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Internazionale per i Diritti Civili - Solidarietà
Newsletter n. 26/2011
Newsletter n. 26/2011
Gli Stati Uniti impegnati in una battaglia impossibile per
pareggiare il bilancio
Il 1 luglio segna l'inizio dell'anno fiscale 2012 per 46 stati
americani, tutti impegnati nel tentativo di attuare misure per "gestire" i
debiti e le spese per le funzioni essenziali nel bel mezzo del crollo delle
entrate fiscali e dell'aumento della spesa sociale. Nonostante le prove sempre
più evidenti, gli amministratori non hanno ancora capito che l'austerità non
crea la crescita e non risolve i problemi.
Negli Stati Uniti a tutti gli stati, eccetto il Vermont, viene
chiesto per legge di "pareggiare" il bilancio e non viene loro consentito di
creare il credito, che è una prerogativa del governo federale. Negli ultimi tre
anni di crollo economico, gli stati hanno cercato di pareggiare il bilancio
tagliando un totale di 430 miliardi di dollari di spesa, nel disperato tentativo
di ridurre la spesa con la stessa velocità con cui crollavano anche le entrate.
Ma la situazione non è migliorata, al contrario.
In tutto il paese la spesa prevista per l'anno fiscale 2012 è
inferiore a quella del 2008. E anche coi tagli, si stima che nei 21 stati che
non hanno ratificato il bilancio entro metà giugno, la spesa prevista dovrà
subire un taglio di altri 103 miliardi di dollari. E questo senza contare la
spada di Damocle di svariati miliardi di passivi non finanziati per le pensioni,
prestiti presi per la cassa integrazione, ed altri obblighi. Il non pagamento di
questi ultimi farebbe saltare per aria il sistema finanziario in qualsiasi
A peggiorare le cose, il 30 giugno l'amministrazione Obama ha
deciso di annullare miliardi di dollari di aiuti federali agli stati, previsti
dal cosiddetto pacchetto di stimolo, che negli ultimi tre anni aveva garantito
un flusso totale di 150 miliardi di dollari dal centro alla periferia. Il 30
giugno scade anche il finanziamento straordinario a Medicaid (l'assistenza
sanitaria per gli indigenti) autorizzato nell'agosto 2010, che ha garantito 10
miliardi di dollari di risorse extra dal gennaio al giugno 2011. Sono colpiti
dalla mannaia dei tagli al bilancio anche i finanziamenti ai programmi per la
lotta contro l'AIDS.
Inoltre, Obama ha mantenuto il tasso di 75:25 per finanziare la
ricostruzione dopo i disastri (75% dal governo, 25% dagli stati) anche se
centinaia di contee e governi statali non hanno i mezzi per pagare le
devastazioni provocate dalle ultime settimane di tornado e alluvioni.
Nell'esaminare la situazione il 23 giugno, Lyndon LaRouche ha
fatto notare che c'è una "crisi costituzionale" e che "Obama è finito". Entro il
10 luglio, ha detto, a meno che non venga adottato qualche rimedio magico per
affrontare temporaneamente il problema, si disintegrerà l'intero sistema di
governo americano. Ma anche i rimedi magici hanno vita breve. Siamo al
capolinea. C'è bisogno di fondi federali per far funzionare gli stati, ma Obama
non li concederà, e per questo lui se ne deve andare e la Glass-Steagall deve
essere varata.
Jacques Attali svela le intenzioni "antidemocratiche"
dietro il costrutto UE
Che l'Unione Europea sia stata costruita con una strategia
deliberata di manipolazioni, ricatti, faits accomplis e menzogne vere e
proprie non era una novità. Tuttavia, un'altra conferma sconvolgente della
natura totalitaria di questo schema è stata data da Jacques Attali, uno dei
principali consiglieri del Presidente francese Francois Mitterrand, il 24
gennaio scorso, ad un incontro organizzato dalla leader del Partito Socialista
Francese Ségolène Royale.
Nel suo discorso, Attali ha esordito affermando che la crisi
attuale dell'Euro non solo era prevedibile, ma era stata prevista e perfino
pianificata, per arrivare ad una "forte federazione europea sul bilancio". Ha
ammesso: "Tutti coloro che, come me, hanno avuto il privilegio di tenere la
penna per scrivere la prima versione del trattato di Maastricht, hanno fatto in
modo che un'uscita non fosse possibile. Siamo stati ben attenti a evitare di
scrivere un articolo che consentisse ad uno stato membro di andarsene. Questo
non è molto democratico, ma è una garanzia per rendere le cose più difficili, in
modo che fossimo costretti ad andare avanti".
Fu Jacques Attali, nelle sue memorie ed altri scritti, a
confermare il ruolo abietto svolto da François Mitterrand nel costringere la
Germania ad accettare la valuta unica come precondizione affinché venisse
accettata la riunificazione nel 1989.
I critici della svolta antinucleare tedesca si tolgono i
Dopo un iniziale periodo di sbigottimento, l'opposizione alla
svolta antinucleare in Germania ha cominciato a farsi sentire. In una conferenza
pubblica a Dresda il 22 giugno, tre "dissidenti" democristiani, tra cui il
vicecapogruppo alla Camera Arnold Vaatz, hanno annunciato che voteranno contro
la legge il 30 giugno. Per quel giorno sono indette anche manifestazioni di
protesta di gruppi filonucleari a Berlino e per il 3 luglio una manifestazione
nazionale dei lavoratori del settore.
Nel frattempo, un grave incidente avvenuto il 20 giugno nello
stato dell'Assia ha esposto nuovamente i rischi delle "rinnovabili", nella
fattispecie l'eolico. Una gigantesca turbina eolica è caduta a Kirtorf, nel
Vogelsberg. L'intero rotore, con le sue tre ali e un diametro di 62 metri, è
caduto su una centrale con trasformatore distante cento metri (!) distruggendola
completamente. L'incidente ha isolato altre tre turbine dalla rete. La
conclusione logica sarebbe di staccare tutti gli impianti eolici per
precauzione, e condurre una seria verifica degli stessi.
Invece, a differenza di quanto è stato fatto per il nucleare
sull'onda dell'isteria per Fukushima, gli ambientalisti - compresi quelli che
gestiscono il parco eolico di Kirtorf e altri quattro nello stesso stato -
pretendono che non sia tratta alcuna conclusione da questo "evento insolito". Ma
il presidente della provincia di Vogelsberg, Rudolf Marx (CDU) ha comunque
chiesto la chiusura di tutti e 17 gli impianti eolici locali fin quando non sarà
completata l'inchiesta.
A Biblis, il sito di un impianto nucleare di 2.400 megawatt, il
capogruppo democristiano al comune, Hans-Micheal Platz, ha scritto su Twitter il
21 giugno che "con Merkel, la CDU è diventata la principale voltagabbana dai
tempi di Egon Krenz" - il funzionario che prese il comando del partito comunista
della DDR, la SED, nell'ottobre 1989, promettendo le "riforme" nel tentativo di
calmare le proteste di massa. Sappiamo come andò a finire e Krenz si dimise un
paio di settimane dopo. Platz ha detto in un'intervista radiofonica che
l'improvvisa svolta di Merkel sul nucleare, che distruggerà centinaia di posti
qualificati a Biblis, lo ha talmente infuriato che sta considerando di
stracciare la tessera di partito.
Anche gli oltre 800 addetti all'impianto nucleare di
Grundremmingen in Baviera sono in fermento. Il presidente del consiglio di
fabbrica ha scritto, a loro nome, un'animata "Lettera aperta al governatore
della Baviera Horst Seehofer". L'impianto di Grundremmingen fornisce il 30% del
fabbisogno energetico bavarese, fa notare. "Non riusciamo a capire come abbia
fatto l'intera elite politica a cadere nella trappola dell'ideologia verde.
Illusioni politiche, manipolazioni e inganni caratterizzano da anni il dibattito
energetico in Germania, e hanno raggiunto l'apice dopo Fukushima. Da esperti,
semplicemente non capiamo perché i fatti non contino più nelle decisioni
politiche, e perché la politica sia condotta solo secondo gli stati d'animo del
momento. La frettolosa uscita dal nucleare in Baviera e in Germania può essere
descritta solo come una reazione di panico".
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Les titres du Vendredi 01 Juillet 2011 |

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Le calciatrici russe in bikini per
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Partecipa al gioco di Affari
Questions about accuser shake up Strauss-Kahn sexual-assault case
Former IMF chief may be freed after lawyers request unexpected hearing.
(By Zachary A. Goldfarb and Howard Schneider)
Treasury Secretary Geithner considering leaving post after debt talks
He has told the president that he may seek to resign as soon as this summer, sources say.
(By Zachary A. Goldfarb)
U.S. to investigate deaths of two detainees in CIA custody
The Justice Department will open full criminal investigations of the deaths of two detainees in CIA custody, including one who perished after questioning at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison.
(By Peter Finn and Julie Tate)
Chavez says he had cancer
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez told his countrymen Thursday night that he underwent a “major” operation in Cuba to remove a cancerous tumor.
(By Juan Forero)
Elaborate ruse behind Kabul Bank fraud
Fake names and forged documents were used to funnel large sums to top Afghan officials, documents show.
(By Joshua Partlow)
Tens of thousands vent anger at Hong Kong rally over wealth gap, gov't policies
HONG KONG — Tens of thousands of people vented anger over Hong Kong’s skyrocketing property prices and government policies Friday at an annual march marking the former British colony’s return to Chinese rule.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
National Portrait Gallery opens 'One Life: Ronald Reagan' to chronicle 40th president's life
WASHINGTON — The National Portrait Gallery is chronicling the life and political career of President Ronald Reagan in a new exhibit.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
Obama travels to Camp David presidential retreat for the weekend
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will be taking a break for the Independence Day holiday weekend.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
In shifting from role as CIA chief, Panetta takes over a Pentagon facing myriad problems
WASHINGTON — It’s a short hop down the Potomac from CIA headquarters, where Leon Panetta headed the spy agency for 2½ years, to the Pentagon, where he takes over Friday as secretary of defense. The two jobs, however, are worlds apart.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
Nigerian American gets through airport checks with invalid pass to board New York to LA flight
LOS ANGELES — A Nigerian American clutching another traveler’s expired boarding pass made it through a New York airport federal security checkpoint and boarded a Virgin America jetliner to Los Angeles International Airport, authorities said Thursday.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
Hints From Heloise: Cleaning a barbecue
Heloise flashback column addresses cleaning a grill and a handy use for nail polish.
(, King)
Ask Amy: Internet history reveals X-rated searches
I recently found porn sites listed in my computer’s history. I check the history every day, and I know that it is my dad who is looking at them, as my mother and sister have to be at work early and I have school.
(, Tribune Media Service)
Visual variations at Carroll Square Gallery
“Pattern” addresses the link between ’60s abstraction and its descendants by placing a 1967 work at the show’s center.
( by Mark Jenkins , The Washington Post)
Long-neglected Great Lakes get top-5 rankings from 'Dr. Beach'; Sleeping Bear Dunes is No. 1
GLEN HAVEN, Mich. — A gentle breeze ripples Lake Michigan’s deep blue surface as a gull circles lazily overhead. The sun is bright, the temperature is a comfy 70 degrees and the view of the water and the distant Manitou Islands is spectacular. The beach is wide and sandy — and almost deserted.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
Far from an ordinary ‘Normal’
With an achingly poignant score and an actress who owns the lead role, ‘Next to Normal’ tears at the heartstrings — in a good way.
( by Peter Marks , The Washington Post)
When teammate diagnosed with cancer, runner puts own dreams on hold to pursue friend's
AURORA, Ill. — Lukas Verzbicas sat in silence, trying to absorb the news that Kevin McDowell, his friend and longtime triathlon teammate, had been diagnosed with cancer.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
Thursday's Sports In Brief
NEW YORK — The NBA locked out its players Friday when its collective bargaining agreement expired, becoming the second pro sports league shut down by labor strife.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
Sarkozy skipping IOC meeting, signaling low hopes in Annecy's bid for 2018 Olympics
PARIS — The French president’s office says that Nicolas Sarkozy will not go to South Africa to press his country’s bid to host the 2018 Winter Olympics in Annecy.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
NBA in lockout after players, owners fail to reach new labor deal on deadline day
NEW YORK — Union chief Billy Hunter says owners are locking out players after failing to reach a new collective bargaining agreement, potentially putting the 2011-12 season in jeopardy.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
Maria Sharapova and her shaky serves reach Wimbledon final, where Petra Kvitova awaits
WIMBLEDON, England — Maria Sharapova whacked some serves long and blasted others straight into the net, and all too often she did it one after another.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
UN: 2 killed in riot as Somalis flee to overcrowded Kenya refugee camp
GENEVA — The United Nations says two people were killed and dozens injured after a riot broke out at Africa’s biggest refugee camp in Kenya.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
United Nations to open 8 new military bases in western Ivory Coast
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast — The United Nations says it will open eight new peacekeeping bases in western Ivory Coast to restore law and order ahead of upcoming legislative elections.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
Key Hezbollah ally slams international tribunal indictments in assassination of Lebanese ex-PM
BEIRUT — A key Hezbollah ally is warning there could be civil strife in Lebanon now that an international tribunal has accused Hezbollah’s members of killing former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
UN team finds Congo troops raped 121 women, pillaged village in restive east
GENEVA — Government troops in Congo raped at least 121 women over a three-day period, then pillaged their village in the restive east of the country, the U.N. human rights office said Friday.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
Calls for a boycott drowned out by huge campaign for new Morocco constitution
RABAT, Morocco — Moroccans voted Friday on whether to adopt a new constitution that the king has championed as an answer to demands for greater freedoms — but that protesters say will still leave the monarch firmly in control.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
Got Plans? Discuss great ideas for local entertainment, dates and family fun with the Going Out Gurus.
The Going Out Guide staff discuss great ideas for local entertainment, dates and family fun.
(, vForum)
D.C.'s biggest stories: Lunchline's Clinton Yates breaks them down (video)
Clinton Yates a news junkie and pop culture fanatic who scours The Washington Post and its partner sites every weekday to find the gems that you want to read but don't have time to search for.
(, vForum)
Rabbi Brad Hirschfield on the week's biggest stories
Join Rabbi Brad Hirschfield as he talks about the ethical and moral issues raised by the week's biggest stories.
(, vForum)
Celebritology Live
Join Celebritology blogger Jen Chaney to gab about the latest celebrity gossip and pop culture news making waves across the Web.
(, vForum)
Celebritology Live
Join Celebritology blogger Jen Chaney to gab about the latest celebrity gossip and pop culture news making waves across the Web.
(, vForum)
Who Won The 6,000+ Nortel Patents? Apple, RIM, Microsoft — Everyone But Google
( by ,
Buddy Media CEO Michael Lazerow Joins SavingStar Board of Directors
( by ,
Turn Google+ Into Facebook
( by ,
Behold: Path Comes To Android In Public Beta
( by ,
Bing Gordon: Every Startup CEO Should Understand Gamification
( by ,
Greece's prime minister urges Europe to deliver on promised rescue loan pledge after cuts made
VOULIAGMENI, Greece — Prime Minister George Papandreou is urging the European Union to deliver on promises to provide more rescue loans after Greece approved a massive package of tax increases and spending cuts that triggered riots and tested his party’s unity.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
SKorea-EU free trade agreement takes effect as Seoul-Washington deal remains unratified
SEOUL, South Korea — A landmark free trade agreement between South Korea and the European Union took effect Friday amid expectations of a boost to already booming commerce between the two sides.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
World markets rise after Greece approves austerity measures to avoid debt default
SHANGHAI — World markets posted muted gains Friday, with Tokyo rising to an eight-week high, as investors took heart from debt-strapped Greece’s approval of harsh austerity measures but remained wary following signs of slowing growth in China.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
South Korean consumer price index rose to 4.4 percent in June defying rate increases
SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea’s inflation rate accelerated in June, the government said Friday, as higher interest rates have yet to rein in rising prices.
( Associated Press Associated Press , AP)
Who Won The 6,000+ Nortel Patents? Apple, RIM, Microsoft — Everyone But Google
( by ,

![]() | Bob Dylan PLAYED Tel Aviv Sends Israel Message I was 'tangled up and blue' over Bob Dylan performing in Tel Aviv and ignoring the Palestinian call for BDS. My 'hair's still red' and I'm 'crying like a fire in the sun' ... Read More »» |



RFE/RL Caucasus Report
7/1/2011 7:04:01 PM
A review of RFE/RL reporting and analysis about the countries of the South Caucasus and Russia's North Caucasus region.
For more stories on the Caucasus, please visit and bookmark our Caucasus page . |
![]() Representatives of Azerbaijan's Kurdish minority convened a press conference in Baku on June 29 to highlight perceived threats to their continued survival as a separate ethnic group. More ![]() The Republic of Ingushetia Security Council categorically rejected on June 27 claims by security officials in neighboring Chechnya that self-proclaimed Caucasus Emirate leader Doku Umarov has returned to the Caucasus after undergoing medical treatment in Turkey and may be hiding in the mountainous Jeyrakh district of southern Ingushetia. More ![]() Weeks of pronouncements hailing the chances for a "breakthrough" in the Nagorno- Karabakh peace process at the planned June 24 meeting in Kazan between the Armenian, Azerbaijani and Russian presidents have proven misplaced. More ![]() Azerfon is one of Azerbaijan's hottest telecoms companies and the country's only provider of 3G services. But questions about who owns the firm and how it acquired its 3G monopoly have remained unanswered. RFE/RL Azerbaijani Service correspondent Khadija Ismayilova has unearthed documents showing that a majority stake in the firm is controlled by the two daughters of Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev. More |
RFE/RL Headlines
7/1/2011 7:05:16 PM
A daily digest of the English-language news and analysis written by the staff of Radio Free Europe/Radio LibertyRFE/RL is looking for guest bloggers, preferably writing from and about our broadcast region. If you're interested, drop us a line at |
![]() Hundreds of protesters have gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square in the biggest protests seen since the mass demonstrations that toppled former President Hosni Mubarak in February. More ![]() Poland's Baltic Sea port city of Gdansk enjoys iconic status as the birthplace of the Solidarity trade union that helped bring down Communism. The city fell on hard times after the Iron Curtain fell. But in recent years it has begun retooling itself to become competitive in the global economy. More ![]() Afghans are used to bad news, but the multiple crises of the past week have managed to defy even their low expectations. More ![]() Poland is celebrating as it takes over the rotating presidency of the European Union for the first time since it joined the bloc in 2004. More ![]() U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called on leaders in Belarus and Syria to end their government-led crackdown on dissent and implement political reforms. More ![]() Former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been released from house arrest without bail by a New York City judge amid growing doubts about the credibility of the hotel maid who has accused him of attempted rape. More ![]() Authorities in southern Tajikistan say they are concerned that young people have returned home from Islamic schools abroad to find no jobs or education opportunities. More ![]() A daughter of Uzbek President Islam Karimov has lost her libel suit against a French news website that called her a "dictator's daughter." More ![]() Several prominent members of the ethnic Uzbek community in Kyrgyzstan's southern city of Osh have proposed gradually switching to Kyrgyz as the language of instruction in Uzbek-dominated local schools. More ![]() Tajikistan's Foreign Ministry has rejected Sudanese accusations that Tajikistan was partly responsible for the delay in Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir's arrival in Beijing. More ![]() A Kazakh sugar factory has refused to reinstate 15 laid-off workers despite a local court order. More ![]() One of two journalists on a hunger strike to protest media censorship in Uzbekistan has been denied treatment at a Tashkent hospital. More ![]() Later this month, an illustrious roster of Hollywood stars will once again jet over for another stab at the haphazard charity fundraiser last attended by action man Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. More ![]() Representatives of Azerbaijan's Kurdish minority convened a press conference in Baku on June 29 to highlight perceived threats to their continued survival as a separate ethnic group. More ![]() Chelsea Handler insults Serbia -- plus crazy communist architecture, a Kyrgyz kindergarten teaches tolerance, and some nice noises from Georgia in our special "Ear to the Ground" music segment. More Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic Norman Eisen today renamed a Prague street as Ronald Reagan Street in honor of the late U.S. president's role in the end of communism. A few protesters carried signs showing Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein and declaring "Reagan also supported us." More There's little sense of community uniting Muslims and Orthodox Christian Serbs living side-by-side in the Bosnian village of Bocinja. But that's not the case for the children born after the end of Bosnia's war. For them, ethnic divisions are ancient history. More ![]() Tajik authorities say a suspected Afghan drug smuggler has been detained with 40 kilograms of drugs in Tajikistan's southern Khatlon Province. More |
LIBERO del 1/7/2011 |