0-0 tie http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sb20110715j1.html [AMERICAN FOOTBALL] Damaged Metrodome gets new roof http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sf20110715a1.html [J.LEAGUE SOCCER] Usami sets off for Bayern challenge http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sj20110715a1.html [BASKETBALL] Union urges NBA players to go abroad http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sk20110715a1.html [OLYMPICS] Rogge says Pyeongchang win will not affect Tokyo's bid for 2020 Summer Games JASON COSKREY http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/so20110715a1.html [SPORTS] Cavendish sprints to victory in 11th stage http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sp20110715a1.html [SPORTS] Nowitzki, Mavericks take honors http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sp20110715a2.html [RUGBY] All Black McAlister in contract row http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sr20110715a1.html [SUMO] Kaio sets record with 1,046th win http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/ss20110715b1.html [INTERNATIONAL SOCCER] Japan advances to World Cup final http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sw20110715a1.html [INTERNATIONAL SOCCER] U.S. edges into final http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sw20110715a2.html [INTERNATIONAL SOCCER] Brazil clicks into gear to qualify for last eight http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/sw20110715a3.html [More Sports Stories] http://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports.html http://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/sumo.html
Crossider integra Facebook e Google +, ma è pericoloso?
di Marco Viviani - postato Giovedì 14 Luglio 2011 alle 21:46
Un'applicazione israeliana permette di trasferire tutte le amicizie di
Facebook su Google plus: grande successo, ma qualche perplessità su
eventuali bug.
Facebook mania: sei planking oppure owling?
di Marco Viviani - postato Giovedì 14 Luglio 2011 alle 20:34
Verticalalmente rigidi a faccia in giù, oppure appollaiati come gufi:
planking e owling sono le due nuove manie virali nei profili Facebook.
Tags: facebook
Sul Web un italiano su due
di Marco Viviani - postato Mercoledì 13 Luglio 2011 alle 21:51
Superata la soglia storica del 50 per cento: Il Censis conferma che più
di un italiano su due è naviga in Rete. La televisione è ancora in alto,
ma i giovani non credono più a TG e quotidiani.
Renzo Bossi spiega il Web ed è già cult
di Marco Viviani - postato Mercoledì 13 Luglio 2011 alle 20:36
Il "trota" partecipa a un incontro su vecchie e nuovi media e improvvisa
un discorso di cinque minuti sul Web 2.0. YouTube fa il resto, ed è già
un cult.
Facebook per tutti i telefonini
di Marco Viviani - postato Mercoledì 13 Luglio 2011 alle 19:26
Facebook ha lanciato una nuova applicazione java che porterà il social network su 2.500 cellulari, anche i meno sofisticati.
Tags: facebook
Google plus cresce a dismisura: già venti milioni
di Marco Viviani - postato Martedì 12 Luglio 2011 alle 21:30
Google plus cresce come nessun altro: tra pochi giorni saranno 20 milioni gli iscritti.
Tags: google plus
Melania Rea: su Facebook la soluzione del delitto?
di Marco Viviani - postato Lunedì 11 Luglio 2011 alle 21:59
Rogatoria internazionale per esaminare in California gli archivi di
Facebook ed esaminare i messaggi cancellati nel profilo di Salvatore
Parolisi, il caporalmaggiore indagato per l'omicidio della moglie.
Le cerchie di Google plus: grande idea o dannazione?
di Marco Viviani - postato Lunedì 11 Luglio 2011 alle 20:32
Le cerchie di amicizie su Google + sono la grande differenza con
Facebook, ma dopo i primi giorni di abbuffata, qualcuno comincia ad
avere problemi: la vita cambia, come fa a cambiare di continuo le
YouTube cambia d'abito con Cosmic Panda
di Marco Viviani - postato Venerdì 8 Luglio 2011 alle 21:49
YouTube adotta cosmic panda per dare una veste grafica più in linea con
la svolta di Google plus. Ecco come provare la versione beta.
Tags: youtube
Aruba ci ricasca: black out e ironia della Rete
di Marco Viviani - postato Venerdì 8 Luglio 2011 alle 19:42
Metodo Pisapia contro Aruba, che in queste ore è ancora andata in black
out. Il noto servizio di hosting, questa volta, è nel mirino dell'ironia
della blogosfera.
Foul-mouthed tirade from Diaz |
Who'll survive the Harlem shuffle? |
Police raid Picasso thief's home |
Loading up the Wagons |
Coming up Short for more fun |
When Larry met no salary |
Movie companies snuff smoking |
Your weekend ... |
Live music: Friday |
Tonight's TV
Hustle |
Burn Notice |
New York |
The Glee Project |
Lady Gaga leaves her hotel |
Weird Al struggles with Gaga |
Special Treatment - Trailer |
Henry Wagons |
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Industry News
"The PC wars are over. Done." - Steve Jobs, 1996
Source: Ars Technica
Is there an extension that just makes it go away?
Source: Mashable
Nanobots on the brain - Why Ray Kurzweil is wrong.
Source: Boing Boing
I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in, To keep my time from
Source: Technology Review
DIY WiFi backup.
Source: ExtremeTech
Pour François Fillon, les soldats ne sont "pas morts pour rien"
Eva Joly propose de supprimer le défilé militaire du 14 juillet
DETTE. Standard and Poor's envisage de baisser la note des Etats-Unis
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Mercredi, sa concurrente Moody's avait déjà menacé le pays. Aucun accord n'a été trouvé sur un relèvement du plafond de la dette. |
Le Sénat cautionne les emplois déguisés sous forme de stages
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OPINION. Pour nos élus, le stagiaire est et restera la variable d'ajustement de notre économie. Par Hela KHamarou, chroniqueuse sur Le Plus. |
Fin de la grève à Air Algérie
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Les premiers vols devraient repartir à la première heure ce vendredi, après des négociations directes avec le gouvernement. |
PARIS. Au moins 500.000 personnes réunies pour le feu d'artifice
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Martine Aubry, Eva Joly et François Hollande ont applaudi le concert organisé par SOS Racisme. |
Le Médiator directement lié aux problèmes cardiaques d'une patiente
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"Nous n'avons pas trouvé de cause pouvant expliquer la survenue de cette pathologie en dehors de la prise de Mediator", indique un rapport d'expertise. |
Le verdict des tests bancaires européens attendu ce vendredi
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91 banques ont été testées par l'Autorité bancaire européenne sur leur capacité à traverser une récession de deux ans. |
Fillon fait étape à Abidjan au premier jour de sa tournée africaine
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Le Premier ministre souhaite que la France soit "le partenaire de référence de la Côte d'Ivoire". |
Tour de France : Sanchez remporte la 12e étape
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L'Espagnol Samuel Sanchez remporte la 12e étape du Tour de France, première étape de montagne dans les Pyrénées, tandis que le Français Thomas Voeckler conserve le maillot jaune. |
La vie pas tranquille des Lavier
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Après Outreau, le couple, poursuivi pour violences sur mineurs et corruption de mineurs, ne remonte pas la pente. Par Bérénice Rocfort-Giovanni |
Murdoch : le scandale des écoutes s'exporte aux Etats-Unis
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Le FBI a ouvert une enquête préliminaire sur des écoutes téléphoniques présumées effectuées par le groupe Murdoch. |
INFO OBS. Quand Aubry croyait à la "neutralité" d'Ayrault...
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La Première secrétaire du PS s'agace du soutien publique de Jean-Marc Ayrault à François Hollande. |
Six candidats à la primaire PS
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Martine Aubry, Ségolène Royal, François Hollande, Arnaud Montebourg, Manuel Valls et Jean-Michel Baylet ont déposé leurs parrainages. |
Le Sud-Soudan devient le 193e Etat membre de l'ONU
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Une semaine après son indépendance, le Sud-Soudan a été adoubé par l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies. |
Martine Aubry et sa "dream team"
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A l'image de François Hollande quelques heures plus tôt, la candidate à la primaire socialiste a introduit son état-major. Carnet de campagne, par Sylvain Courage |
Le président Wade propose une élection présidentielle anticipée
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"J''entrerai dans l'arène et je gagnerai", a affirmé Abdoulaye Wade, en réponse à la série de manifestations de la fin juin. |
INDE. Début de l'enquête sur le triple attentat à Bombay
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"Nous n'excluons rien, nous regardons tout le monde pour trouver qui est derrière ces attaques" qui ont fait 17 morts et 121 blessés, déclare le ministre de l'Intérieur. |
L'émergence des Frères musulmans
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Le "Printemps arabe" a favorisé l'épanouissement du mouvement islamiste des Frères musulmans, devenu l'une des principales forces politiques dans toute la région. Analyse. |
DSK. Tristane Banon s'explique sur sa décision de porter plainte
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"J'ai cru qu'on pouvait oublier, mettre tout dans une boîte, ranger. Et en fait c'est pas possible", a déclaré la jeune femme. |
Ce Tour de France 2011 ne me passionne pas
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OPINION. Cette année, la Grande Boucle pédale dans le vide. Par Valentin Jacquemet, passionné de cyclisme. |
Lancement de Spotify aux Etats-Unis
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Le service de musique en ligne, étoile montante du net, débarque outre-Atlantique après des mois de préparatifs. |
"Adresse à Béji Caïd Essebssi", par Taoufik Ben Brik
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"Un sombre été. [Le Premier ministre tunisien] Béji Caïd Essebssi, dit "El Boj", se réveille. Y a-t-il pire ?", lance journaliste-écrivain tunisien. Tribune. |
Raids aériens israéliens dans la bande de Gaza
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L'armée israélienne a effectué des raids dans la nuit contre des tunnels, blessant cinq Palestiniens. |
THAILANDE. La revanche du proscrit
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La victoire électorale de Yingluck Shinawatra, sœur de l'ex-Premier ministre en exil Thaksin, est une gifle pour l'armée et les élites. La laisseront-ils gouverner ? |
Banier aime toujours Bettencourt et chérit les clochards
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Le photographe revient sur son altercation avec un SDF, son rapport avec les médias et sa relation avec la milliardaire. Interview par Stéphane Arteta |
Liliane Bettencourt auditionnée par la juge des tutelles
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L'héritière de L'Oréal a été entendue lundi après la demande de mise sous protection judiciaire déposée fin juin par sa fille Françoise. |
Les Anonymous s'attaquent à une entreprise proche du Pentagone
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90.000 e-mails et leurs mots de passe appartenant à l'entreprise Booz Allen Hamilton ont été publiés par le collectif. |
INFO OBS. Brice Hortefeux croit plus à Morin qu'à Borloo
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"Le candidat centriste de la majorité sera Hervé Morin", soutient Brice Hortefeux. |
Tristane Banon au 20H de France 2 : "perp walk" par contumace ?
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L'interview de Tristane Banon sur France 2 montre la difficulté de traiter d'affaires de justice en cours, surtout lorsqu'elles sont compliquées et sensibles. Par Bruno Roger-Petit, chroniqueur politique sur Le Plus. |
Aux origines des rumeurs sur Aubry
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Relayés sur Internet, les bruits sur la santé et l'époux de la candidate socialiste remontent à près de dix ans. |
Jacob : "On ne va pas s'interdire de parler saucisson et vin rouge"
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Au lendemain de l'apéro saucisson-vin rouge organisé par la droite populaire, le chef de file des députés UMP revient sur la place de ce collectif au sein de son groupe. |
Festival d'Avignon: Petit Gourdin, Grand Langhoff
Manifestation du jour, mi-temps
d'un Festival un peu morose, et de l'autre coté du pont d'Avignon, les
travaux des élèves d'une belle école, l'Ensatt à Lyon. Par Odile Quirot
Ballet: Les amants de Vérone aux Invalides
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"Roméo et Juliette", une belle réalisation sur le plan de la mise en scène, plus inventive encore que la chorégraphie. Par Raphaël de Gubernatis. |
Karachi : avis défavorable à la déclassification de documents
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Celle-ci était réclamée par les juges enquêtant sur l'affaire. La décision finale revient au ministre de la Défense Gérard Longuet. |
La prime exceptionnelle aux sénateurs finalement annulée
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L'annonce de ces 3.531,61 euros versés aux parlementaires avait provoqué une vive polémique la semaine dernière. |
La "prime dividende" est définitivement adoptée
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Le Sénat a approuvé la version finale du texte, qui devrait concerner un quart des salariés du privé, à 177 voix contre 152. |
VIDEOS | |||||
![]() 14 Juillet : les Champs Elysées "sous le vent" de la Polynésie |
![]() Afghanistan: Cinq français tués au lendemain de la visite de Sarkozy |
![]() Découvrez en avant-première le défilé du 14 Juillet 2011 en 3D |
![]() Soldats tués en Afghanistan : Fillon exprime sa solidarité aux familles |
![]() 2012 : Eva Joly désignée candidate d'Europe Ecologie |
Blogs | |||
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Festival d'Avignon: Petit Gourdin, Grand Langhoff Par Odile Quirot |
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Vive Bourguiba ! Par Jean Daniel |
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FUKUSHIMA (suite 40) Des décennies pour nettoyer la centrale de Fukushima Par Dominique Leglu |
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La ”Youtubisation” de la vie privée Par Jérôme Hourdeaux |
Voir tous les blogs |